@TrinTurambar4 Túrin Turambar AKA Count Van Bruno U$A

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 116
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Trad_West_Art Math and Beauty have always been hated by Leftists and always will be. The Early Christians even went so far as calling it Satanic.

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
I've said this so many times. Perfect meme. https://t.co/pCWgjRu80K
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
The Christian Ideal is to be a sheep. The J*wish Ideal, is to be a shepherd.

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View @Know_More_News
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@knowszilla69072 @SregginTheMonke @XanSwari Christians gave them the Banking industry. So based...🤦‍♂️

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@FitzChivalry14 Zeus has spoken!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Looks like I may be getting banned soon guys. I do plan on making more YouTube videos though so make sure you're subscribed.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Fighting for Israel while Europe was being taken over by Muslims. Some things never change.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@RyLiberty Pride was so much better than UFC.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@omer21274637 😆 Don't tell this guy.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@paperyeshua I can't wait for YHWH, king of the Demons, to stone all the Gentiles to death.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
When I was a kid in the 90s, Magic cards were pretty cool. We could only dream of having an awesome LoTR set. Now look at it! 🤢 Clearly, Saruman is the CEO of Wizards of the Coast. https://t.co/vGsmILHojN
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
It's weird living long enough to see EVERYTHING I liked as a kid, mutated and deformed by Bolshevik sickos.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
When I was a kid in the 90s, Magic cards were pretty cool. We could only dream of having an awesome LoTR set. Now look at it! 🤢 Clearly, Saruman is the CEO of Wizards of the Coast.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Kaisarion415 Peter Kreeft is a r*tard. Christians like to bring him up all the time on my Tolkien threads. See below.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Know_More_News Imagine being able to convince your subjects to love their slavery. All you have to tell them is that they win in the end, after they die. It's sad how easy it was to dupe these suckers. For what? 2,000 years now.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@jackdaw_writes What Romans actually looked like. 🙄

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Watch out for fake "Heathens" going around promoting Drag Queen story time for kids. This guy is a real sick one.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Irish___Rose @EricPaumety Winston "Kalergi Plan" Churchill.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@alisha_rispoli Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. Deal with it.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@trollmaster1981 @paperyeshua @Know_More_News Oh really? 🙄

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@shardula23 @GraniRau A fire Deva that they found in a Volcano, while wandering the desert. See below.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
"Trad Caths are soooo based duuude" - some Groyper

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@RoiChevalier2 @AshaLogos 100% of Early Christians were J*ws.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Know_More_News Why are Christians always so scummy?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I spent some time using Open AI Art. I just wanted a simple meme and I got nothing but demonic disturbed BS (I'm talking pure Nightmare Fuel.) Finally, after heavy editing I put together this.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@localabamon Brutally oppressed? They were given a monopoly on the Banking Industry for over 1,000 years. They ended up owning Europe.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Christianity conquered Europe for the J*ws. Handing them over the keys to the Kingdom 💰Yet, TGO keeps defending them. 🙄

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Krysta92kat_ Brought to you in part by the CIA.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Krysta92kat_ @JHeinrichs97 Meanwhile, large parts of Europe were conquered by Muslim invaders because Christians were too busy fighting themselves.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@JHeinrichs97 @Krysta92kat_ No, 99% of Classic literature was lost or destroyed intentionally under Christian rule.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@robertsepehr @EndWokeness It's like disarming your opponent and pinning him to the ground. Instead of finishing him, you then let him get back up, pick up his knife and stab you. Trump had one job!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@annunakkki Sounds like something Sauron would say...🤔

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Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius
Europeans, You’re not being virtuous. You’re not being tolerant. You’re being conquered. https://t.co/tVWwX9lqeN
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
They are being "virtuous" in the Christian tradition and that's the problem. #SlaveMorality

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View @Klaus_Arminius
The Celtic Clan @Correction2016
@BBCNews Asians will become our future leaders. We basically gave away what our ancestors left for us.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@BBCNews The end goal of Christianity: To give everything away to people who hate you.

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View @Correction2016
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Lucas_Gage_: @LucasGage584 Anybody that tries to stop "The Plan" is dealt with. I remember a certain Austrian Painter that tried to interfere, but Churchill put a stop to him. #Allies

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
1,000 years into the Abrahamic conquest of Scotland. When will Natives finally have enough of the Desert culture.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MorgothsReview The Old Heroic values never really died, but Christianity at its core is Leftist. Always has been and always will be. They even declared a year zero when they got into power. 🤔That was the first Great Reset. The Antifa victory over "Fascist" Rome.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MorgothsReview Radical Social Justice existed in the late stage of the Roman Empire too. It was called Christianity. They had their Martyrs and Victimhood narrative. They also were obsessed with "Equity" and censoring their "oppressors." Leftism is Christianity 2.0.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MorgothsReview What goes around comes around. #NoSympathy

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@YeOldeMrBadger The Americanization of Europe. <spit>

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@autistocrates Bathing was considered "Pagan" by Christians. Christians proudly wore their filth as a sign of how much they hated Paganism. "Down with the SATANIC Hygeia duuude!!!"

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MillennialWoes Churchill and Kalergi, ready to conquer the world.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4

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Kaisarion @Kaisarion415
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 https://t.co/lgCBcbOnIt
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
When nothing is sacred, everything is for sale. (((Capitalism)))

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Mar_Tin_13 @AntiWhiteWatch1 Yes, Italy also tried to warn Europe what was coming. Look at their posters. Gino Boccasile.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@demosphachtes I think "Ideal" is a pretty good translation. Because we see Ideals with the Mind's eye only. An Idol being the physical representation of an Ideal.

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6ukima9 @6ukima9
“If only Hitler won WWII” is honestly a wignat cope. We probably would have experienced the same type of behavioral sink effects of decadent dipshits after 75 years. That’s three quarters of a century. You refuse to acknowledge this you will be terminally online. https://t.co/eVZnKUlcGZ
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Nah, the ANTIFA victory gave us this world. Look up the Kalergi plan and see what I mean.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Klaus_Arminius The Legacy of Winston Churchill.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@autistocrates It's all part of being a slave to Israel. 🇺🇸

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I can’t believe they are openly holding this woman and her disabled son hostage https://t.co/Pb1ZrWuqro
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
It's time for English to admit that Mosley was right.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@DouglasKMurray aT LEaSt wE're nOT sPeAkInG gErMaN!!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Christcucks2 wE wUZ

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@DorransShay @Correction2016 Ironically, Churchill guaranteed these migrant problems. <spit>

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The USA is LOADED with debt & the only reason they can still exist in this situation is because people still think they are strong militarily. When they lose their proxy war, people everywhere will be SURE that they no longer ARE, and thus the petrodollar will collapse.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Don't worry, the US Military is stronger than ever. 🤡#Allies 🏳️‍🌈

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View @WargarW
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW All it would take is for Saudia Arabia to start accepting the Chinese Yuan for oil and its over for the USA. The Rebellion against the dollar is already starting to happen.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MontyYuanti Catholics have rejected The Gods and would consider the Valar to be Demons. They would also insist that Eru Ilúvatar (The One) would have to be a Trinity and other nonsense you won't find in Middle Earth.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MontyYuanti They are all Pagan. All good folk revere the Gods. Do you think Aragorn and Gandalf wouldn't?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@hrithvitnir It's not surprising. Many of the Christian elite had Jewish blood.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that in 2014, USA staged a coup in Ukraine. This war is exactly what the USA wanted.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((William The Conqueror)))
Goldstein @MrGoldstein7
We aren't ever told the surname of William the Conqueror, are we? What was the family there? It seems to be hidden. We are told William descended from Rollo, a Viking, but that story isn't very convincing.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MarkACollett The "far right" has always been correct. Churchill doomed the UK and Europe.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: @WargarW Christian SCUM ✝️

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: #Capitalism strikes again!! The USA can't even maintain basic infrastructure because "muh GREED is the ultimate good duuude"

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@_Svarod_ Makes sense to me.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@charopeia There is a reason the Druids were forbidden to write down their religious beliefs in books. Books are easily tampered with. To rely on them as an authority is folly. For example, Look at how much forgery and fraud is in the Bible. https://t.co/6UG9jhqpVb
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: @charopeia Another case is the Roman reliance on the Sibyline Books. The originals were destroyed and Christians then passed off counterfeits to help spread their faith to Pagans. Yet another reason not to base your Faith on books.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@charopeia There is a reason the Druids were forbidden to write down their religious beliefs in books. Books are easily tampered with. To rely on them as an authority is folly. For example, Look at how much forgery and fraud is in the Bible.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW So called "Conservatives" and they still idolize people like Churchill. Still wondering why they are being replaced in their own countries. 🤔

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I finally found it lads. The ultimate Twitter Profile. 🤣

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@charopeia Because people believe in the book and forget about Nature. Beware of "The People of The Book. "

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Religious beliefs should not come from a book. They should come from Nature. Gaia: The Oldest and Grandest of the Gods. https://t.co/Uhqnl0mYNk
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: Imagine, hating the Earth and mocking its divinity. Then choosing to worship a Jewish Rabbi instead ✝️#LowIQ

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Religious beliefs should not come from a book. They should come from Nature. Gaia: The Oldest and Grandest of the Gods.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@honk_honkler @RCGIndeed @RobCroft007 @wayotworld They wanted to Liberate England too, but Churchill wouldn't let them. Now look at the UK. 🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Teuo_iknos @YeOldeMrBadger @RevendPaterTony Christians have this problematic belief where anything written by J*ws must be true.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I'll never understand how people in the UK still haven't figured out why their country started replacing them with "migrants" after WW2. The #kalergi plan. Churchill was ALL for it. Jedem das Seine.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@eleanorzjames @MarkACollett The Politicians DURING WW2 was what really sealed the Fate of UK and the rest of Europe. #Kalergi won.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Do Abrahamics have a reverence for Nature? Let's FIND OUT!!! https://t.co/3d3mLpvgLE
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: The hatred of Nature amongst Abrahamics runs deep. Christians also inherited this hate. American Pilgrims considered Wild Nature to be Satanic. They gleefully destroyed the forests and killed the animals as an expression of their faith.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Do Abrahamics have a reverence for Nature? Let's FIND OUT!!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@BrianNuada @PauperPeter YHWH, has sworn to destroy us. I will never accept "their God." F*ck them and their Demon from the Desert.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@BrianNuada @PauperPeter Yes, you can blame a religion for the actions of their worshippers when the same actions keep happening for 2,000 years. Especially, when said actions are explicitly called for in their Holy Book. Stop making excuses for the inexcusable.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@PauperPeter @BrianNuada It's literally commanded in the Bible to subdue and dominate Nature. They are at war with Nature as it is.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@BrianNuada @PauperPeter @Claudiu37813424 Here is the difference: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth."✝️

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Pagans worship Idols and Ideals. Abrahamics worship Prophets and Profits. Think about it!! 🤔

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@paperyeshua Wow, what is Buddhism the Christianity of Asia? Any religion that teaches you to forgive your enemies is bad for your health. Jedem das Seine.

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Anthony of Westgate @orthodago
Modern physics is Jewish Kabbalah https://t.co/Ya4INQo4ry
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Reject J*wish Physics.

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Mark Collett @MarkACollett
Remember when the mainstream media used to claim that the idea of white people being replaced by migrants was a ‘conspiracy theory’? https://t.co/pNhMcyYYio
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Yeah, they've been saying it since the 1930s, but at least Germany fought a War to try and stop this from happening. If Mosley had gotten into power, the UK would have stood right there with them and defeated the evil Kalergi Plan.

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Marie Cachet @CachetMarie
Notice how small and worried they are without their bodyguards. Coward. It's time to answer. Good job done by these journalists. https://t.co/rDmngyf7Ek
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((Albert Bouria))) CEO of Pfizer.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@RBReich It's almost like these #ForeverWars are bankrupting the Nation. 🤔

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@CCallaicus @MarkACollett They wouldn't have been if they had just supported Mosley. England got the Victory they deserved with Churchill.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@cryptomanran That's the American way.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@ramzpaul Don't forget Miss Ireland. 🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@fishpainting There have been attempts to genocide the Irish people before. They always fail in the end. Éirinn go Brách

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Christcuck Pastors @Christcucks2
What did they mean by this? https://t.co/qYvfxrYT0d
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Because Christians always enforced Noahide Laws. In the case of the J*ws they enforced J*wish laws for them. Preventing them from Assimilating or abandoning their heritage.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Correction2016 I really believe it was started during the Crusades going back to the Templars. It was always about Gentiles fighting and dying for Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Correction2016 A demon from the desert. Jealous and petty. Originally he was so weak he couldn't defeat Iron Chariots. 🤯

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@uncle_deluge Fixed it for you

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@jordanbpeterson If you are prepared to murder someone over an Apple, then why not kill them both and take two apples for yourself?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@AdrianNormanDC Isn't that nice? We bail them out with Trillions of Tax money and they facilitate child trafficking. Now the Banks are making record profits. #Capitalism👍

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@EylnhardtN @LearnArena Yes, he worked on Weapons. What's really going to blow your mind is when I tell you that Trump's Uncle was the man responsible for covering it all up. 🤯

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Klaus_Arminius There is only one thing he should have received.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Trad_West_Art According to SCIENCE™ P*dophilia is good. Just look at our Rockefeller funded Kinsey Report.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@UltraDane It's like I keep saying. Paris will be the Detroit of Europe. Just wait until they get to 50% of the population that's when the MAGIC happens.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@ThisIsREngland I know exactly what we are in for. D E T R O I T

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I have been lambasted many times on here for my stance on Prayer, but I still stand by it. Let the Christians beg on their knees. If you want to know what I think. See Aesop's Fable "Hercules and the Wagoner."

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@War_Dharma: @NgagkpaCintbro No, there is an old Aesop's Fable about this one. The Gods do not like beggars.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Kaisarion415 @MarkBrahmin

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MarkBrahmin @Kaisarion415 It's not misrepresentation. Aren't you a big promoter of the Aristobulus version of history?

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Kaisarion @Kaisarion415
Here's the transcript of my debate this morning with @MarkBrahmin, who has since blocked me. Big surprise. He says he "obliterated" me. I say he embarrassed himself. #Religion #Paganism #Apollo #Helios #Race #Neoplatonism #Debate #Traditionalism https://t.co/6PH1CunwMn
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MarkBrahmin I lost respect for the "Apollo" crowd when they told me that Plato learned from Moses (which is Christian disinfo) and that Odin was a Semitic deity. Nordic Paganism is essentially J*wish. I mean WTF 🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@JohnThePapist Cast it into the Fire!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@CachetMarie @elonmusk The turn of the Tide

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@FrHackney @The_Hellenist You don't know that for certain. The historicity of Jesus and the Apostles is highly contested. Your argument is fallacious.

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@TrinTurambar4 @AshaLogos Their God, huh. Do Jews worship Jesus now? Do you know what Jews believe about Jesus, his mother, and what they teach their children about him? What is the primary religion Jews attack? Hmm.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@AshaLogos Yes, Jesus was a J*w and worshiped the J*wish God YHWH. All Christians worship YHWH. Sorry to break the news buddy, but don't shoot the messenger.

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HTX Ghost @HTXGhost12
@TrinTurambar4 @AshaLogos Jesus is King. Everyone can either bend the knee now while they still breathe, or they will bend the knee later.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@AshaLogos Yet Jesus bent the knee to YHWH the J*wish God.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Under a Capitalist system, everything revolves around Profits. No company would throw away $650m. Or would they? Who controls Capitalism? 🤔

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Learned some things about Wicca today. Their Holidays are called Sabbats (a Hebrew loan word). Wicca was founded by a Rosicrucian Freemason a devotee of Aleister Crowley. It may look like Paganism, but to me its a spin off of Free Masonry. What do you think?

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The Hellenist ☀️ @The_Hellenist
Why do I attack Christianity? Because Christianity is a sheep religion that is destroying mankind. Sheep have no business on top of the food chain.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
At the top of the food chain is the (((Shepherd))), whom have always controlled Christianity.

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View @The_Hellenist
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@jollyheretic The #allied 🏳️‍🌈 victory didn't work out too well did it?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@War_Dharma: @NgagkpaCintbro "Activists" behave so much like the Early Christian movement.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@The_Hellenist Hmmm, Virgin Birth its possible that Jesus was a type of Cancerous Tumor. It makes sense and would be a good plot for a horror movie. Look up Teratoma. 😱

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Jones' lies finally caught up with him. https://t.co/j7TEZQUMLr
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
This should send a message to "Zio-cucks" like Jones. If you platform people like (((Steve Pieczenik))) and put out their counter-intelligence ops for them. YOU WILL BE THROWN UNDER THE BUS. Never do their dirty work.

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View @Know_More_News
Christcuck Pastors @Christcucks2
Chad athlete son gets murdered by two thugs and Christian parents forgive the murderers. Hows turning the other cheek and loving your enemies working out for you? https://t.co/XgCZEtgCJh
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4

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View @Christcucks2
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
After I watched this, I thought to myself. Maybe (((Zelensky))) is in power to make sure the "Far-Right" movement gets killed off. 🤔 https://t.co/Y8mIHWleV4
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: The Azov movement sounds awesome, but its hard to support them when they are lead by this J*wish G*y Porn Actor. I mean WTF...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
After I watched this, I thought to myself. Maybe (((Zelensky))) is in power to make sure the "Far-Right" movement gets killed off. 🤔 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSRsS5rN2-Y

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Le Salon Vert @salon_vert
The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces was accused of wearing a bracelet with a Swastika. In reaction his supporters claim that it is in fact a bracelet with several pagan symbols (both Scandinavian and Slavic). Not sure that it is very good for us. https://t.co/2XFNZHGR9s
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Lesalonvert2 Unfortunately, they take orders from (((Zelenskyy)))

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View @salon_vert
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: Excellent casting with J*wish actors to play the Christian Priests. I really enjoyed this movie for the most part. It still is biased towards Christianity, which was a little disappointing, but still good.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Christcucks2 Yeah, pre-Christian Europe was just like Africa...🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder, that you can either be a Christian or a Platonist, but NOT both. I am so tired of "Christian Platonists" bastardizing Pagan Philosophy for their own twisted purposes. Stop it please!!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
As I have stated before, Alaric sacked the Roman Empire with the help of Christians monks. It was an "inside job." A classical conspiracy theory if you will.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@8Etidorhpa @Know_More_News

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@GraniRau Such a Hitler...🙄

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@VirtueCultivate Yes, this is the tuning Plato recommend as well. I worked it out myself. I would recommend Pythagorean tuning for the Orphic Hymns. After all, Pythagoras wrote under the pen name Orpheos for a reason. Good Luck.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@orthodox_luke @Daemon_Knight01 @RacialMarxist @DENISSS98945260 I hope you resist the Leftist take over, but I have a feeling you will end up like your Rabbi.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@orthodox_luke @Daemon_Knight01 @RacialMarxist @DENISSS98945260 A small minority of Radical Christians used Legislation to force Pagans to convert. The same way that the radical Left today will use it on you Christians. Try and learn from history before it repeats itself.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Anybody that tells you Communists promoted Paganism is a Liar. They act the same as Christians. They will do everything they can to destroy our heritage.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@RacialMarxist @DENISSS98945260 WRONG. The USSR destroyed Paganism just like Christianity did.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@CornfedJustin @Mar_Tin_13 @DENISSS98945260

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Christcuck Pastors @Christcucks2
Christians Provide Free Labor On Jewish Settlements https://t.co/1MnXXpD2LV
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Christians have always done the heavy lifting for J*ws.

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View @Christcucks2
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Christian Twitter.😂 Don't fix your car, just pray to Jesus and wait for him to do it. This kind of thinking led to the Dark Ages. Can you imagine Aristotle or Archimedes saying this? Or any Pagan?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@LiguresA The CIA has been involved in Iran for quite some time too.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KapiDhawj The official name of that Country is The "Islamic Republic of Iran." It is a Muslim occupied state.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Klaus_Arminius @TimmermansEU Kalergi had powerful Allies.

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Alexander Iulianus @Apotheiite
For the 500th time: the same author wrote in the same book with as much proof as his assertion Odin swallows cum that Jesus and his disciples were a gay commune who regularly had gay sex with one another. I'll accept Odin's cum drinking if you accept Christ's gay orgy commune. https://t.co/l0eXZD5xz8
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
According to (((David F Greenberg))) and his book. Hmm...I wonder why he would say that. 🤔 https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1474382077114073123/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@ATA_IBX I'm living in clown world.

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@TrinTurambar4 Well, these people have imagination. Lesser communities usually try to steal the achievements of others, more developed and virtuous ones, and integrate them to their culture as their own. But the antique pagan Greco-Roman? They're irreplaceable.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Yes and J*wish scholars like Philo and Aristobulus did steal from the Greeks. They got away with it by claiming the Greeks stole from Moses and the Torah. Christians repeated this lie because it made the Bible seem more Ancient and Authoritative.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
New policy on my channel. If you are following me and you claim that OUR Gods were J*ws and cite source material FROM J*ws and Church Fathers. You get blocked. I have run out of patience for undercover Christians. https://t.co/M7R0gJsoqm
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...oh yes and that includes people who claim that Plato was a Christian or that Pythagoras learned from Moses. Insta-Block.

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View @TrinTurambar4
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
New policy on my channel. If you are following me and you claim that OUR Gods were J*ws and cite source material FROM J*ws and Church Fathers. You get blocked. I have run out of patience for undercover Christians.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Its not just Odin who is semitic...the list goes on. 😱 Uh oh Goys!! Looks like all of our Gods were J*ws!!! https://t.co/xAEjpMXw2b
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: The "Apollonians" let their mask slip... Their sources are exclusively Judeo-Christian and they accept this on blind faith.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
The true teachings of the Apollonian: "Plato was a Crypto J*w, Pythagoras learned form Moses and Hesiod and Homer stole from the Bible." I'm not joking this is what they really believe. 🤡 https://t.co/ksGHMK0ixS
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: Its not just Odin who is semitic...the list goes on. 😱 Uh oh Goys!! Looks like all of our Gods were J*ws!!!

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View @TrinTurambar4
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
The true teachings of the Apollonian: "Plato was a Crypto J*w, Pythagoras learned form Moses and Hesiod and Homer stole from the Bible." I'm not joking this is what they really believe. 🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@hegel_ov This is the same person who believes that Homer and Hesiod stole their stories from the Bible. Why? Because the J*w Aristobulus said so duuude... 🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TiAIjatLKoML4B5 @Apollo_Returns Ok, so you choose to trust the J*ws rather than the Gentiles about OUR own history. Good to know.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TiAIjatLKoML4B5 @Apollo_Returns So you want to believe Aristobulus? He lied and claimed that Homer was inspired by the Jewish sages too. Do you believe that? They always try and write us out of our own history. Don't fall for this.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@JohnSmi65236125 😆 I needed this after my recent encounter with the (((Apollonians)))

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View @Tropical_WASP
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@ArtemisOne1 I thought they were joking at first. Turns out they really believe it.

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Heliotroph @Heliotrophy
@TrinTurambar4 Imagine claiming to worship Apollo and calling sacred geometry gay lmaooo
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I know, they repeated the usual Christian lie that Plato got his teachings from Moses. "Pythagoras learned it all from the J*ws duuude." I tried to explain how Pythagoras was actually a devoted follower of Apollo. They didn't like that...🤡

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TiAIjatLKoML4B5 @Apollo_Returns Ok, let's believe the lies of J*ws and Christians for a minute. Then where is the overlap between Pythagoras teachings and those of Moses? Reincarnation? The Eternal Soul? Sacred Geometry? Arithmology? These are NOT the beliefs of Rabbi from the Bronze Age.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
When (((they))) jump ship, they always make sure to sink the old one. USA must be dismantled for China to be #1. Only a Civil War can do this. I hope to be in Europe when that happens. I don't want to die here over a useless conflict for the remains of (((their))) Golem U$A. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1325474695811129344/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@daudiulv @WargarW @OfThuringian @eyeofhorus1453 Biden could possibly get European Countries to respect America again. The J*ws will go back behind the curtain and away from the stage. That's NOT good. I want this stuff out in the open for all to see.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: @WargarW @OfThuringian @eyeofhorus1453 ...Also Trump is openly Israel's stooge. USA is being revealed for exactly what it has always been. I hope every country in the world loses respect for USA and is disgusted by American "values." With Trump in office no one can deny the J*ws control USA. 👍

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
...and it started with (((Edward Bernays))) and the Advertising industry. Psychology associating sex with material products. #Capitalism
Our men have been brainwashed to think of women as sex toys - instead of as mothers of our children, the life partners who will complete our physical and spiritual being. This is the similar tactic which they're using to turn women into man hating feminists. https://twitter.com/yja_fr/status/1324667756663447553/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
All of this election nonsense. 🥱 Remember folks "its not the votes that count, its who counts the votes that matters." Plus we have a Child Molester, Biden, whom is blackmailed by the (((Epstein crowd))), versus a Reality TV Star whom is 1000% behind Israel. CUI BONO ???

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I am not against gays per se <<not everybody was born to reproduce and have a family>>, but THAT IS FUCKING NASTY... I mean, that is necrophilia!!! It is not only fucking WRONG <<any normal person can see that>>!!! It is Utterly Disgusting, I mean... I MEAN! https://t.co/GhzNgFZbhR
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I was so offended by the Christians that kept sending me this garbage that I researched where it comes from. (((David Greenberg))) are we really surprised??? Christians have spreading J*wish propaganda about Europeans for 2,000 years.

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View @SWotansson
Teja @Hermodr1
That is simply disgusting https://t.co/gqR9yaw37A
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I've been avoiding talking about such a disgusting topic, but I've been seeing this get passed around through Christian circles as being a fact. I just wanted to point out its made up slander from a (((scholar))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I've been seeing Christians slandering Óðinn lately as being Gay. This latest bit of slander comes from (((David Greenberg))) a scholar whom is trying to promote Homosexuality as being "Normal." Christians love to quote his work as if its Gospel Truth. 🤢 https://t.co/GgguYXIYn4
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: (((They))) will NEVER stop slandering us or our Ancestral traditions. Notice how quickly Christians were to start circulating this misinformation. They never miss an opportunity to spread J*wish Propaganda. https://www.amazon.com/Construction-Homosexuality-David-F-Greenberg/dp/0226306283

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I've been seeing Christians slandering Óðinn lately as being Gay. This latest bit of slander comes from (((David Greenberg))) a scholar whom is trying to promote Homosexuality as being "Normal." Christians love to quote his work as if its Gospel Truth. 🤢 https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1322136975126781952/photo/1

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Celtic-Films @Celtic_Films
The big question is why spend so much money to put a tunnel under Stonehenge, when it is cheaper to widen existing roads a few miles from the area. Why waste $3 billion of the taxpayer money to undermine Britain's most iconic historical monument?
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((they))) are terrified of our Pagan Revival. The plan to erase "White Culture" just got put in warp speed. I donated $15 to help save Stone Henge let's hope it helps.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: He has many servants as well. His ORCS whom he despises and mocks, but serve him well...and the Masters of the Orcs his NoseGul er.. I mean (((Nazgul)))...Part 5 https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1320184873693421570/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Gror_longbeard @EuropeanLost It would have to ask questions like "Do you worship a Magical Rabbi?" "Do you believe that your body will be resurrected by J*wish Zombie Magic?" Oh you do...F*GGOT. 😆

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@coronascrotum Unfortunately, I did not screen capture the best parts. Where he denies the existence of European Culture before about 1000 AD when Christianity came in. I refuted all his points before I had to block him. Saying that OUR culture is 100% J*WISH. 🤢

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
So I just endured about 1 hour of a Christian trying to convince me that European culture doesn't exist and my Ancestors had NO Traditions before the Bible. Also (Elves, Fairies, and Magic Swords are from the Bible duuude). Europeans stole it from DA JOOOZ DUUUDE!!! https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1318714717565800448/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@dodbjorn @Gror_longbeard Oh yes, the Satanic Bible written by (((Anton LaVey))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Just another 80s Red Pill for you. I used to watch the "Legend Of Zelda" Cartoon. Let me introduce you to a real Villain "SleazeNose is the name and peddling is (((his))) game." @3:22 https://youtu.be/KWFPnf5oLqg?t=202

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Briganti @Brgants
@TrinTurambar4 I agree, the worst PM I know about, he has that look about him too ... he could pass 🤭😒
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
He was a big time (((Freemason))). A traitor to his people.

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Honestly, I am tired of being boycotted. When I make music the music industry boycotts me. When I make a game the gaming industry boycotts me. When I make videos YT boycotts me. etc. If nothing else, what I do is there for those willing to seek it. Kudos to you. And thanks. https://t.co/hdMVXj4D1w
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@tSoundBlast Thanks for being a trail blazer Varg!!! You really inspired us all. The boycott shows us all (((who))) is really in control of the Industries.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TheVolklina They were encouraged to do so by their (((officers))). The real Genocide of WW2 was against the Germans.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Breaking news!!! Antifa was created by J*ws. ...AND water is wet!!! Who knew?
The Forward @jdforward
Antifa is back in the news after the debate (did it ever leave?) so let's revisit its not-so-secret Jewish history. https://forward.com/news/448022/antifa-yiddish-zionist/ https://twitter.com/jdforward/status/1311403033432121349/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that (((Merchants))) make Profits by selling you their Prophets. Its all a scam folks. Christianity, Communism, Capitalism...just one big $$$$ SCAM. Your Prophets are given to you to enslave you, not to set you free. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1310744225097691136/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@coronascrotum *Cattle. (((They))) never stop mocking us.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...In order to have a real Spiritual tradition. The J*ws had to borrow their ideas from Pagans. Mostly the Neo-Platonists. This is where Kaballah really comes from. It did not come from Moses or any of their Prophets. It really didn't even take off until the Middle Ages.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...What they did was Graft Pythagorean/Platonic ideas into a Biblical narrative. Pythagoras, now becomes a student of Moses. "The Greeks stole their ideas from the J*ws duuude." All this nonsense and more came out during the Middle Ages from Christian fanatics. Part 2...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Yes, and the (((Advertising))) industry and (((Hollywood))) really Pornified our society to the maximum. Think about how many thousands of sexually explicit TV Ads we watched even before the age of 5. Its insane...
Adrowander @didrado
@stoneagegirl88: @yja_fr @Fenrir59843853 The abrahamic view of sexuality was the couse of our modern hypersexualization problem, it's basically inverse psychology the repression of our sexuality in the Christian era caused a backslash in our minds and now we want to do the opposite, so there is an hypersexualization.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...and you can watch this interview with his lawyer (((Robert Shapiro))) about how proud he was of getting a known murderer set free. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uztf1el3JUo

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@coronascrotum I must have missed the poll. I would have voted for the Dark Crystal. We must stop the (((Skeksis))) and save our planet.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I've shown how Gender Bending Chemicals are transforming our world. Is it an accident? No, it comes from a (((Religion))) and Alchemists wrote about this too. In (((their))) perfect world there is NO Goddess and NO Women. Just the Andro-Genie. Adam Kadmon. 🤢 https://t.co/GUwoLzyisk
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...and nowadays Alchemy has perfected itself into Chemistry. (((Their))) Utopia can now be brought about through Pharmaceuticals. (((They))) have waited a long time for this plan to unfold and the Neo-Pagans are playing right into their hand by supporting it.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I've shown how Gender Bending Chemicals are transforming our world. Is it an accident? No, it comes from a (((Religion))) and Alchemists wrote about this too. In (((their))) perfect world there is NO Goddess and NO Women. Just the Andro-Genie. Adam Kadmon. 🤢 https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1306752932268961793/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Solveig1290 Damn (((Masons))). They are the worst kind of traitors.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Sometimes I watch KMN with Adam Green and today I popped in right at the moment where Bjerknes explains how Christianity was a J*wish enslavement of Pagan Europe. Adam's Christian followers must be losing their minds right now. Lol. https://t.co/8hffHxAoh6
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...and I agree with Bjerknes for the most part. Christianity was invented by (((them))) and St. Paul worked for the Sanhedrin. They wanted to spiritually destroy and enslave OUR people. Seems to have worked pretty well too.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Sometimes I watch KMN with Adam Green and today I popped in right at the moment where Bjerknes explains how Christianity was a J*wish enslavement of Pagan Europe. Adam's Christian followers must be losing their minds right now. Lol. https://youtu.be/tOyfxRy0ebE?t=4355

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Why are (((they))) always like this? That picture...🤢
Curse @cursedsalad
Jewish "philanthropist," Susan Sandler, who inherited a fortune from her banker parents, is investing $200M to subjugate White people under the guise of "racial justice." Racial justice, just like affirmative action, is simply another form of positive discrimination.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW And the Orcs are always trying to get into the Woodland Realm too. Their Master (((Sauron))) hates the Elves more than any other Race. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1304947040389083137/photo/1

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ᛟ Gvstav ꥟ @gvvstav
Great! Circumcision should be banned worldwide. Such a barbaric and useless ritual mutilation. Unless you're phimotic there's no need for it. https://t.co/0I84OuBdU9
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Let's see if the ADL threatens them over this. They did that to Iceland and killed the ban. Sad to say, but the (((USA))) threatened to stop tourism if they passed the ban.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@coronascrotum We WERE an extension of European culture so I voted for Blut und Boden. Nowadays we are more like Israel's GOLEM. It all went wrong around WWI era with Federal Reserve Act and all that (((subversion))).

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Lando @Landune0683
@TrinTurambar4 I've followed you for a while and I didn't know you live in the states. I'm sorry :)
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@landon0683 Yes, I was born into this curse. I am doomed. My fate was sealed ever since my (((Christian))) parents had me circumcised at 8 days old because "muh Bible says so." https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1302955587081302017/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@NeoPrussia The (((enemy))) is here and its been here for 2,000 years and most of the "white race" are worshipping him as their Lord and Savior.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...if America could look in the mirror this is what they would see staring back at them. A cheap con man who can dupe every J*w loving Christian in the Bible Belt. U$A has been Israel's Bitch for a long time. I'm just glad we are honest about it now. Let's change the flag too https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1302750232636162050/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Yes, and all of the robbing and slavery was justified by the Bible and the (((Christian))) church too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanus_Pontifex https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1302646472031326213/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Solveig1290 Yep, and that is very normal for the Chosenites. According to Judiasm Epstein did NOTHING wrong. He was just a good Talmud following J*w.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((They))) are proud of him. Raping Goyim Children is a form of conquest for them. Just like (((Epstein))) said.
Curse @cursedsalad
Joseph Rosenbaum was convicted for the molestation and rape of five separate boys between the ages of 9 and 11. Jews want you to know he was practicing Judaism.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WonderbreadW @LiguresAmbrones @hosueyeongyeol Lol, I've had the same kind of stuff lately. Some boomer yelled at me for riding my bike and then threatened "to kick my ass". I got off the bike and walked up to him called him a faggot. He cowered and threatened to sue me if I hit him. 😂

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WonderbreadW @LiguresAmbrones @hosueyeongyeol I know, I was right in the thick of it. Fundamentalist Cuckianity. That stuff ruined my life. I HATE the people that did this to me. Jesus is a Faggot. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1300256046318063620/photo/1

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Ligures Ambrones @LiguresAmbrones
@WargarW the strategy in Europe will the same that in US:persistent and continuous ethnic revolts over time non stop(with extreme leftists)to stress whites and police and force them to surrender. you will see that the "Muslim Lives Matter" movement will now be invented in Europe...and go!
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW Exactly!!! Its like (((they))) want Europe to be USA. Then they can have Race Riots and tear the whole thing apart.

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Paganus ᛟ @Paganus6
Are there any good movies about Ancient Greece or Rome without typical ((())) stuff? Like an actual realistic history film with interesting subject matter.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Every single one I've seen is (((slander))) or otherwise so poorly done that it ruins the source material completely.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@AncientSoul17 (((they))) will NEVER stop hating us and vandalizing our sacred sites.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@achilles_healed @WargarW Incorrect, we Pagans do not worship the Jewish Satan. Nor do we believe in (((their))) mythology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaitan

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Paganus ᛟ @Paganus6
On this day, 75 years ago, the United States of ZOG started its nuclear bombing campaign, leading to the deaths of 200,000 innocent civilians. The development of the atomic bomb was aided by many famous scientists, including Einstein and Oppenheimer RIP #Hiroshima #広島原爆の日 https://t.co/vo7mKw21ti
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
...but (((they))) had to develop the worst WMD of all time to stop the Evil Nazis duuuuuude!!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KaiserRoark: @RoarkSenator @Know_More_News I suppose he is jumping on the Viking imagery because it looks cool. He is a Poseur. He secretly wants to be a Pagan, but doesn't have the conviction to leave his corrupt (((religion))) behind. Kind of sad really.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KaiserRoark: @RoarkSenator @Know_More_News He is a (((Christian))) isn't he? Its rather surprising because the few videos I have seen from KMN were about exposing the Bible and Jewish Scripture. One would expect him to be exposing (((Christianity))) as the Jewish PsyOp that it is.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Yes and if I remember correctly (((Great Britain))) was utterly controlled by the (((Milner Group))) at that time. Lord Rothschild was their treasurer and WWI was their pet project. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1290604034760609792/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Yes, and (((they))) have been seeking revenge for it for 2,000 years. So many nice things (((they))) gave us: Christianity, Communism, Capitalism...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((PornHub))) supports child trafficking. #traffickingkids
Laila Mickelwait @LailaMickelwait
Pornhub verified a 15 yr old who was missing for a year. She was found in 58 videos on the site. The child was part of the ModelHub program where Pornhub takes a 35% cut of sales. Pornhub directly profited from that abuse. This piece was inspired by her story. #Traffickinghub https://twitter.com/LailaMickelwait/status/1289341107348938752/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...and I am not the only one to come to this conclusion either. Even some Jewish people are horrified at what (((they))) have unleashed. https://forward.com/scribe/369701/the-secret-jewish-history-of-the-atom-bomb/ https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1289923799585116160/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that if (((Christianity))) had not destroyed our Pythagorean schools none of the EVIL Sciences would exist today. No Atom Bombs or WMDs. Every student would be carefully vetted for 3 years for any moral, physical, or mental defects. Then 5 years of silence. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1289921870448324608/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Will Ghislaine Maxwell testify against Prince Andrew and other (((high level))) Pedos?

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@NativeThulean: @AncestorReborn WE WUZ JOOOOOZ DUUUUDE!!!😂

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM There is nothing (((Christians))) hate more than indigenous European people.

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Jam Ajna Soares @Jam_Ajna
@TrinTurambar4 "Barbaric", he said.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Lol, European Barbarians never did such things though. This is (((Christianity))) 101.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: 8)...totally forgot to mention this, but Rockefeller was also a key player in creating the Federal Reserve. Senator Aldrich and Rockefeller had joined their houses through marriage. They worked to get the (((Bankers))) in control of USA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xoz4jbEZzlc

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Heil_Nemesis @Paganus6 @AncestorReborn @LoveNordicLife I think its EVIL. I also think it has been going on a lot longer than people realize. Pallando did a thread on how Christians replaced Pagan Greeks/Hellens with Africans and Arabs way back in the 700 AD era. (((They))) want US gone.

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Blodeuwedd @Blodeuwedd12
"You are starving? This is not famine yet! When your women start eating their children then you may come and say we are starving" - Bolshevik Leon Trotsky in response to pleas from starving peoples of the Ukraine 1921. #Holodomor https://t.co/gzaDhWLc4m
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Solveig1290 @3AnarchyPillars (((Leon Trotsky)))

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Smirking17 @FallBabylonFal1 Christianity is a Jewish Cult that was designed to destroy the European world. (((They))) erased OUR identity and gave us this counterfeit Abrahamic identity. Its all based on lies.

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Paganus ᛟ @Paganus6
@TrinTurambar4 E.g. Donnerstag, Freitag, Montag are all kept the same, just like the English days. It could've been that Wotan was seen as the supreme god, and was targeted first, but that's just a conjecture.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Makes sense. Wotan was enemy #1 for (((Christianity))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Amper61584742 I know, there are many Christians that are almost Pagan...yet they still have to hold onto that (((Jesus))) BS. Its tragic really.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Oh No!!! The Cathedral of (((St. Peter))) and (((St. Paul))) is burning. This must be some kind of Anti-Semitic HATE crime!!! #Nantes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JTp8C524LY

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that (((Christianity))) is still very traditional. They still make sure to abuse children every single day. #CatholicSexAbuse https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1284325995567288320/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Apollo882 @for_sverige Yes, (((their))) interpretation is always the sickest most degenerate stuff you can imagine. Because that is how (((they))) think. Just look at the "Art" they create. 🤮

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@DavidMo50569086 Yeah, he was a perv and an addict. All of (((their))) so called Geniuses are the same. They steal pagan works and corrupt it with (((their))) filth and nonsensical ideas.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Introducing Dr. Fraud..err I mean (((Dr. Freud))). His claim to fame was ripping off the Pagan idea of the Tripartite Psyche (Logos, Thymos, Eros) and acting like he came up with something new (Superego, Ego, Id). Thus a new Era of Capitalism was born... https://t.co/ASaFB8RZ9r
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...Known as the Century of the Self. Freud's Nephew (((Edward Bernays))) spent his career creating the "Consumer Culture" best exemplified by the U$A. This is a must watch documentary...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Introducing Dr. Fraud..err I mean (((Dr. Freud))). His claim to fame was ripping off the Pagan idea of the Tripartite Psyche (Logos, Thymos, Eros) and acting like he came up with something new (Superego, Ego, Id). Thus a new Era of Capitalism was born... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1284085372209823744/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@SamBowlingAlle1 What happened? The good goys lost the War. (((Antifa))) had their day of victory. Much like when Christianity took over Rome. "The Triumph of Antifa."

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Hrodebert @Hrodebert_
@TrinTurambar4 You're triggering a lot of wiccans with these threads :D
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I know, it had to be done. (((Wiccans))) are NOT Pagans anyways. They can go follow a Harry Potter fan fiction channel instead. I will not feed their delusion.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that (((Epstein))) was murdered to protect pedophiles in high places. He specialized in supplying young Blonde girls from Eastern Europe. Usually around 14 years old. #SCUM https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1282493168555110401/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that (((Christianity))) teaches a flat earth theory. The Christians that taught round earth were actually contradicting the Bible in favor of Pagan ideas. This Map is actually what Christianity teaches...https://www.loc.gov/item/2011594831/

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Its so sick...(((They))) have been trying to replace us with Arabs and Africans for a very long time.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Noble_Enchanter Lol, spoken like a true (((Nationalist))).

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@TrinTurambar4 They wrote Latin for "propitiation to god" to describe some burnings. They understood these executions as appeasing the Christian god's anger. They often spiked when there was some disease or other problem. If anyone else did this, the scholars would not hesitate about the label.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
I know, its a really clear example of Human Sacrifice for a Deity. (((Scholars))) just can't admit it because of their Abrahamic bias.

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View @GraniRau
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Gottfried Voigt is widely criticized by (((scholars))) for the claim of 9 million killed for witchcraft by Christianity in Europe. Yet (((scholars))) only include killings between the 15th and 17th century. Voigt's figure is from 600 AD to 1700 so its reasonably much higher. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1281722972395511809/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Dmitri Mendeleev was a Deist, whom left the (((Church))). He used the Druid technique of dreaming to find the great truths of the universe. His periodic table is based off the theory of Octaves. He united Pythagoras with the Greek Atomists. A perfectly Pagan combination. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1275371756648378369/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@hosueyeongyeol: @TheAlluringLake Yes, (((Oppenheimer))) was a real sick bastard. I read a biography on him a long time ago. He tried to poison his teacher with a poison apple. He also tried to kill a young )))German((( couple by dropping heavy luggage on them. Into the Bog with him!!!

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
...This was a misinterpretation of Jules Henri Poincaré's work on "Special Relativity." Later the (((Einstein))) would create General Relativity and finally destroy Natural Philosophy by hopelessly joining Space and Time into the nonsensical Space-Time.... https://t.co/ddwXNXB1R4
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...so that brings us up to speed. We now have a cult based around (((Einstein))), whom is now the Jesus Christ of Science. Science is nothing, but a tool of the Military-Industrial complex to help (((Merchants))) rape and pillage GAIA...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
...more (((merchants))) jumped into control the knowledge and make sure it always went in their direction. They even planted False Prophets to make a Science into an Kabbalistic Cult. Every point of view is equally valid duuude, its all relative... https://t.co/w0Nh0Dgx6b
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...This was a misinterpretation of Jules Henri Poincaré's work on "Special Relativity." Later the (((Einstein))) would create General Relativity and finally destroy Natural Philosophy by hopelessly joining Space and Time into the nonsensical Space-Time.... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1274711279618404352/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...more (((merchants))) jumped into control the knowledge and make sure it always went in their direction. They even planted False Prophets to make a Science into an Kabbalistic Cult. Every point of view is equally valid duuude, its all relative... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1274710574958551045/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...We did not have a revival of the Spiritual ideas of Paganism. Christianity stopped it. (((Merchants))) subverted it to make profits off of industry. Nature was NOT sacred. Nature was cheated, robbed, and raped. Just like the Bible commands... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1274708537063677958/photo/1

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Paganus ᛟ @Paganus6
@TrinTurambar4 @KomninosM At the same time, the health system and modern "science" fails us even worse. There are alternative methods: 1. Accepting death and reincarnation 2. Natural medicine using herbs and such 3. Triumph des Willens. Help yourself and the gods will help you.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM BTW, some of the most popular medicines like "Aspirin" are basically just concentrated Willow Tree Leaves. So Modern Science does still use "herb lore" they just re-brand it so (((Merchants))) can profit off the sales.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@MagusMarian @GraniRau Nonsense, Christianity started from Judaism. Gnosticism was heavily influenced by Platonic teachings, but still uses a Jewish Mythology and Bible. (((Paul))) AKA Saul was a Jewish Pharisee that single handedly brought Cuckianity to the Goy. His purpose was to subvert them.

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Christians in particular only see one group as having any spiritual status in the world. Let those who hear understand. And, incidentally, the members of said group also see themselves as being alone in their spiritual significance.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Its interesting to note that the Chosenites had no concept of a soul, afterlife, or reincarnation. They were spiritually retarded, until they came into contact with the Greeks. Then they borrowed many teachings of the Greeks and ultimately we ended up with Christianity.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Dry06027065 @WargarW Well it NEEDS to exist. This is the only defense against Abrahamic "Blasphemy" laws. (((Their))) demon YHWH commands punishment and death to those that oppose the Mind Virus and criticize the Bible.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WonderbreadW @AncestorReborn @vsAngmar @Paganus6 @WargarW My Grandparents were absolutely brainwashed by FDR and his fireside chats. Rather sad, but that propaganda was highly effective. Then you had (((Edward Bernays))) and his propaganda too...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s

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Скиталец @Skytallets
@Stefan19303036 @David16910768 @Auslandsgruppe1 But we did have entire classes based around Christianity, the Christianization & its ''benefits''. Don't you forget, it wasn't ethnic pride & ''nationalism'' that saved us from Ottoman assimilation, it was our ChRistIAn fAiTh.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Stefan19303036 @David16910768 @Auslandsgruppe1 Same here. School was just (((Christian))) propaganda. One of my teachers was pushing the British Israel theory too. WE WUZ THE REAL JOOOZ DUUUUDE

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@vsAngmar The Psychopath's guide to World Domination. (((God))) gives me the right to Genocide anybody and Enslave the World!!!

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Shtetl monkeys trying to harness black fury to settle 800-year-old scores shows how dangerously long their memory is, and how pathologically vindictive https://t.co/UZSdYHgos8
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@rheinsteinrex: @gesarofbling @3AnarchyPillars (((they))) are still getting revenge for Titus destroying their sacred Temple. A 2,000 year revenge cycle.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW The Scholars are using flawed reasoning to criticize Marie. Either an Argument from Authority Fallacy or an Argumentum Ad Populum Fallacy. Finally when that fails they use the classic Argumentum Ad Hominem Fallacy. Because they don't teach Logical Reasoning in (((School))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW @SpottedOwl3 @JohnHathorne8 All the Women in my family have such stories. My Grandmother had a Dream in which someone died. She woke up that morning and took a phone call confirming he had died in the night. Its just Pagan Science that has been forgotten by (((Christianity))). 100% Natural Ability.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@LHwicce Yes, their teachings were twisted around and taken out of context to prop up (((Christianity))). The lunacy of Christian Gnosticism was born. (((Their))) corruption of Natural Philosophy brought us the Dark Ages. #NeverAgain

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Yet, we see today the (((Christian))) revisionist history is attempting to rewrite the past. Pushing the idea that the Church supported "Science." That Pythagoras and Plato were "Christians" before Christ etc. They even stole "Logos" and have hopelessly corrupted the idea...
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: ...Its time to set the record straight. Pagan Natural Philosophy is NOT compatible with (((Christianity))) NOR has it ever been. Natural Philosophy is NOT Superstitious and does not believe in the Super-Natural. We have no need for it. NATURE IS ALL https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1270420370580025344/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: Yet, we see today the (((Christian))) revisionist history is attempting to rewrite the past. Pushing the idea that the Church supported "Science." That Pythagoras and Plato were "Christians" before Christ etc. They even stole "Logos" and have hopelessly corrupted the idea...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
It saddens me to see Pythagoras and Plato used to support the idea of the super natural "Hebrew God." Such attempts make whores out of Pythagoras and Plato and force them to say and do things they would find abhorrent. (((Christians))) are notorious for doing this... https://t.co/94UXGcYilk
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: In reality, Pythagoras teachings are completely opposed to (((Christianity))) and (((their))) idea of "Monotheism." So much so that works on Sacred Geometry were considered Satanic and destroyed by the Early Church. They wanted nothing to do with Pagan Mathematics.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
It saddens me to see Pythagoras and Plato used to support the idea of the super natural "Hebrew God." Such attempts make whores out of Pythagoras and Plato and force them to say and do things they would find abhorrent. (((Christians))) are notorious for doing this... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1270416059452055552/photo/1

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LightBeamRider @JollyBeamRider
@TrinTurambar4 @JohnHathorne8 a true pythagorean!!!
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@JohnHathorne8 I have delved deep into Physics and "Science" as well and found that it supports Pythagoras 100%. (((They))) really do not want us to know that fact so they put out these subversive Science Pop-Stars like (((Einstein))) and Stephen Hawking.

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John Hathorne @JohnHathorne8
"The God of Pythagoras was the Monad, or the One that is Everything. He described God as the Supreme Mind distributed throughout all parts of the universe--the Cause of all things, the Intelligence of all things, and the Power within all things.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
In Pythagoras teachings One is represented by the Circle. In (((scholastic))) teachings One is represented by a straight line segment. You can see the difference. With Pythagoras One contains all things. A Circle has an infinite number of sides thus all shapes are contained.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @uroberus @LHwicce @WargarW We must destroy the source of this Evil, the One Ring, that can always revive (((Sauron))). 👍 https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1269631966179188737/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @uroberus @LHwicce @WargarW We have to get rid of all (((Abrahmic))) religions. If we just got rid of Christianity, Islam would take its place. Or (((they))) could just create another strain Christianity 2.0. if you know what I mean.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Its the same pattern everywhere (((they))) go. Genocide the natives and replace the population with Abrahamic Slaves, "The People Of The Book." Now thanks to the Big 3 (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) over half the population on the planet is enslaved to (((YHWH))). https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1268157385253715969/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Why is Christianity so popular? Well it uses a "Brood Parasite" strategy. They lay (((their))) eggs in a Pagan nest. The Pagans then raise the hatchlings as their own. Never realizing they have been conquered by a foreign race. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brood_parasite

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@TrinTurambar4 Popery is just fine with the Old Testament when it serves a purpose. And anything that serves to smuggle in the Torah is bad enough. All the window dressing just makes for a better distraction.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Popery is the worst because Catholicism has this fake Pagan aspect to it. I would much rather all Christians be the Protestant Judeo-Christian variety. Its more honest that way and everybody can see (((what))) it really is.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((Christian))) drowning ritual part 3. Notice how the Mother realizes that she betrayed her baby and rushes in to stop the abuse. Too late though. The damage is done and another one joins the Zombie Death Cult.https://nypost.com/video/priest-violently-throws-around-baby-in-baptism-from-hell/

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((Christian))) drowning ritual part 3. Notice how the Mother realizes that she betrayed her baby and rushes in to stop the abuse. Too late though. The damage is done and another one joins the Zombie Death Cult. https://t.co/9eTnfoTzJw
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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
(((Christian))) drowning ritual part 2. The sickness continues.
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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Meanwhile their very own (((Christian))) God raped a virgin woman to conceive his son Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus). Then had this son tortured and killed as a blood sacrifice to himself all to exploit a legal loophole he created. Sounds "moral" to me. Lol.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@vsAngmar @po_shchyam @ArchivesMonarch @CachetMarie Yeah it runs in the (((family))). The Abrahamic family.

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@TrinTurambar4 Though it is disturbing that the wannabe crusaders want to destroy European history(like Stonehenge). I have even seen "based Christians" say they would sooner have Islam than pagans like us. These actually do hate Europe.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Yes, I have seen it too. They would rather see Europe Muslim than Pagan. The ones I have been debating recently, would rather see every European tribe replaced by African (((Christians))). It proves everything Varg has been saying. Christianity = White Genocide.

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View @GraniRau
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @TVivisci @Crisis1337 @WargarW @LHwicce @Tekkai88 My (((Country))) has nothing but BAD publicity. At least Greece has a glorious past...and a soon to be glorious future (I am quite sure).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@LHwicce If that was true he wouldn't have been killed. Clearly, Patton was a threat to (((them))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that the General Patton was killed by the OSS for being anti-USSR. BTW, Patton was a Pagan of Welsh descent. Patton believed he had former lives as a soldier and took pride in mystical ties with his ancestors. No wonder (((they))) killed him. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1265598015210950656/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WargarW Science is just the Abrahamic subversion of Pagan Natural Philosophy. Prior to (((Einstein))) all the great "Scientists" called themselves Natural Philosophers. They practiced the Pagan tradition. (((Einstein))) and his Jesuit allies took it over and made it Abrahamic.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: @WargarW It was all so Christian. Praying to (((St. Einstein))) and believing in Jesuit theories of the Universe. Our Pagan Natural Philosophy was subverted once again and became "muh Science."

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WonderbreadW @WargarW @GandalftheWhi19 At my Church the Preacher was a faith healing, speaking in tongues maniac. The Church leaders were a bunch of Con Men and Sexual Predators. That is what (((Christianity))) really is. I saw what happened in the Church after hours...I will never FORGET and I will never FORGIVE

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Celtic_Films @vsAngmar (((Bolsheviks))) tried to genocide and enslave the Native Europeans. Never forget about (((their))) crimes.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TVivisci @WargarW It would ruin the family and all their time and resources would be consumed caring for a sickly child that would never procreate. Its another example of how (((Christianity))) resulted in the Genocide of Native Europeans. All designed that way.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @supremecardio @WargarW @LHwicce I'm pretty sure most Europeans practiced this. (((Christians))) call it infanticide, but deformed or retarded children would not have survived back then anyways. It was mercy.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @WargarW ...Because (((Christians))) are against Eugenics and believe in degrading OUR gene pool. "The meek shall inherit the Earth" and all that. What they mean is Untermensch shall inherit the Earth. Abortion helps stop it.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
This is what happens when you build your (((Church))) on top of a Pagan Temple. Vulcan rains down fire and molten lead.
The Aureus Press @Trad_West_Art
Inside Notre Dame shortly before the roof collapsed, as molten lead fell into the nave.

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Herminius Mons @Herminius_Mons
2/ Isidore starts by saying the first magician was Zoroaster, and therefore all sorts of magic must come from Persia. Of course, this is a classical attempt to take value away from traditions which are perfectly European. Like other Christians he also had a stern Euhemerist view https://t.co/XX9f2fjjI5
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
That makes sense since Jews borrowed from Zoroastrian beliefs. ALL forms of Abrahamic religions believe in Zoroastrian Dualism. Good vs Evil, Light vs Dark. I've even noticed the names of the (((Christian))) Angels and Demons are straight from Zoroastrian Mythology.

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Herminius Mons @Herminius_Mons
My pagan friends are very funny, I'll give them that 🙃 https://t.co/Gw05zV0bAQ
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Hopefully they realize that (((Wicca))) was created by a Jewish Freemason and is NOT pagan. Shalom.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@WPTBYFShinJimin: @TheAlluringLake @GandalftheWhi19 Yes, well they had (((Kirk Douglas))), born Issur Danielovitch, playing a Norseman. They also pushed the nonsense that Vikings thought the Earth was Flat and couldn't sail at Night or Foggy weather because they were not good enough Sailors. Lol.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: @GandalftheWhi19 I believe that the ONLY reason the British Empire isn't still doing this stuff today is because (((they))) now have the U$A to do their dirty work for them. The Eagle lands where (((they))) command.

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I find it VERY ironic when Christian "English Nationalists" sarcastically attack Islam for being "the religion of peace" & cite that as a reason for us all to hate Islam. I don't like Islam either, anymore than I like Judaism, Christianity (or indeed British Israelism), but.... https://t.co/OjaI49gPLx
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
The (((British Empire))) also instigated WWI. Their whole Empire at the time was dominated by the (((Milner Group))) out of All Souls College in Oxford. All documented in "The Anglo-American Establishment" by Carroll Quigely. (((Lord Rothschild))) was their treasurer.

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Blotmonath @blotmonath
@KomninosM (((Alfred))) was fighting to stop the Pagan Danes from conquering all of Britain. And the (((Edward))) the confessor is just self explanatory. He was a total psychopath. Invading and subjugating parts of Wales and Scotland.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM I think that is the key. The (((traitors))) tend to by Psychopathic. They are only after their own personal power trip and don't care if they ruin their whole Tribe and way of life.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @EchoesofthePas1 Knowing Catholics as intimately as I do, I can assure you that the Lindisfarne monks where engaged in the usual (((Christian))) sorts of depravities. The same kind we see in the news today. The Vikings were Heroes for killing those filth.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@LHwicce The memories are linked to the tree and these trees have many generations of memories tied to them. It really does become sacred. Its like "The Party Tree" in LotR. Such a beautiful tradition. I think that is why the Orcs (((Christians))) had to cut them all down.

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Feminine beauty is being fertile and showing it. Beauty and fertility are a sign of good health, which are inseparable from fat. Fat means survival of the individual, but also of the children, which is why men are insinctively more attracted to it. Stop following trends. https://t.co/66G4VUJAfC
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Stefan19303036 These sick looking women are usually drug addicts. They are promoted by the degenerate (((fashion industry))) because of their NON-Feminine look. The (((industry))) hates women and it really shows in what they promote (narrow hips, flat chest, boyish looks). DISGUSTING

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View @StefCvetkovic
Sentona ᛉ @sentonae
@TrinTurambar4 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @3AnarchyPillars @LobBarson @EchoesofthePas1 @wignatvs @LHwicce @Sikeloi1 @ctr1888 @JohnHathorne8 I know, I even lost some time reading it so I can see what it is all about... Anyone who believes in it is absolutely abrahamic.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@sentona97 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @3AnarchyPillars @LobBarson @EchoesofthePas1 @wignatvs @LHwicce @Sikeloi1 @ctr1888 @JohnHathorne8 (((Velikovsky))) is rejected by ALL serious Engineers that have studied this subject. Its a classic case of (((someone))) subverting the great work of these very intelligent Nords. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristian_Birkeland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannes_Alfv%C3%A9n

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Sentona ᛉ @sentonae
@Derekthehunter1 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @3AnarchyPillars @LobBarson @EchoesofthePas1 @wignatvs @LHwicce @Sikeloi1 @ctr1888 @JohnHathorne8 Electricity in ancient times can't be proven. And sorry if I ofended you, I was actually refering to one nutcase that thinks everything is electrical. Your comments just reminded me of that.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@sentona97 @Derekthehunter1 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @3AnarchyPillars @LobBarson @EchoesofthePas1 @wignatvs @LHwicce @Sikeloi1 @ctr1888 @JohnHathorne8 It all comes from the cracked pot (((Immanuel Velikovsky))). The same Scholar that tried (and failed) to prove the Bible was Historical. He is a crank that (((subverted))) OUR Sciences. Much like (((Einstein))) did before him.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM (((Christianity))) really is a mental illness. Such wicked and disturbing behavior.

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Visigoths @Cimbrian400
@KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @Sigebrand @dmitrypato Ask yourself why (((they))) are hell-bent on reducing whites in the USA, than in Europe, because there is something special in the White Population of the USA, which Europe lacks.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
: @Visigoths3 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @Sigebrand @dmitrypato Yes, we are special. We are (((circumcised))) and generally support Zionism. That is a rare thing in Europe. Also "British Israelism" seems to have gone mainstream here as most Christians I meet think they are the "REAL ISRAELITES DUUUDE."

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM The "Cold War" was built upon the False Dilemma Fallacy. We get presented (((Communism))) or (((Capitalism))). Two sides of the same shekel. https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1259480804578725888/photo/1

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@AntonAyx @GandalftheWhi19 The conflict goes back to "St. Paul" vs "The Apostles." St. Paul wanted to promote (((Christianity))) to the Gentiles. He removed some of the Jewish Laws to make it more palatable to the Hellenic world. This created a schism. A new sect of Judaism. (Pauline Christianity).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Volkazoid @OAkashTHule @GandalftheWhi19 Tolkien liked Catholicism because it was the most Pagan branch of (((Christianity))). That's also why he was against Vatican II. Tolkien wanted Catholicism to be MORE pagan. That's why he devoted his life to popularizing pagan culture with his writings.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Pagans unite against their common enemy. Compare that with (((Christendom))) where Franks attacked Constantinople leaving it wide open for Ottoman takeover. (((Christianity))) only has the power to divide us and sow strife between brethren.

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FlorbFnarb @FlorbFnarb
@TrinTurambar4 @IckyLittle1 @DonaldsLove1 @KomninosM @ancestralwealth @GandalftheWhi19 @GunnaRIvarsson8 @Iarwain432000 @NoldorApologist @kjempforeurope There were chemical weapons. This is known. Some chemical artillery shells were stolen and used as IEDs.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@IckyLittle1 @DonaldsLove1 @KomninosM @ancestralwealth @GandalftheWhi19 @GunnaRIvarsson8 @Iarwain432000 @NoldorApologist @kjempforeurope Not according to the Iraq Survey Group. Sounds like you swallowed quite a bit of (((Neocon))) propaganda.

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FlorbFnarb @FlorbFnarb
@ancestralwealth @guyguy46310682 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @IckyLittle1 @GunnaRIvarsson8 @TrinTurambar4 @Iarwain432000 @NoldorApologist @kjempforeurope If I had kids and they mostly married nonwhites such that my descendants were mostly no white, what is that to me? They’re neither more nor less my descendants than if they were all 100% white.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@ancestralwealth @guyguy46310682 @KomninosM @GandalftheWhi19 @IckyLittle1 @GunnaRIvarsson8 @Iarwain432000 @NoldorApologist @kjempforeurope Spoken like a true (((Christian))). <sigh>

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @DMSBailey @PauperPeter @GandalftheWhi19 @DetectiveAndrey @SurvivetheJive @Iarwain432000 @TheGloriousLion Yes, and I have had (((Christians))) tell me that witches deserved it. Throwing women in a lake and seeing if they drown. If they survived, they WERE guilty and would be burned. That is true "Christian Justice." The Church would seize their property too. "muh greed duuude."

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@DMSBailey @KomninosM @PauperPeter @GandalftheWhi19 @DetectiveAndrey @SurvivetheJive @Iarwain432000 @TheGloriousLion Right, and you will notice when (((Christianity))) came into Europe one of their primary objectives was to kill all the Wise Women (Witches). It spiritually devastated our society.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM Just remember this SCUM supports Infant Circumcision. He has an (((Agenda))). He comes from Mordor and has a mission to accomplish. His secret has been revealed and we know, who he works for.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @EVTOPlA @TorchYear @Hairmheadh Yes, they do. Which is why stories about past lives are more rare in "Abrahamic" society, but far more common in Polytheist society. Same thing with Dreams and Premonitions. The (((Priest))) tells us to never talk about it and ignore it...

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@EVTOPlA @TorchYear @KomninosM @Hairmheadh Between the Circumcision and the Baptism/Drowning (((they))) make sure we will get amnesia. They do not want us to remember our past lives.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@r_0d1n_a @GandalftheWhi19 @KomninosM @Iarwain432000 There is no greater pleasure for (((Sauron))) than to see innocent Pagan peoples hopelessly corrupted and perverted. SLAVES TO HIS WILL

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: ...the papal bull just reaffirmed what (((Christians))) had already been doing in Pagan Europe. After all, Rabbi Jesus did command them to do so. Make them submit to (((YHWH))) by any means necessary. Its called "The Great Commission." https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1255935256831627276/photo/1

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Olivier du Trieux @TrieuxOlivier
@TrinTurambar4 @GandalftheWhi19 Christian virtues against a backdrop of Celtic and Nordic culture
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@GandalftheWhi19 (((Christian))) virtues... https://twitter.com/TrinTurambar4/status/1255910812297945089/photo/1

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oldeuropeanculture @serbiaireland
#FolkloreThursday Maybe the fact that in the old Celtic calendar year had only two seasons, winter (start of Nov- end of Apr) and summer (start of May - end of Oct), can help us understand who is the witch being burned on May Eve, Walpurgis Night. https://t.co/SUhibyTSKR https://t.co/AGcgUmaDTM
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@Brgants If it ever stops raining here, I will be burning my Yule Wreath on a nice bon fire. Symbolically burning away Winter. Wish I had some Pagans to celebrate with, but here in U$A most people are (((Jesus))) freaks.

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View @serbiaireland
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Daily reminder that Christians do NOT worship "God" they worship (((YHWH))). "God" is a word deriving from old Germanic "Gaut" meaning "to pour out." Also the spirit of the Ancestor, which was used as another name for Odin. God = Odin. Also related to the Lombard "Godan."

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
"Morals and Dogma" is the Bible of (((Freemasonry))). Some word count searches. "Sohar" appears 22 times. "Kabalah" appears 92 times. "Jew" 92 times. "Israel" 22 times. Check link. https://archive.org/stream/MoralsAndDogmaOfTheMasonic/0008MoralsAndDogmaOfTheAncientAndAcceptedScottishRiteOfFreemasonry_djvu.txt

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Some few Christians claim to be "anti-Jewish", which is hilarious, considering the FACT that they themselves are just another type of Jews. Some Jews support Christianity for Europe, but take note: NOT ONE SINGLE JEW out there seem to support Paganism for Europe. Says a lot....
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
The vast majority of Christians agree that Christianity is Jewish. I grew up in Bible Belt U$A. We used to sing songs worshipping Israel and "Father Abraham." We even used to LARP as Jewish Shepherds during Bible re-enactment. That is the REALITY of (((Protestant))) Churches.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TrinTurambar4: @PaGeDown1121 @KomninosM @JollyBeamRider Typical (((Christian))) behavior. They attack me and then block me before I can respond. This is how they operate. They never let you speak because (((Christianity))) has been losing the argument for 2,000 years.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM This was a hostile take over by a small minority of (((people))) that wanted revenge on the Europeans for the destruction of their Temple. Christianity is a weapon of mass destruction.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@LHwicce @GandalftheWhi19 @saada_mehdi @kjempforeurope @yru_gey Yes, here in midwest all boys were cut. It is true there was a lot of Nordics that moved here. Our "accent" is kind of nordic. Culturally, we go to (((protestant))) churches and praise Israel though. My earliest memories are getting brainwashed in (((Church))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@saada_mehdi @GandalftheWhi19 @kjempforeurope @yru_gey Yes, and the US Military is filled with these sexually frustrated men that hate the world and everything in it. Its all planned that way. Since the day we were born. Property of (((YHWH))) used as pawns to rebuild "The Temple" and make some people very very rich.

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Herminius Mons @Herminius_Mons
17/ For now, thank you for reading if you made it this far, as this was a rather long thread. Martin's efforts weren't exactly fruitful, but his non violent approach was rather novel and his conversion of the Suebian aristocracy certainly left an impact for the coming years.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
Nice thread, I didn't know about this. Its the same story all over Europe. These Evil Saints show up and subvert and destroy the indigenous peoples. Teaching that the Ancestors were Evil and the Gods were wicked men. You can see that (((Christians))) really hated the people.

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YRUGey @yru_gey
@TrinTurambar4 @GandalftheWhi19 🤢 I knew there's a reason I don't use beauty products.... also, I'm all new to this whole issue as I never wanted kids before. I just know why other people PERSONALLY choose to do these things. Rarely religious. Always for medical reasons. Nvm the hidden agenda.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@GandalftheWhi19 Participating in a Religious Rite for pseudo-Scientific reasons doesn't change the fact that you are participating in a Religious Rite. Ignorance is no excuse. They are submitting to (((YHWH))) whether they realize it or not.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TAS_TheEuropean @Brgants 25% believe that (((Jesus))) AKA Rabbi Yehsua Ben Yosef will save them. <sigh>

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@TruthSeeker229 @TAS_TheEuropean (((American))) wars is what started this whole migrant crisis. Who controls U$A ? Who benefits from all this? Think about it.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@SouthernNordic @KomninosM Some people never converted to (((Christianity))). The Mari people are one. They were heavily persecuted by the (((USSR))), but are still pagan to this day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_people

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@SSolarity: @stay_solar Christian Nationalists are some of the dumbest people on the net. They are the white version of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Their minds have been enslaved by (((Yahweh))) and they will never be free of its of evil.

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Asha Logos @AshaLogos
@KomninosM @Your_Fan_Ivan @ELycurgus @FrauVermittlung You equate Christ and his message directly with a modern church that's become wholly subverted, corrupt, weak, to the point of being used as a political and social-justice tool. This is a mistake.
Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM @Your_Fan_Ivan @ELycurgus @FrauVermittlung "Christ" lol. Let's use his proper name. Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef. The bottomline is that Judeo-Christians conquered Europe at the point of a sword, killed its people and enslaved the survivors to (((Yahweh))) and his "only begotten son." We are the resistance.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM I look forward to the day when not a single native European is a slave to (((Yahweh))).

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@SouthernNordic @SolDrift @odelsarven The Christians have been saying Paganism was dead since the late fourth century. I hear a lot of (((scholars))) say the same thing too. They would certainly like it to die off, but that is never going to happen.

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Túrin Turambar @TrinTurambar4
@KomninosM How defeated does a people have to be to claim their Ancestors were "Christians before Christ." These British Israel ideas are upsetting. Looks like our people were conquered by a foreign tribe and forced to adopt to (((someone))) else's Religion and Laws.

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 79%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 51%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%
afa flags 82%
afa flags 81%
union jack 64%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 57%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 73%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 41%
bar graph 39%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 59%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 66%
etc 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 60%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 82%
us flag 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 61%
art_other 38%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 53%
toons other 30%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 34%
etc 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 79%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 44%
art_other 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 84%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 39%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%