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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 32
Francis @JPFabricate
@JPFabricate: @NutriDetect So sensitive lol

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Spergler Acolyte @SperglerAcolyte
Very telling that Kissinger gifted Nixon a copy of Spengler and not Kant or Toynbee. I think it speaks to the fact that Spengler had correctly identified the issue of civilizational decline. And, from the perspective of a policy-maker, is far more useful as a diagnostic tool.
Francis @JPFabricate
Sounds more like a move by Kikesinger to curtail Nixon's "antisemitism". Spengler doesn't blame Jews for civilizational decline, that's why he's promoted by kosher "reactionaries" like (((Moldbug))).

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View @SperglerAcolyte
Francis @JPFabricate
@Thelmaestla @EDSER5512 @GiaMMacool It takes some serious delusion to actually believe this. Congrats. You're like a parody of radfems.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@TheDudeAbidesM @MioHondaFan @packwatchgoblin Haha. Next you'll tell me affirmative action and hate speech laws also help and protect straight white males.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@the1351project Unfollowed your fat, badjacketing ass. Go jack off over your crime stats you ironically got from Feds while you keep doing nothing about it.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@AugustCohen4 @PSoundAdvice1 @MattWalshBlog If you think this or Thomas Sowell are "extreme", yeah you are pretty clueless.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@Techo789878 @FWPlayboy They're doing it to increase their sex appeal to men, or just to meet men and find more commonalities with them. Then again, a lot of men are guilty of that too, but not to the same degree.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@reddit_lies It is to Judaism.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@hotdogclit @KeithWoodsYT

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Francis @JPFabricate
@dr_duchesne Because cultural Marxists used the power that they gained over the institutions to convince them of that. And even then, only a portion of whites, and very recently.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@BobJone13984659 @Buchouuoohh Worship God instead of some anti-white, Zionist freemason who probably diddles children.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@Dhando6 @la_chatte_verte @Seeker_of_Jove @clenchfoot They most likely are. There are definitely some intellectually inferior ethnic groups, nationalities and individuals within the white race. That doesn't make them nonwhite. Are you stupid or just disingenuous?

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Francis @JPFabricate
@Dhando6 @la_chatte_verte @Seeker_of_Jove @clenchfoot What constitutes an American is not the same as what constitutes a white person. You didn't give a single quote from Grant claiming Italians or the Irish aren't white/Caucasian. Not only did he never say that, he even said the Irish are as *Nordic* as the English.

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@JPFabricate @KMGVictoria He did not want to liberate us. He wanted to exterminate us.
Francis @JPFabricate
@KMGVictoria This is what communist, Jewish propaganda would have you believe. It's false. Hundreds of thousands of Slavs fought for the Reich. Goebbels' own mistress was Slavic. I bet you also believe 6 gorillion chosen people died in gas chambers and were turned into lampshades and soap.

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View @ChekhovNuclear
Francis @JPFabricate
@WeimarPsycho @UBERSOY1 Of all the things you could be focused on, why a few anon weirdos that may or may not like blacked porn. This is standard divide et impera BS from the likes of Hasbara, of course coming from a guy who white knights Jews all the time.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@dr_duchesne Because Marxism is and has always been a scam. They don't want to abolish capital, they want to monopolize it. See: every communist country ever.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@dr_duchesne Marxists/Leftists have hijacked the corporations and the government, the agencies and international bodies that regulate the corporations. Not to mention the media that can make or break a business if they step out of line.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@gigapilledchad @Zioinfiltration 89% of the House identify as Christian, 6% of the House identify as Jewish, 2% of the House identify with other religions, <1% of the House is unaffiliated, and 3% percent of the House don't know or refused to state their affiliation.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@gigapilledchad @Zioinfiltration You just described most modern Christians.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@UBERSOY1 Based truth-telling Chud.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@WolfishHead Reformed Orthodox Rabbi Jordan Peterson.

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David Jaffe @davidscottjaffe
My pronouns are he/him. Because I refuse to mock people who are risking their safety and lives to openly live life on their terms. History will not be kind to those who were cruel and disrespectful to trans folks. And I hope I'm alive long enough to see and enjoy it.
Francis @JPFabricate
Glad I never liked any of your J*w-ass' games.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@NubNooblet @LankletSupreme @reddit_lies Woke people hate men and gender norms. They want to remove all male-specific things or sideline them because they think not doing so upholds the "patriarchy". Or they want to remove all gender-specific things in society so everything is a grey gender-neutral blob. That's woke.
Francis @JPFabricate
: @NubNooblet @LankletSupreme @reddit_lies Destroying, disfiguring anthems, statues, monuments and all traditions is also a principal component of woke communist ideology. See: Year Zero in Cambodia, the Four Olds in China's cultural revolution, etc.

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View @JPFabricate
Francis @JPFabricate
@NubNooblet @LankletSupreme @reddit_lies Woke people hate men and gender norms. They want to remove all male-specific things or sideline them because they think not doing so upholds the "patriarchy". Or they want to remove all gender-specific things in society so everything is a grey gender-neutral blob. That's woke.

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Francis @JPFabricate
@not_thuletide "(((Russian-born doctors)))" I love old school euphemisms.

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I would disagree with "universally accepted" (it's majority accepted, however.) Otherwise, a true point people need to realize
Francis @JPFabricate

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View @ScottMGreer
Rev 🔆 (she/her) @elixireverie
@omglol4436436 @MediaTownMayor1 @c89 @hoodedmexican @wwarrior_1 @KnowS0mething If you get offended by cracker idk what to tell you. Grow thicker skin?
Francis @JPFabricate
@omglol4436436 @MediaTownMayor1 @c89 @hoodedmexican @wwarrior_1 @KnowS0mething If you get offended by n*gger idk what to tell you. Grow thicker skin?

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WinCreatively @NormanBorlaugGR
@JPFabricate @EuropeanRevolt @RedPill03266961 @feel_uber @Dylan_Mikes Never ever accept your opponent's terrain. Literally anything about the Holocaust is not a winning topic for whites. Even proof of a 100% hoax would not prove white goodness, only evidence of white goodness actually does that. And we have massive amounts of such evidence!
Francis @JPFabricate
@CreativvPrompts: @KaizenBastard @EuropeanRevolt @RedPill03266961 @feel_uber @Dylan_Mikes You're accepting the opponent's framing by conceding the conventional WW2 narrative, the Holohoax and the demonization of National Socialist Germany. Or the idea that whites only deserve to exist if they've done enough "good deeds" to counterbalance the "bad ones".

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gigachad 28%
star of david 82%

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tldr 90%

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art_other 85%

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hitler 25%

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tldr 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014