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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 69
Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ladidaix @PopCrave Same here.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@AlanGWardrop @Steve_Laws_ ‘Growth’ doesn’t necessarily correlate to actual living standards.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@AlisonBarber68 @TheQuareChap @TalkTV @andrejpwalker @louddanielle No, that’s a myth. Her supposed African ancestor lived hundreds of years before her own time and was probably Berber-Arab or even an Arabised Christian. She was white.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@tommhobbins @ZalSpace “Look at any Middle Eastern person”

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@EdBhoy1888 @PalmerWould @Joegouldd Yes. There was never any media panic or moral outrage though.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@The149thBishop @CooperS111s Cool. I’m sure you also feel this way about the endless stream of ‘too white’ complaints. You must be disgusted by the perception that the whiteness of the countryside is a problem and that it needs to change, right?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@LBC @ShelaghFogarty You’ve previously trivialised antiwhite beliefs and denied their harmful effects, despite the nature of those beliefs being similar to those you label as antisemitic when used to describe Jews.
Maxxy @MaxElt5
: @LBC @ShelaghFogarty Why is it okay to make mendacious claims about ‘white privilege’ but not okay to point out Jewish over-representation in positions of power? Rich white people don’t fund organisations that stigmatise critique of their role in society - maybe that has something to do with it.

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View @MaxElt5
‘Are you aware that what you’ve just said is anti-semitic?’ @ShelaghFogarty challenges this caller who claims ‘jewish people are being promoted’ and ‘black people are not’.
Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ShelaghFogarty You’ve previously trivialised antiwhite beliefs and denied their harmful effects, despite the nature of those beliefs being similar to those you label as antisemitic when used to describe Jews.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@FreeMenoftheWe1 @lo57811238 Okay dude…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@mazerialgowrl @JAMUSA24 @chaopilled Ariel’s race is mentioned by Hans Christian Andersen. Besides, if it’s okay to blackwash a mermaid then why was Scarlett Johansson as a futuristic manga cyborg ever a problem? Clearly the distinction you draw hangs on antiwhite bias, not on any other matter.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@markgeveritt @woe_tree @seismicshed It is happening. Please illuminate for me: which other group could be the object of a novel like this one yet be considered extreme for objecting? For me personally, when my value and input was questioned because of my group affiliation, that negatively affected me. Stop denying.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Snooblyfox @EndWokeness Anne Boleyn was a real person. What’s your argument then? All your excuses feel so arbitrary because they’re contrived, structured around your desire to justify antiwhite double standards.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Nice_White_Lady @_iron_rage_ Lilo is a fictional character. Anne Boleyn was a real woman, and she was white. You’ll select any excuse convenient to your antiwhite bias.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@MaxElt5: @Achuuu90 @Funny97607850 @OhTheSunnySide The supposed black ancestor was 15 generations before Queen Charlotte’s own times. She was white.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@XEmp_1379 @hofmannbicycle @ShitpostGate What, so you think such a large, ethnically homogeneous population just materialised without any expansion, subjugation, or the conquest of resources/land? There are still ethnic minorities in the border regions, and others like the Dzungars were genocided.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@RX80080 @ShitpostGate Okay dude. Why would marrying into races with higher prevalences of inbreeding be good for those who already maintain a varied gene pool within their race?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@susan_bagheri @PaulEmbery We know that Pakistani abusers targeted white girls. We also have evidence that they held degrading views about their victims based on their race and sex. Even worse, institutionally racist police prioritised brown privilege over the human rights of white girls. Stop lying.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@bakunin09 @PaulEmbery Wrong. We know that institutions refused to act because of race, prioritising brown privilege over the dignity and human rights of white girls. We also know that Pakistani-origin men targeted white girls and held degrading views about their victims.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@AstroRose20 Imagine looking like this and thinking you’re the “chosen people”.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@YacS92833 @tunde_omo @RossBeadle @thehistoryguy The entire media apparatus was up in arms when a white woman portrayed a futuristic manga cyborg so you didn’t really do anything there…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@KimWrites4U Erasing white stories is not okay, I’m glad the dislikes showed that. You have the entire media on your side, but that same media was outraged when a white woman portrayed a fictional manga cyborg, so why is it so much to ask that white characters are left intact?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@peachygym @redscarepilled Neither are cyborgs like those in Ghost in the Shell. People were still mad when Scarlett Johansson played Mokoto. Real historical figures have been blackwashed too. You only make some irrelevant arbitrary excuses…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ESmith4417 @islandthembo ‘Sarah’ doesn’t benefit from slavery. Institutions openly discriminate against white people and racist violence against us is normalised. ‘Whiteness’ is discursively stigmatised, that doesn’t happen in a society built to support it.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ncbreakingnew @ramzpaul Funny to hear that from someone who believes Israel is America’s ‘greatest ally’ and is doubtlessly happy to send them billions. There are many women here who know there is far better for people of European descent, show some respect.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@lionborned @Smasterson69 @WalkingInAustin @hcetamd @Phil_Lewis_ Black people on here crumble into a million pieces when white people look at their parcels or when they get called a mean word on Omegle, I really don’t think not wanting to be violently attacked is too much to ask.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@DrEllaC @Ofcom What about the misogynistic and racist tropes driving brown perpetrators to abuse thousands of white children, or are we not allowed to talk about those?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@MaxElt5: @MrPritchard17 @twodoges14 Also, if the government don’t want to displace the indigenous population and aren’t conscious of how their policy affects demographics, why produce propaganda that glorifies - and gives false antiquity to - the presence of non-Europeans?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Fhqwhgads411 @ask_aubry Keeping your guard up to black racism is not the same as black racism. White people are statistically the least racially biased group in America, it’s not up for white folks to change…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@paulloli @Otto_English @gildedcage66 Do you believe that immigration and demographic change could bear ANY negative outcome? Migrants absolutely carry harmful biases and mindsets with them, and other issues are created, like crime, antiwhite bigotry, and lower economic contribution.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@MaxElt5: @mattdunn25 @SangitaMyska

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ElliottM_4 @AscendantGroyp @wookinonwallst @OldMemeClown Wonder why you didn’t have this energy when people were mad about a fictional manga cyborg being portrayed by a white woman…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Gundersonguy @BritishAlba @AyoCaesar Research suggests that white people are the least racially biased, and there’s nothing wrong with objecting to racial and sexual violence against your community. Also, if this is okay, why is similar sentiment from white folk inadmissible?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@porksmithchop @Recusant1Actual @mbillips @WillBlakely3 @1819News Those slurs are used by perpetrators of violent and hateful attacks against white people, even children. Excusing the use of such language normalises this harm, why do you think that’s okay?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@sabstweets_ Thousands of white girls have been subject to horrific race-based sexual abuse. Perpetrators were protected by institutionally antiwhite police who prioritised brown privilege over victims’ dignity… Those responsible still hold power. Context matters, don’t be complicit.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@PJones1776 @realchrisrufo @monitoringbias Specifically white men? I can’t quite agree there, there’s a whole industry dedicated to pathologising white women.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@MaxElt5: @emre_mayo @realchrisrufo @monitoringbias @ConceptualJames Meanwhile Joe Rogan is recently facing a lot of backlash for a largely trivial statement about Jewish people and money. White people in power don’t utilise resources to benefit white folks *as a group* or to organise our group interests.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@WaitImCurious @BrentonLengel @tafphorisms To ascertain a society’s values, look at its art; look at what it considers ‘high culture’… Someone who criticises conservative views is not gonna be fired by their employer, and asset managers/government aren’t forcing public companies to align with conservative values, ffs.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@MaxElt5: @TheCentryst @KonesPiece Also there has never been this level of media attention or uproar over racially-aggravated attacks against white kids… why is that?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@AnnoyedOBrien @realchrisrufo @jordanbpeterson Jewish people are at the top of all systems of power today. Does this justify the exclusion of Jews or discrimination against them?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Valence7742 @khyleri Fake edginess better than safe edginess.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@CartoonReset @iamyesyouareno ???

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@thulasncube @Klaus_Arminius What’s wrong with you? We constantly hear that POC want to be around people that ‘look like them’. You and your ilk even celebrate this sentiment… You’re just an antiwhite scumbag.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Otto_English @vinceandpen @Sathnam He’s trying to dehumanise people of European descent by portraying our existence as inevitably and wholly evil whilst sanitising everyone else’s history, that’s not okay. By what metric was the world “fine” before the British got involved?

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@SyndicationBuro @JonathanGornall This is disgusting. To imply that immigrants are somehow superior - and that immigration is above scrutiny - is an attempt to silence indigenous voices. Higher crime rates, misogynistic views about white women, lower economic contribution, displacement of indigenous people…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Olas_Truth @alexismixx @coolfan @sairasameerarao Without white excellence you wouldn’t have the capability to spread your hateful views on here. Besides, the outrage at Stefani is based on her Japan comments… you must be profoundly ignorant of Japanese history.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@bro_antoine @MajiinRoss Bruh no one is being educated by the “system” to oppose interracial marriage. It’s literally the opposite, and black people are more likely to oppose interracial marriage, besides.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@tweetsandboobs @MajiinRoss Black people are more likely to be opposed to interracial marriage than white people. If black twitter is any sign, I doubt they’ve become more amenable to the idea since 2017.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@OWS1892 @sandra_haith @Alex_Stafford Movies are being made that glorify African states and minimise their role in slavery… yet reviewers delight in the display of ‘black excellence’… so that’s worse actually.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@OWS1892 @sandra_haith @Alex_Stafford Stop trying to excuse racial hatred. The disparity between who is, and who isn’t, allowed to celebrate their heroes is plain. Even genocidal extremists can be exalted in the heart of London provided they were not of European descent.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Alex_Stafford Trafalgar Square isn’t far from Parliament: why have state institutions raised a statue there to celebrate a genocidal extremist who wanted to murder Europeans? You need to take an active stance against antiwhite hate.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@ardevwriter @JoshFerme A couple of case studies that illustrate the disparity perfectly… it’s not only a matter of leaving existing monuments up, but nonwhite figures who led morally dubious lives are being newly exalted.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Nathan_A_RF @captain_garratt @BBCNews Don’t pretend that this is an isolated case, it’s part of a broader effort to erase recognition of indigenous European heroes and men of note. These decisions are clearly motivated by racial hatred because nonwhite figures are never affected.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@BBCNews Quick reminder that this is about erasing white heroes. The legacy of non-whites, even when they did immoral things, is never affected by discourse on who deserves celebration. The London Mayor even put a statue of a genocidal antiwhite terrorist in Trafalgar Square…

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Rebornfaqxx @C0alhands @historyinmemes No at all. What happens to white people who speak against Zionism or Israel? There’s a Jewish-led power structure that upholds the West’s unique support for Israel, unless you want to believe that US democrats are under the sway of Evangelical eschatology, or something like that.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@FrankDeScushin Mostly agreed, but white men who feel alienated by antiwhite hate need to be receptive to the perspectives of white women, because white women also face a boatload of demonisation from antiwhites.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@freekev22 @EndWokeness Wrong, many were let off without facing consequences. We saw similar privileges when Covid restrictions prohibited mass gatherings, an exception was made for black protestors.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@Peter_Hitchens_ @Copium_Warlord @NxlAnglo @interist49 Just defend yourself bro!

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@BrigantiaRegina How many “Anglo-Saxons” are there in the US cabinet? I feel like ‘Jewish friends’ would be more appropriate, or perhaps ‘Indian friends’. Russian obsession with Anglo-Saxons always feels like scapegoating.

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Maxxy @MaxElt5
@LovelyLav3nderr @FrenchHist

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art_other 86%

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bar graph 94%

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