@SerenaJB3 Serena Brown 🧃 For the advocacy of people of European descent, dissident right. Environmentalist, both local and global.

SerenaJB3's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 29
@Rhoda_Borrocks This you?

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@Phil19eighty4 @KevinESkinner I don't like rude people.

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@FPL__Genius @SkySportsNews

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@Gloriafr @Robert367788 @Hidinginplains8

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@Gloriafr @Hidinginplains8 White British people, ie. British people.

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@pendaoffa @iris_pankhurst @djhenshall

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@iamyesyouareno @bluejuice14 I don't want to be 'friends' with these people, they have their own ancestral lands, they should go back there. I wonder why they insist on living around us?

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Because we've been previously invaded by people genetically similar to us, why should we put up with being invaded and colonised by the 3rd world? You are an antiWhite POS. https://t.co/F1JQP4JZFL https://t.co/jQLmH3xf3B
Because we've been previously invaded by people genetically similar to us, why should we put up with being invaded and colonised by the 3rd world? You are an antiWhite POS.
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View @SerenaJB3
@europamine14 @setoacnna She can distinguish between birds and mammals though - just about. xx

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Are you a parody account?
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@WrenCobb He knows he's not British. He still supports his own people like they all do, but they complain when we do it in our own country, the entitled ingrates.

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@S_Bleachigo @Halalkor @MaxKhanHayward @blacksheddy @DannyPerceval

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This person is getting nationalist accounts suspended from Twitter. Please block and also watch out for his cohorts who apparently use the hashtag BringBackBoris to identify each other.

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You are an antiWhite meme.
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@colinrtalbot @WrenCobb @The_ChrisShaw @montie

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No matter how reasonable they sound at the beginning, it always seems to end up as revenge.

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Marcus Rainsbury-Melish @MelishMarcus
@LondongirlSJ @David_jc17 @LeaveWEF @RaifPW75 @SamanthaFoxy1 @AndyJam15959991 @SerenaJB3 @s_stan1 @Sarathiel22 @telephonisttm @KarenJukes2 @LadyEnigma_93 @EnglishRose_xiv @PatriotAlbion @MrSarlaac13 @MartinMcAvoy_ @IssueInternet @Iromg @PatAlternative @NHPUKOfficial Controlled opposition = people who say they are against illegal / mass immigration NAZI = someone who actually puts themselves out there to actually protest about it It's that simple @PatAlternative @SamMeliaPA
@LondongirlSJ @David_jc17 @LeaveWEF @RaifPW75 @SamanthaFoxy1 @AndyJam15959991 @s_stan1 @Sarathiel22 @telephonisttm @KarenJukes2 @LadyEnigma_93 @EnglishRose_xiv @PatriotAlbion @MrSarlaac13 @MartinMcAvoy_ @IssueInternet @Iromg @PatAlternative @NHPUKOfficial @SamMeliaPA Nazi is what the Joos called them, they're national socialists.

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View @MelishMarcus
@PhilSteel69 @AyoCaesar You lost the argument. Shame on you for being so antiWhite. You are not the resistance you think you are. Is this you by the way?

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This is more appropriate:
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View @SerenaJB3
@RaifPW75 @thecoastguy @MarkSteynOnline @s_stan1 @88_europa @KurlyKrissy @DerylLynn @angelavarndall @EmmaEng1990 @EthelUnreddy @SamMeliaPA @SamCass05466878

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Christopher @Kitrhodes
@SerenaJB3 @jeremycorbyn Just come out and say it loud and proud - you’re a racist

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@MelishMarcus @Pria2066 @coulson_elle @angelavarndall @SandyofSuffolk @Iromg @mattletiss7 @thecoastguy @MarkSteynOnline @DerylLynn @KurlyKrissy @NickyP47301131 @SickOfEverythi6 @debbiebarnes66 @LordDeeDah @janey_wayney13 @BernieSpofforth @Maungy_get @PymPurnell @LeaveWEF @s_stan1 @europa14887

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@ThingsISayAndDo @OlCunner @MsStevieAF @Dylboz @AntiTVLicence @YardleyShooting 'Defending our lands' isn't the same as 'murder'. At one time we'd have defended our lands and you'd have been on board with that. You've become soft.

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Brainwashed White people 'don't see skin colour', Asians and antiWhites celebrate Sunak's ethnicity, and this is revenge for many of these people. #AntiWhitism

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@1235DP @RichardDawkins

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@OnsVlag Bring back pipe smoking.

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@RightStuff47 Yes, I never hear them talking about Africa, India or China.

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Short highlight from Warren BaIogh's brilliant speech for the NJP. https://twitter.com/SerenaJB3/status/1521421123954556928/video/1

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@MistyLB78 @Lesdoggg @TheProblem @jonstewart

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@AuronMacintyre @BalaurDambovita Could he be?...

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Always the same type of person. #NPC
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@Dylan_Mikes It's funny and also true, but it could be someone pretending to be a J3w.

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@JamesDelingpole @RealBlackIrish

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@TheMadDimension We have to notice patterns no matter how distasteful they may be and standing against J3wish power is not the same as condemning a whole race.

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@JimmyDavies99 I wasn't particularly a fan, although he said things I agree with, and he actually had me blocked on Twitter when I never attacked him. The point is a Jooish organisation got him taken down, they have the power to do that to any of us and we should take exception to that.

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Mantis T @Mantis_T123
@GBNEWS What's her views on Halal & Kosher slaughter ? When will GB News be discussing the rights/wrongs of Halal & Kosher slaughter ?
@GBNEWS I think the majority of our people would support banning the boiling of live lobsters, how many MusIims or J*ws would support ending Halal or Kosher slaughter I wonder? I doubt they'll ever discuss this.

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@dicksblackbess @ivor_bacon There's no doubting TR's courage, but he's very quick to punch right and call real nationalists 'racists' while happily defending IsraeI for the J00s at every opportunity. Definitely not 'our guy'.

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Taken from Keith Woods' Telegram channel, this (((guy))) thinks that the US should take in a billion immigrants. I've downvoted. #OpenBordersForIsrael https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKYvOjAsOIc&feature=youtu.be

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@Dave__Again @FranzLiszt60 And those teeth.

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From Morgoth's Telegram channel.

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@AQuantumCat1 @ds13_manon @TimWhit22501381 Destabilise a country for the sake of another (((country))), bring in people who are going to be naturally hostile to us. Rinse and repeat.

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joker 68%

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hitler 29%
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etc 91%

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joker 46%

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militarized 46%

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face 95%

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art_other 99%

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bar graph 94%

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gigachad 27%

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art_other 93%
star of david 89%

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star of david 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 65%
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toons other 99%

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mspaint style 97%

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art_other 93%

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blood drop cross 30%

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tldr 82%

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mspaint style 99%

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mspaint style 99%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%