@amarranazo Derecha Disidente #Realist with a libertarian streak. 🇺🇸 🇪🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Import the Third World & become the Third World. Fan of Western Civilisation. My chromosomes: XY. Madrid, Spain

amarranazo's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 11
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
El gobierno de #PedroSanchez y la UE fomentando la “diversidad”, la deshonra y la decadencia de #España. #Verguenza #antiblanco

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Russia today, like the Soviet Union before it, is a successor of the Russian Empire. An enduring characteristic of Russian self-conception is a view of Russia as a profoundly benevolent power bringing development and modernity to the places it colonizes. 🧵 https://t.co/HUb6CIslIs
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@AVindman Those of us who know our history, know (((who))) led the Bolshevik revolution. Any of your family members?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Pipeline2016 @JennaEllisEsq @BillKristol A #Cohencidence, I'm sure

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@SoyDeDerechas @PSOE Homo erectus

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@JustFollowingP3 @Blair_A_Nathan

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@markgranza @Lady_Astor Not to put too fine a point on it:

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@DonnieStilling @BetteMidler She’s (((white))) not White. #triangulation

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@SumItUpSmashley @fulltimehockey1 @Sky_Lee_1 @ZelenskyyUa @POTUS

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Green shoots of hope for Western Civilization to start the week! #MakeItalyGreatAgain #MIGA

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@zoltanspox @roddreher @Europarl_EN

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@OpinadorProfes4 @martamarco__ Ya sabes (((quienes))) son que la quieren, ¿no?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@bugattiposter (((Fellow white people))) love to triangulate. It's kind of a speciality.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Every so often, it’s worth remembering what’s at stake in the war against #Whiteness and “#WhiteSupremacy”

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@caitoz Your self-hatred is pretty sad.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@kwanzer Go build #Wakanda

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@KHBlakeslee @ajassy @amazon I’m noticing naughty things about the (((proponents of censorship)))) in the USA.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@waltshaub @TheMarkPantano I’m noticing naughty things about a preponderance of (((you))) who want to throw the book at these guys.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
I prefer (((they))) pretend to be Black than pretending to be White.
An associate professor at George Washington University, Jessica A. Krug wrote extensively about Africa, Latin America, the diaspora and identity, all while portraying herself as Black. But the whole time, she was lying. She is White. https://cnn.it/2Z5tyBI

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@parentsmagazine Translation of this #antiWhite message: “you are uniquely evil, son, as a member of the White race and as a future man”. Do I even need to search out (((who))) edits this rag?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@VoteTRUMPENCE @itsJeffTiedrich @realDonaldTrump (((They))) hate America and the people who built America. That’s why they want to burn the place down and replace it with the Third World.

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Kevin MacDonald @TOOEdit
Facebook "now officially bans content that references “Jewish people running the world or controlling major institutions such as media networks, the economy or the government.” https://t.co/QKtO4DNBW6
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Self-awareness is not a trait springing from (((their))) vaunted IQ, is it Dr. Mac?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@amconmag I see @amconmag has been fully undermined by the usual (((corrosive influences))). #EverySingleTime

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@USNoodlesA @Kate94793608 Look (((who))) is funding the Biden campaign in order to understand the root of the rot.

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Congressmember Bass @RepKarenBass
This is what institutional racism looks like. https://t.co/HRicunmcLE
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
This is boilerplate #antiWhite rhetoric from another (((fellow white person))).

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@time_java @camprosenberg @ScottAdamsSays He’s racializing it because he’s a (((white))) person engaging in triangulation.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@emmaladyrose @HuffPost @ZerlinaMaxwell Of course, the #DemocraticParty is the #antiWhite coalition, subsidized by (((white people’s))) money.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@CraigRSawyer (((white))) Marxist billionaires.

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Curse @cursedsalad
The most popular blackface performer of all time: Asa Yoelson. https://t.co/T02hlNc4KE https://t.co/BAI78aBaLZ
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Cursed (((white person))), triangulation came natural to him.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@kevinadiamond Thank you (((fellow white person)))

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@DuchesneRicardo Strategic alliances with (((whites)))

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@davidfrum You (((Canadians))) should mind matters in your own country.

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Julia Ioffe @juliaioffe
Fellow white people, just because you don’t understand or haven’t seen it or experienced it personally, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. After 2016, everyone raced to read “Hillbilly Elegy” to understand disgruntled white people who voted for Trump. Are you doing the same now?
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
(((Fellow white people)))!

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@AccurateCaption @Artemis08806319 Irreconcilable differences call for separation.

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Claire Lehmann @clairlemon
There is more empty room in Australia, let's do it here https://t.co/fJ5kJhjDS1
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Quite an (((Australian))) you are, Claire.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@wesleyanCovE @Steve_Sailer Of course you mean “the very super rich (((white))) people who run things”.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@CassandraRules “Oppression” can’t happen with separation.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@FEIZE15 @ArsenalAtHeartt We need to separate permanently.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Putoplankalerg1 @abcespana Han llegado los médicos que nos hacen falta!

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@eddieplumb05: @eddiefryett (((Their))) agenda is to replace us, in the UK, Europe and America, by importing the Third World, by racial amalgamation and by promoting #degeneracy. The result is #TheGreatReplacement

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@CdV_Valencia @MariaTabarnia No os olvidéis, nunca jamás (((quienes))) eran que más odio les tenían al pueblo ruso: https://images.app.goo.gl/Cmgkoq5HqoV6cS138

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Jmart11111 You obviously haven’t read #TheCultureOfCritique No one said there aren’t useful idiots among the goyim. Nevertheless, just as in the Bolshevik revolution, (((they))) are/were necessary, though not sufficient in undermining the prevailing social order.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@AnthonyTweetsOn @60Minutes The (((powers that be))) still hate them as if they were White.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@therealmissjo Hideous. Africanization pushed by the (((media))), the same promoters of other degeneracies.

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Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders
It has never made sense to me that a tiny group of people should have incredible wealth and power in America while most people have none. That is what we are going to change.
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
(((A tiny group))), indeed

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@SethAbramson (((American))) hero!

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@lander Dear (((fellow white person))), you do realize that three quarters of Trump’s cabinet secretaries are Jewish, right?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@firstthingsmag Shocker. (((Hollywood))) presenting the Church in a negative light? Who would have guessed?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Lady_Astor They can’t leave countries that aren’t theirs alone. Suffice to say they leave (((their))) country alone.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@RonBrownstein Whiteness is only pathological among our (((fellow white people))).

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@washingtonpost @MaxBoot Just admit it Max, you approve of nationalism only for (((one people))).

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@DanKravitz4 Do (((you people))) really hate #WesternCiv that much?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@girlsreallyrule Most airhead #Russophobes don’t know the #USSR no longer exists; the (((more sinister variety))) wish that it still did.

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Simon Baron-Cohen @sbaroncohen
Dave: thank you so much for sharing with us what your remarkable son was like. Please retweet widely https://t.co/zkUi7GCvAB
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
You’re shameless. That lad is dead because he believed (((your))) lies. #LondonTerrorAttack #RiversOfBlood

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Some people don’t know the #USSR no longer exists; (((others))) wish it still did. #Russophobia
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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@GlantonholdenJ Most #Russophobes don’t realize the #USSR no longer exists, or like (((many in the media))) wish that it did.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Cluelesscomedy3 Most #Russophobes don’t realize the #USSR no longer exists, or like (((many in the media))) wish that it did.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
The real story here is that an LTC attempted to materially edit and alter the words of the CINC/POTUS, when that failed, Vindman triggered his ‘insurance policy’ and likely leaked and spun classified intel to take down Trump. The military is now part of the coup. Chilling. https://t.co/OFuCIIZXYY
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
#Vindman is an (((American))) #EverySingleTime

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@kylegriffin1 What could (((Vindman))) and ((Schiff))) possibly have in common?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@HalifaxMagazine @RichardWoodbury Flooding the #West with aliens, another #cohencidence

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@17cShyteposter The Left changed America’s laws to favor non-White immigration in 1965. #Cohencidence

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Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich
it's a really good thing that Jeffrey Epstein was just a rich white man trafficking and molesting dozens if not hundreds of teenage girls over a span of decades, and not, say, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
..a rich (((white))) man like Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@jdforward @AOC @TaePhoenix Excuse me, it’s “as a Latina Jewess”!

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@MarxismTonight @Optimiste_sans I think you know (((who))). Barbara Roche explained why she likes those changes.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@WallenAnette @Salkin41 Sounds like (((their))) age-old dilemma when triangulating.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@HananyaNaftali (((Who))) could be responsible for these people being in the #West ?

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Bill Kristol @BillKristol
White males who pretend to lament white male privilege without giving up a single appurtenance of white male privilege are seeking to enjoy the most white male privilege of all.
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
White males or (((white males)))?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@lorettatheprole Triangulation has always been (((their))) speciality.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@TheEuropeanMan1 A #Cohencidence, no doubt

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@nfergus @PALE_Primate @NewYorker @splcenter (((White))) men at the top...just like Hollywood.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@chuckschumer expresses his love for (((his nation )))in his own words. #MakeAliyah and turn in your US passport
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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@CoinedPrince @ramzpaul @NickSzabo4 Children of Holodomor survivors and other (((Bolshevik))) atrocities do too.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@globaldan #EverySingleTime — I’m convinced (((they))) can’t help it.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@andylassner @ECMcLaughlin Oh look, another #Russophobe who was much more comfortable with the (((#Bolsheviks)))

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@MFA_Ukraine (((The ruthless Soviet regime)))

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Nature_and_Race @crookshanks907 Exactly. Without (((Bolshevism))) and WW I, nobody ever hears of Hitler.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@paulkrugman More #antiWhite animus from (((Krugman))). It’s probably a #Cohencidence

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Alessandra Bocchi @alessabocchi
I am shocked at the evident display of anti-White racism in America among the most prominent intellectual elites and how almost nobody aside from those deemed extremist can talk about it. https://t.co/4HN7NXZ880
Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
Whatever you do Alessa, please don’t notice who these (((intellectual elites))) are. I’m sure it’s a #Cohencidence

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@ramzpaul You’ve hit the nail on the head in identifying (((their))) number one issue with #Christian theology.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@redshoe9 @JasperGoldenGod @timothypmurphy Speaking of Franken, have you noticed how many #MeToo perps are privileged (((white))) males?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@SkyNews #HarveyWeinstein privileged (((white))) man.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@anneapplebaum I find it curious that today’s most paranoid #Russophobes were sympathizers of the (((#USSR)))

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@Natalie88501721 @ndrew_lawrence Most of the advocates for #WhiteGenocide aren’t really #White, they’re (((white))).

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@ndrew_lawrence Look up the (((professor))) in question. #EverySingleTime

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@ColinBanks44 @CChristineFair Imagine that, an #antiWhite (((professor))). And they wonder where all that anti-Professorial sentiment originates.

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@dvd1277 I am Catholic already. Don’t you think the current economic order presents more opportunity for (((abuse))) than a truly free market based on sound money?

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Derecha Disidente @amarranazo
@WilliamdeVesci: @WilliamOfMercia @ThatZenDudee I’m sure it’s a sad #Cohencidence

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