Prolifically Bigoted in the Past 180 Days

These toxic accounts are open and active on Twitter as of last scan. Here are some of their worst tweets.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Jul 9, 2016
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Jul 1, 2023

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(((Deep State))), (((Khazarian Mafia))), (((Rotschilds))), (((globalists))), (((nazis))) -> lol <- What kosher conservatives wouldn't do to name the Jews as a collective.
Killer Instinct 🇺🇸 @SandraYozipovic
@crackers19640 He’s not at war with the Ukraine Citizens. He’s at war with the Deep State & the corruptors in the US ( Biden / Obama) who set up the 40 plus BioWeapons to use on Russia. He is at war with the Khazarian Mafia & Nazis. Watch The documentary Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone.
Tako pa zgleda pretirana (((RUSKA))) propaganda. (((Atlanticisti))). (((Naciji))). Kot bi Prstanu sam Putin pisal tvite, lol. Pa vsi vemo, da NATA ne prenesem.
Prstan @PrstanSi
Finska predsednica vlade na pogrebu ukrajinskega nacija Dmytra Kotsyubayla, znanega predvsem po izjavi, da svoje pse hrani s kostmi ruskih otrok. Atlanticisti povsem brez moralnega kompasa. Zanimivo, Zelensky je Kotsyubaylu podelil red heroja JANUARJA 2022 za zasluge v vojni.../1
(((French))). (((German))).
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Islam is, as it is Christianity, under the influence, if not totaly subdued by (((Matrix))). The problem with the (((Matrix))) is not only that it tries to enforce woke. Enforcing woke is there for another reason. While it is both antiblack and antiwhite it is primarily against…
Yes. It shows that controlled opposition called in pseudoHegelian terms (((antiwoke))) - can reach more people than the (((thesis))) called woke. It also offers an explanation of how Putin was able to persuade us he was an imperial alternative to atlantojews.
Yes. It shows that controlled opposition called in pseudoHegelian terms (((antiwoke))) - can reach more people than the (((thesis))) called woke. It also offers an explanation of how Putin was able to persuade us he was an imperial alternative to atlantojews.
ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể @TheThe1776
“What Is A Woman?" by Matt Walsh has over 120 Million views now. Goes to show how irrelevant the MSM is and that we can win the culture war. #TuneOutMSMakaFakeNews #FreeSpeechMatters
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Apr 27, 2015
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Jun 30, 2023

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Christians need J-ws and J-ws need Christians. They need each other and dance the Torah tune together. J-ws also require the divine persecution of Esau (anti-Semitism) to play their God's chosen victims role.
John is right about Jesus. @Know_More_News has done great work in this area showing Christianity's Jewish roots and how Jews manipulate whites through the religion.
Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Vast majority of Christians don't dispute that rabbi yeshuah was a 'j-w'. Only fringe anti j-wish Christians in denial who are playing controlled opposition to the j-ws.
Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
They're scared and floundering. Julian certainly saw Christianity as more of a subversive threat to Rome because it was targeting gentiles for conversation to the God of Israel and j-wish messianism. Julian likely was placating j-ws by allowing them to build temple...
🌟Christian Walton🌟 @Big_Daddy_C99
As a reminder: Julian the Apostate (the last Pagan emperor) attempted to rebuild the Temple with the Jews in order to further his campaign against Christianity. Pardon the language but "Christianity is a Jewish psy-op" fellas are downright retarded.
Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
"There's going to be a big surprise in the last days. The one they (j-ws) thought was the villain of the story (Jesus), is going to turn up to be the hero of the story."
Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
: "Christians will go from worshiping one j-w (Jesus), to worshipping all j-ws" - Rabbi Jacobson
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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
@consciousphilos "European ancestors worshipped demons, the ancestors of J-ws worshipped the one true god" The j-ws have really subverted your mind. Your ancestors disown you for being a disgraceful traitor.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jun 11, 2013
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Jul 2, 2023

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Whoever publishes a private message becomes the author of it. That has to be the standard going forward because no one talks the same in private. NYTs needs to explain why they are publishing racist stuff.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs loves snitches and snitching. They pioneered it in the USSR and China where they were pivotal in the rise of communism. Just look up Mao’s jevvs or the jevvs with Lenin.
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
My hypothesis about Soros is that he is not fully aware of where his money goes or why.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
He surrounds himself with jevvs. Jevvs are the current source of our social ills. Imagine jevv media spinning blaqs and trannies as the malignancy they are.
Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
Thing is, "thugs" are traveling to richer towns to do crime. My city, Brick NJ, was on of America's safest cities in 2006. Now we have people getting in their cars from Newark NJ, to rob and steal from cars in my town.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Blaqs know that they have favor from jevvs. They might know who’s favoring them but they know they’re being favored. Jevv funded Soros DA’s and the jevv owned media.
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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@GodWillsIt777: @DiversityHire History is written by the (((victors))). (((They))) never write about how (((they))) ruined Russia.
James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK
Journos bask in their achievement
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vdare Jevvs and jevv adjacents everywhere are rejoicing.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jul 21, 2011
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Jun 30, 2023

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Miran77 @Miran7777
Nedolžnega človeka so več kot 2 leti vlačili po zaporih in ga v medijih blatili kot najnevarnejšega zločinca po Jacku Razparaču. To vam je jebena (((Amerika))). To vam je (((pravna država))). To vam je (((demokracija))). Upam, da jih vse toži za težke milijone.
Miran77 @Miran7777
Zdaj že Ronaldo kritizira (((Glazerje))) & njihovo izčrpavanje enega najslavnejših klubov na svetu. Kanye ni edini, vse več svetovnih zvezdnikov prepoznava (((Glazerje))). In to zahvaljujoč nam, tisočem anonimnih trolov, ki spletu že leta odpiramo oči o (((Glazerjih))).😌💪 Daleč od tega, da sem kdaj bil fan Ronalda. Odkar vem, sem bil culer in preferiral talent Messija. A glede te sage sta mi pomembni dve stvari. 1. Do zaslužnih velikanov se ne vede tako. 2. Ta ideja, da bi se športniki kot kaki sužnji morali osrediniti 1/2
Karniola Steyr @KarniolaSteyr
@alesernecl Z wikipedije je izginil podatek, da je Kreft žid.
Miran77 @Miran7777
@alesernecl Tale je tudi (((perla))). Ustanovna članica (((Slovenske Demokratske Stranke))).🙃
Miran77 @Miran7777
Ukraine had too many young Slavic White Men. So (((they))) decided to dispose of them and thus induce (((mass immigration))) from non-White lands.
Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968
This is an epochal catastrophe for the Ukraine nation. Those vanished men and women between 20 and 40 were the demographic future of the country. Regardless of whether they fled or died, they will never return—Ukraine will never recover. The US killed Ukraine! And for WHAT?!?
Miran77 @Miran7777
She was a cute girl. Then some (((eXpErT))) told her she’a actually a boy and she needs to basically destroy herself to be happy.🙄 We’re talking (((demons in human form))) here, folks.
Miran77 @Miran7777
She was a cute girl. Then some (((eXpErT))) told her she’a actually a boy and she needs to basically destroy herself to be happy.🙄 We’re talking (((demons in human form))) here, folks.
Andrew Anglin @WorldWarWang
@WorldWarWang: American society is a hell on earth. It is a machine built to destroy human souls. Anyone who tries to tell you "things aren't that bad" or "you're exaggerating" is in denial or they are lying to you on purpose.
Bad Vibes
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jul 8, 2016
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Jul 1, 2023

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Deplorable Toast @DeplorableToast
Watch the (((BBC))) heckle a British Catholic on his religious beliefs regarding gay marriage. Did the (((BBC))) ever heckle a practicing Muslim on his/her beliefs on gay marriage? Notice the bigotry and intolerance the Jewish interviewer has towards this man. Fixed it for ya.
Alessandra Bocchi @alessabocchi
Watch the BBC heckle a British Catholic on his religious beliefs regarding gay marriage. Did the BBC ever heckle a practicing Muslim on his/her beliefs on gay marriage? Notice the bigotry and intolerance the interviewer has towards this man and how well he manages the situation.
Filip Dewinter @FDW_VB
Moedige Zweedse vrouw vertelt wat de meerderheid van de bevolking denkt over drugsoverlast, vreemdelingencriminaliteit, #immigratie en #omvolking….
Deplorable Toast @DeplorableToast
Ver moet je het niet gaan zoeken. Islam heeft zichzelf niet uitgenodigd he! We weten ondertussen wel dat multiculturele normen en waarden afkomstig zijn uit de marxistische hoek en dat onze (((vrienden))) centraal staan in die agenda. Maar daar hoor je VB nooit over. FK off!
Paulet Tibx @PTibx
@SamvanRooy1 Dat is niet ons grootste probleem. Ons grootste probleem heeft u zelf aangekaart en zit in eigen gelederen. Schakel het WEF uit en AL DE REST volgt . Wie bekostigd massamigratie ? Het WEF. Wie haat rechtse partijen? Het WEF . Prioriteiten Sam .
Deplorable Toast @DeplorableToast
@SamvanRooy1 Omdat je al snel een anti-semiet genoemd wordt als je te sdiep gaat graven in die internationale beerput van anti-blanke policy's en sentimenten. A la Kalergi en (((Co))). Angsthazen!
@DeplorableToast @Know_More_News They traumatized children with the idea of it and basically a thought crime is all it takes to send you there forever unless you constantly ask forgiveness from rabbi yeshua
Deplorable Toast @DeplorableToast
@Know_More_News Guess i got lucky with my agnostic parents, not being poisoned by this from childhood. I just never understood why people liked it in the first place, it was obviously not our God as he is Middle Eastern. It became clear after a while that it (((destroyed))) everything European!
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Deplorable Toast @DeplorableToast
@AltPost (((Christian-cucks))) to the rescue .. lol That's gonna be a sight to behold
Bad Vibes
Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jul 5, 2022
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Jun 30, 2023

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@SeanLOrange Who do you think the (((bankers))) and (((Marxists))) were?
FriendOfRussia @NoMoreNATO
True. #StandWithRussia🇷🇺
The real enemy is the )ew, and just like the US and Ukraine, Putin is a friend of the )ew, who's playing both sides of a white on white war, as usual.
Kristin Marie House @JemmingKristin
What do you think about this? I go back and forth at times thinking this is Trump as well which doesn't always go over so well..
By his own admission, DeSantis is "the most pro-Israel governerer in America." Plus he sounds like a fag when talks. Fuk Ron DeSantis. Not that Trump's any better. The )ews are the problem, & both parties are controlled by the )ews. There is no political solution.
@readmyramblings @Nature_and_Race I'm not Irish or Italian, so I don't really care. But for you to claim the Irish are vastly different than other whites is ignorant. Genetically, there's no reason that would be true. I explained why the Irish were hampered for a millennium.
@readmyramblings @Nature_and_Race As far as modern Italians and Greeks go, there are traces of nigger genes remaining from mixing with Arabs and North Africans, which is why Italians and Greeks have brown hair and olive skin, and we all know nigger genes are inferior. So, cope harder.
Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Do you attend Church regularly? If yes, comment with your denomination. If no, why not?
The church has been infiltrated and spews )ewish propaganda. They intentionally misinterpret the bible, which is actually a guide to fighting the )ews when it's interpreted properly.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Sep 16, 2015
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Jun 28, 2023

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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Hunter Biden threatened Chinese businessmen in a 2017 WhatsApp message: warning them that he was sitting next to his father and that his father would be enraged if they delayed *their* payments further. 9 days later, the Chinese associate wired $5 million into Hunter's account.
The Anti-Federalist ✠ @alisha_rispoli
@KanekoaTheGreat The US isn’t owned by China. It’s owned by Israhell a certain (((rootless international clique))).
Pencil @p3nc1lp0uch
@alisha_rispoli I don't mind some of Ben's takes, but he differently leans towards being a zionist which is my main issue with him. If you live in America, you should focus your political beliefs on what benefits America, not Isreal. If you are that connected to Isreal you should migrate there
The Anti-Federalist ✠ @alisha_rispoli
@Bismarck_509 I never cared about Israhell one way or another but I just trusted the opinions of people I thought I respected & knew more than I did, so I leaned toward supporting Israhell. Then I learned they’re our greatest enemy & that anti-Zionist “secular humanist” jews aren’t any better.
The Anti-Federalist ✠ @alisha_rispoli
Did you know over half of Joe Rogan’s guests are jews? He’s supposed to be a “centrist”. In reality, he champions the (((uniparty deep state))). Stop letting your politicians visit accursed (((wall))). Modern “politics” is a demonic joke. Weimar problems require Weimar solutions.
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The Anti-Federalist ✠ @alisha_rispoli
@ascent_of (((Abe Stolar))) ✡️
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The Anti-Federalist ✠ @alisha_rispoli
@mojo500jomo Nah that was Israhell
Bad Vibes
Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
May 11, 2022
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Jun 29, 2023

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Louis Buchalter @BrainGremlins
@Tomhennessey69 Who is this guy, does he have a YouTube channel or something, I want to archive this data
Tom Hennessy @Tomhennessey69
He was banned from youtube and everything else by (((them))). That’s why you can’t even say who (((they))) are, that’s what he did.
Tom Hennessy @Tomhennessey69
As I’ve said many times before, (((they))) are not white. (((They))) share none of your interests and are not your ally.
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Tom Hennessy @Tomhennessey69
@Lainbeom @Cyneca007 @the1351project @monitoringbias @FrankDeScushin @MythinformedMKE @iamyesyouareno @greggutfeld @DontWalkRUN @thedailyrabbit @wrong_speak Ah, you just forgot to save them I see, let me guess the white suprematists in (((the media))) purposely hide those videos from broadcast as well.
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Tom Hennessy @Tomhennessey69
@yuvilio Those are nice words however it changes none of (((their))) actions
Bad Vibes
Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Aug 30, 2022
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Jun 29, 2023

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Dark Conrad @connenrad90
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Dark Conrad @connenrad90
@koreyindahaus @JAV_Brah The kick out the prairie n1663r yet?
Ruben @rodroob2
@NoticerChance @MikeJazzpenis Always funny when someone’s whole TL is conservative influencer then they claim they aren’t conservative
Dark Conrad @connenrad90
@NoticerChance @MikeJazzpenis Mexicans can be on our side but they're still nearly n*ggers
turner @branchvnter
@connenrad90 @Lola_lmao7 He’s the same as a woman
Dark Conrad @connenrad90
@Lola_lmao7 Hes a bitchy faggot
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jun 24, 2022
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Jul 2, 2023

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Rhett @Rhett51522596
#jewishprivilege This pedophile lesbian has had some charges dropped, why? No doubt the (((mafia))) went overdrive in attacking the corrupted & compromised legal system to get the outcome (((they))) wanted" target="_blank">
Rhett @Rhett51522596
(((Zelensky))) slams Americans who don't want to give more to Ukraine! The (((war))) is just a massive extortion racket and money laundering scam WITH thousands of white men being killed in the process
DayQuwan Shneerson @DayquwanRebbe
@Rhett51522596 Inversion is one of many tools they use against GOY. Call your enemy what you are, and always tell the exact opposite of the truth.” – Vladmir Lenin
Rhett @Rhett51522596
Thanks for sharing Rebbe I’ve always known Flat Earth was a (((psyop))) .. I now know why
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Rhett @Rhett51522596
@TomiGun76 Thanks ADL and it’s (((war on hate)))
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Rhett @Rhett51522596
@SteveSibbet @Krysta92kat_ (((Sulzberger))) owned newspaper
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Mar 8, 2019
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Jun 30, 2023

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Jason A. Fleece @Jafleece
@andrewfarago @AmeriZara @gnolan12 @Kimota1977 As a member of the Jewish diaspora who lost family in the Holocaust, I'd really like to hear his answer to this question.
Donald Can't @AmeriZara
@andrewfarago @gnolan12 @Kimota1977 The documented number of Jewish deaths is around 270,000 due largely to disease. The holohoax is an extortion racket that has been disproved many times over. You merely need to WANT to know the truth, it's all out there. The real holocaust was the Holodomor in Ukraine
Donald Can't @AmeriZara
Caught 1st episode of Marvel's SECRET INVASION. The Skrulls are the perfect analogy of (((them))); shape-shifting aliens who want to take over our home planet because they have no home of their own.
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Donald Can't @AmeriZara
@PatrickZircher Only thing I hated about this show is her uber feminist b!tch mother and her closet h0mo uncle. Very creepy.
Donald Can't @AmeriZara
Not a fan of the female heroine trope but this is true compared to the femicringe shite (((produced))) today. I'd say Ripley's Mother-hero in Aliens is most believable.
ʞɹɐๅꓛ ʇuǝꓘ @evenmorebizarro
The 2000's 'Charlie's Angels' is a lot of fun and has far more likable badass female leads than pretty much anything that actually pushes that these days.
Donald Can't @AmeriZara
And it's usually a liberal White woman preaching your suicide to you in these forms. Feminism and CRT are the 2 most deadly (((ideologies))) to Westernkind.
Antiwhitism in Fiction @Westmens_Art
Westernkind can only have one specific role in every story: the villain in the #AntiwhiteNarrative. You can never be antiwhite enough. You can never fully make amends. You can never suffer enough as a White person. They stand by White ill-being bc they're #antiwhite.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Mar 21, 2022
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Jun 30, 2023

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Free thinker @FreeThinker1045
@joshland @Lazar7023
@joshland @Lazar7023 Lmfao the steele dossier was put out by the (((angloids))) to try and shut down the Mueller Report which was pack filled with information on Trump being an absolute prostitute for both ((((Russian oligarchs))) and Israel.
You sucked so much (((Kremlin))) sperm that you’re takes are literally no different then pro Russian MAGA boomers who know nothing about their own political ideology or worldview. Your fall off has been ABSOLUTELY insane.
Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray
This is Russia a day after the failed mutiny. No Pride flags or drag queens in sight, either.
Get community noted you f@g 😂🫵
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson
Joe Biden seems to say “I sold a lot state secrets and a lot of very important things” What?
Well… looks like Biden and Trump got something in common. I wonder to (((whom))) they sold those state secrets to.
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@IrishEthnocide Because Bolshevism was the product of the City of London and the British parliament was compromised by NKVD (((operatives))))?? Kek
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Apr 23, 2017
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Jul 1, 2023

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Way of the World @wayotworld
Occupy was the dying breath of the credible Left.
Way of the World @wayotworld
The (((money power))) and the (((media))) are one.
Way of the World @wayotworld
The surge in black-on-white violence is an inevitable consequence of the overtly antiwhite rhetoric pushed by the (((media))), schools and politicians over the last 10-15 years. White people are the priority target of the (((globalist parasites))) killing the West.
Keith Woods @KeithWoodsYT
🧵 A look at slavery outside of the West: It has become popular to blame White people for slavery, to the point that many actually believe slavery was invented by or exclusively practiced by Europeans. But the history of slavery outside the West is far more brutal. 1/15
Way of the World @wayotworld
Good thread. Wait till they find out (((who))) owned the slave ships for the transatlantic slave trade.
toddstarnes @toddstarnes
6 blacks brutally beat a white teenager. They demanded his shoes. Even after he gave them his shoes, the blacks continued to attack the kid. No national news coverage. No condemnation from NAACP. No marches by "civil rights" groups. That's because the white kid's life doesn't…
Way of the World @wayotworld
Notice that race isn't mentioned once in this report? The (((media))) hates white people.
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Way of the World @wayotworld
@DiscussingFilm Yet another tedious attempt to push (((Hollywood's))) race mixing agenda.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Jun 25, 2020
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Jun 28, 2023

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PepeSilvia @PepeSilvi
@mojo500jomo (((They))) import millions of 3rd world migrants while simultaneously sponsoring anti-white rhetoric in the media and academia.
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PepeSilvia @PepeSilvi
@sovereignbrah (((Jesuits)))
James Martin, SJ @JamesMartinSJ
Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, because it is not about personal vanity, but human dignity.
PepeSilvia @PepeSilvi
Serena Brown 🧃 @SerenaJB3
They want us demoralised and deracinated so that we accept our ethnic replacement without complaint. If British ethnicities aren't indigenous to Britain then nobody is indigenous to anywhere. Universities no longer teach, they brainwash their students with antiWhiteism causing…
PepeSilvia @PepeSilvi
Peachy Keenan @KeenanPeachy
Father beaten to death in front of his children by his son's bully and the bully's parents. Caught on camera, multiple witnesses, but no arrests yet? Wonder why.
PepeSilvia @PepeSilvi
100% ni663rs
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Dec 2, 2010
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Jun 29, 2023

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@ABorealis77 @truthseeker6761 (((they))) hate Christ. Remember it was (((them))) that put Him on the cross. (((they))) broke their covenant with the Creator. (((they))) are cursed forever. This is (((their))) reality. Judgement is upon them and all their allies.
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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TurboJaxx @ConradsonJordan @RepMattGaetz that was by design btw. To get to the point we are at today took a generational plan by our (((enemy))). All school/college/seminary curriculum is (((theirs))). all banks/publishing co.'s/TV/MOVIE/RADIO..all (((theirs))). we've been baited, herded to this point.
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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Jim_Jordan translation: government handed them over. (((They))) staged an event and concocted a story, but (((they))) did it right in your face like (((they))) do everything. Our enemy wouldnt have won without the help of media and government.
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
youre not on a spinning ball.
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
: the square and compass are both tools for measuring FLAT surfaces. (((they))) have always known its not round. (((they))) started the baal earth lie. if you dig, you will find (((they))) are behind EVERYTHING.
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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@kelly4freedom @Know_More_News No (((they))) are. They broke their covenant with the Almighty God and are forever cursed. Judgement is on (((them))) and all who allied with (((them))).
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Nazi Dogwhistles

Account created
Apr 6, 2018
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Jun 29, 2023

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Think i found a legit antidote on 4chan for rawdogging the vaxxed hos Gonna put my body on the line and test it out for science, will update with hey woman reports Keep me in your inshallahs
: If i die it was the vax not the Joos Well actually they made it So still the Joos Nvm
In the last 10 minutes I went from wanting to eipstein myself To suddenly enraged at the (((them))) for ruining women with vax To euphoria To calm and ready to get back to work And then to an epiphany that I'm not a good person and I am the issue 0 chance I'm not Bipolar
Everyday I wake up and I remember (((they))) ruined the majority of women with vaccines They I get filled with insane levels of rage and get to work making shekels so one day.. I can bake every last pizza to 600 degrees This isn't about pizzas
Jasmine 🧚🏼‍♀️ @jazzinmypantz
@sirhottest Fr W Christopher Columbus ahh people
@sirhottest (((Christopher colombus)))
Never forget the limits of the human body as dictated by (((modern science))) are nothing but pure low IQ curve takes Monks in the Himalayas are able to melt snow from their meditation practices to generate high levels of Body heat People in India survive for years off nothing…
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Sep 2, 2012
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Jun 29, 2023

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Rog4Pres2024 6'ft. @rognow13
In "The Iron Curtin Over America" John Owen Betty explains how all the publishing houses were taken over J*ws that destroyed master plates and reprinted books without Critique of J*ws. The ((((Tribe)))) has been at this A long time.
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro
"Every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered...History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." -- 1984, George Orwell
Rog4Pres2024 6'ft. @rognow13
These two signs tell the history of the Slave trade into New Orleans. For some reason they omit the (((Tribe))) of people that owned the ships, controlled and dominated the slave trade. I think it's time that the (((Tribe))) gets the credit they deserve.
Rog4Pres2024 6'ft. @rognow13
When (((They))) say... more diverse (((they))) mean "Less White."
Petri @SuperOstenPetri
Rog4Pres2024 6'ft. @rognow13
Yet for all that supposed hate they never seem to actually do any real violence against J€ws? Seriously what synagogue have they ever blown up? Literally like one J€w died on 9/11. The Pulse nightclub shooter was a Muslim who targeted gays. Where is all the antisemitism? No?
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Rog4Pres2024 6'ft. @rognow13
The biggest one is no doubt the Holohoax. The one few people know about would be the U.S.S. Liberty attack. @usslibertyvets After that the complete takeover of all meaningful institutions in the west by a small ethno-religious (((Tribe))) see @CultureWarsMag for more on that.
Samantha Marika @samanthamarika1
What’s a historical event that you think most people are brainwashed about?
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Aug 12, 2012
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Jun 29, 2023

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Shams @drandelson
This is normal - All these religious leaders are Cryptos. They’re just showing you what they do behind closed doors. These are Frankists… (((Dalai Lama))) (((Pope Francis))) (((Tom Brady))) (((David Beckham))), etc. Welcome to the NWO!
The Dalai Lama has apologized after a video emerged showing the spiritual leader kissing a child on the lips and then asking him to “suck my tongue” at an event.
Shams @drandelson
As much as we all hate him, he’s right here. The older I get, the more I hate being here. People don’t ask big questions. They just go to their (((jobs))) everyday, and after work seek their ((((entertainment))) and (((sports))). Goy are worthless, tbh.
Ron Paul says the coupe goes back to Nov. 22, 1963 when JFK was murdered by the CIA.
Shams @drandelson
(((Tim Pool))) (((Paul Family)))
Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz
“@ElonMusk is a total and complete phony. He is owned – lock, stock, and barrel – by the Chinese Communist Party, and he acts like it.” –Steve Bannon on @Timcast IRL Thoughts?
Shams @drandelson
@elonmusk @Timcast (((Musk))) (((CCP)))
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Shams @drandelson
@Zaytion_ Sorry about that. A couple months back (((People))) went through all the videos I've posted on here, and muted certain parts of clips and froze a lot of my videos. Here's the full video on YouTube:
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Feb 22, 2022
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Christ Gnosis @christgnosis
@sapientjelly I know why. (((programming))) (((Sunday school))) (((seminary))) (((history channel))) (((merchants)))
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Christ Gnosis @christgnosis
@CaliCoastReplay Jewess means a Jewish girl, and everyone hates these semantics dude
Jordan Evans @jordan948765
@christgnosis @DonnieDarkened @Know_More_News Green is one of those guys who believes that Christianity is fake, and that it was created by the Masonic elite to deceive the masses, so yeah, you're right, I'd stay away from him.
Christ Gnosis @christgnosis
@DonnieDarkened @Know_More_News He goes further than that. His very frequent (((guest))), who isn't worth naming, says Jesus Christ is literally the devil. "The Satanic Mission of Jesus Christ" is a common theme. Adam is a schizo because it's part of his very (((soul))).
@dulaca05 @FuriusPertinax Yes, how could you tell?
Christ Gnosis @christgnosis
@dulaca05 @FuriusPertinax lol now the mask has just fully slipped and you've exposed your true (((form))), thanks for this, it's helping quite a bit. Hard to believe it took less than 24 hours from you denying your actual position to just embracing it. Thanks again!
Christ Gnosis @christgnosis
This person spent an hour arguing with me yesterday about how the replacement of European peoples wasn’t an actual thing, and then shortly after tweeted this to a mutual. These (((people))) will lie and deceive only to have such hubris they still will admit their intentions.
@FuriusPertinax @remnantposting No one cares about your cringe ass “ethnos” you dork. We will replace you.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Dec 24, 2019
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5th @8Lowkey8
Jewess angry at DNA company owned by Jews
Mom @Mom18835697
@8Lowkey8 @robertsepehr @jayaltons His DNA has 0% I've already seen the video where he's shown his results directly from the website. I too have tested my DNA with the same company so I know what it looks like. Also I do have 2% what do you have to say about that? If anything you can eff right on off.
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5th @8Lowkey8
@juce_001 @Catz4maga @paperyeshua @Know_More_News Look at these(((( two)))) laughing about joos. Only retards conflate christians with catholics, catholics are idol worshippers who practice all the pagan rubbish as stated, church, easter etc. Can’t people see these two are jews lol?
@8Lowkey8 @christgnosis The books “Who Financed Hitler” by James Poole and “German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler” by Henry Ashby Turner paint a different story.
5th @8Lowkey8
@christgnosis (((Poole))) (((Turner))) shit, thought you were woke
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5th @8Lowkey8
@Petesalmond1 @morriganinthe6 @HukAleksandra @APlosnic (((cohencidence)))
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5th @8Lowkey8
@FitzInfo Green, Greene, Greenbaum, Greenberg, etc. All Jooos. Thanks There was a good video on his genealogy awhile back which I have lost
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Jul 3, 2019
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And, remind me, (((WHO))) were the KAPOs, again? 🤔 They certainly weren’t Germans.
: It is no shock to me that the people beating her would be jooish inmates, not the German guards, especially when joos are so vocal about how vehemently they hate Catholics.
Paul Hundred @paul_hundred
Just two honest guys with honest faces having an honest conversation about what’s honestly best for the people they honestly care about
@FrontierPunishd They’re both jooish, aren’t they?
And, remind me, (((WHO))) were the KAPOs, again? 🤔 They certainly weren’t Germans.
Sachin Jose @Sachinettiyil
Picture of Czeslawa Kwoka, a Polish Catholic girl, who was killed by Nazis in 1943 at Auschwitz. This picture was put up in Warsaw. According to the photographer, before this photograph was taken, the girl dried her tears and the blood from the cut on her lip. The cut on the lips…
Yeah, that IS just a craaaaazy cohencidence.
Matt Allen @investmattallen
Congresswoman Lois Frankel sold First Republic Bank in March before the stock dropped 80% After she sold First Republic, she bought JP Morgan Chase which just bought First Republic. She clearly had inside information. If me or you did this then we would be in prison.
Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Trans freaks continue to celebrate the murder of three small children by a trans freak.
Gator OP admitted to being jooish.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Jul 1, 2016
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Holy shit, it's Epic beard man! An oldie but a goodie!
: This video has it all. A niqqa having a niqqa moment, a based Nam vet, a hipster redhead in her own world, and a shaniqua filming herself stealing shit.
Niqqa, what's this gotta do with sports?
Barstool Sports @barstoolsports
The Weeknd And Lily-Rose Depp's HBO Show "The Idol" Lasted Just Five Episodes Before Being Cancelled
: Cameltoe Pedro is literally worse than the Joos he mocks/whines about lmao
Niqqa, you can't Kennedy the motherf*cking Donald!
PBD Podcast @PBDsPodcast
TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION? “I think they’ll blow his airplane up. I really at gut level believe they’re gonna kill Trump.” Alex Jones says he believes they’ll assassinate Trump. (Episode 281)
CM Puke is the most unoriginal niqqa ever. Doesn't even have his own identity just steals shit from legends. The Meatball Ron of wrestling. Sad!
Rowdy Roddy Piper @R_Roddy_Piper
Who wore it better? #RowdyRoddyPiper #HotRod or #CMPunk ? Always be the leader. Get your Piper Panther tee at:
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Jan 6, 2019
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@AlfvonDuring2 Bankens nuvarande VD är Ulrich Körner (((Ashkenazi Jew))) som ersatte f.d. VD:n Thomas (((Gottstein))), som fick avgå 2022: Credit Suisse ordförande heter dock Axel (((Lehmann)))...
Att vara en foliehatt betyder numera att man har rätt Så fortsätt gärna kalla mig foliehatt 6 min #svpol
(((Victoria Nuland))) (((Volodymyr Zelenskyj))) (((Klaus Schwab))) etc etc... Överrepresenterade: Every.Single.Time
@brandman80 @moderaterna Just därför bör både minoritetsskyddet men framförallt den onödiga lagen ”Hets mot folkgrupp” helt avskaffas. #StåUppFörYttrandefriheten #StandUpForFreeSpeech
: @brandman80 @moderaterna To learn (((who))) rules over you, simply find out (((who))) you are not allowed to criticize”…
TurkishFacts4u @TurkishFacts4U
Swedish Authorities prevent the burning of a Torah in front of the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm. @SwedishPM @SweMFA Can you please enlighten us as to why burning the Quran is an exercise of free speech but burning a Torah is not in Sweden?
@HMEnglund For the record. Hm, tog längre än tidigare innan "de" släppte in mig igen... Kunde logga in först idag. Tröttsamt med dessa ständiga stalkare som hackar sig in i - varenda - j*vla laptop som man använder för att Twittra med.🥱
: @HMEnglund Nu har (((de))) gjort att jag inte alls kan logga in på Twitter på den laptop som jag brukar använda. Ingen ide att @polisen_sthlm -anmäla dessa hackare heller, då polisen bara lägger ned såna ’lågprioriterade’ anmälningar med vändande post…
In April 2023, Bud Light partnered with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney to promote its beer. The partnership was met with backlash from conservatives, who accused the company of promoting "wokeness" and "cancel culture."
: PK-styrning har fått företag som Anheuser-Busch, Target och SAS att förlora miljarder i intäkter och i vissa fall hotas av konkurs. Men bakom de märkliga satsningarna på svarta vikingar och öldrickande transvestiter döljer sig politiska krav från (((...)))
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Slurs & ToS Breaches
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Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
@Peoples_Pundit (((Geraldo))) how could you? Shocked I am.
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Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
@Xongkuro Because (((reasons)))
Patrick Casey @restoreorderusa
BAP argues that the focus on black crime, while a problem, is misplaced because the true threat of diversity is its potential to extinguish the West’s greatness. We could have a diverse country that isn’t a murderous hellhole, but it would one be incapable of grand civilization.
Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
He might be right but its also very easy to prioritize greatness over black criminality if your income precludes you from dealing with groids. And his very much does judging by his sub #'s alone.
Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
I would like to change my vote to the sodomites. Fats and groids dont trigger the same disgust reflex.
Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
I would like to change my vote to the sodomites. Fats and groids dont trigger the same disgust reflex.
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Frens Wui Md. @FrensWeMade
@ExpatAftermath They lost June to groids thanks to Juneteenth. Can't beat them on the victim hierarchy, brands know this.
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Nazi Dogwhistles

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Feb 22, 2023
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Adalwolf 🎃 @AdalwolfP
(((@Adam25217569's))) diet @lion_lewisham @James3361845601 @millwall_mr @joanbob1975 @BenSillett @BronsonYid (((@snafIdiot)))
Bojo 😎🇬🇧 @HongKong3rdFav
@AdalwolfP I gave my laptop to little one, hardly used it. I use phone for everything now.
Adalwolf 🎃 @AdalwolfP
The only thing you can't do on a phone is motion capture/green screen video editing stuff. I wish phones had removable batteries like the old Nokias. But (((they)))wouldn't make as much 💰 then would they..
The Little Pizza Eater @railgeek181
@AdalwolfP Looks like a still from a porno.
Adalwolf 🎃 @AdalwolfP
Poor (((propaganda)))
Adalwolf 🎃 @AdalwolfP
(((Twitter))) issues..
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Adalwolf 🎃 @AdalwolfP
@snafloon @Adam25217569 @millwall_mr @James3361845601 @BenSillett How (((spursy)))