@wisermann David R. Evans Champion of victims of Israel, a murderous, racist apartheid abomination Costs US $Trils Formr Sgt USMC & Vets 4 Peace Member,Palestine & M.East Working Group

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@TuckerCarlson @RobertKennedyJr @ElonMusk @FreeBeacon @SharylAttkisson Committing war crimes is a crime. Reporting war crimes isn't. https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@LeSommierRgis @Document_illico Seems fair to me.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@EevaPirila @crustycobs @TuckerCarlson Indeed. This is "The International Community" western media and politicians brag about:

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Serine_Abd @doc_hal

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@TuckerCarlson @APDiploWriter I am in love with understanding the world, and sharing that understanding with other people. It’s a bit hard to describe how much I’m in love with that, and have been for many years. --Julian Assange to Randy Credico Journos shud be outraged!

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@MichaelWarbur17 @MLarsen26863971 Seinfeld is a spoiled man-child who supports Israel's murderous crimes. That's all I need to know.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@hisham_almsry @Republicaine2 @TuckerCarlson @ElonMusk @TulsiGabbard @realDonaldTrump Indeed. For 8 long years the US-neocon Jew's puppet government in #Ukraine shelled thousands of Ukrainian people to death before #Putin rescued them and Crimea. After decades of NATO march to Russia's border:

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@OnlinePalEng @kassand53805553 It's called land theft and ethnic cleansing, and both are war crimes. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/ But Israel conducts such war crimes with impunity because "Don'tcha kno what Hitler did to da Jews?" Challenging Israel's crimes is antisemitic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGVPBO9_cA

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@allaboutgold @Document_illico

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@RshakhShakhshir Indeed. Shame on anyone who supports Israel.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@DrSakriKaia Indeed. Israel's relentless crimes get us all attacked. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/oct/30/alqaida.september11

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@AmirIGM Pay attention Israel. Change your ways.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Next time someone tells you they support Israel tell them that Israel is like John Wayne Gacy on steroids.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@HonestReporting Real @HonestReporting would expose Israel's relentless war crimes including ethnic cleansing & massive land theft: https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/ @RogerWaters' depictions were accurate. The Holo is the rotten foundation of Israel that allows Israel's crimes.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@TuckerCarlson @ElonMusk @TulsiGabbard Haifa Palestine 1930. A Palestinian mother &her children. This was what Euro Jewish terrorists who spawned Israel said was "empty land" as they massacred 1000s of Palestinian families & chased 3/4 million people from their homes.

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Alpha100 @100_alpha
CEO #OXFAM reports: ▪️#Israel is greatest violator of Intn’l Law ▪️ Constructed 140+ illegal settlements inside #Palestinian Territories ▪️Governments inc. UK SILENT ▪️To achieve #Justice need to End settlements, Stop all trade & Condemn Israel ▪️UK need to take Action! #BDS https://t.co/fojuoE4afA
David R. Evans @wisermann
@NTruthurtz Hey! Leave Israel's Jews alone! They'e special. Don't you know what Hitler did to da Joos? Israel can violate international laws and commit war crimes with impunity. You must be antisemite. #ZionistLogic

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David R. Evans @wisermann
$!0 million/day is chump change compared to the multtiple $TRILLIONS squandered on perpetual wars for Israel's Oded Yinon Plan of regional chaos. https://cnionline.org/the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east-yinon-odeds-a-strategy-for-israel-in-the-nineteen-eighties/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Haifa Palestine 1930. A Palestinian mother &her children. This was the land that European Jewish terrorists who spawned Israel said was "empty land" as they massacred thousands of Palestinian families &@TuckerCarlson chased nearly a million people like these from their homes.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@wisermann: @TayyanEl @TuckerCarlson This was Palestine, which we are told by Zionist Jewish invaders was "empty land that Jews made bloom". https://www.palestineremembered.com/Jaffa/Jaffa/index.html?scr=rootpg#Pictures Palestine farms and orchards supplied Europe with bountiful Palestinian crops before the terrorist invaders stole it all for Israel.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@piersmorgan @TuckerCarlson @TulsiGabbard @RobertKennedyJr @ElonMusk @APDiploWriter Dear @piersmorgan, this is no surprise from a state that routinely murders children.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
This clown was sick:

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Freedom33453 They shouldn't have been supporting Israeli crimes including periodic mass murder and relentless land theft.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Tibou33969029 @ShizukaTajima Massacres across Palestine are ongoing.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@100_alpha @Karolina_cccc

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@wisermann: @AdamMilstein This is why rockets get fired into Israel: https://twitter.com/i/status/1643588026654662662
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David R. Evans @wisermann
@AdamMilstein @TuckerCarlson Few illegal Israeli squatter in Palestine know the daily pain and suffering of Palestinian families who experience such murderous attacks daily by Israel. All such deaths are tragic, but Israel is and has always been the aggressor. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Tibou33969029 @fouadhaidar Israeli snipers often shoot children and journalists.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@m4xim1l1an @Ishaq_Aslam @m7mdkurd @TuckerCarlson @geraldcelente How should anyone respond to this? and this? https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/ Israel is an invader colony that missed the Colonial Period. It was self-spawned by EuroJew terrorists who ignored UN conditions for statehood. https://www.countercurrents.org/hart050410.htm

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Upper_Galilee @Ishaq_Aslam

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@PeImeniPusha @alfredovela08

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@BobbyShrapnel @aaronjmate Israel always justifies its relentless war crimes with the "self defense" lie.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
People are offered a choice: Corrupt capitalism which takes from the worker class to reward the investor class and political class parasites, or corrupt socialism which takes from the worker class to reward the criminal oligarchs and the corrupt political class parasites.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Tibou33969029 @Ishaq_Aslam

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@timingnl Never Forget:

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Alan Sabrosky ".. virtually every innovation that defines our modern world was originally invented by white men (and a few white women), from the printing press to the electric light to the tampon - and, yes, these too. Hating white people is hating the modern world."

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Scott Martin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.. TWENTY PERCENT OF THE "JEWS".. Jewish is a religion not a race.. I'm an atheist Presbyterian.. I'm a atheist Catholic. Oh oh.. I'm a atheist Buddhist..🤣🤣🤣.. Sounds absolutely retarded doesn't it..

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@RonanLTynan @TuckerCarlson @RepMTG @SamParkerSenate @NoWarForIsrael Mr @Macgrub60928581 Jewishness doesn't give right to massacre people & steal their land. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/ Israel's relentless crimes make antiSemites out of ordinary empathetic people. https://www.zionismbook.com/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Katsikajules @MiddleEastMnt @TuckerCarlson @TulsiGabbard Those who think Palestinians should allow Euro Jew's relentless theft of property https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/ should let these violent thugs come to expand in their neighborhoods. Israel is illegitimate; Shouldn't exist. https://countercurrents.org/hart050410.htm

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@TulsiGabbard @SenDuckworth @SamParkerSenate @RepRashida @TuckerCarlson Perpetual wars for Israel get 1000s of US warriors killed and maimed and cost US $Trillions as America's infrastructure rots. https://cnionline.org/the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east-yinon-odeds-a-strategy-for-israel-in-the-nineteen-eighties/ Meet the war architects: https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/americas-jews-are-driving-americas-wars/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@SamSteckloff @CNNThisMorning @PoppyHarlowCNN Close friend of Israeli PM Golda Meir, Brit journo Alan Hart said his greatest fear for Jews was return of virulent antiSem because of Israel https://www.zionismbook.com/ Israel's relentless crimes make antiSemites out of ordinary empathetic people.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@AlBiRumi @sitizen_girl @swepal1 @fazel25689797 @noam8080 @inshallah1001 @BrianLanca @laielkha @mariamtayob @FreeLogic67 @gerda00052 @NGScott_NZ @newman95533677 @kwok_xian @meNabster @bodmansjaxs @inabster @SDGMasterglass @bad_bec @Meritocracy14 @corjoy @WARONWASHINGTON @fperez1776 @Waelhoussami64_ @MY_MUSLIM @HumanitarianPR @ari95365811 @Palestine501 @liberty84747180 @AflaqAtallah @pgphippen @Amar80241910 @jilaans @EgSophie @IfNotNowBoston @JvpAction @jvpliveNY @WinWithoutWar @hzomlot @nour_odeh @talschneider @baruchikra @POTUS Indeed. Zionism is a brain disease, a psychopathy, a belief that it is normal to periodically mass murder people out of the way, bulldoze and bomb their homes to steal their land. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@swilkinsonbc @SBPal_Eng

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@LasseKaragiann3 @BayernSPD @spdhh @spdrlp @spdbawue @jusos @CDU_CSU_EP @CDU @cduberlin @CDUBerlin_AGH @cduingelheim @CduIserlohn @CDUJenfeld @CDUOberbieber

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@JewMedia @brianlilley @JustinTrudeau

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@luan_kotori Indeed. Massive holocaust regurgitation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_films https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums maintains massive ignorant support for the illegitimate spawning of Israel https://countercurrents.org/hart050410.htm and allows Israel's relentless war crimes in Palestine

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Americans supported this with $Billions of their tax dollars. ARGENTINA The well of Vargas, in the province of Tucumán. A mass grave of 140 people tortured, killed and missing between 1975-1977. Today the excavation where 116 people were identified by DNA analysis was completed.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@GFilza @Ishaq_Aslam @FoxNews @BBCWorld @cnni Yep.

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@allaboutgold Indeed. Zionists are psycopathically delusional. They believe that murdering people out of the way to illegally grow Israel on ever more stolen land is just and good. https://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/check-msnbcs-palestinian/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@SaraReyi @APDiploWriter @SharylAttkisson @RandPaul @ifamericansknew #IsraeliTerrorism routinely murders unarmed Palestinians simply because it can. Such murders are committed with impunity because of US vetoes at the UNSC. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/19/a-history-of-the-us-blocking-un-resolutions-against-israel

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David R. Evans @wisermann
Morpheus MAGA @MorpheusMAGA This is Federal Judge Mark Pittman from Texas. Appointed by President Trump in 2019, he is responsible for forcing Pfizer to release internal documents they wanted sealed for 75 years. Absolute Legend!

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@MuhamedBenZona @MoBakir444 @Jack57494371 @VictorNakba @clarence8577680 @AJewFromJudea @NKippur @bob_alian @JonathanWeissb3 @YafAng4Ever @reems84 @destination1111 @macklinh @Affulay2Madaure @PepperWingate @Awakenotawoke @yes_we_cat @Busternr1 @wiseduck2 @Iam_Still_Me @daggerhaft @rp_16 @PattataM @thingy665 @traseas7 @Ziont85576623 @Katsikajules @Dwight9898 @manifesto2000 @P3ng1z @RabbiIsaacFasi @AliasTibou @kyberknave @screenstarr @HarvelaHarvey @SagyPM @AmEretzAvodah @HarrisModche @AbrahamIbnEzra @JournalofaJew @Pakeha56 @mrpeabody @Ronisonit @StoneWaimea @PalDoesNotExist @Tghazal @Brad_Spielman @Tax_Dodge_Hodge @BgoerckeRobert @gomiriam63 ...and Chris Hedges mentions who you support:

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David R. Evans @wisermann
The "International Community"

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Awakenotawoke @Jill_Azzouzi @LuckyManAlways @screenstarr @LiveFromExile @HarrisModche @LiterateSimmie @NKippur @PepperWingate @IQ15991967 @macklinh @Busternr1 @yes_we_cat @JonathanWeissb3 @bob_alian @Jack57494371 @Affulay2Madaure @Ziont85576623 @wiseduck2 @reems84 @daggerhaft @rp_16 @PattataM @destination1111 @thingy665 @VictorNakba @traseas7 @Katsikajules @Dwight9898 @MuhamedBenZona @manifesto2000 @P3ng1z @AJewFromJudea @RabbiIsaacFasi @AliasTibou @kyberknave @HarvelaHarvey @SagyPM @AmEretzAvodah @AbrahamIbnEzra @JournalofaJew @Pakeha56 @mrpeabody @Ronisonit @StoneWaimea @PalDoesNotExist @Tghazal @YafAng4Ever @Brad_Spielman @Tax_Dodge_Hodge

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@LuckyManAlways @Jill_Azzouzi @Awakenotawoke @screenstarr @LiveFromExile @HarrisModche @LiterateSimmie @NKippur @PepperWingate @IQ15991967 @macklinh @Busternr1 @yes_we_cat @JonathanWeissb3 @bob_alian @Jack57494371 @Affulay2Madaure @Ziont85576623 @wiseduck2 @reems84 @daggerhaft @rp_16 @PattataM @destination1111 @thingy665 @VictorNakba @traseas7 @Katsikajules @Dwight9898 @MuhamedBenZona @manifesto2000 @P3ng1z @AJewFromJudea @RabbiIsaacFasi @AliasTibou @kyberknave @HarvelaHarvey @SagyPM @AmEretzAvodah @AbrahamIbnEzra @JournalofaJew @Pakeha56 @mrpeabody @Ronisonit @StoneWaimea @PalDoesNotExist @Tghazal @YafAng4Ever @Brad_Spielman @Tax_Dodge_Hodge Journalist and author Chris Hedges is fake too?

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@dublinactivist @nilusof Yep. The purposeful killings of children by Israelis continues. These are war crimes. But Israel is protected from prosecution of war crimes by US veto at the UNSC. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/u-s-vetoes-of-un-security-council-resolutions-critical-to-israel

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Freedom33453 @SharylAttkisson @_whitneywebb @APDiploWriter @NoWarForIsrael @joneve @LeeCamp @RealStewPeters @FreeBeacon Israel has history of targeting journalists and children. https://passtheknowledge.wordpress.com/2014/08/04/the-death-of-tom-hurndall/

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@Mister_HSA Thousands of such murders by Israeli invaders of Palestine are actual war crimes but Israel forces murder and steal land and homes with impunity and is protected by US veto at the UN. https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/israels-stranglehold-on-american-politics

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David R. Evans @wisermann
@nilusof Were recent Palestinian victims children?

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CWD @drewwood30
@BakedNorwegian Total deaths at work camps-died from allied bombs and typhus #realhistory https://t.co/hOEP8qFSvy
David R. Evans @wisermann
@BakedNorwegian Indeed. The International Red Cross concurs: The Holocaust narrative is fabricated. http://vho.org/GB/c/DC/gc46-ORIGI.html The holohoax is the rotten foundation of Israel. Without it, Israel would not exist. https://countercurrents.org/hart050410.htm

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View @drewwood30
David R. Evans @wisermann
@wisermann: Do you know that Israel runs Washington https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/03/22/the-best-congress-aipac-can-buy/ and Washington wages wars for this Israeli plan https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 and you inform others? You're an antiSemite!

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