@tenebrous13 a fortiori Nationalist • Identitarian • Eurocentric • Traditionalist 🇺🇸🇮🇹🇸🇰🇩🇪🇮🇪

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 7
a fortiori @tenebrous13
It's so important to tell the truth, yet Jordan Peterson himself has the inability to tell the truth about (((those))) whom his favorite author, Solzhenitsyn, spoke of in the book "200 Years Together".
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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@Chaddo_Green @MartinaMarkota Well, peanut butter is certainly out of the running. I am certain Wikipedia was gritting their teeth when they first made this admission.

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@RichardBSpencer, Bing made me aware of 3 famous people born on this day and you happened to be one of them. At any rate, Happy Birthday and Hail Apollo!

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
The Germans finally seemed to have grown a spine and did so, mind you, in opposition of (((The Tribe))) German appeals court rules church can keep anti-Semitic ‘Jew pig’ statue https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/ny-german-appeals-court-church-keep-anti-semitic-jew-pig-statue-20200204-e7rjsx2s65av5akxcpiwt7y37i-story.html

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
Well now that Trump has made (((God's chosen people))) a protected class, they should have no problem bilking United Airlines of exorbitant amounts of money. Jewish couple kicked off flight over body odor now suing https://mol.im/a/7949871

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
A man whose entire career was based upon being a bigot against white people is suddenly concerned about bigotry: (((Sacha Baron Cohen))) calls social media 'the greatest propaganda machine in history' - CNN https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/22/business/sacha-baron-cohen-speech-social-media-propaganda-trnd/index.html

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
For some, death could just not come soon enough and it is a damn shame this wretch lived much longer than he deserved (((Noel Ignatiev))), 78, Persistent Voice Against White Privilege, Dies https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/14/books/noel-ignatiev-dead.html

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
This couldn't have happened to a nicer (((lady))): Hate crime psychologist is brutally killed in her South African home https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7554683/Hate-crime-psychologist-brutally-killed-South-African-home.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
(((Dershowitz))) was so enthusiastic about his day in court, yet now he wishes to have it dismissed. Nothing to see here... In lurid sidelight to Epstein scandal, Alan Dershowitz asks judge to dismiss defamation case https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article235423842.html

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@sentimentdufer @peterbrimelow @yhazony His (((ethnicity))) might have something to do with it.

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@MAvellaneda55 (((Bill Kristol))) was a fascist? Wow, that's quite a nonsensical statement. Talk about setting the threshold for being a fascist to perhaps the lowest level possible.

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@VoltaireFreedom @Farberyanki @Go_Gaels I'm certain (((they))) would like it to be so.

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
Guess (((who)))? 'Instead of confronting the challenge of AI and bioengineering, many are turning to religious and nationalist fantasies that are even less in touch with the scientific realities of our time than liberalism.': the myth of freedom https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/sep/14/yuval-noah-harari-the-new-threat-to-liberal-democracy?CMP=share_btn_tw

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Baphomet @deplorablegoth
He was a beloved God #nerd and #geek culture 2 years ago. By the end of the week he'll be a evil robber baron nazi https://t.co/YUlYVxxvyQ
a fortiori @tenebrous13
The fact that he hinted at knowing (((who))) owns the press was pretty telling.

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View @deplorablegoth
a fortiori @tenebrous13
@EvdokimVassil @takethathappy @RichardBSpencer @benshapiro Don't forget with a large helping of ethnic solidarity he only affords to his (((tribe))).

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
(((Joshua Levine))) here thinks all refugees are the same, and is quite pleased to witness the suicidal tendencies of this French town: This French town has welcomed refugees for 400 years https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/chambon-french-town-refugees-180969356/

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a fortiori @tenebrous13
A (((crowd)))...
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a fortiori @tenebrous13
@HakaseMatt (((Susan Sontag)))

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