@timacheson Tim Acheson ✪ Techie, entrepreneur, mad scientist. #technology #web #AI #travel #scuba #gaming #business #science #history #theology #farming #UFOs #politics #music etc... London

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Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
What's wrong with these people. Absolute psychopaths, enabling censorship and people getting fired for private medical choices. Outsourcing censorship.
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Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
In case you wanted to see the face of one of the people who've been censoring and banning us for speaking truths inconvenient to the liberal elite: https://t.co/eHYWXgHSGI https://t.co/Yss2noepr4
Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson

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Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
😬 Any normal person looking into these eyes can see that this is a deranged psychopath. Only a psycho lunatic could go to work every day doing censorship and feel no remorse or concern, and feel like a victim when the game is up.
Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
In case you wanted to see the face of one of the people who've been censoring and banning us for speaking truths inconvenient to the liberal elite:

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Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
In case you wanted to see the face of one of the people who've been censoring and banning us for speaking truths inconvenient to the liberal elite:
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Tim Acheson ✪ @timacheson
Biden: "We already have a n*gger man, we don't need any more n*gger big shots."
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