@southern_stoic Southern Stoic There is no Western Civilization without Westernkind. "Kind, brave people live best." Havamal "The free man is a warrior." Nietzsche Fear not, fellow White.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 7
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
I found this on a website that referred to it as "really, really creepy on so many levels." I think it's quite appropriate. A problem with our societies right now is a lack of gratitude to a pathological degree.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@southern_stoic: Race differences are not mentioned when White people are the victims.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
These entitled thin skinned thugs are so repulsive, just their voices are enough trigger a disgust response. They start trouble and instigate whenever they can to "justify" their inevitable violent outbursts; #EthnicEuropean Americans, we deserve better than this. #antiwhite https://t.co/r3HJ0XWY4K
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
1. "Don't call us thugs, cuz we not thugs," as they demonstrate their thuggery. 2. "What you is?" - Butchery of the English language. 3. They dare him to call them n*gger (like that bothers them), as they proceed to call him n*gger. Typical low IQ subhuman bullshit.

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ArsenioBertoli @ArsenioBertoli
@southern_stoic @Know_More_News J*ws can’t be part of a prowhite movement. If you don’t understand why then you don’t understand J*ws.
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@Know_More_News If a J*w is White sympathetic and prefers to see reality as it is, I have no quarrel with him.

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Nick Fuentes says Ye has a 'Theologian in the group who is a messianic j-w' https://t.co/0vjhNUpZ6O
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
It doesn't sound like the messianic J*w is half bad. I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove.

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ArsenioBertoli @ArsenioBertoli
@WSdagg @southern_stoic @Correction2016 I’m immediately suspicious of dissident-right activists who fervently preach against naming the Tribe. Never found any of their reasons substantive.
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@WSdagg @Correction2016 For every antiwhite J*w you name, I can name ten antiwhite white people. White people are the most antiwhite people on the face of the earth. Its not that J*ws have nothing to do with it, but they are not the primary problem.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@JohnHathorne8 @ThuleanArchive And who set up western civilization? Are you going to say the Joos?

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@europaprotect That is genuinely terrible. But was it only (((them)))? There are a lot of antiwhite Whites who are terribly evil.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@Partisangirl That definitely doesn't improve my opinion of the Joos.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@AB199575136042 @Maneapologist1 @JLPtalk I agree, but they can't. The word n*gger (and other slurs) has magical power over them.

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White supremacy strikes again! https://t.co/zaR8L6M60Y
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
All because he called that guy a n*gger? That went on for a while and no one did ANYTHING. Its so interesting that blacks think they are free, when they're really the most mentally enslaved people around. One word has so much power over them. Its like magic!

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@CassyWearsHeels The antiwhite J*ws/Leftists. That's the way it's always been. If Republicans are in office, Leftists still run things. Yay.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@HermitWoodsman @echtDutch The sad part? (Oh yes, there's a sad part). You can shove this info. in front of a Conservative's face and they STILL won't believe it! They'll continue playing that "I'm rubber, you're glue" game of Blame The Nazis. Why isn't that a frickin' clue at (((who))) runs the show?

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🌻🍁Shannon🍁🌻 @Shannon4America
Jesus does what Karl Marx could never do.., he brings them together, not divide them.
Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
: @Shannon4Jesus77 Initially I agree, but Jesus did say he came not to bring peace but a sword. Nevertheless, I totally agree that people who follow Marx are following the wrong J*w.

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Southern Stoic @southern_stoic
@echtDutch It is so unpalatable when Christians (In this case I'm referring to Evangelical Protestants) fancy themselves as the guard dogs of the J*ws. It's embarrassing. Maybe they should take a break from watching Dr. Michael Brown (or John Hagee).

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