@WhiteStudentT White Student T. Resource offering a combination of Podcast, tutorials & literature to counter #AntiWhite’s. #White #Student #Learn #College #University #America #Europe #School United States

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 133
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@slave_2_liberty Wasssssuuuppp 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Announcers Voice: #WhiteErasure sponsored in part by #Antiwhiteism 🤔🧐 #England #Ireland #Wales #Scotland #UK #Europe #Cambridge

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@YALiberty @elonmusk

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Schools & large companies must install literature that says all of the same things about yellow, brown and black people as they’ve already said about white people, in order to meet their legal obligation to treat everyone the same, on the basis of color. #Equity 🧐🤔#RacialEquity

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#Harvard #MinorityPrivilege #Privilege 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TommSavage Needs Ranch 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@UltraDane I need 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@realdanlyman 😳😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AsianDawn4 That’s right ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Rossmac212 @kimmarcella78

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@GovRonDeSantis Will you sign an executive order requiring your recent laws on “hate” to be applied to #Antiwhite rhetoric/material ? ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AAmmaazzing @Michael31396055 Daaaaaaaaaaamn 😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@SalimAbebe @Africa_Archives @_deeiana Some excellent points AND I recommend everyone do a bit more research / reading about #slavery. Narratives that crop out non-White slave owners and non-Black slaves are used by MSM and Academia to create #Antiwhite sentiment / global destabilization. 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@WeAreWoke1776_3 @ClownWorld_ She sounds like Miley Cyrus - Somebody get her a cough drop 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@pazurycezara @piedmontian11 #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#Privilege #MinorityPrivilege #Antiwhitism #DomesticTerrorism 🤔🧐 #Antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mornecom @EsterVeldman @vlademir_duma @ErnstRoets The #Antiwhite’s had to invent a derogatory name to call White independence before they could draft laws to take it away ☝🏻😲 #apartheid #Segregation #FreeUs

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@trynpepe You can have this one 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ShelbyGrie @Man_with_a_van

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#AffirmativeDestruction 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@rjfenix2 @Timcast Your Google broken ? 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@barbaricvitalsm @GrosJeanMEGA 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@jotmanjotman @PicturesFoIder Daaaaaam ! What happened to your hoof ?!?! 😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MillennialWoes 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Timcast Remember those who helped ☝🏻😲⬇️

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EndWokeness Don’t forget the others who provided material support ☝🏻😲#Russia

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Koos de la Rey @KoosdlRey
🤷🏻‍♂️Like-for-like https://t.co/fUMkTuVcKa
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#EFF is #Antiwhite ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#Antiwhite’s occupying government positions create the narratives they need, to justify passing #Antiwhite laws/ policies (notice they NEVER show you the definition of “hate” or “racist” THEY go by? ). 🤔🧐 #Eurovision #America #Hate

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous Josie like : 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@longstoryfarms Needs Ranch 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MuhSocioFactors #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmilyM0703 @anti_commie32 Reminder that #African deligates came to #America to apologize for starting the slave trade and the large media companies ignored it ☝🏻😲⬇️ #Reparations #Slavery https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1656157637837467649/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@sumitS63426860 @SerenaJB3 @stillgray Ugh… every population created a society for their own group. The other populations are not entitled to membership in that society (or even tribe). Also, White societies fought to end the slave trade started by black Africans. So… they can leave ☝🏻😲⬇️ https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1656151356753973249/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CasuallyGreg Got the whole room smellin like azz 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@GaiusXrp @BiospiritWest 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Anonymous_Yank @realstewpeters The same #Antiwhite scripting used to destroy #Rhodesia and now #SouthAfrica is also being used in #America and #Europe. Relocating White migrants won’t solve this problem, we must organize and defeat #Antiwhiteism ☝🏻😲 check out @NoWhiteGuiltNWG and @yizzcognito https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1652548543805296640/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mystrysloth @OlavAasteson @Texan_Jack Answer this: Name ONE SINGLE THING done by White people that wasn’t also done by brown,yellow and black people? 🧐🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CoreyJMahler Few: I thought it was ONLY me 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@sovereignbrah @whatever

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@LadyConstance8 @CurtisHebert The church is not immune from Commie infiltration. That would explain a lot of the “scandals” and endorsements of anti Christian behaviors etc. they rot the church from the inside out ☝🏻😲⬇️ #Diocese #Catholic #CatholicChurch #Pope #Rome

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@onebiglizard With the Shitty-city I live in? Pass that rope ! 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous So Kewl ! 😬

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Gen. James Longstreet @LeesWarhorse
Only weeks ago, whistleblowers confirmed the FBI is actively framing White Americans for "hate crimes" and "domestic terrorism." Not a single elected official has defended White people by name from the ADL/FBI's organized, Anti-White attacks. https://t.co/XgJsyU4yfD
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Direct question for any local politician seeking your vote. Ask : Will you support White citizens who want to establish a formal legal defense organization in your district? If they say no, then tell them White citizens won’t vote for them. 🤔🧐#Antiwhite

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View @LeesWarhorse
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@janevoe1 @Emilio2763 This information is “cropped out” of lesson plans intentionally, so radicals can agitate the black population and use them as a domestic destabilization force (whole chapter dedicated to this in my book/pinned tweet) one case for reference 🧐⬇️ #Antiwhite

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Dissident Soaps @DissidentSoaps
“What’s that flag?” “Rhodesia.” “Oh, where’s that?” “…in my heart. 🥹” https://t.co/5x6Ipd0yIi
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#America and #Europe must pay attention to the #Antiwhite rhetoric being used because #Rhodesia was the testing ground and we can see how they’ll “copy and paste” to destroy the West using the same playbook ☝🏻😲 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1649541820957986816/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous Like 5-7 different types of jasmine in full bloom by me. Bees + hummingbirds continually passing through + smells sooooo good

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JTSmith1014 African delegates came to America to apologize for starting the slave trade and the MSM ignored it ! ☝🏻😲 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1648772875309187072/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#AntiWhite’s and their calls for domestic #terrorism against White people wont stop UNTIL politicians pass laws that provide all of the same legal protections/ recourse for White citizens, that they provide for all of the groups who attack White people. #Chicago #Portland ☝🏻😲 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1648347716504920065/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@UltraDane If you only knew how bad it really is ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@V_Palestine20 🙏🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ModernHeretic9 I don’t see how 🤔 Think ! If your post was worded to imply you’re positioned opposite of me + call me a Naz* THEN that means, you consider yourself to be the opposite of a Naz* WHICH IS a Bolshevik BUT you’re also #Antiwhite SO… that means you’re a Bolshevik-AntiWhite 🤔😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MillennialWoes 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
A good question for your local politician : Ask them what resources can be established for White students at schools where material or teachers like this are present ? #TransTerrorism #SupremeCourt #tiktokdown #UkraineWar #Antiwhite #AntiWest ☝🏻😲#Michigan #EqualTraining

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🩸 Robert Jones 🩸 @Robert____Jones
Yeah Whitey, “your sick in the head, go see a therapist”. https://t.co/rnqPdnEhM6
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Aside from her #Antiwhite remarks, I think it’s totally ironic that she’s attacking White people for appropriating hairstyles WHILE she’s clearly appropriating a Japanese Harajuku hairstyle herself ☝🏻🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JamesEdwardsTPC #ForcedDiversityMustEnd ✊🏻😓 #FreeUs

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RepKiley In addition, how do we start the process of challenging / working to repeal laws like the one referenced in this article? 🧐⬇️ -Thanks

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mcsjr333 @eclipsethis2003

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@frantruth They got the whole room smellin like ass 🤣

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Dan Lyman @realdanlyman
Pain. All I feel is a deep, aching pain. We can never go back. https://t.co/317NPXQNv2
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
This has all been preplanned. 🧐🤔 #Sweden #Antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JTSmith1014 Wonders if I can get away with that 🤔🤣😆

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@StrydomJoost @ReneVanderVyver ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JohnSmith221488 @CitizenFreePres Before government FORCED-Diversity 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Timcast ✊🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AntiWhiteWatch1 We need to contact local political representatives and present an ultimatum. If they can’t / won’t enforce behavior requirements THEN they must release the White citizenry from all forced-interaction policies ☝🏻😲 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@____bluestour 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RiebvJanbeeck FAX ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@sorrne @XandeRibeiroJJ @LionelMedia

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@wayotworld #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NightowlOzark Treason ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Nature_and_Race I think it’s important that we distinguish between naturally occurring diversity (which has value) and government FORCED-Diversity (which has no value). 🤔🧐#FreeUs

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RiebvJanbeeck #EFF 🧐🤔

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Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
This UC Davis professor, Joshua Clover, is calling for our TPUSA event to be cancelled. He is welcome to come to my event and challenge me to my face, but I bet he is too much of a coward, so instead he slanders me and our students online. https://t.co/uznMkQ84qu
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TPUSA @tpusastudents White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JeffYoungerTX White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@scrowder White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AhComfy - You after the call 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@scrowder White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Klaus_Arminius @realdanlyman I’m telling ya ! White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time to DEMAND EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Montanakid9 Reach out if you have any questions about the concepts or want further clarification on anything. We can beat this ✊🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@charliekirk11 White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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Tim Pool @Timcast
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@HarrisonHSmith White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@charliekirk11 White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@charliekirk11 White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@HarrisonHSmith White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@PTRUMPFORTX2020 @BrownEyedMale

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Timcast @MattWalshBlog White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Tomhennessey69 @ScottAdamsSays #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #EndForcedDiversity

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CalledTrashBoy @Nature_and_Race Reach out if you have questions or want clarification on anything 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@bennyjohnson White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@charliekirk11 White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmmanuelMacron White people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️☝🏻😲 #EqualTraining BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/3YQwc3z

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@gearoidmurphy_ @GenxNn #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@GaiusXrp @MorningShot1 Remember all the rhetoric about the UN-💉to put them in camps etc. they’ll use tactics that stick people in “legal limbo” while they execute a takeover. + Beetlejuice signed that agreement for “secure cities” allowing the UN military to occupy/operate on American soil🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JamesEdwardsTPC Agreed ☝🏻😬 This way, we can FINALLY break free from Forced-Diversity / Destabilization policies. #FreeUs #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Andrevdw123 @Fern514 #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #ForcedDiversityMustEnd

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mutilation_surv @Paraplane100 @DrLoupis 😲😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ZA_Rebel @RealDSchmidt Forced-Diversity = Conflict/Destruction. #FreeUs ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@yizzcognito @PPromulgation @NoWhiteGuiltNWG 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@sallybaloo @stanogs68 @Steve92592444 One tactic I noticed is that they’re creating “legalese” terms and getting them coded in to law to mask laws that exclude the host population as well as a back-door takeover through the legal system. Other terms used in America are “historically disadvantaged” BAME used in UK🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@zuluhedgehog @SholaMos1 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Remember kids: #RacialEquity means that White people get to sit the next two #WorldWar’s out since we fought the first two. You got this #BIPOC ! #Ukraine #Russia #RussianUkrainianWar

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MikeASperrazza @ChuckCallesto

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Sargon_of_Akkad ✊🏻😓 #FreeUs

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
☝🏻😲 Learn how radical #Antiwhite’s use “cropped narratives” to radicalize non-Whites and use them for domestic #terrorism ‼️. #Slavery #Antiwhiteism #Reparations #CRT #Woke #Democrat BOOK ▶️▶️ https://a.co/d/8PhjMY5

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AntiWhiteWatch1 #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversity

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Styxhexenhammer666 @Styx666Official
More glowy propaganda. https://t.co/yzlNaps5v9
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
It’s #Antiwhite propaganda ☝🏻😲 #DayOfHate

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@wayotworld @DrongoMods Me like :

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EndDayz444 That shit looks like an Orc 😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@bigmothufacking I found this Meme #Ukraine️

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@DVATW @CallumLeat27 😲😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@IndividualRSA #EFF #SouthAfrica #Elections2023 #EWC #BEE

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
The #Antiwhite narrative 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@untoAugustus Interesting timing isn’t it ☝🏻😲 #Antiwhite #Rape #sotu2023 #Ukraine #Ireland

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Announcers Voice : The #Antiwhite narrative, brought to you in part by @csmonitor - Link ▶️ https://news.yahoo.com/leads-joy-white-men-recognize-150837152.html

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Georgia_AFA @mk_indy @shutupokay4 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
The #American people MUST be trained to defend themselves from the radical #Antiwhite agenda ! It’s time for EQUAL TRAINING ! It’s time to neutralize the attack techniques used by radicals ‼️ ☝🏻😲 #EveryAmerican #privilege #Trending BOOK HERE ▶️▶️▶️ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSG74497?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_EM5NF9WF8HCFMDKZH7ES

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JackLon09169906 @Stockportrico11 😱😳

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Brewer12Brewer @AsianDawn4 If it gets any worse outside, I’m considering only leaving the house wearing a space suit 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous In Josie’s water dish? 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JamesEdwardsTPC In addition, they were “quota hires” 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mk_indy @DiorshowEric @srsly_26 You guys, we’re WELL in to riot season and I don’t even have my barbwire up yet ! Stop bugging ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@shutupokay4 @mk_indy You said you were leaving ! 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mk_indy @shutupokay4

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@shutupokay4 @mk_indy Here you go bimbo 🤣 Lots of people speak out about it. https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1619842788941791232/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@srsly_26 @mk_indy Uh… that’s just the thumbnail (that link leads to an article) so….

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mk_indy @shutupokay4 No, I originally referenced AntiWhite policies like Affirmative Action / Quota hiring etc. I don’t know why it was taken in the direction of either of you thinking I don’t have a job ?

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CallMeKek_97 😲😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CallMeKek_97 Dog or cat ? I can’t make it out 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mk_indy @everstrdst @TaxWrite0ffs @NoWhiteGuiltNWG No, I really mean it when I say BYE ! You idiotic AntiWhite’s are Cancer and a waste of time.

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@everstrdst @mk_indy @TaxWrite0ffs @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@mk_indy @everstrdst @TaxWrite0ffs @NoWhiteGuiltNWG Why would I want to meet either of you? You look strange and probably smell.

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TaxWrite0ffs @mk_indy @NoWhiteGuiltNWG Doubt it. I been drinking Milk 💪🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TomTuck22843668 @OranjeSwaeltjie Off subject BUT I have studied the #Antiwhite scripting being used in America now and it lead me back to #Rhodesia. Appears they’re running the same playbook in SA, America, Australia, UK and Europe 🤔🧐 (mapped it out in the book as my pinned tweet). https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1619594206175170560/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoWhiteGuiltNWG I like it ! Maybe we can have a small trophy / figurine made and send it to them or something along those lines 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Harvey8888 Hi there, I searched and show its now available (think it took a little longer to show on the UK platform) 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@BiospiritWest 😬

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Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius
🇩🇪#Germany Dortmund: Three Syrians and one Guinean migrants stand on trial for gang-rape of German girl (13) Persecutor found the child was lured to one of the man’s apartment where others joined to rape her. 🔹Ahmod A (18) 🔹Rageb A (17) 🔹Mamadou B (18) 🔹Khaled S (20) https://t.co/fYg5mrQnLJ
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
All seems pre-planned. Germany castration laws were repealed just before the border was torn open and flooded with Africans / middle easterners 🤔🧐 #Antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Klaus_Arminius Looks like 🤣😂🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Tebo____ @Volkstaat10 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Pretty good intro 🤔🧐 #Antiwhitism #Antiwhite #AntiWhiteNarrative @LokkiLundr @FOSTERMMXXV @TEurosphere @yizzcognito @WestrnAxisMundi @WestmenMedia @BiospiritWest @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @nwgclips @Niji_No_Karasu https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1613755378373914626/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CitizenFreePres Goo-Boy gets LOT’s of treats ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Remember kids: #Antiwhite’s focus on narrative control so they can keep you trapped in their #AntiwhiteNarrative 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EndWokeness Looks like those “bigots” are using the old flag that’s NOT “fully inclusive”. (that has to be a hate-crime by now). 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@jambo57044821 AND like 50,000 message requests

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@_FRE3M4N_ The Govt. social-pressure campaign = Zero-Trust environment.

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@OliverReno2 @Volkstaat10 The same #antiwhite playbook run in Rhodesia, now being run in South Africa is also being used in America and Europe. There’s nowhere to run Oliver, we must stand and fight + support our brothers and sisters world wide. https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1610628962300067841/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RobertL04325015 Send that miserable little #Antiwhite to Canada ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Volkstaat10 ✊🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@LucasGage84 😳😱

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#HappyNewYear Fam. Here’s to a #WhitePositive 2023 😬🍻😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@StanVoWales @VoWalesOfficial Can you ask Tommy to explain this video ? 🧐🤔 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1608318914953613312/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MrDWindsorAndMe 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CaliOTM Uh… it was a little more than “chased” More like an #Antiwhite massacre ☝🏻😲 #Zimbabwe #Zimbabweans #Rhodesia #SouthAfrica https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1608241212452130816/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Rossmac212 This gives me an idea 🤔😏

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@jambo57044821 @rory_ll It’s a preplanned destruction. #Germany repealed castration laws for #Rapists before tearing open the borders for migrants and #Sweden stopped reporting the background of attackers. Same in EVERY Western country. 🤔🧐 they’re #antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@k9_reaper @JvChantell @Grey_OSINT Tease ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@JvChantell @k9_reaper @Grey_OSINT I can’t follow 😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Jessie2021626 😲😲😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@yizzcognito @prageru We deserve an #America WITHOUT #Antiwhite’s ☝🏻😲

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k9_reaper @k9_reaper
Learn how to hold your own, because no one else is coming to save you. https://t.co/P3iUm0YqpY
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Fighting #Antiwhite’s like 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RiebvJanbeeck 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@bewildered_the @88_europa That’s #Antiwhitism ☝🏻😲 @yizzcognito @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@_RadicalReality 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@grahamHmoore It’s an inside job. Elites repealed Germanys castration laws before tearing open the border for Africans/Arabs. Same in Sweden, they “concealed crime data/evidence” of crimes against Swedish. It’s same in ALL western societies simultaneously ☝🏻😲

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NM @alchemicalgoy
BHP- “We are not antisemitic. We are anti white.” #ProudBoys #MAGACommunisum 🇷🇺 https://t.co/BtB0w5jZvB https://t.co/tZP24YJ1CJ
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Nice to see #Antiwhite hatred being acknowledged/discussed on large platforms ✊🏻😓 #ADL #AntiGentilism #Antiwhitism https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1602824738954362880/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Fortune_88r It’s intentional. They’re #Antiwhite and running a similar plan in #America using tax payer money and “affordable housing” etc. 🧐🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmmanuelMacron Treason ☝🏻😲 #Antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Yazzyinit @JeffDav16279547 #Irish 🧐🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@realdanlyman FAX ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoWhiteGuiltNWG I’m hoping for a heat-ray. Maybe uncle @elonmusk will offer an “ANTIFA package “ on the 2024 model Y 🤔🧐 #Tesla

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@realdanlyman You vill eat ze steak und you vill be happy

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoWhiteGuiltNWG @yizzcognito @nwgclips - Didn’t expect to see THAT on Dr. Phill 😲😬 #Antiwhite https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1601239894575095808/video/1

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View @BrockRiddickIFB
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@88_europa: @europa14887 🤧🤒

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
The #ADL must repay the unity shown to them by other populations and take an equal stand against #AntiGentilism ☝🏻😲 #HarryandMeghanonNetflix #MORSPA #FIFAWorldCup2022 #tuesdayvibe #المغرب_اسبانيا #QatarWorldCup2022 #andTEAM #Christmas

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous 😲😖🤮

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous I had NO IDEA the light was that bright / strong

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CasuallyGreg According to radical #Antiwhite’s - Anti-Communism = Fascism 🤔⬇️ https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1599869436156313600/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous I figured you’d take her down to the car-wash 🤣

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What do you make of this ? Leyton East London. https://t.co/o9ofELV0zT
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Quite the coincidence 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmmanuelMacron #Antiwhite ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
The ONLY WAY to cancel-out #Antiwhite statements is to apologize and issue public support for #WhiteWellbeing. I’ll be having this conversation with EVERY #SalvationArmy employee INSTEAD of donating ☝🏻😲 @SalvationArmyUS @salvationarmy @salvationarmyuk @SalvArmyIHQ #Christmas

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Texas_Made956 Me like 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RCortKirkwood @nytimes Identity Shoppers are not really American tho ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@LanaLokteff Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈👶🏼! 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoWhiteGuiltNWG @elonmusk

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous I will increase their carbon emissions 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@KwaggaBoucher @smalldustytown @TheoDJager The #Antiwhite rhetoric is the same play-book they ran in #Rhodesia. They’re now running it in all White societies around the world to eventually seize / redistribute and bring about their stupid communist utopia / one world government 🤔🧐 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1597575780606701568/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MrDWindsorAndMe 😬

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Jason Köhne @NoWhiteGuiltNWG
Border wide open for every terrorist on planet Earth to walk right in and the Democrats are hard at work to revoke your right to self defense. https://t.co/RIPUPEZBV8
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
That’s EXACTLY what a subversive #Antiwhite politician would do ☝🏻😲

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View @NoWhiteGuiltNWG
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous I thought those were all her Corgi’s at first, had to zoom in 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@elonmusk ✊🏻😬

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C🤍MFY @AhComfy
A 9 year old was stabbed by a homeless guy in a Target in LA…with a butcher knife from the kitchen section. The kid was just standing there and the guy walked up and said he was going to kill him. He tried to run and he stabbed him in the back. AT TARGET.
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Stabbing a at #Target = part & parcel of living under government Forced-Diversity policies ✊🏻😓 #FreeUs #RepealForcedDiversityLaws #AntiWhite #Califreaks

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@CasuallyGreg I thought that was Steven Tyler for a sec 🤣

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RealTimBlack @RealTimBlack
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you call overplaying your hand BIG TIME. Enough is enough. #istandwithDave https://t.co/bLegOTrHPf
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#Antisemitism laws were used by #Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution as a way to “silence” the general population and carry out a large massacre of 30-50 million White-Ethnic Christian Russians 🤔🧐 #AntiWhite #Holodomor ‼️‼️

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TranscendInside @yizzcognito @FOSTERMMXXV @LentiniNathan @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Prometheus7878 @WhiteCollective Can’t see- What’s it say ?

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@coffee_anytime 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@edwardrussl @PaulFer13205995 @johnhackerla

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@3Jan09 @MostlyPeacefull @ABC “Fortified” 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmmanuelMacron TREASON !!

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EmmanuelMacron TREASON !

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@cherylhuggins Had the whole street smellin like ass 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Styx666Official Styx like 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Somerandomeblo1 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RealTrophyWifee @ThreeSkullz @yizzcognito @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @nwgclips welcome ! 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@NoContextBrits It’s all about Ranch 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Independent @TheMendozaWoman

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@wsmartin218 @libsoftiktok 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous @mypillowgorl

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Elysee @EmmanuelMacron

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@HolyMolythe3rd @w1mav 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@timjacobwise Interesting you’re leaving AntiWhite slurs off your little list there 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous Giving them lemon 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@davidhogg111 Dude, GO AWAY already, you bugg ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Darkness has returned to #Brazil - 🤔🧐 #LulaPresidente2022 #AntiWhite #Terrorist

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@coffee_anytime Coffee,music and Doggo 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@elonmusk #TwitCoin 🤔

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Today is the last day of October to purge memes. All memes are legal for the next 24 hours. Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll. https://t.co/AYh3QylWZV
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT

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View @mask_bastard
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Morning thought: Is this what they’re up to? 🤔🧐 #horror #Antiwhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ninaturner Racial wealth inequality is caused by racial birthing inequality. 🤔#EquitableBirthingInitiative #Equity #EBI #AbortionRights #MyBodyMyChoice

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@dee_bosa ✊🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@coffee_anytime 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous Well, since you asked 😬 Cabbage, Kale and Collard Greens. Good quality tomato’s, garlic, onions and fresh ginger / turmeric root. Hot chilies, either Jalapeño, Serrano or Manzano (Orange). Avocados, Apples, Red Grapefruit, lemon and limes.

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AhComfy @realDonaldTrump

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Dan Lyman @realdanlyman
We shouldn't be forced to share civil society with animals We can't keep living and dying like this https://t.co/kSqsqQKVOW
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#FreeUs #RepealForcedDiversityLaws ✊🏻😓 #AntiWhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Ulikethat305 @ShaunaS36092585

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Ulikethat305 @ShaunaS36092585

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Ulikethat305 @ShaunaS36092585 🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws #AntiWhite #Terrorism #DarrellBrooks #DarrellBrooksTrial #Waukesha #WaukeshaMassacre #WaukeshaChristmasParade

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@dawn_diversity @kiely_leo #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AhComfy That’s fraud

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Theodor40912015 @AsianDawn4 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Seth0079 @ndosi_omkhulu How should I know ? If I had to guess, I’d say to attract tourism?

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@aryasjager @WaffenAntarctic The Church was strategically subverted so the existing platform can be weaponized against innocent people and psych-warfare used against them. Like all things, there is good, and there is bad. 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@FarmerGenerous Now you just have to sit off to the side and wait for the right lady to come pick one, then rope her ! 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@BasedBrujo @ndosi_omkhulu POC started it, so I guess the rest of the world will play along. 🤔 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1583550924273770496/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AhComfy @l23941 #Sweden

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TheChalkOutline #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws #AntiWhite #Rape #LizTrussPM #GeneralElectionNow #Torychaos #ripricoswavey

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@MinscReturned @GalenMicheal Ah, you’re right ! I didn’t catch that

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RiebvJanbeeck @reeverjack3 Those are “agit prop” tactics they used against us. Now, since they took control of everything, we should counter-protest to call them out for being lazy, wasting the farm land they took etc. be unreasonable the exact same way they were to us ✊🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@B0TFLY @ShaneVonRussell

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@cnni The REAL one ? 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ReconquistaPax Oh, the #AntiWhite audits/ legal teams are certainly moving their agenda forward 🧐🤔 #DEI #Equity #WellsFargo #Chase #CitiBank

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Alijinn01 @ham_muffin Similar agenda in #Germany - They had long standing laws on the books that castrated rapists, but got those laws repealed before tearing open the border and flooding Germany with Africans/Arabs etc. #Merkel was in on this “shared agenda” 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Alijinn01 @ham_muffin Agreed. It’s all be design. Similar tactics used in America to conceal crime data or report minority crime as “White” ⬇️
White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Further research reveals the #FBI is EXCLUDING the crime stats for the 15 largest cities. That’s the #MinorityPrivilege system at work ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Alijinn01 @ham_muffin All by design. Subversive #AntiWhite’s passed laws to conceal the crimes the other groups commit against Whites. 🤔🧐 #Rape #Sweden #KalergiPlan

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Lady11Anonymous Imagine the next day

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@DelusionPosting black “storytellers” stole that name from a location in America 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@twatterbaas @Lady11Anonymous Me like : ✊🏻😬 - If they demand “De Land” then they’re obligated to produce ! Protest anyone who’s wasting the land ! #EWC #SouthAfrica #Farm #Murders #Boer #afrikaner

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@twatterbaas Dinner 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Further research reveals the #FBI is EXCLUDING the crime stats for the 15 largest cities. That’s the #MinorityPrivilege system at work ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RGBeanz @AllBiteNoBark88 Hey, when you’re right, you’re right 😎

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@wayotworld #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@yizzcognito @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Jk16010 @nwgclips - Looks like highly radicalized blacks will use #Antiwhitism as a weapon against all non-black populations. If non-White’s think it stops with the destruction of #WesternKind, then they better think again ☝🏻😲#Japan #AntiWhite

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@ronin19217435 Me like 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Read about the concept of #NarrativeWarfare and how radical #AntiWhite’s use this weapon ☝🏻😲▶️▶️▶️ https://whitestudenttransmission.wordpress.com/2018/05/13/narrative-warfare/

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@infor_anton @Dischem @danroodt @steve_hofmeyr @afriforum GD #AntiWhite’s ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Texas_jeep__guy @UltraDane Sweet potato

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@WhiteLionII1 I don’t drink much milk, but when I do, I get the raw/organic with the natural probiotics. 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@realSlaughtz @WestmenMedia @NoWhiteGuiltNWG Das Rite ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@StokingFreedom #FreeUs ✊🏻😓 #RepealForcedDiversityLaws

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
#AntiWhite’s and their calls for domestic #terrorism against White people will not stop UNTIL politicians pass laws that provide all of the same legal protections/ recourse for White citizens, that they provide for all of the groups who attack White people. #EndAntiWhiteism ☝🏻😲 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1572749449465843713/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@EuropeanRevolt Yes ! Lol

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@_HB2014 @YEunuch - One more clip. Listen to this caller. Even the other populations can see / acknowledge #AntiWhitism 🧐🤔 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1337257542833983488/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@WhiteGenocideDJ Damn, look at the warning I get when I click the link “potentially spammy” lol. 🧐🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@AntiWhiteWatch1 @MattWalshBlog #LiberateUs ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Semiogogue Das 80’s AF ☝🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@waitwatguy @nypost STAGED !

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@LaurenWitzkeDE #LiberateUs ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@tonywoody1574 @nypost

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@lporiginalg 🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Boerevryheid @Fern514 🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@WhiteAdvocate1 @wayotworld I have good luck asking them “ Who’s definition they’re using” BECAUSE they can never explain what it means🤣. They’re just trained to use it as a name calling/ shock tactic. Also, I found this Meme a while back.

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@iheartmindy That diagram shows it exiting through the Colon. Imagine trying to push that one out ? 😱😱😱 🤣🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@_HB2014 #FreeUs ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@YEunuch Ewwwwwww ! Lol

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Mantis_T123 @Rvogt1_cba @imasurvivor66 @ProudBrit85 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG FAX ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Ariovist5 @trutzbIut Does it say WHO asked her again to call Auschwitz a "death camp" ? #FreeUrsula ✊🏻

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@TheGreatOrderIs Mines on the way/ in the mail 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RichardBSpencer @antoniogm That’s only because commies infiltrated the Church and slowly curtailed the congregations towards communism (same agenda they used with the schools and other institutions) 🤔

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@_HB2014 - The other populations see it too. #AntiWhitism is undeniable 🤔 https://twitter.com/WhiteStudentT/status/1334396324830093312/video/1

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@devon_hofmeyr @tito_mboweni Here is “De Land” blak pipo ☝🏻😲 #DeLand #SouthAfrica

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
Morning thought: #IdentityShopping is a toxic form of non-consensual Globalism and #WhiteErasure ☝🏻😲 #English #Irish #Swedish #American #Italian #French

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@adamtasmusiek @Saai_org

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@twtltrtd2020 #FreeUs ✊🏻😓

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@DavMicRot I know you’re NOT referring to yourself as “good people” 🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@artislife14 🎵🎶I’m dreaming of a, White positive Christmas 🎶🎵 ☝🏻😲

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@heywildrich Awesome ✊🏻😬 - Congrats Bro!

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Europinion_ #Dutch 🤔🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@Bullexinferis @RichieHayes2 #Irish 🧐

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@denialmustend @CeeTalking Lame response. You lose... 🤣🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@denialmustend @CeeTalking

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@denialmustend @CeeTalking When YOU accuse someone of being “racist” then what is it that YOU’RE accusing them of ? 🤣 WHY CANT YOU EXPLAIN YOURSELF ?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@boerbierZA @DaanBarnard Okay okay, you twist my arm. I give in 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@SAPoliceService Why do remarks like these go unchallenged by Law Enforcement ? 🧐⬇️

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@afriforum 🙏🏻😓 #farmMurders

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@RupertVonRipp @Senpai_316 @heywildrich Roomba 😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@SidneyPowell1 @realDonaldTrump @jbinnall @GenFlynn @molmccann @abigailcfrye @Scavino45 @marklevinshow @MariaBartiromo 👏🏻👏🏻😬

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White Student T. @WhiteStudentT
@DesireeAxx @caulaincourt27 @dufrianord And so it begins 😓 #Japanese

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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happy merchant 92%

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happy merchant 89%

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happy merchant 77%
ss bolts 68%

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militarized 100%

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happy merchant 58%
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reichsadler 90%

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happy merchant 46%
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klan hood 76%
runes_algiz 75%

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art_other 99%
firearm 87%

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art_other 74%
proud boys 87%
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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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happy merchant 37%
star of david 64%

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reichsadler 54%
pepe 76%

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circle slash 84%

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art_other 98%
proud boys 61%

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tldr 100%
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gigachad 75%

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etc 87%

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joker 59%

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militarized 53%

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art_other 79%

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critters 87%

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etc 74%

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logos_flags_graphics 70%

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klan hood 34%
face 29%

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toons other 91%

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logos_flags_graphics 90%

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circle slash 99%

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art_other 93%

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tldr 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 95%

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hitler 29%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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hammer and sickle 97%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 54%
reichsadler 25%

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tldr 100%

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hammer and sickle 97%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 92%

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etc 31%

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proud boys 26%

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tldr 81%

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face 97%

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art_other 97%

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tldr 99%

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etc 98%

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etc 99%

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tldr 99%

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etc 99%

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tldr 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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art_other 99%

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mspaint style 56%

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logos_flags_graphics 85%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 100%

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circle slash 97%

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tldr 99%

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etc 99%

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etc 99%

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tldr 99%

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etc 94%

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art_other 85%

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circle slash 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 71%

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mspaint style 59%

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tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 92%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 87%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 63%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%
afa flags 63%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 44%
logos_flags_graphics 40%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 57%
art_other 37%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 70%
art_other 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 65%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 81%