@GeorgeIsChillin Geo πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²βœοΈ Pronouns: Free/Speech. Anti-jab. Anti-mask. Anti-censorship. Anti-groupthink. Think for yourself. Always question the narrative. Freedom, PA

GeorgeIsChillin's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 56
Why does Disney ritually humiliate and destroy its White male fictional heroes? #lukeskywalker, #Thor, #hansolo, and now #IndianaJones. Weird. White folks deserve heroes too. What's up with the villains running Disney? #DialOfDestiny

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How can this be true @BensmanTodd? It's unbelievable. What about our existing homeless? Don't we care about Americans anymore? Why isn't somebody stopping this administration that is obviously on the take from China and intent on destroying the USA? https://cis.org/Bensman/Biden-DHS-Coordinating-Illegal-Immigration-InFlows-Mexico

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The US law that prevents us from suing #BigPharma for poisoning us only applies to US citizens. So if we renounce our US citizenship, can we sue Big Pharma? Don't non-citizens also get free healthcare, their families put up in 5-star hotels, and free food? https://www.reuters.com/world/refugees-lack-covid-shots-because-drugmakers-fear-lawsuits-documents-2021-12-16/

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β€œMayorkas has intentionally increased the size of the Darien Gap camp. He’s not shutting it down, like some fake reports in the media. They are actually clearing land to expand the camps” Yon tells The Florida Standard. https://www.theflstandard.com/federal-government-behind-massive-operation-to-send-illegal-immigrants-into-u-s/

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@DeAnon919 @alx That was a photo of Patriots trying to defend America and protest an illegal usurpation of power. You're not very bright, are you? Here are actual savage thug losers burning things:

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@DeAnon919 @alx There was no insurrection. Here's your book.

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@whoknows197563 @Teufelhund0811 @MammothNationUS You also retweet Joe Manchin so I found this book for you.

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@RONTHINKmedia @Brandon_Bird @MammothNationUS Don't be angry at others just because God didn't bless you in the looks department.

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These are the GOP20 patriots in the House who stood up to the status quo (and the patriotic dozen who stood up for election integrity), courtesy of the nutty far left libs at the New York Times: http://archive.is/aDa5S

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Let's help @RKGandhi_ get some followers on Twitter. His "red pill rhymes" are really good. http://linktr.ee/rkgandhi

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@healthbyjames Because of the 11 red flags.

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Is this legit or photoshopped?

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A Capitol cop pushed a guy off a stairs and broke the guy's legs and then taunted the crowd of protestors? No wonder they were rioting.
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Did the US Government #DARPA know in advance that #Ivermectin was the best treatment for #Covid? https://twitter.com/GeorgeIsChillin/status/1613816336722845698/video/1

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They found another batch of classified documents stashed away by Biden when he was VP, lol. https://youtu.be/ZH04j-B_I7k

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@RepAndyBiggsAZ @RepJoeWilson is an embarrassment and must be a part of the Biden-Ukraine money-laundering scam. Since he loves giving head, Joe should just cut to the chase and move to Ukraine to please Zelensky directly.

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@InSTOICpains @DannyCoon9 @DrLovlie @randydu55280024 @KeepinKidsSafe @sethweathers She's a retired naive rainbow Ukraine flag lefty pediatrician who blindly believes corporate media. Thank God she's retired now. Too many lefty "doctors" also blindly believe the corrupted medical establishment & don't question what they're told, lost in self-righteous ignorance.

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@DrLovlie @randydu55280024 @KeepinKidsSafe @sethweathers The "guy who tased himself", Kevin Greeson, DID NOT tase himself repeatedly in the scrotum. That was a ridiculous lie by sadistic lying lefties on Twitter. Greeson didn't even enter the Capitol building. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/01/13/fact-check-alabama-man-capitol-riot-died-heart-attack/6624232002/

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@AshlandPaul @LoriMills4CA42 @RepSwalwell @ByronDonalds @thereidout @SpeakerMcCarthy @RepAdamSchiff @Ilhan

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@AWeissmann_ Shouldn't a snake, loathed by tens of millions, infamous for corrupting the spirit of the law, be in jail, Weissman? Lawfare isn't moral & corrupt prosecutors deserve prison. You should be facing charges for your Russia investigation sham & your other horrific legal misconduct.

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@Liberty4C @HardlyanAngel @LoriMills4CA42 @RepSwalwell @ByronDonalds @thereidout @SpeakerMcCarthy @RepAdamSchiff @Ilhan She crankin that NPR.

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@GeorgeIsChillin: The only way they could impose an income tax is by making a constitutional amendment. But must've bribed state politicians to vote for it. And the initial income tax originally was 1% of the income of the top 1%. A good lesson why you shouldn't give 1-inch to the government.

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@GeorgeIsChillin: In a Mafia protection racket you have to pay the Mafia because the "protection" is so they don't hurt you if you don't pay. That's the US Government-Mafia. People who say we live in a democracy or a republic are extremely wrong about that. This is an authoritarian kleptocracy.

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Oh, the Irish drink fluoridated water too. How are they doing?
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China keeps sending us Fluoride & Fentanyl to make us dumber and deader with the help of our own government. "Sodium fluoride must be imported from China and is of questionable quality." https://www.centredaily.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/article263829597.html

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@DVATW @RealGemmaOD Weird they're not fighting back. Reminds me of the US.

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@rycunni Thinking is hard. Fear is easy.

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@populistrevolt2 @tylerbowyer Well, he's 80, so....

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@AZBJJ12 @CarolFRNY @rscook @RepAndyBiggsAZ

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@StruthSydney @atensnut @GenFlynn @elonmusk @Twitter

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@realstewpeters Survival of the least gullible.

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@BasedMikeLee There is none. George Washington was wrong and Patrick Henry was right. The Constitution planted the seed of tyranny when it created a federal government that had enough power to grow itself into the tyrannical behemoth that exists today.

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@GeorgeIsChillin: In good fiction, vigilante cowboy-types show up when the state is too apathetic & too corrupt bc the idea gives people hope. Trump could've arrested employers of illegals as traitors to the US or as CIC, sent the military to seal the border against cartels. Now we have insanity.

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In WW2 did they choose Nagasaki to nuke bc it was Japan's biggest Catholic city? Maybe that was just a coincidence. https://aleteia.org/2019/08/21/the-two-churches-that-survived-the-atomic-bombs-in-hiroshima-and-nagasaki/ Maybe it's all a coincidence & no Anti-Christian demons have been controlling American government, Hollywood & the media for decades, right?
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Proof the deep state (the #FBI via Jim Baker) wanted the population to "be afraid" of #covid. #scamdemic
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New Zealand's government medical regulatory body, #Medsafe, just quietly mentioned on December 14th that "shortly after [#COVID19] vaccination" "some people will experience new illnesses or die." https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-46.asp

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The article is talking about this Ted Talk. Start watching around 4 1/2 minutes. https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_innovating_to_zero?language=en

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@Jasonbourne415_ @liz_churchill7

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All these tweets are still up after all these years? Wow. Is this a parody account? Because it's not very funny.

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@lisamurkowski You don't care about Alaska because you don't care about America. You voted for $47 B more to ANTI-CHRISTIAN Zelensky to "secure Ukraine's borders" β€” BUT NOT OURS?And 19 MILLION kids lost out bc their parents earn too little. Are U.S. families not Ukranian enough for you to help?

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How is this dude President of the United States of America and not in jail? Even worse, how y'all defending this man? What's wrong with y'all? https://t.co/h8xEtHzq7t
: There's a 2015 C-Span video of Biden groping Sen. Steve Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, who was only 8 yrs old at the time. She later spoke about it publicly with a journalist. Here's the C-Span video still up on YouTube: http://youtu.be/g6zXhYsIWKQ

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View @GeorgeIsChillin
How is this dude President of the United States of America and not in jail? Even worse, how y'all defending this man? What's wrong with y'all? https://twitter.com/GeorgeIsChillin/status/1583352583015387136/video/1

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falange 85%

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art_other 96%

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etc 81%

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face 30%