@PersyLives Persy Check out my YouTube channel~ https://t.co/LDU5n0dnkL

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 72
Persy @PersyLives
My son was on National TV today talking about exposure to porn & war on the internet in Denmark as a teenager. 😂

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Persy @PersyLives
1970s Sweden>modern Sweden.
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Persy @PersyLives
Queen Charlotte is black now too? News to me. It’s getting beyond ridiculous at this point.

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Persy @PersyLives
@MillennialWoes You’re ready.

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Persy @PersyLives
My sister & her Danish husband engaging in the nationwide tradition of putting up a flag for my niece’s birthday. If only more British people were as proudly nationalistic as the Danes.

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Persy @PersyLives
Hey @dpakman , did you ever do a video apologizing to @itsDevonTracey and the white male population for falsely claiming that they made up the ‘overwhelming majority’ of mass shootings in the US?

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Persy @PersyLives
Apparently ‘racially just’ means addressing ‘inequality of outcomes…’ Who agreed to that flawed principle? It’s neither attainable nor desirable. They won’t be satisfied until the native population have been completely subsumed in our own ancestral homeland. #WeWereNeverAsked
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Persy @PersyLives

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Persy @PersyLives
People can say #GetWokeGoBroke doesn’t work all they like but it’s clearly having some effect…
Persy @PersyLives
How it started. How it’s going.

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Persy @PersyLives
@BrainGremlins @WilliamA_33 Anselmo is friends with Devon Tracey & enjoys his content, so he’s definitely aware of the black on white crime problem.

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Persy @PersyLives
People who live in glass houses…
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Barca’s@MESSIX @aguedarussa
@TheRighteousVi @Sinnaig Which celestial meaning are you talking about? 🤔
Persy @PersyLives
@TheRighteousVi @Sinnaig It’s an ancient symbol with many archeological examples.

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Persy @PersyLives
How it started. How it’s going.

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Persy @PersyLives
Decades of propaganda has led to the public being suspicious of anything that even remotely appears to celebrate their own history or people.

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Persy @PersyLives

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Persy @PersyLives
@HullDockster @EbeneezerGoode2 @hulllive @JournoMacaskill @uaf

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Persy @PersyLives
Robin Hood is black & Marion is of course just as tough as him, front & centre in the poster. Even Denmark has fully succumbed now.

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Persy @PersyLives
“Based on your likes” ? Try again.

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Persy @PersyLives
A reminder that demographics matter.

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Persy @PersyLives
@rj_abel Well this photo is real & enough of these projects will amount to the same end result…

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Persy @PersyLives
@peoplesbarman @MarkACollett The genetic diversity of our great nation is enormously exaggerated. You’ve been gaslit my dear fellow.

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Persy @PersyLives
@worldpeacelovr Unfortunately yes. Zeus is now black too!

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Persy @PersyLives
They’re at it again. Ladies & gentlemen, with his GLOWING EYES & curly, LONG BLOND HAIR, meet…Achilles! #DefundtheBBC

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Persy @PersyLives
@TylerLouBlack1 @Wiambueow @EvacTony Romans left zero genetic trace, the majority of native Brits do have Celt DNA & AngloSaxons/Celts are so closely linked genetically that you’re just splitting hairs in a vain attempt to justify mass immigration from all over the world. Show some respect for our ancient ancestors.

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Persy @PersyLives
@AhComfy I don’t mind him as an actor, but he’s not a great pick for Bond. Henry Cavill is absolutely perfect for Bond. It’s crazy to think they are even considering anyone else.

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Persy @PersyLives
Now that Henry Cavill is officially no longer Superman, it’s time to fulfill his true destiny. Come on Broccoli family, you know it makes sense… #HenryCavillJamesBond

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Persy @PersyLives
@AhComfy My Grandmother was Scottish. To surprise her on her 90th birthday, me & my siblings all wore kilts. She was the greatest.

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Persy @PersyLives
@joanbob1975 School photo circa 1982

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Persy @PersyLives
The system is broken, but worse than that it’s broken by design.

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Persy @PersyLives
@carbonsaveruk @forumeditor @johnowashere @_lanky_ @kezia_noble Yes it does.

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Persy @PersyLives
@carbonsaveruk @forumeditor @johnowashere @_lanky_ @kezia_noble I’m not a purist, I just go by a standard definition. Wikipedia is fine here.

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Pranay Manocha @PranMan
I'd expect to hear the word 'invasion' from the likes of Tommy Robinson or Katie Hopkins, not from the fucking Home Secretary of the United Kingdom and certainly not in Parliament. Absolutely abominable. She needs to go, now.
Persy @PersyLives
You’re kidding right? It’s common parlance. I remember Channel 4 once even had a weekend focusing on South Asian cinema & culture named ’Asian Invasion.’ There’s nothing offensive whatsoever about something that is simply an accurate depiction of the reality on the ground.

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Persy @PersyLives
“Revenge time you English.” One way or another, this won’t end well…

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Persy @PersyLives
@Klaus_Arminius @total_karen

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Persy @PersyLives
Don’t ask…
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Persy @PersyLives
Enoch Powell shortly after the 1981 riots that rocked towns around the UK. https://twitter.com/PersyLives/status/1579548414894780417/video/1

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Persy @PersyLives
A collection of school leaders from Denmark visit St Albert’s Primary School to see how ‘Scottish’ children learn. I’m sure it was very eye opening for them…

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Persy @PersyLives
@Inforder @Dunbrachen @TheBembridge I have to agree. Despite Thatcher’s flaws, GDP increased (slight but steady), inflation was low, the pound was strong & poor people becoming newly rich even became a bit of a stereotype at the time.

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Persy @PersyLives
@responder224 Reminds me of this person, that British people over 40 will recognize.

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Persy @PersyLives
@LRegevBrainrot @sagegreenheaven No she isn’t. She’s supposed to be extraordinarily white, even compared to other white European people, not a light brownish Latina. https://twitter.com/PersyLives/status/1573908605157384192/video/1

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Persy @PersyLives
@Adrianafoxcunt @JulianofAmber1 Oh that’s even easier. WHITE is used as a description multiple times in H.C.Andersen’s original story.

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Persy @PersyLives
@UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77

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Persy @PersyLives
@US_Veracity I see what you mean, yes. I’ve gone completely off that word, even used in memes such as this one below. Once we play into their language we confined by their rules, so best avoided.

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Persy @PersyLives
@PersyLives: Even the Disney version emphasizes the whiteness of her skin as being an important detail… https://twitter.com/PersyLives/status/1571550279828635648/video/1

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Persy @PersyLives
@HowUDoKen @USauthcon @Neets2245 The extreme whiteness of her skin is absolutely integral to her story. The Disney version is simpler but the whiteness is still important and the very reason for her name, the ‘white as snow’ reference still being included. It’s key to her fate.

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Persy @PersyLives
@UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77 This is a map of terrorise attacks in Europe. Not a single one in Poland. They also don’t have violent BLM supporters murdering police & reporters, or Hindus & Muslims rioting & warring in their streets. They also don’t have Muslim rape gangs targeting underage white girls.

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Persy @PersyLives
@UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77 That’s not even remotely true. You have been gaslit by partisan media.

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Persy @PersyLives
@JulianofAmber1 Heimdal ‘The Whitest Of Gods’…

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Persy @PersyLives
@UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77 https://t.co/8pJGb9X8g4
Persy @PersyLives
: @UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77

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Persy @PersyLives
@PersyLives: @UndeadTowels @Eastcheam77

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Persy @PersyLives
@HeWasntJogging AKA ‘Atheism Is Unstoppable’ is hitting it out of the ballpark over on http://censored.tv so far. I highly recommend subbing to him there immediately. Sign up using the coupon code 'aiu' to support him & get 20% off.

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Persy @PersyLives
@LaikaSobers @onewhorunsalot I kind of get where you’re coming from there but Saitama is more lean & good looking. I think @JaredLeto would be perfect.

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Persy @PersyLives
@woobasher Shaun Of The Dead is not just my fave @simonpegg movie, it’s one of my all time favorites full stop.

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Persy @PersyLives
So the Snyder cut of Justice League is officially happening? Including actors returning for reshoots? A testament to the power of fans mobilizing. I hope they remember to deal with Superman’s weird CGI mouth...

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Persy @PersyLives
Somebody’s gonna get sued...

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Persy @PersyLives
@ArtwithKrissy Yep!

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Persy @PersyLives
@Anamosse @lottofreek @YasMohammedxx A New York Times article provided a revealing insight. Here’s a snippet.

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Persy @PersyLives
@MarkACollett @KeithWoodsYT Wow, I bet they hate my sister’s family. I just posted this earlier today...

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Persy @PersyLives
Happy Easter from my sister’s family in Austria, otherwise known as the whitest family on the face of the planet! 😂

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Persy @PersyLives
@geocon1713 My Musicman Stingray bass guitar.

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Persy @PersyLives
@_ColdHands_ @Emmyjewel It literally does.

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Persy @PersyLives
@liberalnotlefty Crazy. Kilts are awesome! I wear mine whenever I get the chance.

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Persy @PersyLives
An Indian restaurant in Milton Keynes is giving away free toilet roll with orders of over £20. Nothing to do with the Coronavirus, just a necessary accompaniment to the meal.

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Persy @PersyLives
@LaloDagach Indeed.

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Persy @PersyLives
Yep, that checks out.

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Persy @PersyLives
‘Just came back from our cruise. Had a great time.’ 😂 #Coronavirus

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Persy @PersyLives
Never mind the new #Batsuit , the new #Batbike is completely impractical & dangerous. Break slightly too hard & you’ll impale yourself on that spiky cover plate.

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Persy @PersyLives
@J4CKMULL Ha! Reminds me of @hasanthehun aka #BrownFabio

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Persy @PersyLives
@citnaj colourised this image of New York in 1900.

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Persy @PersyLives
@Undoomed They should just stick with the original.

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Persy @PersyLives
“Good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created.” R.I.P. Sir Roger Scruton.

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Persy @PersyLives
@GreyKnight8008 @ComfyFren @RAZ0RFIST There are different degrees of cutting for both boys and girls. The most severe type for one is more harmful than the least severe type for the other, and vice versa, but no version of fgm exists that is equivalent to completely cutting off the penis.

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Persy @PersyLives
Apparently, pointing out the inconsistency of calling yourself a nationalist while flying an Iranian flag to mourn the death of an anti-western terrorist warlord makes me a shill for Israel.

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Persy @PersyLives
This is how silly a person sounds when they try to defend the indefensible.

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Persy @PersyLives
The tension is still brewing in South Africa. This is how some black Africans still speak today about white people whose ancestors arrived 400 years ago.

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map 100%

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star of david 88%

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art_other 84%

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us flag 59%

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art_other 81%

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art_other 90%

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etc 90%