@Shandsharp SharpfulSandra 🇫🇷🇵🇹🇳🇱 Friendly neighbourhood morale officer

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 89
@Bird16Surfing @monitoringbias "at maximum 2.2% of the U.S. adult population has some basis for Jewish self-identification."

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@InsaneClownPar1 @MainlyASpoon @iamoicaro @historyinmemes What are you even talking about?

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@Holly_Woodzz @red_gottie @DarkAestheticc @thomas_lahti @FightHaven "Statistically black and white violence is significantly higher" Except its the completely opposite by a huge margin. But dont let that stop you.

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@thejournalista Aww someone is actively campaigning to have people dox you? "Don't hide now, bitch". After all the hatred you displayed against this innocent woman just because she's white, now you're playing the victim... Vile and pathetic. You deserve everything that's coming to you.

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@RickyJa56396441 @clipsthatgohard So you're saying is...

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@SaiKate108 @SerenaJB3 Here are the names and photos of all the "people" involved in this - to whom it may concern for future reference.

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@trampas @iamyesyouareno "White women are predominantly liberal" Stop it already.

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@MickHali @SerenaJB3 @AyannaPressley The "We're all just humans" crowd... lol

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@HRotbach @ladycancer93 @crazyclipsonly No, I mean women taken to be literal sex slaves "More whites were taken as slaves to North Africa than blacks taken as slaves to the US or to the 13 colonies which it formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold by the Ottomans, decades after blacks were freed in the US"

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@jakeshieldsajj You're in the US right? What if I told you man vs woman is not the real divide in the politics of your country?

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@BlckFuzz @EeveeLunice @MattChr83 @ClownWorld_ You seem to be taking it pretty personally when people say "just leave the kids alone".... Pretty telling.

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@BlckFuzz @EeveeLunice @MattChr83 @ClownWorld_ Yes, the rainbow colours are suddenly painted on sidewalks, streets, buildings, schools, subway stations etc... because it's spring and easter. lol Nevermind the fact that they have been permanently there for the entire year. lol

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@EeveeLunice @MattChr83 @ClownWorld_ Rainbows by themselves are fine. The problem is when its really only rainbows, with the cultural meaning that we all know it has right now. Shit is everywhere. People are just getting saturated.

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@Irish___Rose All gone now :( There was a really funny one called something like "Spectre" with a photo of james spader. And this guy

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@b_c_p_source @ChiTown_Burgh @crazyclipsonly "Some shitty people" is very tolerable and unavoidable, in any society of any race. But when it becomes part of the common experience of most people, it has to be addressed and corrected, regardless of how unconfortable it makes people feel. This is not sustainable.

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@MaciJones69 @_ROB_29 "Just let people live their lives. You ain’t got to participate." We started with "we just want to get married" And ended up with flags everywhere, sexual kink parades in the streets, children getting money to take clothes off and call me my made up words or go to jail. Enough.

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@MonolithMoai @Nature_and_Race You could have just asked...

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@senoj_hsoj @danaasalia @brutalfightz Whenever you're done throwing your tantrum, we can get back to the discussion of interracial crime, that I know you're hoping to avoid ;) Here's one of you little cannibals.

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@senoj_hsoj @danaasalia @brutalfightz lol You dont want to go down this path.

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craziest fight vids @crazy30secs
She was asked if what she said had racist intent, and she answered yes... https://t.co/dO4q9TxYCw
@FightMate: @FightPrecinct

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@zainskitv @crazyclipsonly Comparing those countries to the US does not provide an explanation. You need to know who is driving those numbers up in the US, and how it compares to other similar countries.

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@badrobl @StevenAikido @wayotworld "Show me a quadraped human. Or one with a beak." Stop being disingenuous. These are just a few Tiger sub species, of which there are 9 in total. See any "beaks"?

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@rickitick43 @KanekoaTheGreat @EstibanNew Woah those numbers for girls in 2022 and 2023 are insane. 25% excess mortality? How is no one talking about this

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@captainspheal @Evelette_Freya @UnbiasedCrime The riots where you commie larper "types" killed more than 20 people. Yes. This one for example stuck with me... Keep defending this, it only shows everyone what you are ;)

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@GermanHunt3 @GonzaloLira1968 It's well on its way, and has been coming along hand in hand with the rest of the corruption of all morality, degeneracy and hedonism imposed on a demoralized and aimless society. He's not wrong, and it can't go on.

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@Javabu_ @MattWalshBlog Yes, we should show love and care for anorexic people too by reaffirming how fat they are.

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@goddeketal It had a weird, manufactured stink element from the start, but the exact moment that I knew for sure it was all bullshit?

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Contrary to popular belief, these are both characters on the side of good. You can't change my mind.

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@cenkuygur So I had to google what Hooters was. It's not this. lol

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@Richard99152776 @nouumL @The_RoyalJoshua @Elva853029901 @easybreezylive @libsoftiktok You cant hide behind projection. You're not even hiding in plain sight, you are in plain sight. Here's what you are gaslighting as "non sexual content", that is just fine for children lol There's no "lets agree to disagree" here, pedophiles have no place in society.

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@MThomaswayne @pbermland @BenjaminRMarcus @ramzpaul That sort of double standard doesn't work anymore, it has just been used too often over the years.

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@J6denier: @HughRekshin @roxymeloni @csommerville1 @AviMayer

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@NickSzabo4 @RealWriteWinger The concept has been around for a while.

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@SpiritedSparr0w @RRR0BYN Not really. It's not sex based. It's racial. Here's a breakdown of 2016.

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@Timcast And just like that, all the lefties claiming hospitals are badly run for profit corporations at the expense of patients... gone.

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@NyxdoIl_i4oo Apparently, I'm more normal than normal people 🤔

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@comfylinkie @JoeTM_SA @GlamRatchet "All women are hypocrites."

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@Potatoe_Waffen @NoTatsClassy @daviddeluz @TheRightMelissa @realDonaldTrump Not only that - black people in Africa are far poorer than black people in the US. Yet their homicide rates remain consistent with eachother across the board. And whites in the US have a similar homicide rate as other european nations.

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@Emperor_Albus @LassMacarthur @Anoobis_ @paxchristus0 @tgwrh @StarTribune Antifa is literally a communist organization. Has been for nearly 100 years. Also, antifa carry both anarchist and communist flags and symbols. It's really not that simple.

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@Tuttlebees @Claudius1810BC @hnannar1 @RishiSunak @RoyalMintUK "There's no such thing as water, it's just made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom." "There's no such thing as atoms, they are just made up of different particles" "There's no such thing as particles..."

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Beulah @_K_Geezy
@LaurenWitzkeDE @Diddy White on white crime is upwards of 80%
@LaurenWitzkeDE @Diddy

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@Astro_Fash That might be the place you live in. Fact is, white people, including women are mostly right leaning. (men more so) The trouble starts when "people of colour" are thrown into the mix.

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@ScottAdamsSays Deaths per capita is what people should be looking at. USA isn't in a great spot at 9th place, but it isn't terrible. The deeply unexplained part for me is how are countries like India and African capital cities not exploding in Covid deaths.

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@sheena2301 @BernardKeavy @Ella32823623 "not all British are white" "as a nation"

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@Kathlee65342561 @BigpoppaHood @JackPosobiec This is Enrique Tarrio. The leader of the Proud Boys. A black man, is the leader of your "white supremacist" organization. I keep wondering when you people are going to realize how much you're being manipulated and lied to, but that day just never seems to arrive.

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@michaelis4real @livesmattershow If the issue is racial violence, there's an interesting story there too.

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@gffhfhfgv @vordorsai @HarmlessYardDog It's not like it hasn't happened before.

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@MixedTj @TruelySad1 @superbros17 @QuancyClayborne @cbch54898101 @RexChapman Don't worry, we can go more recent if you want. It only gets worse.

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@cptmorgan38 @QuancyClayborne @RexChapman lol Not really, blacks are dramatically over represented in the "serial killers" category as well :\ Together with "Murder", "Violent Assault", "Robbery", "Rape", it goes on for a while.

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@TruelySad1 @superbros17 @QuancyClayborne @cbch54898101 @RexChapman

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@Nature_and_Race The leap from what happens in this video (sweden) to that video, isn't that big at all. This has been happening for decades. https://twitter.com/Shandsharp/status/1305252079133491200/video/1

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 75%

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happy merchant 71%

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happy merchant 37%

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hitler 29%
patriot front 71%

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bar graph 98%

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militarized 49%
punisher 42%
pepe 61%

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critters 99%

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toons other 99%
joker 81%

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joker 60%

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anime 90%
us flag 94%
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us flag 67%
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art_other 99%

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anime 58%

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firearm 53%

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etc 29%

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anime 47%

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etc 99%

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face 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 36%
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tldr 73%

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bar graph 100%

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bar graph 93%

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map 100%

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tldr 91%

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mspaint style 98%

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art_other 79%

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toons other 99%

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bar graph 92%

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bar graph 99%

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tldr 97%

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tldr 93%

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etc 27%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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mspaint style 93%

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toons other 99%

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toons other 85%

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art_other 99%

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bar graph 100%

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mspaint style 99%

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map 100%

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hitler 29%

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tldr 75%

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bar graph 98%

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bar graph 98%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 75%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 68%
militarized 27%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 56%
tldr 42%

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art_other 100%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 99%

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bar graph 100%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 100%

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art_other 64%
etc 31%

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tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 35%
militarized 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%