@AntiWhiteWatch1 Anti White Watch ☀️ #AWW: documenting and compiling data on violence, hate, discrimination and bigotry directed at #ethnicEuropeans https://t.co/TUwsJ7JvHt Dublin

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Remember when people used to say "I don't see color" like it was some sort of moral virtue? Reality doesn't care about your perception, it will impose its objectivity over your subjective fantasies. cred: @____Diogenes___

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
An affirmative action pseudo academic faked data to promote the fake black victim narrative? He should apply to the #ADL or #SPLC with those kind of credentials. #antiwhite #antiwhiteism

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Is this what our ancestors fought for? For their children and grandchildren to be a hated minority in a Globalist pseudo democracy of #replacementMigration, #antiwhiteism, and tax slavery for a group of people who (by and large) harbor little more than resentment towards you.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
More #BlackonWhiteViolence in American schools. We #EthnicEuropeans parents shouldn't have to worry about our kids living in virtual prisons for 8 hours a day, more worried about thugs than learning. These people are not our people #NationalDivorce cred: @DickHammer48 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1645631068668850178/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The second anniversary of the 2021 Boulder shooting by an islamist migrant was last week, yet heard nothing about it on @NPR and other Globalist media (while they did offer inane odes to #BLM martyrs). #Antiwhiteism #Denial is the downplaying & memory holing of #antiwhiteviolence

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A young #EthnicEuropean Italian guy has to defend himself as a large group of #criminalmigrants laugh and jeer (but notably don't all jump in, this is how low the bar is set for them). These squatters are in the land of the #indigenousEuropean man, glad to see he held his own. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1640728087158456320/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Still waiting on the #WestMidlandsPolice make an arrest in the horrific attack on a Native #EthnicEuropean British boy by a group of non-British thugs. #Antiwhite violence is so common even his mom says, "I hold no hope of anything being done." When will this stop? #antiwhiteism
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#UK) 3 non-Native, non-British thugs attack an #EthnicEuropean Native British kid. Why are these criminals even in the Nation of the British child? These are not British people, they never will be. They bring nothing but harm to the Native #Indigenous folk. #BlackonWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1638862678067228673 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1639023497354829826/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Those of you who are parents are probably familiar with this but I'm sure a lot #antiwhite hate media directed at young children is not on people's radar if they don't have kids. I see this stuff everyday and will start posting these books & the #antiwhiteism they push.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Only a racist would put the interests of their Nation and the wellbeing of their children ahead of these poor suffering #Refugees. You aren't a "racist" are you? #RefugeesWelcome #Irelandisfull #Ireland4All https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1639033665383710721/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#UK) 3 non-Native, non-British thugs attack an #EthnicEuropean Native British kid. Why are these criminals even in the Nation of the British child? These are not British people, they never will be. They bring nothing but harm to the Native #Indigenous folk. #BlackonWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1639023497354829826/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) An #EthnicEuropean American girl is assaulted by a disgusting thug. #antiwhite violence is an epidemic in the West, downplayed & covered up by the media. @elonmusk can you join @MarkDice & @ScottAdamsSays in calling out #ANTIWHITEISM? #BlackonWhiteViolence @realstewpeters https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1638676902331420673/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2023) An #EthnicEuropean American couple and their child are subjected to a racial #antiwhite tirade by an insecure thug. Heritage Americans and #EthnicEuropeans everywhere should enjoy a #NationState which reflect us and our people, free from...this credit: @markdice (gab) https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1638578209653415939/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #Dallas #Texas ) Thug #JakeithHuntley shot and killed #EthnicEuropean American child Jeremiah Tracy Green, 11y/o, and wounded his mother at their home. Media reports the mother had dated the suspect previously. #BlackonWhiteViolence #antiwhite https://thedailykenn.blogspot.com/2023/03/dailykenn_14.html

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
These pictures (from a few years back in #Sweden) really capture and represent something deeper about the nature and character of the #antiwhiteism cult infecting our nations. The Globalist is the sapien equivalent of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The Globalist has been trying to portray healthy #EthnicEuropean identities and society as "pathological" for over 100 years. Ironically most of what they propose is simply the projection of their worst group traits onto White people. #antiwhite #antiwhiteism

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Australia is following the lead of #Belgium in forcing #EthnicEuropean children to engage in their own cultural subversion and erasure. Have you ever seen muslim children forced to go to a Christian church &engage in worship activities? Who is in whose country? #neocolonialism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1633989383727767552/video/1
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
From #Astralia to Europe we've seen #EthnicEuropean children forced to go to mosques and undergo islamist cultural subversion. This is an important part of #replacism; breaking the foundation of #EthnicEuropean identity, breaking the spirit. Credit: @Klaus_Arminius https://twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1633483314127331331 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1633498470245093376/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
From #Astralia to Europe we've seen #EthnicEuropean children forced to go to mosques and undergo islamist cultural subversion. This is an important part of #replacism; breaking the foundation of #EthnicEuropean identity, breaking the spirit. Credit: @Klaus_Arminius https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1633498470245093376/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
By 2045, 100 years after the end of WW2 #EthnicEuropean Native British will be only 60% of the population, on their way to becoming a hated minority in their native lands. If you told our grandfathers that this is what they were fighting for, who among them would pick a rifle, 🧵

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Another day, more nonsense and racial violence from America's favorite protected class. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1632521286391042048/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@Bogdan5Stancu Very good question man, there is something deeply unhealthy about the W liberal mind.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Its so sad to see even in the green lanes of #ireland #EthnicEuropeans must suffer the violence & malevolence of the #neocolonialist forced upon Native Irish by the #antiIrish #Ireland4All Globalists. -Irish men and women, what future for your children? #IrelandisFull #replacism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1632290400470970368/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The explosion of followers for @ScottAdamsSays just shows how much demand there is for real talk on issues of race and interracial violence in America. #antiwhite Leftist can shriek "racist" all they want but no one sane takes their slurs seriously anymore.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
AI is reflecting the #replacement agenda of the Globalists. These are the "most attractive" UK and USA faces? Yea, no. #antiwhite #antiwhiteism

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
I've traveled around the world and I've never seen such a proclivity for crime. Don't get me wrong, this could happen in Southeast Asia or 2-3rd tier cities in CN but not 4 times in a one trip, that is insane. Seems a common pattern. Group differences matter cred:@DeathConEnjoyer https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1631626139872686080/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The truth is verboten in #Germany. What is "#hatespeech"? Much like so-called "#hatecrimes" it is a subjective categorization created with ease of manipulation in mind by the Establishment Globalists. It allows them to twist reality to fit their narrative. #antiwhite
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Never forget: They hate you, they want you replaced, and they want your children and grandchildren to suffer the whole time.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
From the so-called "#NationalDayofHate" to scrawled swastikas at universities there is a disturbing trend of #antiwhite #BloodLibel being committed by members of a certain ethnic clique and associated NGO such as the ADL. Defamation is a core part of #antiwhiteism. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1631612808503910403/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #Brunnsparken #Gothenburg #Sweden) European independent media including @Klaus_Arminius are reporting a migrant stabbed a 9-10yo girl in the stomach and throat. Suspect islamist Milad Salari and was detained by passersby. #antiwhite #replacism #ireland4all #IrelandisFull https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1631531892649627649/video/1
Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius
🇸🇪#Sweden Moment hero youths and guards detain Milad Salari who stabbed a 9-year-old girl in the stomach and throat in #Brunnsparken, #Gothenburg. https://twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1631402201317867522/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Ol'Greenblatt is tooting his own horn over their "day of hate" psyop. Great fundraising for #ADL and other Zionist organizations, nothing they love more than stirring up some #antiwhite #BloodLibel.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Never forget: They hate you, they want you replaced, and they want your children and grandchildren to suffer the whole time.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Do you want this to be your city? You want to have to worry when the wife takes the kids out that they'll run into .... 'this'? #antiwhite We don't have to live this way. #EthnicEuropean #NationState #NationalDivorce https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1631118588932390917/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The Weather Underground, whose leadership largely came from a certain ethnic nepotist clique, promoted an early version of #RacialMarxism such that they tried to morally justify killing #EthnicEuropean children. Today's Globalists are no different in their desire. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1630942633853059074/video/1
Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius
The Weather Underground: “It’s The Duty Of Every Good Revolutionist To Kill White Children” The Weather Underground were a radical left wing, Black nationalist and communist militant who believed killing White babies was necessary to getting rid of ‘White supremacy’. https://twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1522269034800205826/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#NFL star #ZacStacy sentenced to six months in jail for attacking his ex-girlfriend in 2021. Beating his "wife/gf", in front of his child no less, what an amazing father figure. The divorce statics of this particular dyad are so bleak one must question the sanity of such girls. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1630907589830770688/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) More #racialViolence targeting #EthnicEuropean folk, this time a young redhead. People just stand around gawking as this female thug assaults the other girl. #EthnicEuropean MEN: remember you should never strike a lady... key word, 'lady'. #antiwhite cred @UnbiasedCrime https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1630837055608745984/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Ironic that this is pretty much a template for the Globalist ideology of #antiwhiteism they are pushing, targeting #EthnicEuropeans for dehumanization, classifying us using false racial dichotomies, denying our #NationalRights, polarizing our Nations. Its essential their playbook

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The Globalist snickers & mocks the puppets of his #proxywar.They force #EthnicEuropean men into conscripted service only to face death, then charge their children & widows for the coffin which they sell on credit from Blackrock. As Europeans bleed the Globalist enriches himself https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1630533362946568192/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Along with 'fascist', 'marxist' is one of the most overused descriptors in political speech, yet it does encapsulate and describe a set of false/anti-natural dichotomies created by leftists. #CulturalMarxism is the most well known, but #RacialMarxism is the most dangerous.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #minneapolis #minnesota) What was once a beautiful prosperous city and state, founded in large part by Scandinavian pioneers, has become a place to drop off Somali and other pseudo refugees. Let us examine the results (#Ireland4All). #Irelandisfull #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1629783245218013184/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Migrant harasses and taunts #NativeIrish man, calling him an "Irish pig"; welcome to #Ireland4All wonderland of ethnic anarchy and violence. #IrelandisFull

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #FlaglerCounty) #MatanzasHighSchool thug beats down #EthnicEuropean American teacher because she took away his Nintendo Switch. Disappointed to see a USMC NCO not double timing it over to put a boot on the perp, whats going on Devil Dog? #antiwhite thx: @c0smic_cha0s https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1629113227056660480/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) More #BlackOnWhiteViolence. #EthnicEuropeans need to be cognizant &have better situational awareness. Of course we don't see what started the incidents but from past experience its easy to guess the instigators. Notice how naming them sets them off, any excuse. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1629088072074756099/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
An #anitwhite "poet", #TUSIATAAVIA in #NewZealand, published a piece in which she fantasizes about killing Capt Cook, or White men like him or his descendant (ie White ppl in general) New Zealand's national arts development agency @CreativeNZ do you condemn this? #antiwhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1629035520134348800/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Globalist #Ireland4All astroturf trolls reported the video of the young Irish man being stabbed by migrants, forcing me to take it down. I will be making a pixalated version &reposting, lets get it shared far &wide. These AntiIrish bigots must be held accountable. #IrelandISFull

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #UniversityHeights #Ohio) Officers were assaulted by 'teen' thugs during a fight outside #ClevelandHeightsHighSchool, again illustrating the extreme problem of #BlackonWhiteViolence in the US &the truth behind #BLM. WE DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY. #EthnicEuropean #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1628611838069084162/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Need more of this energy from #EthnicEuropeans; fight the Globalists, fight the #antiwhites! https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1628280713413017601/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Brussels) More #MigrantViolence against #ethnicEuropean folk, once again from the increasingly out of control Brussels, capital of the EU regime, which is flooded with economic migrants. #Ireland, are you watching? This is the future of #Ireland4All #IrelandisFull #replacism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1628224576898609154/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#IndigenousIrish folk have #NationalRights: the right not to be deprived of their national culture and ethnicity through mass #replacementmigration. #Ireland4All means the erasure of #NativeIrish people. This is unacceptable in Tibet, it is unacceptable in Ireland. #Irelandisfull
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@TheIrishManTex conspiracy theory!

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
My friend, aren't you the one that insists Ashkenazi are #EthnicEuropean? We know they are targeting European countries, not Nigeria... so by your logic why not #Israel4ALL? Why not single them out since they are taking none yet promote it? #Ireland4All cred: @iamyesyouareno
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Random posh East Asians marching for the colonization of Ireland? #Ireland4All == Ireland naught Irish, the reduction of the geographic, cultural and ethnic spheres to simple material geography filled with homogenous human cattle.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Antiwhiteism is literally programmed into your phone. #antiwhite #BLM #WLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627852746383835139/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Blonde woman punched in the face by a blk male outside a bar. #BlackonWhiteViolence #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627584366007439360/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
More #BlackonWhiteViolence in an American school. For us parents, we know the problem but we need to think about solutions we can implement locally; starting private schools, forming home school collectives for #EthnicEuropean American students etc. Have ideas, let us know below https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627584105956413440/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Metaphors abound: An african migrant breaks into a church, lays hands on the elderly #EthnicEuropean priest, before stealing the Bible and leaving. If this doesn't speak to something deeper, I don't know what does. #antiwhite #Replacism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627541562849906689/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
[DISTURBING] This video is from a horrific stabbing by African migrants who attacked a young Native Irish man, repeatedly stabbing him as he lays helpless on the ground bleeding profusely. This is the compassion of #IrelandForAll #Ireland4All #IrelandisFull #IndigenousRights https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627529525184835586/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The soulless neo-lib apitalist is just as big a threat to #EthnicEuropeans as the #antiwhite far left Globalist; they are two peas in a pod. The ethnos is the core of #Nationalism. Materialism is down stream of the people, always! GDP or your people? Choose! thx @based_belgium https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627526414856769549/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Why does a particular group insist on sticking their noses into the affairs of other Nations, pushing them in direction that inevitably leads to chaos, all the while implementing exactly the opposite policies in their nation state? This is the definition of supremacism #antiwhite
Way of the World @wayotworld

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The amount of #BlackonWhiteViolence coming out of American schools is at such an epidemic rate I've had to create a new folder to separate it out from "normal" blk violence. #EthnicEuropean American students have the RIGHT to schools that represent us. cred: @Texas_Made956 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1627177859428265984/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
It is disturbing how normalized #antiwhiteism has become and how #antiwhite hate groups like #BLM have infiltrated our school systems under the guise of #CRT (crt itself is simply the praxis of #racialMarxism). White parents and students need a parallel education system.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
I mean really, what were the odds? Wait, there is a study for that? Oh.... oh wow.... big yikes.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The looks on these White women's faces as they get spoken down to by arch-#antiwhite Sarah Rao is priceless. Smug moralizing diversity badge wearing people are awful, and I think they are finally realizing you can't buy, bow (or f*ck) your way out of your #Whiteness for these ppl https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626816480074690560/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) Another bit of casual, senseless #BlackonWhiteViolence as a thug knocks out an old #EthnicEuropean American woman. I don't consider myself an expert in body language but at this point if you are half aware they might as well be peacocking their intentions. cred: @PATBR0DY https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626810050835800064/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #Virginia #Fairfaxcounty 2023) Yet more #BlackonWhiteViolence in a school setting as a young #EthnicEuropean American kid gets choked by a female thug on a school bus. This is becoming so widespread and the consequences include White children committing suicide. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626457595295969281/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) An #antiwhite thug speaks candidly about his desire to r*pe #EthnicEuropean women in 'retribution'. An amazing statistic you will never hear about from the controlled media is the fact that virtually all interracial sexual violence is black against White. THX @ukdan405 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626440268684861440/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
You are a young White woman alone at the gym. A random "youth" comes to the door with no keycard. What do you do? -Let him in, don't want to be racist after all. -Listen to what your bigoted father said. Which do you think she chose? https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626277432939646976/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#IRELAND #EASTWALL 2023) Pro-#Irish protesters were attacked in a hit & run terrorist attack by a far left #antiIrish #IrelandForAll extremist. The Globalists are panicking as more Native Indigenous Irish stand up against #anitwhites. #IrelandisFull @Klaus_Arminius @wayotworld https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626189812997951490/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #philadelphia 2023) A large group of "juveniles" (aka thugs) beat and rob a man near @TempleUniv. This and many other American cities, built by #EthnicEuropeans, have become crime ridden ghettos uninhabitable by Heritage Americans due to #antiwhite policies thx: @Lady_Devi_ https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626165257399042049/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This is a great set of clips from @wayotworld of @JLPtalk absolutely destroying a #JewishSupremacist masquerading as a "libertarian" (a typical front for them). A fundamental aspect of #JewishSupremacy is the demand for 1 set of standards for themselves relative to other nations. https://t.co/WtJC5LdnE4 https://t.co/do45VnEPdI
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
: They say "dual loyalty" is an 'antisemitic trope', but the reality is their loyalty is singular; to israel and israelis worldwide. Zionists have a long history of supremacist double standards they have tried to foist upon #EthnicEuropean Americans; notably #meltingpot ideology. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626161736465387520/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This is a great set of clips from @wayotworld of @JLPtalk absolutely destroying a #JewishSupremacist masquerading as a "libertarian" (a typical front for them). A fundamental aspect of #JewishSupremacy is the demand for 1 set of standards for themselves relative to other nations. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1626161730605957120/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
There is a very real market in the #antiwhitegrift section of SJWs and #antiwhites. @TizzyEnt is a typical example, seems like he just wants to call out people doing bad stuff, until you realize he ONLY calls out White people and even uses the interaction of a Asian woman🧵

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A core element of #antiwhiteism #denial is the ideologically motivated denial of human group differences which account for the vast majority of differential economic& social outcomes. Pseudo academics like Lewontin often come from a certain group &promote #antiwhite narratives
Love this paragraph from Misbehaving Science by Aaron Panofsky. Recognise when appeals to academic freedom are a smoke screen for racism

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Ukrainian civilians (this time in #Odesa) are being kidnapped off the streets &pressed into service to fill the flagging ranks of the Zelensky puppet regime military force. I'm willing to bet you won't find the conscription thugs visiting a synagogue to pick up Zelensky's people. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1625726024444182530/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) There is an atmosphere of constant worsening social decay as Heritage #EthnicEuopean Americans are rendered a minority in the country they built by #antiwhite Globalist policies. The solutions is separation, go our separate ways. #NationalRights are fundamental to freedom. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1625484861699149824/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
These entitled thin skinned thugs are so repulsive, just their voices are enough trigger a disgust response. They start trouble and instigate whenever they can to "justify" their inevitable violent outbursts; #EthnicEuropean Americans, we deserve better than this. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1624733231148056578/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#EthnicEuropean/White folk are facing an existential threat to our people & nations: #ANTIWHITEISM We all recognize it when we see it yet lack a framework for enumerating it. In collaboration with @wayotworld @Klaus_Arminius @solidarityeurop @patrickbasedmn we outline it here🧵

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #NewJersey) #EthnicEuropean American teen #AdrianaKuch was assaulted in a preplanned attack by blk females as she walks the halls of her own school (which has has repeated issues with #BlackonWhiteViolence). Parents; its OUR responsibility to speak up for our kids! https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1624276720818982912/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Another in the relentless stream of #BlackonWhiteViolence as a non-Native, non-Indigenous female assaults an #EthnicEuropean girl. The have to go back. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1624208729599250432/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#AntiIrish neo-colonial Lucky Khambule of @masi_asylum and Globalist enabler #antiwhite Junior Minister @nealerichmond talk about how to silence the voices of REAL Native Irish folk/#EthnicEuropeans who are speaking out against criminal mass replacement migration. #IrelandisFull https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1623932263099662336/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Vince Dao calls out the farce of the astroturf #stopAsianHate leaders. Look at these #antiwhite haters visibly getting more and more triggered by what we all know is reality. #HateCrimes are a tool of subjective categorization that allow #antiwhites to manipulate racial violence. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1623914148710219777/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
All these videos we see have consequences: #EthnicEuropean children deserve better. Adriana Kuch lost hope because she lives in a hopeless society that is deracinated &explicitly against her and other White people. WE DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY. #antiwhite #BlackonWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1623912133523279872/video/1
Way of the World @wayotworld
Brutally assaulted and humiliated by a group of black students, Adriana Kuch is just the latest tragedy in the war against white children in school. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#SOTU Stop pretending black people are victims. Stop pretending brown people are victims. Stop perpetuating #antiwhite conspiracy and tropes such as "#whiteprivilege" and "so-called "#whitesupremacy". Stop promoting #antiwhiteism. Recognize #EthnicEuropean/White America. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1623326782765293568/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Putin gets BTFO'd by a strong independent tranzwoman of color. Putin will never get a monument like #GeorgeFloyd, a true hero who showed us what human potential really is. @PeImeniPusha. #NAFO "Slava #DylanMulvaney" #NATO @jacksonhinklle https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1623207993281228801/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Ireland) Landlord in #Dublin tries to take back control of his destroyed property. Never make the mistake of keeping your hands down around these people. Notice the state and condition of the property; this is the evolution of Globalist #replacism #IrelandisFull #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1622836922971480069/video/1

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Nancy Wang Yuen @nancywyuen
Substituting l’s for r’s to make fun of Chinese/Asian folks is only funny if you are racist.
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
We'd like to see you do more to address and call out #antiwhite bigots in your community. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1622577954185445377/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
An interesting read in the role of certain communities in the various slave trades and how they were perceived by their contemporaries. If anyone has good resources on their role in the Moorish/Arab/Ottoman/Islamic India trade please link @TOOEdit https://api.taylorfrancis.com/content/books/mono/download?identifierName=doi&identifierValue=10.4324/9780203905128&type=googlepdf

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #Pennsylvania) #EthnicEuropean American Police chief Justin McIntire was fatally shot in the head and another officer was struck in the leg during a shootout with a 28yo thug who was wanted on a probation violation. #BlackOnWhiteViolence #antiwhite thx @MikeNichol10

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020-1) A thug beats and assaults a mother in front of her children at a Popeye's Chicken. Our whole social fabric is made weaker, public life more dangerous and unpleasant because we are forced to endure this failed "melting pot" ideology put forward by Zionists. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1622157967603961856/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2023) White man sexually harassed by Asian boss at @Google who told him that there were “obviously too many white guys” on his team. In July he was encouraged to fire a male employee to make room on his team for a woman, He was fired because he was not “inclusive.”

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@iHeartRadio engaged in bald faced #antiwhite propaganda using a stock image of a White boy attacking a girl in a story when actually it was a black teen. This is #defamation & #antiwhiteism. We DEMAND @iHeartRadio retract and apologize. @ramzpaul @Henrik_Palmgren https://t.co/RklOYv3Qwi https://t.co/RlLeYzSHeT
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
: Here is Michele Laven "Chief Diversity Officer at @iHeartRadio" and associate editor @ZuriEAnderson. When are we going to see a statement of retraction and an apology to the #EthnicEuropean American community? These people publish their "ESG" score BTW. @MarkACollett @MarkDice

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@iHeartRadio engaged in bald faced #antiwhite propaganda using a stock image of a White boy attacking a girl in a story when actually it was a black teen. This is #defamation & #antiwhiteism. We DEMAND @iHeartRadio retract and apologize. @ramzpaul @Henrik_Palmgren
Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius
Why did @iHeartMedia use stock image of White boy to manipulate the story? The extent the antiwhite media will go to hide antiwhite attacks.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #LA #LosAngeles) #BLM and #ANTIFA terrorists set up road blocks which included dragging White motorists out of their cars and assaulting them. This little Prius realized it was time to skip town, still got chased down and assault but made it out. #Antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621751069754773505/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A people whose only virtue is their imagined victimhood are deeply sick. Slavery IS the #GreatBlackCope & contributed nothing to America in the long term and costs us so much now. Notice the one White character, unsmiling, silent only holding signs: the #whiteally #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621664633450012674/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) A large group of female thugs follow an #EthnicEuropean American girl back to her house and assault her &her mother when she comes to help her daughter. #BlackOnWhiteViolence is an epidemic in America that #antiwhite hate groups like the #ADL try to cover up: #antiWhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621516354489847809/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Duplicitous #EthnicEuropeans who find their voice only in defense of others but never their own sicken me. Like an eager mongrel looking for assurance from its abusive master they often bark the loudest @TheGloriousLion is spot on,these ppl garner disgust, even from their allies https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621439529608704000/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#France #Paris 2020) A non-Native male assaults an #EthnicEuropean Native French teenager, throwing him down the stairs & then kicking him in the head. There have been a growing number of such attacks in France as Globalists bring in huge numbers of #criminalMigrants #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621417912304271360/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #SanFrancisco) A young female thug assaults a security guard at #StonestownMall completely unprovoked. We always hear the #BLM crowd whinging about shootings but never about their own behavior. Credit: @activeasian https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621364216400875520/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA) A thug assaults a small girl who appears to be #EthnicEuropean American on a school bus, beating her relentlessly as she cowers in fear. Do you want this to be your kids or grandkids in a feral public school system? #BlackOnWhiteViolence #AntiWhite thx: @Joshhenry200 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1621353849092186113/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The #ADL is beyond the pale in its rabid promotion of #AntiWhite hate, tropes and excuses for terrorists who target #EthnicEuropeans. Deadly SUV incident? In his own word:'So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it,the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!'

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #USA #Portland) After BLM rioters pull an #EthnicEuropean American man from his car a thug runs up from behind him with a kick to the head (easily lethal assault). These thugs were sponsored & supported by many of the largest corporations in the US. #AntiWhite #AntiWhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1620710092386738179/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #LA #LosAngeles 2020) #BLM thugs and #Antifa rioters tried to block motorists, which often resulted in violent assaults against #EthnicEuropean Americans. In this case the drive takes proper self defense action against #antiWhite terrorists. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1620060512343199744/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
'Since June 2, 2022, Liming said his family has been living the nightmare of the killing of Ethan “We’ve received emails celebrating the fact that my son’s head was crushed like a watermelon and laughing how his chest was stomped, and I’ve been called a white moron,” said Liming'

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Grevesmühlen 🇩🇪 #Germany Native #EthnicEuropean Germans in a small village protest after government plans to force 500 migrants on their community were revealed. #EthnicReplacement is criminal &a form of ethnocide. Stop the #GreatReplacement thx: @patrickbasedmn @Klaus_Arminius https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1619997825575813120/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Sweden 2020-1) A mob of non-native #CriminalMigrants mob a Native #EthnicEuropean Swedish man, assaulting him as his female acquaintance watches in horror. This is the gift of #REPLACISM, one of the 4 pillars of #AntiWhiteism. #antiwhite #GreatReplacement https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1619982400855101440/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The #Resistance, brought to you by Pfizer, #FTX and George Soros.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Globalists love dancing as #EthnicEuropean folk die, its literally their propaganda of choice, of course to most awful soundtracks they can muster. Remove or distort it to show just how absurd it all truly is. Slava Europa-#SolidarityEuropa https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1619713520328904704/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"#Reparations, reparations!" they whinge incessantly. This is one of the greatest differences between us and them; we want to go our own way while they know that leaving the civilization afforded them by us spells disaster, hence gibs not freedom. #antiWhite #antiWhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1619662275677405184/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#AAPI is the most inorganic astroturf construction of a pseudo community I can think of. There is virtually nothing tieing these disseperate groups together. Perhaps East Asian, or South Asian but AAPI is a joke for anyone who understands Asia. @activeasian & @AsianDawn4

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Imagine you've been sold the "grass is greener" lie about the American dream so you move your family out of a safe homogenous ethno-state to half way around the world. Then you open a business just to find the melting pot's broth is blood. @activeasian @AsianDawn4 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1619590585945559040/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The #antiWhite alliance at it again. It is very common to see #AshkenaziSupremacists puffing up and encouraging hard core #antiWhite extremists in the black community. Its one of the few areas they have genuine solidarity; in hate.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#France 2020) A non-European #criminalmigrant tries to grope a Native #EthnicEuropean French woman on the train. He then goes on to expose himself to her. These situation will get exponentially worse if we allow #antiwhite Globalists to continue #ethnicreplacement migration. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1618911067907960833/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@ninaturner Yes we need to have a National Conversation on the Color of Crime and Violence in America. 13%

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#EthnicEuropean American kid gets manhandled and tossed around by a daycare worker. Who is looking after your kids? Make multigenerational families great again. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1618228637328871430/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
As the UA proxy regime faces massive losses in the Donbas the Globalist Zelensky and his puppet masters in the US are using ethnic Hungarians living in the west as meat for the grinder, with mass FORCED CONSCIPTION that amounts to ethnic cleansing. #antiwhite #ProxyWar

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
These are the same #UK police that will come to your house and arrest you if you tweet something mean or against the mass criminal migration of non-#EthnicEuropeans into your country. You cannot separate Gender Marxist ideology from #antiwhiteism. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1618170590732619777/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020-1 #London) Thug stabs a woman with a huge knife. Look at those dead fish eyes. The Globalist wants to force you to live in this dystopian multikult &if your city or village doesn't have enough non-#EthnicEuropeans they will ship them in & house them on your dime. #AntiWhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1618169145484529664/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020) #BLM thugs and Antifa terrorists work in cooperation to damage a car and try to assault an #EthnicEuropean man trapped inside. Both of these groups were funded by #AntiWhite Globalists now funding the #proxywar costing 100k+ lives and impoverishing a generation. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1618167017508593666/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
In collaboration with @Klaus_Arminius, @solidarityeurop @BIPOCracism and with feedback from @Semiogogue we've created a consolidated definition of #antiWhiteism based on "3DR" put forward by @wayotworld. If you have any feedback let us know- #antiwhite @Henrik_Palmgren

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA #LSU) Madison Brooks, also known as Madi, was hit by a vehicle on January 15th and later died after being 'sexually assaulted' by four thugs. #antiwhite #antiwhteism #BlackonWhiteViolence

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020) A thug harasses and then assaults an #EthnicEuropean girl. The caption says its because she wouldn't kneel for #BML but I can't confirm the context. Either way its just more blatant #BlackOnWhiteViolence #WLM #antiWhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1617026899846500353/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #London #UK) Thugs sucker punch an #EthnicEuropean man. Woman rationalizes it saying he is "racist". Either way, when your country is colonized you have every right to tell the neo-colonialist to *********. #antiwhite #replacism #greatreplacement https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616675554564112385/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Somali/Eritrean migrants whinge about America, #EthnicEuropeans and the usual #RacialMarxist buzzwords. In a separate video (end of clip) the same or similar group assaults a White man who they can't take down. #antiwhite #criminalmigrants #replacism #greatReplacement #BLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616651612730134530/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #France) A mob of non-European thugs assault and beat an #EthnicEuropean Native French student in the streets. Point us to one benefit these people have brought to Europe that substantively improved the lives of Native folk. #antiwhite #GreatReplacement #replacism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616623686144102400/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020-1 #USA #Philadelphia) An #EthnicEuropean American man is attacked by multiple thugs on a metro platform. Public transportation, which is excellent in East Asia and parts of Europe, is a dangerous endeavor in the USA which has a massive negative effect on quality of life. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616391127179087872/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"Drunk rabbi vomits on an African woman and hits her with a bottle." What do you make of this? credit: @patbrody3 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616277196511014912/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #USA) Thug assaults a man (Hispanic?) on the metro. Public transportation, which is excellent in homogenous Nations in East Asia and areas of Europe, is Russian roulette in America; locked in a confined space with a diversity free for all. Heritage Americans deserve better. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1616040844976623619/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This woman represents one of the worst faces of the #Globalists establishment, but she was just a proxy. Identifying and holding accountable those who prop up these puppets is the true battle of our time. They avoid direct observation but follow their money and media. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2023 #Brussels #SouthStation) Shocking knife attack by a #criminalmigrant on people just sitting in the station without warning. This has become a daily occurrence in Europe thanks to Globalist #Replacism and EU tyrants like @guyverhofstadt. #antiwhite #greatreplacement https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1615724228611039232/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@larabazelon Why do so many Jewish people hate and resent #EthnicEuropean folk?

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Sweden) #NationalRights activists go to the neighborhood of a far left district and blast the islamic call to prayer in order to prepare the hypocrites who accept #replacism for the coming of #criminalmigrants. An interesting strategy indeed. #GreatReplacement #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614914200358486018/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#UK 2023) A pompous woman (israeli) who is neither #EthnicEuropean nor British tries to lecture British folk on how they should allow unfettered migration into their nation. Despite the kindness showed to the likes of her, the Milibands and others, they offer malice in return. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614542501154807808/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020-1) Group of thugs beat an #EthnicEuropen man. Gas stations in states like Pennsylvania have become so dangerous because of gangs like these that owners have to hire private security with long rifles to keep the peace (no police???). #antiwhite #favelaAmerica https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614469492792524801/video/1

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Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 @tariqnasheed
What TF is this? https://t.co/m3GXaz70I0
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Meet your tonkenizers

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #Spring #HarrisCounty #Texas) Thugs attack an #EthnicEuropean man while shouting "black lives matter", kicking him in the face multiple times after he is on the ground. It is the right of every Nation to defend itself and its people. #Antiwhite #BlackonWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614272017775333376/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The "don't call me a coomer" porn addict guy suddenly has it out for gas stoves. Its amazing how quickly these people adopt whatever narrative is being broadcast at the moment, its almost satirical. vid: @undeadchronic @UndeadChronic5 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614243612925267968/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020-1 #London #UK) A pack of female thugs egg on their friend as she attacks an #EthnicEuropean girl on the metro as other English folk look on passively. United we stand, divided we fall; make them think twice before pulling stuff like this. #antiwhite #BlackonWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614216492341682177/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020-1) Usual suspects behaving as usual. Cant we just "coexist"? Yes, but in separate #NATIONSTATE s. What benefit do we #EthnicEuropean folk get from sharing a dysfunctional country with such folk? It is our prerogative&moral right to live in a nation that represents US. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1614138223793668097/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Criminals who entered #Ireland illegally shout their hate for #EthnicEuropean & Native #Irish folk in #Blanchardstown. They assaulted native people including old women & #PalaceGardaí does nothing. #IrelandisFull bring the fight to #Irelandisnotfull shills vid: @gearoidmurphy_ https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613846549385334785/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #USA) Thug kicks an #EthnicEuropean woman in the face as she picks up trash/(or something?). Just more casual #antiwhite violence. The resentment that lives in the hearts of many of these people is the product of a deep seated 'inferiority complex'. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613831105567928320/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA 2020-1) Thugs on an airplane strike #EthnicEuropean American stewardess. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613798284627447808/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #USA) #BLM thugs open fire on drivers who refuse to stop for their illegal roadblocks (which often involved assaulting White motorists). Can you imagine if White folks protesting #AntiWhiteism did this? #ADL and other #AntiWhite hate orgs/media would lose their minds. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613729104213475332/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Learn from the mistakes of others.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#NYC #NewYork 2021) Thug randomly attacks an elderly #EthnicEuropean man who can do nothing to protect himself. The hatred that lives in so many of these people needs to be addressed. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613408477111816192/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
POV: welcoming a poor "refugee" into the UK, explaining how you love the cuisine of his people. He offers to make kebabs. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613154480782209024/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The Globalists are touting the incel to tranz pipeline; they see young White men as a significant future threat so the want to turn them into eunuchs. Libertarian/Classical Liberalism doesn't offer a healthy identity, just atomization, #Nationalism does. https://www.piratewires.com/p/transmaxxing

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#BlackOnWhiteViolence is so prolific and common in America yet it is never addressed by pseudo 'civil rights' group like the #ADL. Note: This video got 1 million views on our Facebook page in 2020 and resulted in our first account being banned. Second page was banned in 2022. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1613074015614283778/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This series is like watching a car crash except the cars are Western civilization and the drunk drivers are Globalists and their preferred folk... but they strapped us in the backseat. Time to get out of this ride and into the #NationState. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612989489475112966/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #LAX #LosAngeles) An #EthnicEuropean man uses his body to protect his woman from a pack of violent female thugs who kick and hit him as he puts up little resistance. This is in the middle of one of the largest airports in the USA which has police everywhere. #Antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612808645833785346/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Houston) A thug targets a woman shopping with her child in a racial attack. His getaway car pulls up immediately after indicating this was preplanned. I believe the victim in this case was Hispanic although the perp likely thought she was White. #antiWhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612652520794632197/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2022 #NORTHLAUDERDALE, #Florida) Thug attacks mother with 3 small children as they walk into grocery store. The perp grabbed her necklace, punched her and then ran away from the store. #antiwhite #BlackOnWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612652492185300993/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Remember this BLM loser blasting White people with an airhorn as they pray? That face is truly an architype of the intersection of gender and racial marxism. #antiwhite #BLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612624814963064832/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Drive by shooting, coming soon to a neighborhood near you. #WhiteFlight was effectively ethnic cleansing of once great metropolitan areas built by Heritage Americans and destroyed by multiculturalism. Detroit, DC, NY on and on. Now Europe learn the joys in Malmo, London etc. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612484778368045061/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#WashingtonDC) a group of thugs assault a man &stomp on his head as he is laying unconscious. Despite being the US capital, DC is one of the most crime ridden urban hellscapes in America with significant criminal demographics. #antiwhite #BlackonWhiteViolence #antiwhiteism #WLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612436197510631425/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#USA #Ohio #Cincinnati 2017) Thugs attack and assault an #EthnicEuropean American man outside of a library. Urban centers in America went from once great metropolitans to dystopian crime ridden hellscapes as Whites were ethnically cleansed via #WhiteFlight. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612405015037227009/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Ukraine) It is estimated that Ukraine is take 400-600 casualties just in Bakmut alone so the Globalist Zelensky could go there to get a blood soaked flag to wave at Americans to get more money. They even acknowledge the locals want separation. Stop this Globalist proxy war.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Paris #France) #criminalmigrants assault a Native #EthnicEuropean Frenchman and steal his bike (stereotype much?). Europeans are humiliated and beaten in the streets of their own capitals, when will we say "ENOUGH!"? #antiwhite #antiwhiteism #greatreplacement #replacism. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612325951001743365/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Thug assaults two White girls and appears to steal something from them and put it in his car. It should be noted that not only is most #interracialviolence B on W (10-1 murder rate) but so is most sexual violence. #antiwhite #BlackOnWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612270424272044033/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Another instance of a certain demographic thinking they are above the law and behaving like morons (then complaining their favorite cope; "racism"). Skip to the ending at 1:45 for a satisfying countdown. Getting MCRD bootcamp flashbacks from the cop. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1612077265806061569/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A non-ethnic Ukrainian, non-#EthnicEuropean is doing this (but but this time the Globalists are the good guys right?) Maybe we in the US should start doing this to dual citizens who put the interests of their overseas ethno-state ahead of those of the US. Starting with Nuland.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(USA) A thug ties up the #EthnicEuropean American employees of a gas station, douses them with lighter fluid &set them on fire in a very underreported racial attack. Keep in mind the @nytimes put a fake story of a blkgirl getting her dreadlocks cut on their front page, but this? https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611996966770331648/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 Europe) African "#migrants" protest in Europe, assaulting Native #EthnicEuropean folk and destroying property. Why should European people tolerate this criminality? What is the solution? How about the Globalist NGOs ferrying them in? #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611906242506797058/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A couple of thugs assault a White man and woman on the metro. Look how passive the rest of the #EthnicEuropean folk are, none standing up as a group to put an end to this thuggery. When we stand together we win. #BlackonWhiteViolence #antiwhite #antiwhiteism video thx: @Voycheckz https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611656827384762370/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Thugs gang up on White kid. #EthnicEuropean folk to get better at reading body language (you can see the thug squaring up a mile away) and especially don't let themselves get surrounded by these thugs. Disgusting. #antiwhite #antiwhiteism #BlackOnWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611560062824370176/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(USA) BLM clown confronts random White blond girl and tells her to get on her knees for BLM... she complies. This is the state of so many Western woman (and sadly many 'men'). #BLM #antiwhite #antiwhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611558937605865474/video/1

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Eugene Gu, MD @eugenegu
Happy New Year! Hope 2023 is a kinder year to all of you and your families.
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
You are a hate filled #antiwhite, just go away 中国共产党走狗

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"Why are BLM ppl shot by cops more often", probably because of cases like this: AfAm male assaults a #EthnicEuropean American cop, steals her gun, takes a shot at her and then get his comeuppance. #antiwhite #BLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611278102302425089/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Thug attacks an #EthnicEuropean woman in front of her child. Can your wife and children walk safely in your neighborhood? If so, how long until you neighborhood becomes another multikult dystopia? https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1611219793260187651/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#Sweden) A #criminalmigrant plays the 'knock out game' striking a Native #EthnicEuropean Swedish woman. In a related matter, the majority of sexual assaults in Sweden are now committed by non-native "males". #GreatReplacement #Replacism #antiwhite #AntiWhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1610958696837967873/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(Miami 2021) Thug attacks woman in yet another incident of racial violence. Simple things like taking public transportation which are safe in East Asia or Europe (used to be) are incredibly dangerous in the USA because of exactly this type of 'individual'. #antiWhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1610935601003651072/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"Refugees" straight off the boat onto the shores of Europe, praying to allah. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1610855902667763712/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Leather Apron Club breaks down the ethnic-nepotism in the so-called "#IntellectualDarkWeb" (@lexfridman, @jordanbpeterson)and how to voices in that sphere are largely of one group. Its important to be aware of who is influencing the narrative in various media spheres. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1610636577650376704/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Young kid bullied in racial attack. If you got kids this is extra hard to watch. Do we want our sons and daughters, our grandchildren, held hostage to the whims of groups that have been taught to hold resentment and malice towards us since a young age? I don't. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1610467038815977476/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Time to button down the hatches for a day or two

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
In Belgium #EthnicEuropean children are taught how to pray to 'allah' for the sake of 'tolerance' and 'diversity'. Do you think any of the #replacementmigrants bother reciprocating? #antiwhite #WhiteErasure #GreatReplacement https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609894735929577473/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Criminal non-British folk engaging in a knife fight outside a Tesco in the #UK. Is the UK benefiting from the #GreatReplacement migration into their country? Please enlighten us how any Western country is benefiting from this... we'll wait. #antiWhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609893577550856192/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Two women dead because garbage Globalist Chesa Boudin didn't put this thug behind bars: McAlister was released on parole in April 2020, about two months after San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin ordered the discontinuation of Three Strikes cases. Arrested 4 more times!

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Another violent racial attack. What can we say at this point, these are a dime a dozen yet all we hear is "#BLM" and "Huwite S_prem_cy" are the problem, is anyone buying that nonsense anymore? #ADL #NYT all push #antiwhite drivel which doesn't match reality. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609762989024088064/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
We overlaid population densities for various groups in London where Native British are now a minority. The results are exactly as one would expect; the Windrush experiment that no Brit asked for has delivered crime&social decay. @wayotworld @Klaus_Arminius @PrisonPlanet @ramzpaul

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A thug resisting arrest assaults an officer, even his friend who is in cuffs takes a chance to get a few kicks in on the downed officer. And people wonder why this community is """overrepresented""" in police shootings. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609470649692741634/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A defining aspect of #AshkenaziSupremacist ideology is demanding certain rights and privileges for the J_wish community which are, in turn, denied to others, particularly #EthnicEuropeans. No group embodies this supremacist ideology more clearly than the #ADL & its CEO.#antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(#France 2022) Somali asylum seeker goes on a rampage with a van resulting in severe injuries to a French man. How long will we continue this madness? Europeans don't want this, it is Globalists pushing this criminal project of #EthnicReplacism. We want them held accountable.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Woman just riding her bike is accosted by thugs because of her ethnicity. When a man comes to assist a dozen thugs group up to assault him. I believe this was during the #BLM riots when they openly targeted #EthnicEuropean folk with impunity. #antiwhite #antiwhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609141487413133314/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A mother and even her child are attacked by thugs. I can't confirm the background of the victims but it does seem to be yet another racially motivated attack. Who jump kicks a kid? https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1609026143864377344/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
We try to focus on issues affecting #EthnicEuropeans but if there are broader issues impacting multiple communities, we will post in solidarity (Daily Beast crowd hates it when we coopt 'their language'). Blk on Asian violence needs to be addressed just like Blk on YT. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608991036432592896/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Guy just minding his own business walking down the street when he is attacked simply for being #EthnicEuropean. The Daily Beast called the 'knock out' game virtual irrelevant/unimportant, but would they say that if the races were reversed? No it'd be front page. #antiwhite #WLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608818306051624962/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2020 #SouthAfrica) Two separate cases of #Afrikaners being tortured and murdered. The perverse nature of these murders is instructive on the animosity and hate against #EthnicEuropeans that exists not only in SA but among #AntiWhite bigots worldwide. Do demographics matter? YES

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Reverend Simon Sideways give us a first hand account of the character and attitude of the so-called "asylum seekers" crossing the English Channel (with the assistance of the Royal Navy and Globalist funded "NGOs". #GreatReplacement #Replacism #antiwhite #UK https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608712198599380992/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(USA) A thug attacks the wrong person until his friends point him to the #EthnicEuropean kid. This is the kind of rampant racial violence we take no pleasure in documenting but it is vitally important that people see the reality of violence in the West. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608643167443890180/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"Demography is destiny. Ensuring the West's #EthnicEuropean majority is neither offensive nor indefensible." The same Globalists who write for Haaretz, NYT etc will have no issue with such a statement for Jewish ppl but will howl "White supremacy" when we demand #NationalRights

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
We weren't even aware of this hit piece by the Daily Beast until today. Its composed of the traditional #antiWhite tropes from the kind of people you'd expect. They seem genuinely frightened of us collecting and collating data which means: we'll make our code open source 4 all!

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Remember this champ; attacked by a mob of thugs he refused to stay down. If this is one motivated #EthnicEuropean man, imagine a dozen of us, imagine 1,000s of us. Imagine millions of us refusing to stay down, standing up. Once we unite and stand up we are unconquerable. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608299484752093186/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
An Afrikaner is attacked in SA and is forced to defend himself against multiple attackers. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608286785519378438/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"Anti-Semitism"&"Nazi" are 'weasel words' and @jordanbpeterson knows it. For someone who preaches precision in language and terms he is playing fast and loose with such accusations. What exactly constitutes "anti-semitism"? JBP has become obsessed with this since joining Shapiro.
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The lengths to which the Globalist media go to promote their narrative while burying actual racial violence is shocking. The @nytimes will literally put a Black girl getting her hair pulled on their FRONT PAGE if it is by White kids. Yet they are silent on Black on White violence https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608038448874807301/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Female thugs attack a White woman on an elevator. When will White people get fed up? We are a group, we have our own interests. Anyone who says #ethnicEuropeans don't have a culture or identity know nothing about us. #antiwhite #AntiWhiteism #WLM https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608026182754369538/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A girl is threatened and forced to kiss the feet of female thugs before being beaten. Do we want our children and grandchildren held hostage to the whims of such people? #antiwhite #AntiWhiteism https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1608022038102573056/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@lexfridman The world wants to know: will Fridman ever connect the dots?

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Like #London in the #UK, #Frankfurt became the first German city to fall to #Replacist #Neocolonial migration. What do "human rights" groups do about the 'Hanification' in Tibet? They decry it. What do they do when #criminalmigrants replace Europeans? They give them boats and $

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2021 #Colorado USA)Danielle Hopton spent her free time working at a local animal shelter and helping her dad raise guide dogs #antiwhite Feb. 6, the recent high school graduate's life was cut short when she was beaten to death allegedly by an ex-boyfriend https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2022/02/18/man-sentenced-lying-homicide-18-year-old-danielle-hopton/6044149001/

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
(2017) Black female attack White woman and Black male knocks out a White girl "During the attack, the owner's teenage daughter was punched in the face by a male suspect. The blow knocked the 15-year-old to the ground and left her with a concussion." #antiwhite #WLM thx @tildacoin https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1603668937191084032/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Well within a day of opening and posting to Youtube we got a warning and a strike... this is good though. Before we invested energy in building subscribers and putting up content we learned that we must take some steps when dealing with the censorship terrain of YT (1)

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
On Youtube for 5 minutes and already someone followed us over to flag videos. Amazing how troll reporting has become the go to method for censorship by the left/Globalist.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
John Stewart goes full "fellow White" before promoting tropes about 'White supremacy' and other #antiWhite nonsense. The first two White people are insufferable as well. Notice how they coopt White voices to push #antiwhiteism through their media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cmnwbGmu7w https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1603245229070749696/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Across the West the plan to #replace #EthnicEuropeans is moving forward and they can't help but brag about it. But if you criticize this form of ethnocide, then you are a conspiracy theorist. #GreatReplacement #antiWhite #australia

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Christmas, time to relentlessly push the narrative. Can you imagine Chinese or Korean media relentlessly pushing WMAF during the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)? Wonder what the reaction would be.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#SBF hires the same lawyer as #GhislaineMaxwell, friend of #Epstein who targeted #EthnicEuropean girls for sexual exploitation. Are they gaslighting us? SBF's lawyer is Mark Cohen, yes big surprise. Do not connect the dots on all these #individuals @lexfridman pattern recognition

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
A surprisingly good if inadvertent examination of controlled opposition & gatekeeping by the so-called "intellectual darkweb" &their accolytes (Lex Fridman etc). If "boys have pps and girls have vs" is the most 'radical' take someone has they are probably gatekeeping. -udchronic https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1602901960364990469/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#JessieSmollet's grandmother invokes #TikkunOlam, a supremacist ideation of 'Jewish Social Justice' to excuse/morally rationalize the #AntiWhite Blood Libel that Smollet committed with his #HateCrime hoax. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1601852365338025984/video/1
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The forefathers of pseudo academic fields of critical theory were the #FrankfurtSchool. From racial/cultural/gender marxism to #CRT, you can trace almost all of it back to these non-Europeans, like Roth, that fled Germany. Their heritage and culture are important to the story.
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@KirkegaardEmil I put together an animation of 'White flight' (ethnic cleansing through migration) of St Louis from MappingDecline. This story has repeated throughout America and is now occurring in Europe.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
As I said before there is something innately disgusting about victim morality and group malingering as a strategy to shirk accountability and critique. Few ppl embody this more than Sarah Silverman who hates on Whites and EastAsians so smugly/smarmily. @activeasian @AsianDawn4 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1601090801257549825/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@jordanbpeterson But is the ethnic-nepotism a "conspiracy theory"? What would it take to persuade or dissuade you of the thesis? Or are you even amendable to evidence? For me, I would need to see quantitative metrics demonstrating a severe overrepresentation not explainable by IQ/other variables https://t.co/B4tgTiMk1C
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
: @jordanbpeterson @Devin3573 "Doesn't have to be nefarious": actually it is since it is zero sum; the benefit for that group comes at the cost to another group. Take your education example: both Whites and East Asians are actively discriminated against (which jews support) yet jews are not: result

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Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson
"I don't hate the Jews. I just love their enemies:" every serpentine, moralizing anti-Semitic leftist. "I don't hate the Jews. I'm just telling the truth about their insidious conspiratorial influence:" every two-bit right-wing tinfoil-hatted envy-inspired troll demon.
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
But is the ethnic-nepotism a "conspiracy theory"? What would it take to persuade or dissuade you of the thesis? Or are you even amendable to evidence? For me, I would need to see quantitative metrics demonstrating a severe overrepresentation not explainable by IQ/other variables

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View @jordanbpeterson
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Woman of questionable background says Germans will not be essentially European in the future. They delegitimize our existence and right to posterity and people applaud like trained seals. The West needs the hardship to come, trim the fat. -vid not mine will credit if I can find https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1599694096213643264/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
We are all having or had experiences that have forced us to confront the reality of group differences and the innate morality of striving for the #NationState and the innate immorality of #Globalism. National Rights are fundemental to Human Rights. video thx: @amalek_rising https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1598844942360940544/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Who is more dangerous @kanyewest or the people below? #YE24 #Kanye #ye

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Why isn't it 99.99% native Brit? Let us help you get a one way ticket back to your country of origin so you don't have to endure White people and our "racism". #UK #AntiWhite #replacism #GreatReplacement

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@elonmusk @kanyewest The money changers still must be expelled.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Remember that gatekeepers of the "Intellectual Dark Web"? Again we see a very over represented group and their ally (@jordanbpeterson) This was a classic gatekeeping op and while there were some interesting ideas they never crossed the line into talking about real issues of power

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Got the AWW org server cleared up and reset. Will be updating the site to Drupal 9 and then relaunching with additional features: -#antiwhite violence tracker -prominent #antiWhite individuals -institutional/organizations

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Contrast the daily silence of the Globalist media on prolific #antiWhite and #antiAsian violence with how they feverously report even fake hate crimes when it fits their narrative. These ppl hate us, they celebrate replacing us and they want us to suffer in silence. No, hell no. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1597457260779032579/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Moroccan neo-colonialist #criminalmigrants riot in celebration of their real nation defeating Belgium in the #WorldCup2022. They wave their foreign flag in faces of the people whose nation they are occupying. Globalism will always produce conflict and alienation among people.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
"The bill will not flood our cities with migrants, it will not upset the ethnic mix of our society... it will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." -Every last word a lie. And what recourse do Heritage Americans have? Already we are largely disenfranchised. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Blackrock now has nearly $10 trillion in assets, making #FTX and Bankman-Fried look like a shrimp. Can you guess what SBF and EVERY (yes every) member of the Blackrock founders below have in common? It is truly frightening how captured American finance is by #antiWhite Globalists

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#ReplacementMigration is a problem not just in the US and UK but throughout Europe. #Sweden is experiencing an unprecedented rate of #replacism with the number of foreign born mothers on a trend approaching 50%. Replacism targeting #EthnicEuropeans is genocide. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This is a reminder of just how disenfranchised Heritage Americans/White people are by the pseudo democratic republic we inhabit. Any 'democracy' that is captured by a ruling class that imports a new 'electorate' is illegitimate, and should be treated as such. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Why is Israel the only developed country exporting "refugees" to Western countries? Isn't it strange that the "International Rescue Committee" which has operations bringing criminal migrants in every European country doesn't do so in Israel? IRC is run by David Miliband (google)

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Why do so many Israelis and dual passport Israelis in the West support open borders and mass migration for Western countries but vehemently seek to shut down immigration into #Israel? Wanting you own Nation is not supremacist, denying Nationhood to others is. #antiwhite https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1596063511586959361/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
The Annenberg "study" on representation in the music industry is a prime example of using "White" to obfuscate Jewish overrepresentation. They claim 100% of the top execs were "White", it is easy to google the companies and see the truth. This is libel and defamation. #antiwhite

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Got nuked on FB... again. They didn't just take down the page this time but the whole account. Same thing happened in 2020 when we posted a Black on White violence video which hit 1 million+ views; they took down the page.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Mass Shootings is a subject ripe with misinfo and statistical manipulation: -Definition tricks: exclude gang/terroristic violence which hides Black gang violence or Islamic terror (Pulse/Boulder) -Withhold proportional context (Shooting%/Population%: YTs 46%/64% - Blks 27%/13%)

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@ApollonianGerm Would you be surprised if I told you all the children in the ads are White/#EthnicEuropean?

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@davidmweissman @elonmusk @JGreenblattADL @ADL Why is he wrong for dismissing the ADL and its ilk that literally were founded to protect a Jew who raped and murdered a White girl and then tried to pin it on a Black man?

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@elonmusk Looking good man, big improvement.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Things looking a lot better Elon

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
To stop the trope, be the trope. #ADL
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@Lauren_Southern To stop the trope, be the trope.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#Lufthansa updates the livery of its planes to fit Globalist Homogeneity standards.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Who is "we Westerners", Globalist? Fake morals and ethics, talk about peak #TikkunOlam. This is the rationale used by Globalists to justify their nepotistic hold on power and abuse of other nations for their benefit.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@dcexaminer @KariLake Why don't we have a conversation on the corruption of Globalist ethnic nepotism which includes many at the top of the @nytimes, the corrupt puppet regime in Kiev, and disgraced fraudsters who are the top contributors to the #DNC.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Fix your flag @NATO
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@NATO @jensstoltenberg Fix your flag.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@elonmusk Who do you think *owns* the Press (and FTX)? Hello!

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
While foreign born #criminalmigrants are flooding #Sweden and make up a MAJORITY of rapists, the Swedish government is busy virtue signaling its support for a Globalist proxy war. Fix your priorities! #SwedenFirst https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8330751/pdf/TFSR_6_1868681.pdf
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@SwedishPM Why doesn't the Swedish government do something about the #criminalMigrants flooding the country and raping Swedish women? That is a far more pressing issue for Swedes than a proxy war by Globalists. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8330751/pdf/TFSR_6_1868681.pdf

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
This is a major problem with the #EthnicEuropean community; lack of in-group preference. This study shows non-Europeans benefiting significantly from in-group proximity while Europeans do not. Wonder if this would change in situations like South Africa? @Steve_Sailer

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@Steve_Sailer @Steve_Sailer was checking out this paper on ethnic employment networks. Whites show the least benefit from in-group employment networking while other groups are pushing Rsq values near 0.8. https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/35267/1/559866895.pdf

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@gettysburg I'm sure American vets are really glad they served so your bigoted college could hold racist events targeting them and their children.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@Hollywood1114 @ThisIsKyleR "There were not rioters or looters". You are a garbage human. No wonder you are attacking an innocent kid.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@lporiginalg @morgancheatham @Meta Very sus.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Even Zuckerburg owned Meta's AI won't call @kanyewest a liar.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
#FTX fraudster and largest contributor to the @DNC #SamBankmanFried (#SBF) worked with the #WEF @wef to funnel and launder money in Ukraine with possible kickbacks to the Democrats. The WEF tried to scrub the relationship from their website. This is why we talk about nepotism.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
So.... are you calling for more African immigration to #Israel @BosnianMossad02? https://t.co/LTVtjFKw0T https://t.co/NTZhOlUNOF
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
: @BosnianMossad02 Look at how white these israelis are. Don't you agree that since diversity is such a good thing (your words) that at least half of israelis should be "people of color"? Lead by example @BosnianMossad02, otherwise you might come off as some kind of #JewishSupremacist.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Here are some of the highlights from #DaveChapelle on #SNL which triggered the #ADL & other Israeli supremacist organizations and individuals. This is what so deeply hurt their feeling, these same orgs and ppl who push #antiWhite narratives relentlessly. #JewishFragility is real https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1592794230271152128/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
So.... are you calling for more African immigration to #Israel @BosnianMossad02?
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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Ethnic nepotism, especially in minority diasporas with high ingroup preferences living in larger native populations, is a recipe for conflict and corruption where ever it occurs. Nationalism is the anecdote to the inherent contradictions of Globalism. To each nation their own.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Is it 'Sino-phobic' to investigate and look into Chinese overrepresentation in media and finance in Southeast Asia? No, its a widely researched issue, even though ethnic Chinese have suffered pogroms in the past. So why do Jews in America see themselves as being above discussion?

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
George Soros Jr was just so altruistic and philanthropic that he defrauded billions from investors, helped fund a proxy war in Ukraine and funnel kickbacks to the #DNC. 'Altruism' with Globalist Characteristics, truly #TikkunOlam. https://t.co/LemXUk64Ug
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
: @VuikoBerkut "conspiracy" "qanon", keep telling yourself that.

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View @AntiWhiteWatch1
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
George Soros Jr was just so altruistic and philanthropic that he defrauded billions from investors, helped fund a proxy war in Ukraine and funnel kickbacks to the #DNC. 'Altruism' with Globalist Characteristics, truly #TikkunOlam.

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End Wokeness @EndWokeness
USA soccer logo has been updated for the 2022 World Cup: https://t.co/T40EKiWq7j
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
NATO needs an update.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@ADL_WashDC @kencen Who was Mary Phagan? Who was Leo Frank? Why did the ADL try to pin his crimes on a Black man?

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Peter Fox @thatpeterfox
Dave Chappelle downplaying Kyrie Irving and Kanye West’s antisemitism on SNL for laughs is a choice.
Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
How can anyone take so-called "anti-semitism" seriously when there are so many prominent voices, not anon trolls, in the Jewish community who call for White genocide and other such atrocious rhetoric? https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1591768784276434945/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
@ACRWatchdog There is a lot of Black on Asian violence being documented recently. We support solidarity in standing up, identifying and fighting against this kind of rampant criminality. #StopAsianHate should be reciprocal in condemning rampant Black on White violence. https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1587434993793388550/video/1

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
NYC is non-stop Black on X violence. Too much for us to catalog. Jun 3, 2017 https://twitter.com/AntiWhiteWatch1/status/1289921887489810434/video/1

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art_other 93%

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face 96%

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etc 47%

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art_other 97%

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art_other 78%

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hitler 26%

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toons other 73%

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art_other 64%
face 28%

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art_other 48%
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etc 34%
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tldr 93%

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art_other 93%

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tldr 100%

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map 99%

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tldr 82%

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art_other 91%

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tldr 98%

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mspaint style 100%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 72%

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art_other 67%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 48%
klan hood 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 33%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 49%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 80%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 83%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%