@judicialist The Judicialist For the creation of a high trust, low time preference society. God. Family. Tribe. Property. Truth above face.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 33

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The Judicialist @judicialist
Women openly admit that they reject any semblance of responsibility for the negative results of their decisions. "You'll wind up in a nursing home with no family to look out for you." "How dare you make me feel bad about what I'm doing!!!!"

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The Judicialist @judicialist
"Men and women have the same avg IQ"

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@NickKao13 @Sargon_of_Akkad @MaryMargOlohan

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@GScaevola @BasedMedical Ah, so you're a liar. Got it.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
She is absolutely right. It's just that part of male cowardice is allowing women a voice in politics.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
I am in awe of this woman moment. Truly an achievement for the ages.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@DelusionPosting I can't believe this has to be said but...

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@allinwithchris @AOC lol We remember summer 2020. We remember Kamala telling rioters to keep doing their thing. We remember "Defund the Police." We remember woke DA's releasing criminals. We remember the BILLIONS in property damage to small businesses owned by innocent people.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@quetzaleninist You are so illiterate in this subject, that you pick the most validated, concrete psychometric on that list as the poster boy for pseudoscience.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
India's probably the best example of "We have no idea how to control this." Look at the linked video from this week. Vendors without masks everywhere. Insanely crowded. And yet, cases are going down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oiFPo2_zb0 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/

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The Judicialist @judicialist
This Moderna vaccine just gets fishier and fishier. So, we've never had a coronavirus or RNA vaccine. Turns out, we've also never been able to buy a Moderna product before, because they have none on the market. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/absolutely-remarkable-no-one-who-got-modernas-vaccine-trial-developed-severe-covid-19

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@WomenPostingLs Found the epitome of cringe for you

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@judicialist: Lastly, be aware that this is not some esoteric concern. There's an MMR vaccine that's been kicked out of multiple nations for causing meningitis outbreaks. Last I heard the WHO was still using in Brazil. There's an HPV vaccine that's also looking *HIGHLY* suspect to me...

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@keithboykin Just for anybody wondering what this psychopath did.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
So, let me get this straight. The world has never had a coronavirus vaccine. It's never had an RNA vaccine. And you're telling me that, in seven months, we've developed the first example of both of these and it's 95% effective with minimal side effects?

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The Judicialist @judicialist
Assuming present reporting is roughly reflective of where we'll end up, Trump's won. The biggest race to keep an eye on is actually GA. If current splits continue to the end, Fulton and Dekalb county will wipe out Trump's lead.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
Me when I find out that Diaspora's written in Ruby on Rails

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The Judicialist @judicialist
This thread really does contain this tweet:
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The Judicialist @judicialist
@judicialist: The World Economic Forum published this in 2016. And now they are running point on "The Great Reset." Anytime you hear a politician say "build back better" or something equivalent, be aware that phrase originated with the WEF and is the calling card of the Great Reset.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Sebaldus_ While this is a terrible example, I do have to agree that the American breakfast scene blows the rest of the world out of the water.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@WapWorshiperr: @WapWorshiper @erin3197 @LolOverruled Watching this thread get dumber and dumber like

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@CheapoCrappy That enormous concrete patch in the back

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Logicalmeme @KeithWoodsYT ADL dispels the rumor that Jews control media and government through backchannels by controlling media and government through backchannels.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@EndOfDaysWoman Is there even a debate?

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The Judicialist @judicialist
Amongst women born in or after 1940, Right fertility has been above replacement, while Left fertility has been drastically below. Left fertility amongst women born from 1960-1969 was **0.8**. By this logic, America should be getting vastly more conservative.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
In 2016, a murder victim was found in the trunk of a car that Breonna Taylor was renting. The "good girl" narrative around her is absolute crap. https://www.wave3.com/2020/08/26/warrants-issued-arrest-breonna-taylors-ex-boyfriend-amid-leaked-new-documents/

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@ValaAfshar This is a solution in search of a problem. In the city, privacy means closing the blinds.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Alederossi99 @AndrewLindner6 @PeterZeihan Dang

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The Judicialist @judicialist
Oh look, another Catholic...just like every one of the turncoats that Trump's gotten in over the past three years. This is not going to end any differently. https://www.revolver.news/2020/09/the-definitive-rundown-on-president-trumps-supreme-court-short-list/

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The Judicialist @judicialist
You see that dip in the 90s? Yeah, turns out that's not real and America's murder rate would have continued up to double the 90s peak, had medical tech not advanced. This is driven ENTIRELY by Dems turning every US metropolis into crime ridden hellholes.
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The Judicialist @judicialist
@PlanningShit Those completely pointless brown spots...

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@ajaromano This is your brain on feminism. Young girls fight exploitation by men....by dancing like a stripper would...for men.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
The Progressive utopia summarized in two movies, where you can both sexually abuse and murder children with impunity. Why are we trying to negotiate with these people again? Let's just organize and win.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Kiro_Darkpaw @wayotworld ;)

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@AuronMacintyre Whoa...so Activision made a video game where the true objective is figuring out that they're the villains and need to be taken down! Meta

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@DanielM06197987 @MarthaBueno18 @LPNational Haha, it's like, "Have you MET US??"

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@JortsAndCrocs @Gwarsbane @EddyGriffin14 @NYGovCuomo You uh...got a link for that study?

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Powells_ghost @BorisJohnson Socialists literally only want one thing, and it's disgusting

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The Judicialist @judicialist
It's extraordinarily depressing to realize that our current predicament in the West has been led by elites everywhere. On the other hand, it's enlivening to realize who the enemy is.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
In the late 19C, neoliberalism was articulated by Cecil Rhodes and associates. This vision of liberal politics ruling the world infected much of British aristocracy. With this armor of righteousness, the British would go on to provide the model for later tyrannical regimes.

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The Judicialist @judicialist
@Haymarket__1886 @StefanMolyneux

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The Judicialist @judicialist
There isn't a war on fathers, you bigot.

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