@TheJoshuaTurner Joshua Turner! Our People's Lives Matter. The Land of Hope and Glory

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 92
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@AnnelieseDodds Check the facts, moron!

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@MaryAnn90131388 Ridiculous!

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@VicSponge But shes a Fleet Chief Air Field Marshal of the Fleet.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@aliciakearns You had your instructions at every general election since 2010. You have deliberately ignored what the electorate told you do.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
According to Alex Phillips, @reformparty_uk want to reduce immigration to a net zero level. Given that 560,000 people emigrated in the year ending June 2022, that means Reform would still be allowing over half a million immigrants to enter the UK. Can't they see the problem?

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@barbismiles8 Yes! On certain nights.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@UnionJa77809293 You can have him.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
So, it's either Starmer than doesn't even know what a woman is or this liberal progressive who thinks "transmen" are men.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
All the Tory boys going in to orgasmic spasms over Penny Mordaunt today. 🤣😂🤣🤡🤡

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Frank_A_Quiller I've opted out.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@TalkTV Is she a Bojo the Clown supporter?

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@SuellaBraverman The reports I have heard this morning claim that the deportations will start as early as this summer. Hmm!🤔🤔

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
I know the reason why Harrogate is one of the happiest places to live in, @GBNews.

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Blackpilled American @blackpillUSA
@MojaveDusty It’s almost like the British government hates its own people.
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@MojaveDusty Nope, the British government loves its own people. It's the British people that they hate.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@JeremyVineOn5 All I know is that even Braverman thinks there is a 50% chance her proposed legislation is unlawful and will be made impotent by the courts. So why are the Tories carrying on with this pantomime? 🤔🤔

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@StormySturgeon You really don't know your stuff, do you?

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Steve92592444 If only she had a conscience about this.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
And, but of course, @GBNews and @TalkTV falls into line with the state propaganda arm. So different to the BBC, ITV and Sky

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Steve92592444 @Bluebell2201 Remember, anti white, globalist, liberal luvvies come in blue too.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@bbcquestiontime @BBCOne Meanwhile, as the Tories keep you focused on the boats.....

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Xx17965797N 🤣😂 I've seen that look before.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@teresadg0 Pretty sure that it's the Conservative government that is flooding our country with immigrants (illegal and "legal") and doing sod all about deporting any of them.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
I see that our Tory cabinet of foreigners is doing a sterling job at controlling mass immigration into this country. It's just that they are not controlling it for the benefit of the British people. Cue the cries of "But it would be worse under Labour".

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
There's a touch of the "ethnic" about her.
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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@TalkTV "Years in the academy" She hasn't a clue about police officer training in the US or, more particularly, the Memphis Police Department? https://t.co/FJA7cf6LI7
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
: @TalkTV

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TalkTV @TalkTV
Journalist Afua Hagan says the killing of Tyre Nicholls by five black police officers must be blamed on the police force as an "institution", because it is "underpinned by white supremacy." https://t.co/rbmXrtO1yk
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
"Years in the academy" She hasn't a clue about police officer training in the US or, more particularly, the Memphis Police Department?

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View @TalkTV
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
If you want everything that you value and cherish about being British and living in the UK trashed, keep on voting Tory.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
Good! Now how can we project that image into our towns and cities?

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UNN @UnityNewsNet
Meat Bingo Allison a 36 year old Church of England Priest. Bingo is the first openly non-binary priest to be ordained in the Church of England. Bingo, who now works in Liverpool, visits schools across the area to inspire LGBTQ+ young people and to get involved with the Church https://t.co/enIN7iM2jn
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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View @UnityNewsNet
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
How will I ever get through it?🤣😂🤣

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@POTUS That has got to be a stunt double. There is no way that the falling down man would be allowed up there.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
Don't know 'bout you but I'm ready. Uh-huh!

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@placekicker17 He needs to work on the legs a bit.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@James_Thorburn @ohKatyKaty So Bojo the Clown will get his wish after all.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@TalkTV 😂🤣

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
Guess which set of deaths in the Channel is getting the most coverage in the MSM or mentions in Parliament.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@RishiSunak While the gullible Tory fan boys & girls gush over their Indian leader's statement, let's not forget that, only eight months ago, his fellow Indian, the then Home Secretary, Priti Patel, was telling us the same thing as her new legislation was enacted.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@DerylLynn The state of them.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@mpcmurph They are all globalists, ffs, trying to outdo each other in the wokism stakes!

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Sarcasmcat24 Ask Elmer Fudd.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@chinn_victor Ask Bojo the Clown and any of the newer Tory PMs. They might have an idea.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
I still don't get why I am not feeling like a "million bucks" with all this diversity enriching my country both culturally and economically.

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Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
UK Census: Leicester and Birmingham have become the first UK cities to have “minority majorities”. In England's second city, white people make up 48.6% of the population. "5.5 million drop in the number of Christians and a 44% rise in the number of people following Islam."
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
"But keep voting Tory just to make sure Labour doesn't get in because they would be so much worse than the Tories."

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View @PrisonPlanet
Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@louiseatkinso14 Maybe because people don't want to be foot soldiers for the extreme left wing teaching unions who are quick to fight for LGBTQ indoctrination and the promotion of fake black history, but act duplicitously in their defence of the Batley schoolteacher.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@franketteh02 Yep!

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
So much for the Tories' Nationality and Borders Act. It's not worth the paper it is written on when those breaking into our country can simply trump it by claiming asylum. Of course, Priti Patel and the then Attorney General, Suella Braverman, knew this.

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner
@Ray_Norshine A rarity, something the Conservative/Lib-Dem coalition managed to get right. Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012

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Joshua Turner! @TheJoshuaTurner

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runes_odal 57%

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proud boys 99%

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punisher 63%

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patriot front 81%

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proud boys 75%
proud boys 75%

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proud boys us flag 29%
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art_other 81%

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totenkopf 38%
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star of david 94%
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militarized 86%

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firearm 86%
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hitler 29%

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punisher 25%

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art_other 97%

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militarized 44%

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etc 96%

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art_other 71%

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etc 50%

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face 97%

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hitler 28%

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etc 57%

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tldr 70%

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bar graph 66%
logos_flags_graphics 27%

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art_other 98%

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tldr 100%

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etc 99%

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art_other 99%

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toons other 82%

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mspaint style 98%

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map 99%

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bar graph 100%

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tldr 71%

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tldr 99%

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critters 70%
face 26%

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art_other 54%
etc 41%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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hitler 28%

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art_other 95%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 99%

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hitler 29%

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art_other 35%

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tldr 99%

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critters 46%

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art_other 62%

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tldr 95%

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face 99%

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tldr 98%

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tldr 93%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 97%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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tldr 31%

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tldr 82%

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art_other 68%

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hitler 29%

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art_other 42%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 97%

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tldr 56%

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tldr 94%

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etc 27%
firearm 26%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 66%

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etc 97%

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etc 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 45%
toons other 35%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%