@laurenibsolm _ibsolm_ Society is a covenant between past, present, and future generations.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 68
Covfefe Anon @CovfefeAnon
Communists using criminals to terrorize the kulaks is a consistent theme and comes up repeatedly. #americaIsACommunistCountry https://t.co/1esGBSiVn8
_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Criminals terrorize the population, media frames it as "progress", dissenting speech suppressed, ritual humiliation to dispirit, and show trials for those who still resist. Troublingly consistent pattern.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@emmamaguire928 @KeithWoodsYT He doesn't care about free speech. Sat on his hands for years while his supporters were banned from banks, social media. Didn't lift a finger – legislation, EO, nothing. "Zuckerberg was nice to me" His only action was restricting it further. Apparently Adelson was nice to him.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@Surgeon_General Implementation's tricky but we know how to solve it. We haven't and won't only because you (and others) prefer we didn't.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@ZaidJilani And how many violent crimes committed by ex-cons who reoffend is his rehabilitation worth? My guess, if we do the math, is there aren't reasonable values where hanging's not the better solution. https://twitter.com/laurenibsolm/status/1654650576087425025/video/1

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@GovRonDeSantis Is it a blanket prohibition on political discrimination or is there a list of protected beliefs?

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
60 secret service injured, 11 sent to the hospital. No prosecutions here though. In fact BLM demanded an apology and Garland like a good little boy delivered. No rules or laws in this contest. Whatever works! The right hasn't figured out what works but eventually they will.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@radleybalko I made the same analogy when I saw calls to "eradicate whiteness" from people more prominent and respectable than Knowles. So which is it, distinction or no?

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
What if the woke explosion was the establishment's solution to Trump? "You want a more populist, anti-interventionist GOP?" "WELL YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET IT" "But if you vote for the other guys they'll trans your kids"
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Nailed it:
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
If the history were well-known enough to explain the NO votes why would she need to remind her audience?

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@BdhTraining @Sargon_of_Akkad @PrisonPlanet Negative net contribution is not "economic benefit." It's the fee for a service: dissolution of native populations.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@laurenibsolm: I think yglesias underestimates the difference between law as-is and majority sentiment so encouraging citizen enforcement is necessarily good. Right for the wrong reason?
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
This is the way the country ends Not with a bang but a twerk.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@drewb1165 @NataliaECG @VotebeatUS @TexasTribune Paper ballots and hand counting (with party observers) is still more robust. I opposed computerization when it was liberals worried about Bush and Diebold because I work in the industry and understand the risks. I'm opposed now for the same reason. This shouldn't be partisan.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@TheEconomist From 2020, gov't approval US: 38% China: 95% It's true when these types say "democracy" they really mean liberalism but it's more – they mean a system they know how to game to overrule public preference. It's not going to last. Change will come here before there, then revenge.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@kirstylpearce @GMB Like US journalists they'll cover this breathlessly but ignore the reverse (which is 40X more frequent) to distort the audience's picture of reality. So no matter how many times they or their friends and family experience the opposite, they'll believe it's an exception.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Because _most_ men are weak any org where a group is the ultimate authority is vulnerable to the establishment's control of incentives.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@monitoringbias @ShantaeRsptcr89 @ConceptualJames The UN convention was based on the work and at the urging of Lemkin who coined the term.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@RaheemKassam Should the treatment of such a small population upend the whole country's politics? I'd tend to think no. But when the target was Corbyn and Labour conservatives insisted. Seemed sincere at the time but either way, they deserved it, well done.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Good news. Re: tenured exceptions, isn't the obvious solution for FL gov to defund the whole department?
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
More importantly public betrayals signal disloyalty, which limits commitment, which cripples a movement. That's WHY the left demand them – "Disavow!" They're confident and clever enough to defend admitted terrorists. We're too weak and stupid to defend even _suspected_ racists.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@thomaswrzalins2 @SamHarrisOrg @elonmusk Pretty clear why they always clip that passage where they do. The rest of the text:

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@RealDJCthulhu @DatCatDer Statistically unlikely. If he's white, practically impossible. Numbers so low CDC doesn't even bother listing them.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@emeriticus Neither could beat this ticket. Time's a wastin, get it done.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@M_Millerman Politics, genetics and itself.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
This "based on your likes" is always astroturfed Dem messaging. Never anything to do with "my likes" which are entirely opposed. @elonmusk - if you want to tackle bias you should examine the algorithm or if curated fire those responsible.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@aaronjmate I see two editors are responsible: Valjean "the dude" who's deranged and lamentably suicidal, and Volunteer Marek, one of the most notorious extant editors. He has a long sordid history: https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/radek-szulga

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Two reps because one wouldn't be enough. I can't say I'm surprised but I'm deeply disappointed.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Doesn't matter the industry, public or private, doesn't matter your power, wealth or fame, when the ADL makes demands you submit. Very few exceptions, we'll see whether Musk has the nerve.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
ADL tweets to celebrate Asian representation while defending Harvard's anti-Asian discrimination. Apparently they're fine to look at, they just lack "personality." I can't imagine Asians tolerate this condescension indefinitely, too much pride.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@SattyMootien1 Seems like authorities support them but reality's more sinister – leverage public frustration to enact strict anti-protest laws (expecting future increasing unrest.) US "progressives" run the same play with guns; decline to enforce existing law while demanding new restrictions.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@JGreenblattADL @kanyewest Nick Cannon still hasn't apologized for calling Europeans "less than human." Literally dehumanizing, worse than anything Kanye said about Jews. But that didn't stop you from working with him when it was to your advantage. Trump is just following your example.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Musk's apparent motivation for buying twitter was to prevent this. He could solve it now by promising accountability once he's in charge. But with less than a month until midterms he hasn't, instead we get tweets about cologne. Looks like no one is coming to save us.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
My first thought was "60 years and we still haven't delivered." But it occurred to me the courts' declared diversity a good in itself so now it's true by definition. Clever.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Liberal laments the demise of the GOPe. "And there's no way to go back" https://twitter.com/laurenibsolm/status/1559151190176309250/video/1

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Use an anti-Christian symbol to organize the protest of Christian group. Another group, the inevitable vandalism/violence risk hate crime charges. With Christians, no risk at all. Can't eliminate systemic animus. But as "hate crime" is a recent invention you can level the field.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@liliebayer He wants to protect his people from this. So do we.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@ScottGreenfield Why do we use a fancy word like "diversity" when we really just mean difference? Seems it's because a claim like "there's enormous value in difference" which we can test against experience is obviously simplistic, where diversity is intangible, only known by edict or revelation.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@ADL Rebuilding the wall that kept Jews out out of ivies. Unbelievable.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
What's that Herbert quote?
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
It's science.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
Angela Nagle – liberalism's radical utopia. (Tucker Carlson Today Season 1, Episode 34) https://twitter.com/laurenibsolm/status/1546183047615320064/video/1

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@agusnox @chessninja In what world is the only suffering deserved? Act as if it were, personally or politically, and you'll increase it.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
It would turn FL solid Red for generations and undermine the federal government's legitimacy. Do it.

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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
It's happening.
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
There's that clip (from Parks and Rec?) about a "special jail for journalists." If we get that here it's more likely for their own protection. https://twitter.com/laurenibsolm/status/1494424854866579458/video/1
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
This is the guy taking credit for the GiveSendGo hack. Like I said. "Russia, if you're listening, we have a common enemy"
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_ibsolm_ @laurenibsolm
@HarmlessYardDog Do it like the Swiss. The locals have to approve.

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freemasonry 81%

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us flag 51%
patriot front 35%

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gigachad 27%

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hitler 28%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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tldr 54%
blood drop cross 34%

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toons other 61%

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hitler 28%

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map 88%

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tldr 41%
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tldr 99%

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art_other 56%
etc 36%

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bar graph 100%

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tldr 89%

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etc 35%
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etc 65%

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map 98%

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art_other 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 67%

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tldr 99%

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militarized 31%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 90%

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tldr 38%
toons other 33%

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tldr 100%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%