@axel_heist Axel Heist

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NotProvoked @NotProvoked
Last night i learned only like 3 million Jooz were even in the camps...
Axel Heist @axel_heist
The Holocaust will continue to be the worst atrocity ever as long as Jooz predominate in the MSM.

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Vulgar Heidegger @vulgarheidegger
White Genocide is real and it has almost nothing to do with Jews. It’s caused by the 200 million white Americans who don’t identify as white.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
The mass media drums into white Americans that it is evil to see race or especially advance one's own race (if it is white). Who predominates in the (((mass media)))?

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Michael Tracey @mtracey
There's so much pathetic nonsense here, but note Hasan's claim that "anti-semitic conspiracy theorists now dominate the US conservative movement." Oh yes -- all those GOP "anti-semites" for whom fervently "supporting Israel" is 100% mandatory to have any real stature in the GOP https://t.co/ASxA9W6nmX
Axel Heist @axel_heist
This tweet shows having 24 replies, but I am only able to see 4. ...Must be the J*ws 😡

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Joel Berry @JoelWBerry
Western Civilization was invented by the Greeks and Jews while white Europeans were still naked savages dancing around campfires.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Tsk, tsk...the hatred and lies about whitey coming from a good (((non-racist))) no doubt..

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View @JoelWBerry
The Mirror @DailyMirror
An Adolf Hitler lookalike stands on a city centre plinth and spouts extreme right-wing views to anyone who will listen to his poison. https://t.co/ZSRBlITTBd
Axel Heist @axel_heist
This made-up story is a perfect example of the disdain (((mainstream))) media have for the native British.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@MooreVideoPro @TOOEdit @PopBase My greatest (((judges))) of singers ain't at Rolling Stone Magazine. Without white ppl, blacks only musical instrument would be the bongos.

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Ye 2024 over before it started https://t.co/ZSBfdhcFSd
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Pool wanted the big name to get a big audience, but feared for his own survival if he didn't toe the party line on joos. This will actually give YE24 a publicity boost. The MSM will soon commence to starving YE24 of publicity.

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Ethan Ralph @TheRalphRetort
Tim Pool coping with his panel of vaginas. Just got absolutely smoked by Ye & Nick hahahaha
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Pool wanted the big name to get a big audience, but feared for his own survival if he didn't toe the party line on joos. Ye didn't care for the hostile interruptions... Adios. For Ye's purposes, he got more publicity this way.

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View @TheRalphRetort
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Dude got on Tik-Tok now? One more platform not to follow him on. The (((MSM))) already enforces his rule about "Jewish people" the way he wants it enforced. You can have Germans, French, English but not "Jews". For the chosen, it must only be "Jewish people". Such sensitivity.

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View @Know_More_News
Lana @LanaLokteff
They still do this every day with their actions. This is what real White fragility looks like. Pathetic. No one respects this. https://t.co/VVUTQZbLyy
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Whitey wasn't doing this kind of stuff before (((mass media))).

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View @LanaLokteff
Anatoly Karlin @powerfultakes
Observation from a chat I'm in: Whites are by far the most Russia-hostile demographic on the planet. https://t.co/znpvVVqJXH https://t.co/X86yeAWRQX
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@akarlin0 It's got to do with the (((media))).

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View @powerfultakes
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@AhComfy ((( )))

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Way of the World @wayotworld
Watching the new Beatles doc Get Back. While they are in the studio, some grubby conman appears and starts talking to Paul about the lucrative music copyright market. This man, 'Dick James' (born Leon Isaac Vapnick), would later sell the Beatles' own songs out from under them. https://t.co/P2XOldwVbH
Axel Heist @axel_heist
One noticeable bit in the film was how relaxed the security situation was surrounding the Apple building on Saville Row. Violent maniacs on the loose weren't a thing back then. But the Beatles did seem to have a soft spot for big-talking chosenites, as A. Klein further proved.

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View @wayotworld
Buckeye Politics 🇺🇲 @BuckeyePolitic1
Who would you vote for in the 1991 Louisiana Gubernatorial Election
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Duke loves his people, the (((media))) hate him.

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View @BuckeyePolitic1
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@KeithWoodsYT The (((MSM))) agrees with the "rightfully so" part so don't expect Trump to be questioned by them about this.

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Kevin MacDonald @TOOEdit
Max Boot: just your typical neocon. "Boot has called Republicans a party of White nationalists, has repeatedly said the GOP needs to be destroyed, and has written a book declaring conservatism is permeated by "racism, extremism [and] conspiracy-mongering." https://t.co/tGzxMLSs22
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Who actually wants to read Boot is the mystery. Probably nobody has to read him, as long as his bilge fits the (((editors))) ideology.

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View @TOOEdit
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@InsideEdition "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."--Friedrich Nietzsche. Of course, Germany is not an independent country - this is done at the urging of the (((globo-homo))) empire.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Daily_Record From the comments section it seems that The Daily Record's readers, if indeed it has any, aren't as offended by Britain remaining British as DR's (((editors))) are.

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Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 @Partisangirl
Doesn’t matter if you don’t like #BakedAlaska’s life streams, if you think him a fool, a clown, or have had personal trouble with him. Right wingers need to close ranks and circle the wagons.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
He's a comedian who trespassed into the Capitol Building, but his politics are suspect to the (((powers-that-be))). Let's see what sentence he gets in the land of the free.

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View @Partisangirl
Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@SadiesGhost @RacistClip I agree, though at some level, I think it can't hurt to have people like him doing their thing.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@SadiesGhost @RacistClip He's right that starting a new party is a big task with long odds...so is trying to infiltrate the ((GOP)) which will put everything aside - life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness - to identify and eject nationalists. The system is 4-square against both projects, but gotta try..

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View @A_White_Lioness
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@urbanartshop Nick has said FAR too many politically incorrect things to ever be accepted into the fold by Con Inc. The only place the ((establishment)) will accept him now is on the Christian Picciolini apology tour - which I don't think he will be joining.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Aarick20 Before the campaign is over, expect Trump to disavow PB and sing the (((media's))) song on white nationalism. Trump had a couple good rants on shut-downs and law & order, but overall was too obnoxious and didn't help himself. Biden wins.

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The Hill @thehill
Trump admin to label white supremacists as the "most persistent and lethal threat" to the US: report https://t.co/hsaZmLBMLw https://t.co/adFBTOEF7c
Axel Heist @axel_heist
The "most persistent and lethal threat" to a corrupt system is a bad thing? Of course the corrupt ((system)) is just lying again because there is no such threat. There does seem to be a threat of a different color tho- one rioting in the streets & forcing ppl to chant its mantra.

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
All of the west bank??? https://t.co/rwiZ1OiJwF
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Trump wants to do at least one thing in the lead up to the election that the (((MSM))) won't knock him for.

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View @Know_More_News
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@HHHStrike @kevin_a_strom The left determines which "conservatives" are tolerated on the (((MSM))). Hannity is because of his philo-Semitism and anti-racism.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@coinxinvest @NationalistTV Trump is more likely to be a Reagan than a revolutionary if he gets reelected. What he has to lose is the thing he loves most - his businesses. Taking on the (((establishment))) will not bode well for his businesses, post-presidency. That's one thing he does know.

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James Edwards @JamesEdwardsTPC
Blacks aren’t marching for equality under the law. They have it. Blacks aren’t marching because of widespread mistreatment by police. It doesn’t exist. They are marching because of an unadulterated hatred of Whites. This hatred stems from their jealousy and resentment.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
What hatred, jealousy and resentment there is against whitey is ginned up 10X by the (((mainstream media))). Without the media narrative, they wouldn't feel nearly as entitled.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@KeithWoodsYT RAMZ was for the good alt-right but is against the bad alt-right. Anyway, he's pretty sure the (((MSM))) has thoroughly demonized the term, so he's off the alt-right altogether now.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@vaineratom @emiliatheitalia "For fear of the Jews" one must always say "Jewish people", not just Jews. This is standard usage in the (((MSM))). Arabs instead of "Arabian people" is okay, though.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Ahab4K IMO, ppl, unless they have a philosophical bent, have a great resistance to thinking they might be wrong about something. Nazis have been properly demonized in the public eye by the (((MSM))). A revolutionary movement will have to be seen as something new to be accepted.

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Counter-Currents @NewRightAmerica
Did the Dissident Right help get Trump elected? Or did we cause cucks to stay home & cat ladies to come out for Hillary? We can't answer that question, so we are not a voting bloc that matters. Trump might think he is stronger without us. He might be right.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
IMO, the dissident right did help Trump win simply because the (((MSM))) was universally against him - the online right being on his side gave others the permission to be as well. But, he drew to an inside straight and might be right that MIGA is a better way to win reelection.

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James Edwards @JamesEdwardsTPC
We’ll find out in November if pandering to globohomo and pissing on the right is a good election strategy. Trump’s most vocal supporters from 2016 are long gone. Let’s see if he can win without us.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@handsomeJack77 Dubya Bush won reelection, although demographics have dropped off for the Republicans since then. Minus Fox News, the (((MSM))) universally ridiculed Bush but universally HATES Trump.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ServusJC: @SirBilly_Bob @RinaValentina Nick is pushing it with 10 hrs😃. Perhaps it's Nick's way of signalling that he is not the meany the (((MSM))) portrays him as - he can break bread with catbois and homosexuals like Milo. Or maybe the catboy is good company.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Philosophi_Cat @tide_turn @ramzpaul You forgot the most important thing - he's a LAWYER, who takes on cases that 99.9% of lawyers won't take on due to the labels attached to his clients by (((mainstream))) sources. Hopefully he is being set up here because there is a DIRE shortage of lawyers in the movement.

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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
I’m no fan of #Cenk Uygur, to say the least, so it’s hard for me to defend him. But this whole episode is both revealing and depressing.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Engaging with the world does not equate with engaging with the scoundrels in the (((mainstream))) media.

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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
@CptBlackPill I share your feeling that Trump is going to be re-elected. I’ll write about this tomorrow.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@CptBlackPill The similarity between Blompf and Boris is that the left's policy positions may be so bad as to lose it for them all on their own. The difference is that the (((MSM))) in the U.S. still universally hates Trump, with the exception of a few characters on Fox.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@thehill Blompf stumbled across one thing that the (((mainstream))) won't knock him for.

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Jill @JillColtonFree
A lot of Americans have asked me why Trudeau won again. Easy answer, Canadians are dumb and uninformed. They actually think Scheer is Trump-like and Elizabeth May is sane. People get the government they deserve and Canadians deserve blackface.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Probably the biggest problem facing the West is the universal franchise which even the dissident right seldom addresses. IAC, Canadians wouldn't be quite so dumb and uninformed if the (((MSM))) was at all interested in airing the truth.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@TheBavarianChad IMO, Tucker and Coulter are more sympathetic and in accord with the dissident/alt right but know that there are lines that cannot be crossed without banishment from the (((mainstream))).

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@liljesusDX It's a myth that Richard Spencer was treated nicely by the (((MSM))).

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@TonyHovater @charliekirk11 @AarickStriger With the publicity roll he is on, Fuentes should keep his focus on taking down the fake Conservatives. Now is not the time engage ppl to his right. Nick must realize that if his following becomes the biggest on the dissident right, the ((MSM)) will paint him as the biggest "nazi"

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@westland_will @cashmoneyglock To get the masses of ppl who support Trump to listen to your viewpoint, you can't be dumping on Trump. Trump still says the odd thing that is America First and riles the powers-that- be. Plus, he exposes the (((media))). Hunt where the ducks are until Trump is surpassed.

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McCaffrey @craigcrimes
@axel_heist @CptBlackPill I’m not even sure what you even mean when you say Nick is red pilling people. Red pilling them on what exactly?
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@CptBlackPill He talks about limiting immigration, both legal and illegal. He calls out the neocons and neoliberals and their warmongering. He is against the (((liberal))) social agenda. He criticizes Israel and the Jewish lobby. These are all radical positions to the establishment.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@LilGumdrop2 @ghost_of_watts @melvyn_waters If you are relying on not getting "horrible press" to advance the movement forward, it will stay right where it is. Horrible press is when u get accused of a nazi salute when you lifted a drink. If the ((msm)) starts to believe Nick is making progress, he will be the next Hitler.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ghost_of_watts @melvyn_waters Spencer doesn't call himself the leader of the alt-right. Probably the term "alt-right" has been sufficiently demonized by the (((MSM))) that it should be moved on from, but whatever comes next will get the same treatment.

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Sian D 🧡 @siany65
@axel_heist @thisislaurat He wasn't peaceable. Did you live when he was around? I have close relatives that did. He was a fascist who appealed to disenfranchised people in the 30s that needed to blame - which is exactly how things are happening now. Nothing to do with media. He was a fascist with thugs.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@thisislaurat Mosley was an opponent of declaring war on Germany, you know, the war that killed millions of ppl, the "good war" according to our (((elites))). Churchill, otoh, saw glory in war - see Buchanan's "The Unnecessary War". You provide no reference but only name-call.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@thisislaurat The (((mainstream))) media vilify the peaceable Mosley, and lionize Churchill as leading a necessary, popular war -- but if the war was popular, why did the public give Churchill the boot right at the end of it?

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Philosophi_Cat It's the ((critics)) who are declaring it that though, not the film-maker. Maybe the film-maker is following your advise (from this morning) and trying to make a little art in a fallen world. It probably is garbage - like most Hollywood fare - but I wouldn't say it till I saw it

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@westland_will @GinsbergSeth Wallace feigns incredulity at the notion that Israel helped ISIS against Syria - he knows he can get away with it because the (((mainstream))) keeps such information from the masses.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@DSAMikeP Bombing other countries tends to raise a president's ratings, at least in the short run. I don't think Blompf wants to be another W. Bush. In fact, he might less inclined to kiss the J-ws arse in his second term because of no more elections & little to show for his arse-kissing.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@thegownprince He says some politically incorrect things but makes sure to balance it off by being politically correct (enough) where you really have to be. Maybe the price for a "conservative" to be published in the (((mainstream))) media.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@MHasan0121 @VoltairesGhost_ @thisislaurat As we know, their centrality to the space program was invented by (((Hollywood))) to impress easily duped ppl like yourself.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@TonyHovater Gone from nice-looking, mediocre music, apolitical - to -putting on weight, mediocre music, strident PC politics. I'm sure her (((managers))) know what they are doing.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ILikeGearsOWar1 @italianmonarchy @RichardBSpencer Coulda swore it is the (((MSM))) that make people think white nationalists are all neo-nazis who kill people. So you get the presentation just right and the MSM will not harp on endlessly about neo-nazis but will give a fair and honest appraisal of the white nationalist stance.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@bewegung_oe: @Identitaere_B Thank-you, (((we))) are very pleased with your curious announcement, although (((we))) still hate your guts.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@DSAMikeP Both the Dems and the Reps are try-hards when it comes to subservience to the Lobby, but because the (((MSM))) is more likely to accuse the conservatives of "antisemitism", they think they have to try even harder.

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George Galloway @georgegalloway
Is there any sentient being in this country who DOESN’T realise that anti-Semitism IS being weaponised against Corbyn and Labour to destroy any possibility of a Labour victory? I genuinely don’t believe there is.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
(((Who))) is doing that, George?

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@charliesworld13 Some of the alt-right memes which had adopted her must have filtered back to her and her (((management))). IAC, she has overdone it on the paint job in this clip.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@AriDavidPaul @PatrickCaseyIE The (((mainstream))) media has created such an hysteria against Trump that one's safety is at risk by wearing a MAGA hat. Probably the reason the Covington students put theirs on after the pro-life march is because they would have safety in numbers.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Captain_Columbo @NickJFuentes Any movement that wants to maintain a white majority and speaks of group rights for whites will be called the usual names by the (((MSM))). Nick's problem with "alt-right" has to do with petty grudges against ppl he agrees with 90% & to appease ppl he doesn't agree with at all.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@NickJFuentes "Alt-right" is a bad term because the (((mainstream))) media has demonized it. Now we just have to wait for Nick to come up with a term for the right that the MSM will accept & applaud, and not call nazi or anything...

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@atomizedanglo @lizardable @GrafVonGrau The revolution will happen as soon as we sneak enough people past the (((system))) and into positions of power - the system will never know what hit it! Anyway, Spencer dropped his strategy of public rallies when it became clear the system had dropped any pretense of law & order.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Saymyname8418 She just forgot the brackets on (((mainstream media))).

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Faith J Goldy @FaithGoldy
Fake news media myth... VS Reality. Understand the failing media’s war is not against me but YOU! They hate you. I love you and am fighting for you every day. The day I’m elected is the day THE PEOPLE’S VOICE is back at City Hall! #FaithForMayor #FaithForToronto #topoli https://t.co/XbG18zr4x6
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@nationalpost The (((establishment))) media in Canada automatically calls anybody who resists its PC ideology a "nazi" - there's no getting around it, even with photos of minorities.

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Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson
I'm not certain that is the right move. It's very complex. But he would have his name cleared, and a figure who might be less divisive might be put forward. https://t.co/oNQB2bRsC7
Axel Heist @axel_heist
You can't get appearances on (((mainstream))) media without getting on your belly for them once in a while. Prof. Peterson knows that.

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Wired Sources @WiredSources
Bitter Barack Obama trashes 63 million Americans as paranoid, divisive, & resentful https://t.co/6iRPUk69NM
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Obama is a mouthpiece for the most paranoid of (((tribes))).

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Newsweek @Newsweek
Donald Trump keeps calling adversaries "globalists," despite warnings it's anti-Semitic https://t.co/UDxpG6UoyA https://t.co/Ed07OuO02c
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Warnings from (((globalists))).

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Lauren Southern @Lauren_Southern
WHAT. Lmao the Australian media are literally just making things up now. You absolute spoons didn’t even spell fascist right... https://t.co/TTIS1YpPJS
Axel Heist @axel_heist
(((Australian media)))

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@DrDavidDuke (((Hollywood))) can make Spike Lee its pet but it can't make people pay money to see his boring drivel.

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Hotep Jesus @HotepJesus
The left has this thing they like to do where they slap "alt-right" next to your name just to discredit your work. I'm tired…🙄 https://t.co/vCvUfkooc9
Axel Heist @axel_heist
: @VibeHi Any discerning person will soon know that if alt-right means "the bad guys" to the (((mainstream media))), they must really be "the good guys".

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@scott_satzer @JonathanFolland @StateDept It doesn't have to be logical - it just has to be what we wish to believe, that the U.S. and (((allies))) are the good guys, Assad is the bad guy, and the sentence must be carried out before the trial.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Partisangirl The way Trump can gain sympathy with the (((MSM))) is to attack Israel's enemies for the Zionists, justified as "humanitarian" wars for the virtue-signalling liberals. Last round with Syria proved that. Still he won't go for a full-fledged ground war because his base opposes it.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@TheMadDimension This serves as another good red-pill for the somnambulate white masses -not that it will get much (let alone accurate) media coverage. Now, if the white guys who fought back against Harris's assault are found innocent, then the (((media))) will be in an uproar.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@BanterChad @uncommercial_tr @RichardBSpencer "Neo nazi" is a smear word of the (((establishment))). Trash can no more "destroy" the hard work of good ppl than you can.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@notbradgriffin It's hard to know if the shilling springs from a need for money or a need to not be killed in the (((MSM))). Anyway, wrap it in religion and it all goes down good.

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Nikki Savanna @Way_of_the_Pack
@axel_heist @MosleySir @EvanMcLaren Actually, I think its a fine look, I just don't want it to happen because obviously, we need to protect our leading voices, and all of our people if we can, from violence. But as for the look: the victim always looks better than the aggressor when free speech is his only crime.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@MosleySir @EvanMcLaren In a sense it's not a good look if our leaders are made to look weak BUT any dissident movement will need martyrs- a martyr with a bloody face beats a dead one, although victory won't come without some of the latter. Also, playing Gandhi works less well with a mendacious ((MSM)).

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Amerika først @angryTeuton
@notbradgriffin They may not be cowards but they certainly are stupid, and they turn normal/successful white ppl off. These gay ass marches do nothing for our numbers and end up damaging morale in the end.
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@notbradgriffin These guys did battle with leftist thugs trying to shut down a man who was speaking truth. Anybody who has their morale damaged by people they aren't associated with also has the bigger problem of buying into the (((MSM))) narrative.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Bre_Faucheux (((MSM))) tracking down dissidents for Big Brother. How did her students do in reading, writing and 'rithmetic? Who cares? A thought criminal must be crushed and deprived of a career.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@EvanMcLaren @joerogan Having an opponent of the alt-right on to say that they might be intelligent and they might not all be demons in human form is as far as Joe can go right now. Joe is open-minded but the (((establishment))) can only take so much, and Joe has bills to pay.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
Certain young establishment Republicans have had their (((MSM))) indoctrination: Racists are bad, Nazis are bad (don't be them). Solution: Dems are the real racists & Nazis are the real lefties AND if a "racist"/"nazi" starts making too much sense in a debate, bolt for the door.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ScottMGreer (((Our society))) greatly appreciates the Chinese $$$ going into Hollywood because it ends up in (((our))) pockets. The Russians, otoh, are kinda broke and don't allow gay marriage. Plus they should not have an independent foreign policy with different bad guys than (((ours)).

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@MattsOurSemite The alt-lite may be a bridge, but if you stay on the bridge too long, you belong in the category of e-celebs like Cernovich, Watson or McGinnis - namely, scared shitless of (((mainstream))) taboos on race. If the alt-right won, these jokers would fly their flags over to our side.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@wayotworld If you are building a following and making sense (((somebody))) is going to alert the social media companies to your presence. Then they promptly decide you have violated their guidelines, without saying where.

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Yuri Was Right @thecarmanswife
@axel_heist @Bre_Faucheux @Tree_of_Logic @DrDavidDuke I'll sum up her debate with DD... "But Jews are so smart so of course they're gonna be powerful" and "your just jelly of Jews and their shekels" 🙄
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Bre_Faucheux @Tree_of_Logic @DrDavidDuke She can find fault with her own ppl, but not with dem joos. Probably some shekels are coming her way, or she at least hopes they start to. DD is usually good at getting his debate opponent to calm down and listen but wouldn't be surprised to see a chimp-out from her end.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@MikeTanier Gee whiz, can't a guy do a little virtue signalling without getting set upon? The message here is: Mike is good, nazis are bad. Fire them... Come on people, this has all been covered on (((TV))).

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Cernovich Before Nehlen sent out press releases, the (((MSM))) saw Breitbart as "nazis". Now they see Breitbart as major "nazis".

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@WeihnachtseIf The brainwashing of the (((mass media))) worked not only on Germans but on everybody else, too.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@WeihnachtseIf Tough for him to win against even a cuck like Paul Ryan because Ryan as Speaker is in leadership and voters tend to believe that will mean more goodies for their district. Plus, if a poll were to show Nehlen close, the (((media))) would go bananas & paint him as the next Hitler.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@mikeenochsback Jared is perhaps the most effective person on the alt-right at getting normies to listen. So, despite breaking no Twitter TOS rules, the ADL Joos no doubt wanted him gone - the irony being he was knocked on the alt-right for not talking about the JQ.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@pnehlen That's (((them))) alright...

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@WernerHunter833 @RichardBSpencer The ideas are solid BUT at this point in time, it is unrealistic and impractical to think that being explicit about them in an election campaign will bring you anything but the full force and fury of the (((MSM))). The credibility of the MSM needs further erosion for us to win.

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Mike 7841 @mwf7841
@EvanMcLaren I see it every day with spencers followers. The hate the name calling the meme directed towards black people. the tiki torches. Meant to imitate the torches used back in the day as kkk was going to hang a black person. I am not a follower.i call things the way i see them
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@EvanMcLaren You call them the way the (((mainstream media))) sees them.

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Kevin MacDonald @TOOEdit
Does anyone seriously think that a decent GOP candidate--one without credible charges of being a sexual predator against children--wouldn't have won? It's about the successful media attack on Moore, not Trump, not Bannon, or even the GOP. https://t.co/JNfKBpvKip
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Another GOP candidate might have won - because it is Alabama. But Trump is absorbing the same (((media))) attack as Moore. Under such bombardment, fatigue will set in on faint-hearted Repubs & independents. Still, the Dems can self-destruct, too.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@fidgetfeminism_: @fidgetfeminism @AnnieFromOhio What you are saying is that the (((MSM))) has sufficiently demonized the term "alt-right" for you to run from it, which is bound to happen again when it gets around to to demonizing the term "Identitarian".

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Bre_Faucheux Bad for the old guy, but good for opening up more peoples' eyes to the true nature of the (((New World Order))).

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@RichardBSpencer @jordanbpeterson This brave knight of western civilization won't get on a stage with Faith Goldy for fear of what the (((power structure))) might think - he's not going anywhere near Richard Spencer.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@FaithGoldy @LauraLoomer is really having a pity party about her lost checkmark. In another tweet she blamed it on the fact that she's a Jew. Maybe she's not wrong - Twitter & (((associates))) can now claim that not only goyim were hit by their micro-censorship.

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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
When the UK bans me for things I think and say, and Poland threatens to do the same, Trump remains silent. When some Basketball-Americans are rightfully arrested for stealing, Trump comes to their defense. What a joke. https://t.co/aQpXcjaoWb
Axel Heist @axel_heist
In democracy, you go vote-hunting where the ducks are or where the basketball-Americans are. He might have blown any good will from the (((media))) and African-Americans, though, by suggesting that they thank him.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@JackPosobiec @jaketapper Jake Tapper and (((colleagues))) are obsessed with David Duke in the way that the devil is obsessed with holy water.

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Kevin MacDonald @TOOEdit
@ebbbrjd @occdissent It's not about hoping my critics will be fair. It's about not giving credence to their views--& about making AltRight a mainstream movement
Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ebbbrjd @occdissent Agreed, NS symbolism is nowheresville. But what IS National Socialism? Whatever the (((MSM))) says it is? A moving target to disavow.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ActualHistorian @CanerdianGirl @JackSmithIV It's easy to mock people while you sit on your couch and watch the (((newsmedia))) report on how 10 yr olds transition to a different sex.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@drmoore Dr. Moore says it is cowardice not to beat up on white advocates - ppl who the entire (((power structure))) demonize! What a brave man!

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@Babble77: @TaraMcCarthy444 The (((MSM))) goes on and on about Trump's supposed deceitfulness, but major deceit like this is consigned to the memory hole.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@DSAStillWithHer @BramboRaveheart Bannon's civic nationalism is as Spencer says- a road to nowhere. Anyway, he WANTS disfavor from the alt-right to help his cred with ((MSM))

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@bahahehqjbzv @lawrah_s @DSAStillWithHer @NickJFuentes Over time, the internet will erode the (((system's))) C'ville narrative and it will have erred into basing its propaganda campaign in lies.

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Peter Daou @peterdaou
1. THREAD: The mainstream media now treat every Steve Bannon utterance as major news. They are consciously boosting his stature. (1/5)
Axel Heist @axel_heist
All I hear from the (((media)) about Bannon is that he is a racist, white supremacist, alt-right - not that he opposed wars Clinton favored

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Laura Ingraham @IngrahamAngle
The media and Richard Spencer have a twisted, sick codependent relationship with each other. https://t.co/ybZXnIdDJE
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Laura is saying she wants Spencer's truth to go away- not much different from a (((media))) that lies about it, or students drowning it out.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@ScaramucciPost Yes, it must be mentioned in the (((media))) daily instead of every other day. Also, MORE Holocaust movies! Bet on them to win!

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@wintersong Shitlib Logic 101: Not all (((whites))) on Twitter are always white, but all critics of (((whites))) are always nazis.

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The Washington Post @washingtonpost
White nationalist Richard Spencer leads another torchlight march in Charlottesville https://t.co/XZbtzftfqq
Axel Heist @axel_heist
Fantastic! Will the (((media))) allow that there are two sides to have a clash and that the VIOLENT side wasn't there tonight?

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@bakedalaska Some minorities, no problem. Problem is, minority lobbies now RULE, particularly (((one))). Until/unless that changes, whites are doomed.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@JWSteel1 Normie is somebody who believes what the (((mainstream media))) tells him about politics. Not likely to believe what he doesn't see on TV.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@eternaljdg @occdissent Anything of any scale the alt-right does will be depicted as - or attempted to be turned into - a shit-show by (((enemy))) media.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@TheLaurenChen: @RoamingMil @col_roll @_ThatGuyT Whites used to have their own schools, and alt-left (((the establishment))) decided they MUST experience the joy of minorities via bussing.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@lorettatheprole @thebechtloff Spencer might not be THE one, but he is one. He is a decent fellow, and decent looking so the (((media))) has a hard time caricaturing him.

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Axel Heist @axel_heist
@RealAlexJones Alex begs & pleads w/MSM to not call him racist. He has no racists on his show. But Alex can't figure out ((MSM)) sees this as very 'racist"

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