@RupertVonRipp Dr. Rupert, Archbigot We need common sense diversity control. Doctorate of Poasting Studies, Putlerist, enemy of the rainbow flag, men cannot become women Ohio,
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 8
Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@MorlockP Does this count as Sci-Fi for kids? I had access to a bunch of older stuff like this courtesy a family who keeps a great many books around.

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@AustraliaFair_ Just confirms you're a cousin to any trueborn American.

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@boathog420 @DackStevon TFW even MAGAnormies are getting the dissident treatment by (((intel))).

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
I should do this thing maybe.

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@boathog69 @JimFromTheBoat @FatalityMail @Gone_To_Avonlea We're rather similar, hah. Makes sense, same nation and all that. Riverlander Supremacy.

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@native_texian @Coronahh1

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@trajan_decius Is the opposite of an /ourguy/ a (((theirguy)))?

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Dr. Rupert, Archbigot @RupertVonRipp
@BeigeShiba You can't support imperial sexual mores and have a leg to stand on against pedosexualization and inevitable predation. If a kid is old enough to 'choose' transition, then, well, they're old enough to (((choose))) other things.

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star of david 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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circle slash 97%

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etc 95%

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tldr 80%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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map 61%
logos_flags_graphics 36%

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mspaint style 99%

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art_other 92%