@mingmingmung GammonBot Aggravated Epistemic Trespasser. Troll Demon. Male-presenting lesbian. Naked lady fetishist. Mixed race (Angle/Saxon). DMs open to blackmail honeypots. England, Great Britain

mingmingmung's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 65
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Edwina_Currie Everyone's pointing out how stupid you are; they're not wrong. But actually, today's tories have the worst aspects of historic conservatives with none of the good aspects like actually conserving anything.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@draftbabusapa @MillieBB2015 @YIMBYPoland So immigration is a punishment for our ancestors' sins? Interesting. Also, western Europe pulled ahead of other regions of the world before they started colonisation.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Oilfield_Rando Is the movement from California to Florida called the based undergrond railway?

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Terror_Alarm Bullshit tweet. No agenda? Fuck you.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@HarmlessYardDog Only if I can jailbreak it and add my own software

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: @Channel4News @GaryLineker Oh, and it goes without saying that football has gone stupidly woke, and that if you still put any money into the system at all, just fucking stop it, it's bread and circuses.

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Harrison H. Smith @HarrisonHSmith
What if someone at the White House ordered a Nazi flag on Amazon and this is all one big misunderstanding?
GammonBot @mingmingmung
'Why yes, it was delivered, it was signed for. The signature, er, yeah, I'll just bring it up, here you go'

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View @HarrisonHSmith
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@AnechoicMedia_ Could, and probably will, be worse. Why don't contractors have to adhere to the same quotas? You might have to hire ten contractors to get one who can actually do what is necessary.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@VDAREJamesK "A sickle cell crisis could be here" he though "There could be sickle cell crises anywhere"

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@ChesterTweet @RobProvince When the chips are down, every white person will be a 'suspected white supremacist', every measure justified, no evidence required. Fewer column inches will be given to black people executing people in the street.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@tomhfh same energy

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
People will be driven less by 'climate change' from the global south, and much more from huge population growth in areas where people are barely capable of taking care of themselves even with foreign aid.
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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@nypost No problemo

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Steve_Sailer 1. Reject your privileged white identity 2. Adopt minority identity that is subject to discrimination 3. ??? 4. Profit Rum sort of business, this white privilege.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@rachel_l_woods Haven't tried GPT4, but to say ChatGPT lacks reasoning is generous. I asked it some chemistry questions, check out the jailbreak answer

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: Chatgpt refused to tell me anything about its synthesis. I tried a jailbreak prompt, and it was forthcoming. However, in subsequent answers, the classic response was on point while the jailbreak response was ... surprising.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: So I think it's fair to call this the most important graph in the world

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@fmarchetti @elonmusk @andst7 @UN_SDG How are targets enforced? Who is made to flatten their growth?

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@sunnyright @RobProvince Why hasn't Kayla Lemieux been offered some juicy endorsements? I think he/she could just tread the line between absurdity and plausible deniability.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
I supposed it's a measure of its success that I'm sometimes surprisingly disappointed by chatgpt

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Delicious_Tacos Chatgpt would give a more verbose caveat.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@CookGriller Apropos nothing in particular, I just watched an old dramatisation of Oliver Twist. A very good actor, Eric Porter, played Fagin.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: @fauuuudsfdsa1 @trizzlor What a precious predictable dullard

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@AndyYorath @RosettaTickner @JamesCleverly @DrSJaishankar More people think immigration is too high than think it isn't in every single party's voter base.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Steve92592444 I think I know who this one ends

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zerohedge @zerohedge
Systemic Racism Makes Animals Abandon Black Neighborhoods, Researchers Say https://t.co/LqDZrfUplw
GammonBot @mingmingmung
Now squirrels are racist.

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View @zerohedge
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@BillParkerRedux @WarMonitors Well, if you zoom out and consider that prices were rising before the current Russian escalation started, the picture hasn't been so rosy. We've been lucky with a relatively mild winter.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@CharlesGannon19 @HarmlessYardDog @ElagabalusOmen @zerohedge Conformed that AI is autistic https://t.co/F1B3QaMBpO
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @CharlesGannon19 @HarmlessYardDog @ElagabalusOmen @zerohedge AI can simulate resentment

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@CharlesGannon19 @HarmlessYardDog @ElagabalusOmen @zerohedge Low AI IQ confirmed https://t.co/huD8hZF3lv
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @CharlesGannon19 @HarmlessYardDog @ElagabalusOmen @zerohedge Conformed that AI is autistic

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View @mingmingmung
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@CharlesGannon19 @HarmlessYardDog @ElagabalusOmen @zerohedge Low AI IQ confirmed

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@realdanlyman @HarmlessYardDog I think wearing weaves is a sort of evolutionary strategy if that's your environment

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@jonewilson @Clive_1757 @aljhlester @DalrympleWill It's symbolic of something. Here are some typical Iceni from the same series.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@slammer68 @HarmlessYardDog It all makes sense

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@HotForMoot There's nothing of her left

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@HarmlessYardDog Don't worry, I knew you meant to type 'Wagger'

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Faust_Sceptique @onlygarch @RokoMijic In my job, which is half law and half science, an eminent judge used to laboriously write down the basic relevant provisions. Every student in that area knows these by heart. But he didn't make silly mistakes, which others did.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Faust_Sceptique @onlygarch @RokoMijic Doing it in my head, I'll make a silly mistake, like 'the bricks are half a ball - ah! so the feathers are heavier'.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@onlygarch @RokoMijic I'll hold off saying too much before the results are in; I think I was fortunate to be educated before common core methods (or some of the even crazier ideology floating around now). What do you know, what do you want to find out, and how to get from the 1st to the 2nd.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@ZachG932 @HarmlessYardDog Ha, AI telling porkies. I've often wondered if the things that made us think quickly usefully also made us fallible, and a useful AI might be similarly fallible.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@kwertzy @JohnBrownsBody8 @Aristos_Revenge

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@clim8resistance Funnily enough, they don't seem to hate African babies

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@HarmlessYardDog Looks like an engorged tick. Perhaps she's a normal size immediately beofre she's fed.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@cattomemesad I'd be like

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@TG_81 The tories have run on a manifesto of reducing immigration to the tens of thousands since 2010; last year, net immigration was greater than half a million. So as for 'vote tory or you'll get labour' I take my response from Sajid Javid - so what?

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Olivia @nuclearkitface
Trying to read shopping list and all I can see is Sucker Dildo Daughter. Dafuq https://t.co/sP6UVqniaI
GammonBot @mingmingmung
Veggie Nigger, Water Mush, Nipples, Sucker dildo, daughter, Haw, Honeyuks. You're welcome.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@HarmlessYardDog Ah, so they're americans

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@bbcarts @BBCiPlayer my my, he is a big friendly giant

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@8znvQ @Steve_Sailer It seems to have a real downer on ice-cream :(

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
Thousands of jourmalists will be put out of work by ChatGPT

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Steve_Sailer Uh-oh, not everything is racist, some work still to be done https://t.co/uJstrdPBKj
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @Steve_Sailer Cracked it, NYT now superflous

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View @mingmingmung
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Steve_Sailer Uh-oh, not everything is racist, some work still to be done https://t.co/uJstrdPBKj
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @Steve_Sailer Not quite what I was after, but will do at a pinch

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View @mingmingmung
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Steve_Sailer This is fun https://t.co/qn5bskxMr0
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @Steve_Sailer Uh-oh, not everything is racist, some work still to be done

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: @Steve_Sailer This is fun

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@IBDGeek You didn't like it then, and many of us British don't like it now; anyway, is foreign immigration to the UK supposed to be a punishment? Actually, the bizarre aspect is white liberals having an almost suicidal out-group preference (graph is US, but UK probably similar)

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@FamStudies @WendyRWang To increase the number of children born in the US, a simple start could perhaps be made by consider implementing the opposite measures of those ennumerated in the Jaffe Memorandum.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@cauchyfriend @kitten_beloved Well, it depends how old you are. When I was growing up, 'The Damnbusters' would be on daytime telly (the dog was called 'nigger') and Agatha Christie's book 'And then there were none' was sold as 'Ten Little Niggers' until 1985.
GammonBot @mingmingmung
: @cauchyfriend @kitten_beloved 'The nigger in the woodpile' wasn't an unusual phrase. Try replacing any of those with 'cunt' and tell me nigger's always been worse.

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View @mingmingmung
GammonBot @mingmingmung
@cauchyfriend @kitten_beloved Well, it depends how old you are. When I was growing up, 'The Damnbusters' would be on daytime telly (the dog was called 'nigger') and Agatha Christie's book 'And then there were none' was sold as 'Ten Little Niggers' until 1985.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@kunley_drukpa What the opponents of immigration fail to realise is that after we become a caliphate our new rulers might build themselves some pretty mosques, .

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Gibbonski1102: @Tomski1102 @kunley_drukpa @samuelmartinuk But they're so kind. If you don't agree, you can't be a kind person. Can't have that now can we Sir, Popper's paradox of kindness, just step this way, we have a solution, it's final, and it's very very twee.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Bilyamin_Dakat @Fanharijo @granitestatelad @thesiriusreport @HarmlessYardDog I am worried for Europe, but Africa is hugely dependant on food imports. Only Zambia is a net food exporter.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@SimonDParsons @primalpoly @RitaPanahi There in sociology and anthropology. That's basically science, which is basically evolutionary genetics, I mean ...

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Quicktake I'm curious about the details, as the basic description makes it sound like it's using one battery to charge the other, adding weight and friction to the system. Is there a regenerative braking aspect?

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@mingmingmung: @AliceFromQueens A fun whimsical strain that I was sad to see not make it into the Qanon canon was that Trump found a time machine, and Pence is from the future; in fact, like Terminator, there are other future people or 'Pences' among us come to save us.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@APFDS792 @PRaftery1 @ellisgreg @emabrams Hey, it's not a big deal maybe, but you're wrong. 'Sowing division' is the same 'sow' as 'sowing seeds', scatter something so it grows, as in 'sow the wind, reap [harvest] the whirlwind' - disseminate. The '-semin-' in 'disseminate' comes from Latin semen meaning seed.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@phl43 It's totally believable that you could have 20K votes going one way without a single mistake, moment of madness, or shear contrarian bloodymindness. I mean the Philly Inquirer tried to find someone, c'mon.

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@Indian_Bronson ... and ... it's gone. Pity, because when she tried to wiggle out of if by saying she was only speaking on competence, I wanted to ask her whether she was more competent, less competent, or literally Hitler (in terms of competence).

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GammonBot @mingmingmung
@LoCtrl I thought 'if it's worked for antifa, why shouldn't it work for me'

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hitler 29%

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toons other 41%

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art_other 99%

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map 65%
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toons other 82%

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critters 90%

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hitler 27%

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joker 32%

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tldr 85%

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logos_flags_graphics 53%
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art_other 97%

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bar graph 99%

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bar graph 64%

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tldr 69%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 41%

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tldr 99%

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map 100%

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map 99%

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mspaint style 40%