@FamilyAgainst1 FamilyAgainst We stand against those that are waging war upon the Traditional American Family, which is also a war upon America

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst While the monopolized media covers up the true source of violence in America, this scholar permanently blinds a teacher in one eye... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1673023273637117952/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just like corrupt government officials that commit Treason against American citizens, those that use their positions of power to exploit children should legally face an automatic death penalty... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/27/catholic-priest-child-molesting-sentence-new-orleans-patrick-wattigny

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The Democrats are the progressives - because they play offense - while the "conservatives", or Republicans, are the party of organized retreat - though the retreat may be loud with banging and horns...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Under the Biden administration's plan and design, there won't be many more generations of little girls that look like her. White women of child bearing age make up 2% of the world population...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Shut 'em down! Northface has come out of the closet and turned its guns upon the Traditional American Family... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662682961010135041/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Have you noticed how corrupt the FBI is? Operating as political police against honest American citizens while they ignore high crimes of Treason and child exploitation committed by corrupt government officials? Guess where they got their training?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The sole legitimate purpose of a government on this Earth is to aid in the creation of a people that are capable of having no need of it. The creation of those that need the government, even for survival, is the work of corrupt government officials... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662679244709961729/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Like the Einherjar (army of one) of ancient tradition, we have always revered those that will dauntlessly face darkness alone. Contrary to the drooling mob, stand alone for what is right and true and you will traverse that dark valley with an unextinguished…

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Is this ethnic cleansing for a new Khazarian state? They already bear the sigil of Moloch... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/george-soros-urged-use-eastern-european-soldiers-reduce-risk-body-bags-nato-countries

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst When one pulls the mask off of symptomatic behavior this is one of the faces that look back at you. You don't want to see what is behind it... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662469428909588480/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Since 2% of the American population make up the majority of the disastrous Biden administration, they get to be more equal than everyone else. They aren't even allowed to be questioned... https://www.jta.org/2023/05/25/politics/from-sports-fields-to-farms-to-campuses-and-police-stations-biden-releases-far-reaching-antisemitism-strategy

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Why is there an entire month dedicated to this barren death yet the life producing Traditional American Family does not even get a day? Just like Disney, Target has been targeting children... https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/did-governor-newsom-spark-target-boycott-among-liberals

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The USSR playbook was written by Bolshevik Communists who systematically exterminated over 30 million Russians, and their leaders were not Russians themselves... https://www.timesofisrael.com/white-house-raps-republican-who-said-its-antisemitism-strategy-targets-conservatives

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst They operate not by presenting facts, but rather by using their monopolized media to charge words with negativity. They then stick these charged words upon anyone they disagree with. Once this word is heard by the successfully brainwashed they hear nothing else...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Since Obama and his husband still want to tell American citizens how to live, they should return to live in their own communities - their hope, change, and leadership is badly needed... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662445671218311168/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Obama and his husband should lead by example then. They should surrender all but one of their properties to "climate refugees" (criminal invaders) and they should live without a gated community. No private planes and only electric vehicles. Equality right?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The struggle was real...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If Joe Biden was on the side of the American people he would tell them that this type of ideology is the greatest threat to America. Find out who supports this bill and you will be looking into the faces of the enemies of America...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Yet according to Biden "white supremacy" is the greatest threat to America. To him, Target pandering pedophile paraphernalia to children or tranny terrorists making bomb threats are not problems at all...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Says the individual that has nothing but hatred for the Traditional American Family and heterosexual White males. Does he have a thought of his own? If so why does he regurgitate propaganda from the ADL/monopolized media?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst As Biden promotes his new policies to combat "antisemitism" he continues to turn a machine gun upon children, the Traditional American Family, and heterosexual White males. Interestingly so does the ADL, the monopolized media, and the educational industry...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Instead of the monopolized media promoting the Traditional American Family which creates life - they shovel poison from the rainbow cult of death into the minds of the American citizenry. Their target is the children...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Why is Fauci not being prosecuted?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The Biden administration and its puppeteers want to install these into your daughters - after they have been mutilated...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst They are pushing this on children...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The war upon the Traditional American Family, which includes the flood of drugs, criminal invaders, and the stench of rainbow degeneracy and the exploitation of children - is part of an Anti-American International Agenda... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662222951880753152/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst "Top Biden administration officials have repeatedly blamed human smugglers who spread “disinformation” that the border is “open.” As someone who has interviewed thousands of U.S.-bound immigrants over the last several years, I can confidently attest that this…

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The DA's that turned a blind eye to and in some cases worked with the Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists, should be investigated, disbarred, and prosecuted...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst So long as the currency is privately owned and counterfeited the people of America will not be free. Nationalize the currency and back it with something that actually holds value, like the ability of the working class to produce... https://prepareforchange.net/2019/01/29/president-kennedy-the-fed-and-executive-order-11110/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Yet the Traditional American Family is under constant fire from the Biden administration itself. The fact that he protects one group while he turns a machine gun on the other says a lot about who owns his ass... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1662103297522827264/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Without semitism there can be no antisemitism. One must remember that they claim it is "antisemitic" to stand for the Traditional American Family and to stand against child sexual mutilation - also to stand against the criminal invasion of America...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Outright lies are being distributed by those that are dismantling Our Country...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is a good move...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst To discover who rules over you, all one must do is ask, "Who am I not allowed to question?"

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst They are using Our money to fund illegal acts and the imposition of tyranny. They are boldly treading upon Our rights. This has happened after the Biden family has been exposed for high crimes. As he rapes America, why is nothing legally being done about it? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661911704715005952/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Those behind the International Agenda prefer child predators and degenerates as their puppets because they are easily blackmailed and they have no conscience... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661907991560589313/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst These are the type of books Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom have complained about being removed from schools... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661907235885416448/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst "It is an unspeakable grief..." and it is an International Agenda... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661864993535709184/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst So long as one believes one is a victim that is all one will ever be. A government that gives you money can also take it away... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661862757812285440/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst With a smirk on his face, this is what Joe Biden says is a "source of strength". How long before he is brought to justice? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661861373016670208/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The Biden administration canceled paternity testing for children that accompany criminal invaders. This is child trafficking. Untraceable children that can be used in any way their captors desire. Even for body parts. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661859386887897088/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst More evidence of child trafficking at the border. Is this why Biden ended familial DNA testing for children that accompany criminal invaders? Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661858561826365455/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The FBI is quick to invade the emails and electronic devices of American citizens but do nothing to investigate the symptomatic behavior of corrupt government officials. How does this guy promote legislation favorable to child predators without being investigated?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst A criminal invader shares his true feelings about the people of America. Biden claims his presence is a source of strength... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661832576372441088/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Why are the schools celebrating death instead of Life? When is the last time schools celebrated the Traditional American Family, which is what gives America Life? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661829508541083650/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is a result of the vaccinations that create biological changes (many transgender children are also autistic), the monopolized media, and the usurped educational industry. They are all parts of an International Agenda. Tear off the mask!

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst As Disney prepares to celebrate rainbow degeneracy, remember this. When is the last time Disney celebrated the Traditional American Family which actually produces Life? Instead Disney celebrates death and is an enemy of the American people...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Shut 'em down! Petsmart wants to molest your pet. Their customer service number 1 (888) 839-9638. Why not have Pride in the Traditional American Family? It is after all what creates Life...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This drug trafficker says that the US military helped him successfully deliver cocaine into America. Just like the horde of criminal invaders and the war upon the Traditional American Family, drugs are also part of an International Agenda...…

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Look at Pelosi's face. Now America is on the verge of collapse. World War 3 is on the horizon. They have unleashed a horde of criminal invaders upon all of America. Fentanyl, rape, child molestation, and sodomy have become the new American pastime. Jobs are… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1661811563999936512 https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661811563999936512/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Tranny Terrorism. These degenerates threw big bottles of urine outside the building of the EHRC in London in response to its policy on single-sex spaces. They want access to the spaces of little girls and women. It is an International Agenda... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661809583764148224/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Guess which protest Target will not tolerate. Shut 'em down! https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661808383845093376/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The reality is that true born American citizens have also been forced into the shadows solely because they hold Traditional ideals. Where is the "path of dignity" for them? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661521100885598209/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Mental illness on parade. Perhaps someone should measure his nose. This level of morality always includes other things. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661520315611238400/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst would be their "defense league" if the system would take the boot off of the neck of the person running it... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661518975250096128/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Have you ever noticed that the Antifa domestic terrorists work in perfect synchronicity with the ADL and corrupt government officials to silence the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens? Gang stalking is a reality... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661516717317832704/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst But only for degenerates, child predators, and corrupt government officials - which are often all three in one...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst NYC is getting forcefully "enriched". They thought it was a joke when Biden said it is a source of our strength... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661514681230721024/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just like they do with the horde of criminal invaders, the current regime treats the small percentage of those that succumb to unnatural desires better than the members of the Traditional American Family. Equal rights for everyone but you...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Ages 12 to 24. Parents banned? What could go wrong? Ask the guy handing out condoms. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/05/24/indiana-pride-group-hosts-carnival-banning-parents/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst It has been discovered that Louisiana Republican Senator Fred Mills, who just singlehandedly killed a bill to end the sexual mutilation of children, also used to dress in drag for commercials for his pharmacy. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1661488994251853824 https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661488994251853824/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst They are using the money and resources of American citizens to facilitate the demise of Our Country. Just remember that there are those with power that will destroy everything before they face Justice for their crimes... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661485830928756737/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just like the Biden administration when they are caught they release a false statement and move the pea under a different shell. They use the same tactics because they are controlled by the same masters...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst At this point it has become obvious that the huge corporations, the monopolized media, the educational industry, and the government are all on the same page. Hasn't it? Investigate symptomatic behavior...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst In the UK if you put your money in the bank you will be treated like a criminal if you try to access it. America isn't far behind...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst It is time to legally make sexual predators and corrupt government officials the criminals that can never reoffend...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Before long the vast majority of legal American citizens will stand together as whistle-blowers and point their fingers at those responsible for demolishing Our Country. It is time to set mandatory minimums for political criminals... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/05/23/second-irs-whistleblower-surfaces-in-hunter-biden-probe-after-purge-of-case-investigators/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Stop human trafficking? Close the gates - stop inviting them - and they will stop coming. If he wants to send troops, why not do so to destroy the fentanyl, meth, and cocaine supply lines? Because those actions would be good for America...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Statistically true...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Faucicided. How is he still free? Write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act. It would set mandatory minimums and make Treason an automatic death penalty...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst As one bus load of criminal invaders leaves the Roosevelt Hotel, another comes in. This is an act of Treason against Americans that can't get a job and are at risk of being homeless. It would have been less expensive to provide housing for them beyond the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1661444447547297793 https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661444447547297793/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Fetterman aid caught on camera bragging about only granting interviews to journalists that will say what one wishes them to. He describes them as "puppets". Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661442872070242304/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst More footage of criminal invaders being housed at police stations all over Chicago. It is another example of how the Biden administration is weaponizing all levels of government against the American citizenry... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661442368913174528/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst An ever replenishing horde of criminal invaders are being housed at this school in Staten Island. 60 more were brought in this morning. Those interviewed said they came directly from Texas. Without the help of Biden would they have made it that far? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661436302439620609/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst When this behavior rises in a country (Weimar conditions), the country is in the last stages of decline. Either drastic corrective measures are taken or that country will die...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst There is a scientific, a political, and a spiritual cause for the social depravity in America. The vaccines are changing people biologically, the war upon the Traditional American Family by the International Agenda, and the people have turned away from God...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst While Americans are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and to feed their families, the Biden administration raises a middle finger to them and puts criminal invaders in the Roosevelt Hotel...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst How many knew that "Do what thou wilt" and the Left Hand Path would lead to this?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Above the law. Just like the treasonous Biden administration cooked the books to find another 3 billion to send to Ukraine, they have also widened the "legal" pathway for thousands of invaders without the approval of the citizenry... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-migrant-sponsorship-program-cuba-haiti-nicaragua-venezuela-applications/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst By design the furthest left are seen as "progressives" because they move the ball forward in a desired direction, while the mainstream GOP is known only for a lousy defense and being the Party Of Organized Retreat. Where is the furthest right?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is an interesting turn of events... "Kew Gardens Motor Inn - Queens, NY. Protesters do a sit-in at the hotel for housing migrants." https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661182925625229313/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Day labor - must be willing to display swastikas...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst There is now a precedent established that the American people hold power over these parasitic corporations. Since they fear the Bud Light treatment, use it against Disney... https://www.foxnews.com/media/target-holds-emergency-meeting-lgbtq-pride-merchandise-stores-avoid-bud-light-situation

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst "Safe pathways". Mayorkas should be legally prosecuted under the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act that needs to be written. It would establish mandatory minimums and Treason would bring an automatic death penalty... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661166686253228032/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The ADL is hyperventilating disinformation again. They mention a Uhaul and a "Nazi flag". What they don't tell you is that the unarmed man in the picture was driving the truck. The ADL will do anything to project their supremacy onto others...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Budweiser's next action after slapping Americans in the face is to patronize them. They think you must consume...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The consequences of supporting the war upon the Traditional American Family include being peeped at by a 6'2" 260 pound male that thinks he is a female...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is Chicago. Have you ever seen veterans camped out in a police station? Every facet of the system we pay for is being used against us. Protect and serve, sure - but those you are protecting and serving are not us... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1661028311282372615/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst So any predator that "identifies" a child as their own are given the greenlight. Over and over it is the same level of morality. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://justthenews.com/government/security/exclusive-biden-end-familial-dna-testing-border-key-deterrent-fraud-entry

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If one wants to know who is running things all one must ask is, "who can I not question?" Joe Biden wants to eliminate any honest conversation... https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-743909

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Someone needs to tell Mr. Bongino that it is okay to say "Mossad". The fact that he fears to do so says something about the true terrorists - that blackmail and blackball their subjects... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660887744464453632/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If he were alive now he would have a comfy place in the Biden administration or in one of the elite intelligence agencies. Investigate symptomatic behavior... https://www.theblaze.com/news/indiana-republicans-successfully-get-pervert-founded-sex-institute-defunded

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Isn't it funny that the organization that distributes so much disinformation, not only to the public but also to law enforcement and the monopolized media, is concerned about what you might read?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Anyone that has witnessed the wave of violent crime and the majority of the prison population in America created by fatherless children, wouldn't be thanking the NAACP for attacking Florida over supporting the Traditional American Family. Who's side are they on? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660879362881892352/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Those behind the International Agenda prefer child predators and degenerates as their puppets because they are easily blackmailed and they have no conscience...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just like they are manipulating the biology of American citizens through the vaccines they also are manipulating the populace through electromagnetic waves. The evidence is everywhere around you... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660787192132935680/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The International Agenda controlled NAACP also thought it was a great idea to destroy American monuments, by advocating the removal of the carving on Stone Mountain with dynamite... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660765824993624064/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Walmart is waging war upon the Traditional American Family. It is part of an International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Why would a bank require American funds to be funneled into it? Is it money laundering? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660703117892284422/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The decrease in testosterone, the rise in autism, and the rise in homosexuality and transgenderism coincide with the rise in the use of vaccines. It is intentional. Mercury and the number 8, was known by the ancient alchemists as the agent of change...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Due to the puppet strings that are his chains, he breaks the bank to secure the border of Ukraine and doesn't lift a find to defend the border of America. He must be legally held accountable... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-national-security-experts-urge-no-more-weapons-ukraine-ny-times

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If the ADL says this picture is "antisemitic" then that means all of the things at the ends of the tentacles are Semitic...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Since he is a Jew and is oppressing more people than anyone else, it should be noted that we have found the true Supremacist and he isn't White... https://newamericangovernment.org/george-soros-those-who-oppose-my-agenda-are-white-supremacists/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst While democrats are known as "progressives" because they constantly move the Agenda forward, the GOP should be known as the Party Of Organized Retreat...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Those behind the International Agenda prefer child predators and degenerates as their puppets because they are easily blackmailed and they have no conscience...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Hopefully they locked all of the children away in a safe place. Why do they all wear suits, yet the guy they are placing the blame for all of this on wears a dingy looking Star Trek outfit with a Moloch symbol on the sleeve? https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660364116031324161/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Durham exposed crime at the highest level yet he suggested no prosecution? If a guy stole a car he would go to prison for years, but this crime affected millions of dollars and millions of lives. There should be mandatory minimums for corrupt government… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1660363405751128064 https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660363405751128064/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The psychology of projection is black magic and is a tool of professional liars. Someone's son should go to prison for life but it isn't Donald Trump's. Mandatory minimums should be set for corrupt government officials without regard to status or wealth... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660360962518716416/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The war upon the Traditional American Family and the coinciding decrease in testosterone in American males, are both intentional parts of an International Agenda... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660088820480753665/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst It is time to write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act which would create mandatory minimums without regard to status or wealth. Treason would carry an automatic death penalty...@mtgreenee https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1660087115928211457/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is the designer for the Target clothing line that wages war upon the Traditional American Family. It coincides with an International decline in testosterone in American males that is a result of mercury in the vaccines...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Like a bad B movie, their puppets keep getting worse and worse. Here is Zelinsky complete with the Moloch sigil on his retread Star Trek shirt...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The corrupt government officials that have used their positions of power to politically harass American citizens should be prosecuted. There needs to be mandatory minimums for these crimes without regard to status or wealth... https://thepostmillennial.com/fbi-misused-digital-surveillance-tool-almost-300000-times-on-jan-6-suspects-others

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The war upon the Traditional American Family is part of the war upon America. It is an International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst While he leaves the border of Our Country undefended he sends out billions in order to provoke a World War...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst It is an International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Nebraska legislature has passed a twelve week abortion ban and a ban on the sexual mutilation of children...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Strong borders for Israel but open borders for the US. It is an Anti-American International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Here is proof that the monopolized media has not been showing this swill because it is what people want to see. Rather they are ordered to broadcast it by those behind the International Agenda... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12102891/See-list-58-shows-movies-leaving-streaming-platforms-Disney-Hulu.html

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This repeat offender needs a habitual criminal added onto his charges. Definitely expressing symptomatic behavior. Corrupt government officials should not be given an opportunity to reoffend...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Another transvestite psychopath commits brutal violence. This time by abducting a little girl while he was dressed as a woman and repeatedly sexually assaulting her. The creation of these degenerates and the war upon children is part of an International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Laughing stock - and they are really laughing at us...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Prosecute not impeach! If one returns and finds a criminal burglarizing one's home, one does not stand outside and wait for him to finish the job. Corrupt government officials are the most heinous criminals because they have the most victims...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the replacement for Lori Lightfoot in Chicago showed up to work with a pistol and proceeded to rob the citizenry... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/beyond-parody-allies-new-chicago-mayor-release-economic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=beyond-parody-allies-new-chicago-mayor-release-economic

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Yet another crooked DA. In the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act there should be a provision for corrupt prosecutors that pamper some criminals and maliciously prosecute others. They should face the same sentence as their victims...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst What is going on with this Judge? Investigate symptomatic behavior...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst New Yorkers revolting against the government storing criminal invaders in high-school gyms... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659417059451899906/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Criminals protecting criminals. Write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act. It would set mandatory minimums and make Treason an automatic death penalty. This would be the law of any serious Country...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Strong and moral European American males are the largest obstacle to those behind the International Agenda. Without strong American males there can be no Traditional American Family. They are therefore the Fortress of Freedom and the Rock Against Communism...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Those that turn a blind eye to evil in their midst are guilty of the same. If this planet is going to continue to nourish Life, we need to help by cleaning up our own households. Otherwise someone we do not like will begin to do the job we would not do…

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst There were White slaves too. If one wants reparations one should demand them from those that owned the ships of the transatlantic slave trade, rather than their fellow Americans... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659400306856464391/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst All of the biggest names and there's many more. Just like Joe Biden marrying all three of his children into 2% of the population, this too is no coincidence...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst University of Pennsylvania on Monday, "Let's go Brandon!" - but in full color. Look at the degenerates pretending not to hear it - and the guy next to Joe doing his best not to crack up... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659372926062465024/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Is it the Covid vaccine or the decline of morality in the ranks?

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Though energy is unseen, its existence is evident... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659367221725106176/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Whomever has told you your life is worth more than your speech, has told you a lie...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Prosecute not impeach! Investigate symptomatic behavior...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The State Department is now imposing pronouns on those that interact with their email system. The war upon the Traditional American Family is being imposed and imbedded in the highest institutions in the land... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659295498120105984/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Yet with Hunter Biden's laptop which reveals him smoking crack and having sex with children, as well as brokering deals with foreign interests for his daddy Joe Biden, - there is nothing to investigate. Prosecute not impeach! https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659291942822490113/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst What are the odds? Especially over and over again...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Prosecute not impeach. Corrupt government officials have the most victims of any criminals. There should be mandatory minimums regardless of status or wealth. From twenty years in Federal prison (general population) up to an automatic death for Treason... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659286957565030400/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Don't impeach - prosecute! Write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act which would create mandatory minimums and make Treason an automatic death penalty... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659286138375524352/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Corrupt government officials should not be allowed to investigate themselves. There needs to be a citizen led committee that oversees the behavior of their public servants. If they are committing criminal acts they should be charged, indicted, and prosecuted... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659281534203904002/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If one read the volume of Henry Ford's books that he included with every purchase of a Model T Ford, and took the message to heart, there would be no rainbow trucks, no trannies on beer cans, and no sexual mutilation for children... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659278641438806016/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst In other words, agent provocateurs committing crimes in and around the US Capitol. Whistle-blowers deserve medals, not harassment. Corrupt government officials should be prosecuted instead of impeached... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659277123314413585/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Great move. Now send him a bill that deputizes citizens and authorizes the use of deadly force at the border...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst If caught in a lie keep lying. After all, they are incapable of remorse and own no conscience...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Through corrupt government officials working for those behind the International Agenda, "the eye of Sauron has been turned on the American people." Write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659242940101971968/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Why not show this loyalty to the Traditional American Family, which is the most vital industry because it produces good Americans? Instead they embrace the ideology of death that cannot procreate. Investigate symptomatic behavior...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Just like the testosterone reducing mercury in the vaccines, it is an intentional action carried out by the puppets of an International Agenda...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst "Bad guys have begun running parts of our government." Write and introduce the Abolish The Corrupt Government Officials Act. It would set mandatory minimums and make Treason an automatic death penalty... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659238674931011584/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Write and introduce the Abolish Corrupt Government Officials Act. It would set mandatory minimums without regard to status or wealth. Treason would bring an automatic death penalty... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/05/16/illegal-alien-charged-with-raping-teen-girl-released-into-u-s-by-bidens-dhs/

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Because this guy wouldn't rape a child - he was only seeking financial advice...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Has anyone else noticed that there are child pimps (Epstien and Maxwell) and there are many victims of sexual exploitation, but there are no "John's" (those that raped the children)? https://archive.is/fsKE9

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst The ADL directs social media companies on what they "must" censor as "hate speech". Facebook recently deleted a post that said, "Jesus died that we may live." Imagine if they had deleted a Star of David flag at a Holocaust memorial... https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-deletes-jesus-died-so-you-could-live-post

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is the organization that believes it has more power than the 2nd Amendment. If one is critical of them on Twitter one automatically receives a shadowban. They have the same mentality and ancestry as the Bolsheviks that exterminated tens of millions of…

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst Consider that the rise in vaccinations coincided with a decrease in testosterone, which coincided with the rise in degeneracy and the monopolized media attacking manhood. This is because they are all parts of an International Agenda... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1659003978909364224/video/1

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst This is why the far Left are known as Progressives and the Conservatives are known as the Party Of Organized Retreat...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst In his eyes encouraging children to engage permanent sexual mutilation is completely moral...

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FamilyAgainst @FamilyAgainst1
#FamilyAgainst For some sexual mutilation, like abortion, is a religious sacrament. The Talmud also gives license to child molestation. This is why the ADL calls it "hate" and "antisemitic" to take a stand for the Traditional American Family... https://twitter.com/FamilyAgainst1/status/1633859781411651585/video/1

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 86%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
skull 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 25%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 74%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 36%
militarized 31%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 34%
militarized 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 67%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 62%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 42%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 51%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 87%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 26%