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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 19
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Avron_p @MikaelValterss1 @DavidSacks clueless. The (((commies))) moved to the U.S.

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@KevinTober94 @VivekGRamaswamy

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Matt Wallace @MattWallace888
BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstien Dominos Starting To Fall!!! I Told You This Was Coming! Deep CIA Ties, Rothschild Funding, and more. ARREST THEM ALL!!!
Apollyon @Apollyon001

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View @MattWallace888
RainnWilson @rainnwilson
I do think there is an anti-Christian bias in Hollywood. As soon as the David character in “The Last of Us” started reading from the Bible I knew that he was going to be a horrific villain. Could there be a Bible-reading preacher on a show who is actually loving and kind?
Apollyon @Apollyon001
Hollywood is run by (((people))) who HATE Christians (and Whites in general). Now, a movie about a bad Rabbi...would never happen

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Elon Musk @elonmusk
Parents don’t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges! https://t.co/xhpmNanp6b
Apollyon @Apollyon001
All major institutions have been infiltrated by (((communists))) - going back 100+ years...McCarthy was right...but it is so much worse now

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View @elonmusk
Joining the @USArmy is a tremendous opportunity. If you are the type of person that seeks challenges and wants to push yourself to achieve something that you didn’t think was possible, we have some opportunities for you. With us, you can #BeAllYouCanBe! @USAREC https://t.co/GiEFY7qEMa
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@USArmy @usarec US Army needs bodies to fight in (((Banker))) forever wars...enlist now!

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Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis @RevJacquiLewis
@elonmusk @monitoringbias https://t.co/3PMc1ahCIU
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@elonmusk @monitoringbias (((Who))) has the power?

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The nationwide extremist "Day of Hate" campaign planned for this Saturday is meant to be intimidating and divide us, but we will remain united in our kindness and positivity. Join us and @Chabad in celebrating #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate. https://t.co/Hr5o35VYdi
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Chabad Obvious Fed op - promoted by (((ADL))).

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Katie Boyd Britt @SenKatieBritt
Now, more than ever, we must stand with Israel. https://t.co/P4fNTy3yLE
Apollyon @Apollyon001
If you don't, your (((Donors))) will no longer support you.

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
I rest my case. https://t.co/KYrb5nu5Rt
Apollyon @Apollyon001
If you step out of line, (((they))) will punish you...

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View @ScottAdamsSays

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Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968
Read the tea leaves: Poland is being egged on by NATO and the West, into being the next proxy in their war against Russia. Here’s an article in the Times of London, cheerleading them. Polish people: Is this what you want? Your nation destroyed by war? https://t.co/8dPVMmnLL4
Apollyon @Apollyon001
The (((neocons))) are willing to fight to the last drop of European blood to reach their goals

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View @GonzaloLira1968
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@gcole63 @David_Leavitt @GOP you mean (((whitewash)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@ScottAdamsSays I think this is more likely (if alien leaders are like ours)

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Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Tim Wise @timjacobwise
Anyone who says the killing of Tyre Nichols can’t be about racism because the cops were also Black really doesn’t understand how white supremacy or anti-Blackness work
Apollyon @Apollyon001
This tweet confirms that (((Wise))) and his co-ethnics are behind anti-White propaganda

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The_Real_Fly @The_Real_Fly
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((Nuland))) will fight to the last drop of European blood to win

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View @The_Real_Fly
Bishop Talbert Swan @TalbertSwan
There's a distinct difference between 'anti white' and anti white supremacy. People who aren't white supremacists don't get triggered by tweets that condemn white supremacy. You trolls are outing yourselves.
Apollyon @Apollyon001
There are no White supremacists. It's an (((invention)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@bigdawgs11282 @DiedSuddenly_

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☭BrokenKillJoy1987 @Broken_1987
@Apollyon001 @FayeEcklar Right because the Nazis that built the death camps and committed war crimes based on their racist ideology is totally the same as the communist who liberated these camps and killed the majority of the Nazi fighting force https://t.co/8vGa1s7XMI
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@FayeEcklar (((Communists))) were responsible for the Holodomor and the deaths of millions of Russian and Ukrainian Christians.

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@tweetd99 (((White))) people decide

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@byzyeileen @ArchbpVigano

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Battle Beagle @HarmlessYardDog
Anti-Semitism? https://t.co/zxslQKSUV2
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((Who))) is being this?

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View @HarmlessYardDog
Ethan Ralph @TheRalphRetort
ADL LEADER GREENBLATT ON YE: "IF WE DON'T GET HIM...THE MYTH SPREADS" #YE24 https://t.co/g8YXSyVa3q https://t.co/5YsLX2J9i8
Apollyon @Apollyon001
We have to prove Ye wrong when he makes the false claim that Jews control everything...by shutting him down, deplatforming him, and ruining his livelihood, reputation, credit, and wealth. Otherwise, people might start believing his Antisemitic myth of 'Jewish Power'.

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View @TheRalphRetort
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
The media in a nutshell: https://t.co/u4gg9uRCxu
Apollyon @Apollyon001
More like (((media)))

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View @EndWokeness
Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
The appointment of a special counsel is simply more deferential treatment. Merrick Garland has *no* conflict of interest, and has all the evidence needed to indict Trump for everything from the Mueller investigation to the Mar-a-Lago documents. He’s bought Trump time. Lots of it.
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((Seth))) wants (((Garland))) and the DOJ to put the upstart goy in his place.

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Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
@elonmusk But who decides what a "hate tweet" is?
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@elonmusk (((Communists)))

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View @libsoftiktok
Nets Videos @SNYNets
The Nets say Kyrie Irving will be suspended without pay "until he satisfies a series of objective remedial measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct and the suspension period served is no less than five games.” https://t.co/EVeudVnnv7
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((ADL))) demands complete subjugation and humiliation.

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Rob @MakingMoneyFast
@imjdsharp @kanyewest These people...👇👇👇 https://t.co/1POIaIKDk5
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@imjdsharp @kanyewest They're (((White))), not White. That part is conveniently left out

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View @MakingMoneyFast
Elon Musk @elonmusk
@yoyoel @JGreenblattADL @YaelEisenstat @rashadrobinson @JGo4Justice @normanlschen @DerrickNAACP @TheBushCenter @SindyBenavides Twitter will not allow anyone who was de-platformed for violating Twitter rules back on platform until we have a clear process for doing so, which will take at least a few more weeks
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@yoyoel @JGreenblattADL @YaelEisenstat @rashadrobinson @JGo4Justice @normanlschen @DerrickNAACP @TheBushCenter @SindyBenavides Elon bends the knee to the (((ADL))). What did they threaten you with?

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View @elonmusk
Jennifer Jacobs @JenniferJJacobs
Scoop: Biden admin officials are discussing whether US should subject some of @elonmusk’s ventures to national security reviews, including his deal for Twitter Inc., and the Starlink satellite network, sources tell @SalehaMohsin and me. @BloombergTV https://t.co/pZx1As8RUZ
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@elonmusk @SalehaMohsin @BloombergTV Well, he has become a thorn in the side of Globohomo - even hinting at (((who))) they are. That cannot go unanswered.

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View @JenniferJJacobs
Rubra.Thule @RubraThule
@USRising1776 All white.
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@USRising1776 (((White)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@UnbiasedCrime @RealDSchmidt Once you know, you realize (((it's))) everywhere...

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DANIEL SCHMIDT @realdschmidt
Elite institutions want to blacklist middle-class white Americans because they are the group most likely to challenge the ruling class. Affirmative action accomplishes that goal. I think the only reason I got into UChicago, as a white male, is because I am low-income. WATCH: https://t.co/zqDQtj1wmt
Apollyon @Apollyon001
The (((Ruling Class))) despises Whites...always have

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View @realdschmidt
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@ConservativeGG6 @PatriciaHeaton @ofctimallen (((Disney))) went woke

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Dr_fateee @elisde2 @ASBMilitary During his tenure, (((Oligarchs))) financially raped Russia. Yeah, they were 'free'

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Zach Goldberg @ZachG932
My Punjabi inlaws are making me culturally appropriate at my upcoming wedding. As a white man of power and privilege, I tried to explain to them the insensitivity and racism of such behavior, but it all fell on deaf ears. So here I am in Trudeauean fashion (minus the brown face) https://t.co/Z5Fms6AbwB
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((White man of power)))...big difference.

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View @ZachG932
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Bobfryer5 @hbomax (((Who))) produces it?

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@AdamWeinstein (((Bolshevik))) hoping Christian families turn on one another...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@GregoryMcKelvey White Savior...

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As essential as the short- and intermediate-term reforms may be, a more fundamental threat looms. This entails confronting the White evangelical crusade to prioritize White power and Christian ideology over democracy. https://t.co/7aERZ0Wmr4
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((dual citizens))) are now more open about their hatred of Christ(ians)

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Tom Elliott @tomselliott
.@JRubinBlogger calls for "rules" that would prohibit media outlets from treating Republicans as "normal" https://t.co/iZVgMOd81I
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@JRubinBlogger Need new ground rules for (((dual citizens))) that undermine their host country

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View @tomselliott
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@CincyNewsGuy @Timcast he shot (((White))) people...hence the MSM furor

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@taradublinrocks It's nice to see. They seem to have learned it from the (((experts)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@irrelevantGuy20 @taradublinrocks Because she doesn't want to expose herself as a (((female pervert))) who takes pleasure in innocent white goys getting raped

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Ann @BannedAnn
How did Whites end up with leaders that care more about protecting foreigners and diversity than us?
Apollyon @Apollyon001
A lot of them are (((White)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@AnnCoulter @nytimes He's (((White))) not White. But you knew that...

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Micky Finn @Micky_Finn
Who the hell is running the United States of America?
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((who))) indeed?

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Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Joel M. Petlin @Joelmpetlin
@MarkRuffalo Mark Ruffalo's apology for inflammatory comments on Israel is surprising. The hate for the apology he is getting in the comments and quote Tweets is unfortunately NOT surprising.
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@MarkRuffalo Mark Ruffalo wants to remain employable. He just found out (((who))) runs things.

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View @Joelmpetlin
shoe @shoe0nhead
Apollyon @Apollyon001
I think she's a (((fellow white person)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Breaking911 (((Schumer))) stepping up attacks on his White rivals...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Razorsmack1 You mean his (((handlers))) will

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@RealBasedMAGA He's likely concerned (but assured of victory) of the (((Neoclowns))) that dictate Biden's foreign policy

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@h3h3productions "It's for your own good" said the (((Bolshevik)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@GOPLeader It's ruled by Con Inc. and (((Neocons))).

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@atdavidhoffman You disappointed (((Hoffman)))?

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SCOOP: The principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents this "tool for action," which tells them they must become "white traitors" and then advocate for full "white abolition." This is the new language of public education. https://t.co/0XA3xUpcuT
Apollyon @Apollyon001
Principal is (((white))) so of course he'll promote it

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View @realchrisrufo
Apollyon @Apollyon001
Companies to boycott:

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@LEBassett (((white privilege)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@CassandraRules (((who))) knows...

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🦁#NoMoreRed @Gunner_G75
@MarkDice @jenbo1 Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 https://t.co/RKqTRNiicY
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@GregHarwood @MarkDice @jenbo1 Jen Bokoff is (((white)))

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View @Gunner_G75
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@AdriftInChaos @MarkDice @jenbo1 Every. Single. Time. The only (((people))) who express hostility to Christmas and all things Christian...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@cook1986 @DanScavino Whatevs...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@HengyRyan @disclosetv

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@politeromantic: @atlanteansummer @moonstr194 Looks like a (((white))) person to me...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@KFILE The (((Coup))) is clearly underway...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@JuliansRum The (((Bolsheviks))) are at it again...how many Gulags will be set up?

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Keith Olbermann @KeithOlbermann
It is necessary to remove, and arrest, the president of the United States. Tonight.
Apollyon @Apollyon001
The (((coup))) isn't over yet...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@davidfrum Trump has rendered (((Boomer Neocons))) irrelevant

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@jacktame @davidfrum @TheAtlantic A (((Neocon))) Never-Trumper...he has no insights...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@WheelmanForHire @KeeleyFox29 @PANationalGuard @FOX29philly

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@AnnCoulter (((She))) hates White Christians

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@DogDuffy @SJPFISH @NotGah

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Airylawyer @Steve_Sailer He’s (((white)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@ChurchofSatan Separation of Church and State is designed to protect the Church from the State. (((Lawmakers))) changed the intent

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@DailyCaller It's been done:

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Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray
Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in front of the federal courthouse in Portland. https://t.co/lYWY0x8n8P
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@EddieZipperer This should give an idea (((who))) is behind it

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View @stillgray
George Soros @georgesoros
For decades, my foundations have invested in dismantling systemic racism—from ending the drug war to securing voting rights. Now, a new $220 million investment will build power in Black communities and new anti-racist policies in the U.S. https://t.co/x9zdM5JRCB https://t.co/US4U80T9cv
Apollyon @Apollyon001
The real (((power))) behind BLM. Objective: race wars, destabilize the West

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@UpAndOv3r @tonyk2169 Gives a good idea (((who))) is funding them

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Breitbart News @BreitbartNews
Thought crime! https://t.co/rUBn74JBNT
Apollyon @Apollyon001
Will he stand firm or fold? Will (((Hollywood))) make him retract to save his career?

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View @BreitbartNews
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@BasedPoland and (((who))) controls the women who started BLM?

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We stand with Palestinians at this most urgent time, and against the accelerated attacks on their rights laid out above and in many other sources.  Ours is a united fight against colonialism in all its forms. Justice is indivisible.  https://t.co/m5iWzwvtUB
Apollyon @Apollyon001
Suddenly financial and State (and Big Tech, media, entertainment etc) support will begin to dry up. BLM is supposed to attack (((their))) white rivals, not (((them)))

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Roosh ☦ @rooshv
Russian Orthodox Archbishop of an American diocese compares riots and push for "equality" with the Bolshevik Revolution. "Orthodox Christians cannot participate or support them." https://t.co/IqDIfPEChM https://t.co/W1DQP8MVG8
Apollyon @Apollyon001
They know the (((same people))) that were behind the Bolsheviks are behind BLM (and ANTIFA)

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View @rooshv
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@CastleNoshan @BasedPoland

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@thehill (((Neocon))) won't like that

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
Whites generally hate communism. Hence the anti-white slander “racism” was invented by communists to destroy whites.
Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@thehill (((Krugman)))...no surprise

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
Ben Shapiro is quite confusing. He is a hyper-nationalist when it comes to Israel. He seems to hate Trump’s nationalism though. https://t.co/kdDB3xqkbm
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@Marvin_SuperDog That's standard (((neocon)))...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@briantylercohen @justinamash Trump exposed the (((Never-Trumpers))) so that was good

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Matthew @WhlteHovse
Jared Kushner is pushing back on Trump’s immigration ban https://t.co/UFOS0V2WVk
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@WhiteHovse: @Matthew4Trump Of course he did...(((globalist)))

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
How many artists in the #OneWorldTogetherAtHome concert were able to say “I can’t praise the WHO, it’s run by a communist!” None. Tells you EXACTLY who runs the music industry.
Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@dicksblackbess: @EdmundMartyr @SerenaJB3 Hence there is no comment section. Most of the 'myths' they are debunking are strawmen. "DNA is completely different' said no one ever. (((BBC))) knows they are wrong...thus the need to avoid debate.

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Judge @V8POW
Hey *Globalists*, next time you shoot refugee propaganda make sure your film crew isn't in the shot too. Btw her first take was better https://t.co/KALRCi4WxL
Apollyon @Apollyon001
The (((Globalists))) have run into the Coronavirus...suddenly virtue-signaling costs...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@_Emperor_Ming_ And then came the (((Hart-Cellar Act)))...

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@MaxBoot (((globalism)))

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Apollyon @Apollyon001
@RepAdamSchiff You mean (((foreign help)))?

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
Let's be real. Communists run Hollywood. Communists run academia. Movies and TV constantly bully you to go to university. You go into debt to pay for your own Marxist indoctrination. Get it?
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@shnivelmetimbe1 (((Communists)))...

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Warren Kinsella @kinsellawarren
You shouldn’t use the term “globalist.” https://t.co/rW3Torh8pE https://t.co/g3qgzZVBOu
Apollyon @Apollyon001

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Breitbart News @BreitbartNews
Jonah Hill says real change in Hollywood will happen when white men relinquish their power. https://t.co/pppg2YShow
Apollyon @Apollyon001
(((White people)))...

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View @BreitbartNews
Apollyon @Apollyon001
@ethanjsomers (((Ethan))) hates whites

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toons other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 96%