@Divus_Julius_88 🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Persona non grata. Berchtesgaden, Germany

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 13
🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@DonAlle14811898 So guilty of this. There are just so many great books to read.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@whiskeyandashes Not fast enough. Need a bunch of leftist to leave “the city,” we can be redder.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@AshwoodSamuel Believe this was a score too.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@JPBellum All this reminds me of the pre-revolutionary war period, and ultimately the colonists had to stand up by tarring and feathering tax collectors. Jefferson foresaw our own government becoming tyrannical too.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Sorry this Temple is closed, no sealings here. https://t.co/1zECJgnS3W
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@JAEbberts We’re the government and we are here to help.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Happy Lee-Jackson Day!

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Gold. Why (((they))) always go after Prager U.
US Rebel @USRising1776
If you're a conservative, but on the fence about the J👀wish Question, here's the video that woke me up. In a random C-SPAN video, a (J👀wish) man everyone in Conservatism Inc. loves & respects. Admitting that his tribe was behind Communism & all forms of subversive Leftism.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Since the sixties, a slow rot funded by Communist and (((others))) enemies. The water has been boiling slowly and now we’re realizing it is hot. No longer be distracted by “bread and circuses,” rise up and protect our homeland. Who is our Caesar?
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
@pnshdstoly @SurvivalInstin8 @dannybthree @guypbenson J3w$ and ivory tower libs.

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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Almost as if (((they’ve))) done this before.
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
F’ing niqqers,simply uncivilized animals.
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🍂Gaius Maximus🍂 @Divus_Julius_88
Prophetic and wise man. Still convinced he was assisted by bolsheviks/J*w$
Floyd Reynolds @Curious_Normie
“We defeated the wrong enemy” would likely be their reaction if they paid attention. https://twitter.com/Dia_Latina/status/1274500080045682689 https://twitter.com/Curious_Normie/status/1274504134650064897/video/1

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