@WhiteWolfOTWest Son of David (formerly White Wolf) Defender of the West. I will teach who will listen, lead who will follow, and defend our great people with every ounce of my being, now and forever. Exile

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 10
Trad Femme @TradFemme
I have to politefully disagree with TG. The beating heart of the revolutionary left is antiwhitism, not feminism. If it were, we wouldn't see such a staunch defense of anti-WW gender violence, like the nonwhite rape rate. Only WM are vilified, & "white feminism" is decried. https://t.co/3THrF3MSLW
The central theme of world dynamics is the attack by the forces of Darkness upon the White race. This is the driving force of leftism. It is a race war which God declared on the day we left the garden. The Whites/Adamics/Israelites vs the (((Seed of the Serpent))).

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@metafysical Come save me first. haha

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@unhealthytruth The Hotez Goblin diet.

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@Aliathewhite @OliLondonTV That's like expelling the j3ws. Just kicks the can down the road. We need to end all the scourges in our lands. And it's going to happen by God.

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Astro Morrigan ♀⚡️ @Morrigan_Astro
@ExRhenum Based take tbh lmao well. The most deadly ones are def alarming tho and then untreated isn’t good but it’s mostly 🏳️‍🌈 s wbo spread it so us women need to be careful. But I def think they want us inbetween super paranoid phobic to the point we won’t have it and have no children to… https://t.co/00tF1oTz4b
@ExRhenum The (((Canaanites))) DNA was permanently polluted and twisted thousands of years ago by syphilis and other VD's. It's one of the reasons they have twisted minds and very "off/wrong" looking faces down to this day. VD's are a very real and dangerous thing.

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@Epicness_L I think our Navy is too nigger already tbh.

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Astro Morrigan ♀⚡️ @Morrigan_Astro
Yes I remember this. https://t.co/Od2n0OetIi
What is it about RW males following (((Romanian))) subversives...

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WilliamA33 @WilliamA_33
0:42 👀 Whatcha doin' Rabbi? https://t.co/24L2rckyDj
I love seeing our people get red pilled the JQ and hollow cost story.

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
White people in the media are also the main source of worsening race relations.
If by White, you mean (((white))), then you're on the right track.

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@mrsclassic_ Okay weird

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@SheldonWells18 @WallStreetSilv That particular article mixed truth with lies, as their overall intent is to convey the message that the changes are fine. Tiny, natural, harmless, etc. This MRNA does change your DNA though, and permanently.

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@SheldonWells18 @WallStreetSilv Here is a WEF spokeswoman explaining with an example how they are going to our change DNA using mRNA long with lipid nanoparticles https://t.co/kM7CyVJSvU
: @SheldonWells18 @WallStreetSilv Different doctor referencing the same study with some more info https://twitter.com/WhiteWolfOTWest/status/1610768185115951104/video/1

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View @WhiteWolfOTWest
@WhiteWolfOTWest: @SheldonWells18 @WallStreetSilv Here is a WEF spokeswoman explaining with an example how they are going to our change DNA using mRNA long with lipid nanoparticles https://twitter.com/WhiteWolfOTWest/status/1610766965517295622/video/1

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@Rawmilkhoneyy This is Hercules wondering if Timmy's boyfriend gave him permission to be out.

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@WhiteWolfOTWest: @WolfishHead Far from being Christlike...he's more like an incarnation of the Batman villain TwoFace. He even has the same intense level of mental psychosis as that character, barely keeping himself together. He's declaring it to the world by this suit, consciously or not.

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@AhComfy That's a very appropriate take. He's Two Face. Always has been. He claims to be a RW leader of White young men, while at the same time working with the UN to remove the borders in White countries.

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@MichiganWave @sailinggirl73 Also of note: )ewish media was pushing the "6 million killed" idea long before the war even started.

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I'm serious about my meat being rare.

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@RiebvJanbeeck The Bible is written to White people and about White people. It's our story. We're are Adom in the Bible, the descendants of Adam, and the descendants of the Biblical Israelites. Those now called "joos" now are Canaanites, Edomites and descendants of Cain, our adversaries.

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Good morning my brothers and sisters. I am grateful this morning this beauty wanted to spend some time in my hand. Be well and strong out there. You all have my love. I am with you. https://twitter.com/WhiteWolfOTWest/status/1583123967128178690/video/1

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@GraduatedBen I loved that ad. And look at how strong we used to make our trucks, like we made everything to the highest quality. This is a 1915 GMC.

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Ann @BannedAnn
@410MLXVI A lot of the anti-Anglo stuff comes from Russian troll/useful idiot accounts. In Russian leaders, media, etc attack the “evil anglo-saxons”. It’s a reference to the 1800s Great Game. https://t.co/3u8dmncGtq
@410MLXVI All anti-Anglo/anti-AngloAmerican stuff comes from our anti-White enemies of one stripe or another, the wellhead of it being the (((bolshevists))) 100+ years ago. It never stopped and spread among our own people.

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@wayotworld Backed by Chinese communist money, run by (((Canaanites)))...of course they're not going to be on our side.

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@12841chelmno @LastChance2060 @BuzzyBellatrix @NotIrishRose @NickyP47301131 @LSW12612672511 @WhiteStag15 @EternalEnglish @fifi_j @BoardAnglo The people behind those communist crimes are part of same group of people who behind the hollow cost narrative.

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@WhiteWolfOTWest: @mrc121002 @BuzzyBellatrix Esau was red haired and hairy, and his offspring were thereafter called Edom, meaning red or reds. These are among the worst of the (((tribes))). They KNOW they're Edomites too. It used to be in the )ewish encyclopedia, under "Edom", it said "Edom is found in modern )ewry"

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@BuzzyBellatrix Yeah he's a )ew, 100%. What people hardly know yet, is that no )ew of any kind was ever an Israelite, and therefore not a "Hebrew". Their "fellow White people" trick is deeper people realize. The Israelites were White.

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@CeltRevived A lot of people have a tiny bit of )ewish in them, and get get categories as such. Harrison ford for example is 1/4, and that 1/4 might even be sketchy.

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A thousand new reasons to hate these (((people))) every day
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