@ZA_Rebel ZA Rebel Pro White. We are not the same. Separation is the only long term solution. Between SA & a wonderful place

ZA_Rebel's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 42

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
History repeating itself.
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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Germany seems to be awakening. "Not build, build build, but Deport! Deport! Deport!" Clip from @AlpsmanNorth https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1641551121524092931/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@Libertatorian Lol you just wish I lived in a basement. Unfortunately for you far from it. Oh btw LGB without the T is ridiculous, their degeneracy stems from yours. Now fuck off.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Just hand over control to the South and support them. They had it right all along, the other guys fucked up.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
We won. The world is waking up to the truth. https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/hmv3AI5oVvJm/

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@AChronicSweetie Lol id like to see you make me 🤣

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@JohnWick1886 @jenson0564 You're calling me a pussy? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I'm dying 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@MrSarlaac13 I'm thinking more like

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Replacement... Diversity violence... LGBT degeneracy... It's coming, the sooner the better.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@Elegance4life @8Yardie8 @teac15195702

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
What White Americans need to understand is your current political parties already don't serve your best interests as they don't see you as their key to long term political success. Same applies to the UK.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
They know their news is fake, but still think their history books are real. Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/hmv3AI5oVvJm/

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Caption this 👇🏻

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Malema will never recover from this humiliation. The idiotic antiwhite Carl Niehaus is universally disliked by ever race in SA. I'll post a video below of what Malema himself once said about this fool.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Malema will never recover from this humiliation. The idiotic antiwhite Carl Niehaus is universally disliked by ever race in SA. I'll post a video below of what Malema himself once said about this fool. https://t.co/EXdnN83WgJ
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Malema speaking about Carl, the man he had to embrace today for support. https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1637952389436133379/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Just incase it gets deleted.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Normal twitter usage resumes.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
NationalShutdown Protests in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Police fire teargas and stunt grenades. Be thankful for these guys. #EFFWatch https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1637545135238987776/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
19/03/2023 - 19.54 KZN - OSLO BEACH TOWARDS PORT SHEPSTON Eff on the move at Oslo Beach around 50 members heading toward port shepstone

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
19/03/2023 19.39 EC - PORT ELIZABETH Protestors moving along Goven Mbeki #EFFWatch https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1637526169036759043/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Link Road Shallcross, Chatsworth, KZN. Protesting. All necessary role players on scene. #EFFWatch

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@OnsJou 1st thing that comes up when you search her name. See you have no idea of the origins. What ahe was indoctrinated with. Go do more research before you continue talking crap.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@AfeniTolo @BigDaddyLiberty

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
The tyres are for "recycling". The EFF aren't terrorists.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
"What is that?" A mixed marmite monster. Don't mix.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Calling me "racist" has about as much impact as an ant on the bottom of my boot. I just reply with "Yes, and?" Because "racist" or not, it usually has little to no impact on the point I'm making.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Untrue, most Whites don't want a baby that looks like this:
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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Calling me a Nazi 😱 Like that's going to shut me up or have any effect at all 🤣 Thank you for compliment 😘 Now fuck off!
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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
The adults of his generation didn't listen to him. Look at us now. Don't make the same mistake in your country. https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1631050109638131713/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
His message holds true to this day. It now applies to all White people. #ProudToBeWhite https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1627030829154070529/video/1

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Volkstaat @Volkstaat10
What flag is this? (No prizes today, sorry.) https://t.co/016Wprf8OE
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel

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View @Volkstaat10
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
The most important "conspiracy theory" that's still being ignored. You are currently being attacked and replaced. https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1626875525980426240/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Three years later, half of my followers gone, so many friends still suspended. But I'm back to haunt the anti-whites!

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@UtdAlam: @AlamSultan1 We all bleed red. Lots of animals bleed red. Skin colour is the least obvious difference.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Dear non-whites, Don't everything that moves, especially not while it's still alive! A lesson in how to treat animals part 1. Kind regards, White people https://t.co/enQTZ366pG
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Dear non-whites, Don't everything that moves, especially not while it's still alive! A lesson in how to treat animals part 1. Kind regards, White people https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1247235585351262210/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@Western_Annie @DaveSonnenrad

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Victim of bad parenting and the (((media))). https://t.co/sBXULhkRF7
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
: Another one with self-esteem issues.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Victim of bad parenting and the (((media))).

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@Ricyk_: @rickywhufc_ Low self-esteem, bad parenting and the (((media))).

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Ruined mud shark stuck with mud monkey. Don't do this to yourself.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@AltNatSecAgency Sure

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Screenshot of my most commonly used words. I'm proud, at least no one could ever say I didn't try.

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Everyone needs to watch this, download this and repost this on their own accounts. You don't have to live like this, a culturally and racially homogeneous society is the best solution. Video from: @Defender_Ed https://t.co/n363q6jMTO
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Homogeneous cultural and racial society is the answer. https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1246382201543045120/video/1
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Everyone needs to watch this, download this and repost this on their own accounts. You don't have to live like this, a culturally and racially homogeneous society is the best solution. Video from: @Defender_Ed https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1246379107212034048/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Everyone needs to watch this, download this and repost this on their own accounts. You don't have to live like this, a culturally and racially homogeneous society is the best solution. Video from: @Defender_Ed https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1246379107212034048/video/1

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
@big_ross55 Liberal parenting and (((media)))

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
The Chinese wouldn't cook it. They'd eat it alive and start at the tail, so it could suffer the maximum amount.

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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
This man is not a White Nationalist. https://t.co/tPe4bL0ydP
ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
You are fucking poison. The last person that can make judgements about white nationalists. You back Islam, Jews, anything but white people.

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View @RichardBSpencer

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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
The feminist had to marry a black guy and she had to be a slut to get him. @ProfaneFeminist please don't burden this world with you mixed mentally diseased spwan. https://t.co/SNcpE5AYi8
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ZA Rebel @ZA_Rebel
Thread: Ending Apartheid was the crime against humanity. Part 1 of 4. https://twitter.com/ZA_Rebel/status/1229037714613456897/video/1

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bar graph 77%

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etc 62%