@RStapletonknows Richard Stapleton Mostly lurking

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 9

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@fullautoslur Good job (you’re at about 99%)

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@SameeraKhan It’s happening

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@Vlmasters0 @CovfefeAnon @Steve_Sailer Confirmed

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The Independent @Independent
Sacha Baron Cohen survived ‘cancel culture’ by evolving instead of moaning https://t.co/9HbAGgwChc
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
Haha. That’s not why he (((survived))).

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Daily Wire @realDailyWire
Seth Rogen: I’m ‘Actively Trying To Make Less Things Starring White People’ https://t.co/ShPPjtQJ5d https://t.co/OdU7uAVgDI
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
Stick to your own (((white))) folks, chief.

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View @realDailyWire
Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 @tariqnasheed
After letting Foundational Black Americans know he wasnt going to do a damn thing specifically for Black people.... Obama went out of his way to do tangible things specifically for Hispanics, the LGBT community, Immigrants, Native Americans, and other groups #ThanksObama
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
...and...you know (((who)))...

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Breitbart News @BreitbartNews
Why not quit Hollywood to make room for others? If you truly believe in "white privilege," shouldn't Rich White Entertainment Elites step aside altogether? Live those Leftist values! Otherwise, cut the phony virtue signaling. #HollywoodHypocrites https://t.co/h2XJzSSOoo
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
They won’t because they’re almost entirely J*ws. They don’t consider themselves white but consider themselves oppressed. And Breitbart (((ahem))) will never press them on this, so you’ll just write more “eye roll” headlines and move on. In fact, that’s why Breitbart exists!!!

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
Are high-caste Indians the most adept non-J*ws at pilpul? I think they might be a good candidate.
Priyamvada Gopal @PriyamvadaGopal
I would also like to make clear I stand by my tweets, now deleted by Twitter, not me. They were very clearly speaking to a structure and ideology, not about people.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@atensnut Uh-oh!!! Juanita. What’s (((going on))) here?

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Jake Tapper @jaketapper
more deranged anti-Semitism from Roger Waters. https://t.co/lqTvedQUcZ
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
Don’t fall for the rhetorical trick. “Anti-senitism” only exists to protect any J*w anywhere from criticism.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@nhannahjones The (((NY Times))) are the only reason you have a name. And they can take it away. Step lightly.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@CasualThonker @murdermittenink Proportional? I’d love to see how the proportion of total Catholic slave merchants/holders compare to J*wish. Your people controlled the market in slaves and profited greatly.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
The endless J*wish rhetorical slap fight over who has the right to subvert the goyim. I wonder who will win?!?!?
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro
It's all fun and games until you're sent to the Gulag, Teen Vogue https://twitter.com/TeenVogue/status/1273164763430821894

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Ron Perlman @perlmutations
The white privilege that has been ingrained in our souls for over 400 years will not die quietly. The scenes that are depicted on our streets, that seem to intensify daily, are a deafening clarion call... stay the course. We got this.
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
It’s not “our”. You’re not white and you don’t speak for us. If you want to speak of J*wish privilege (you can start with you’re chosen profession and never stop), that’s appropriate.

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Andrew Roberts @aroberts_andrew
If Churchill had only cared about the Empire, he would not have fought against Hitler, who offered to guarantee it. Polish independence, European security, human dignity, the Nazis' threat to civilization, were why Churchill wanted to fight the Nazis, not colonialism #Churchill
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
Churchill was in hock and he sold out the UK to his J*wish creditors. He didn’t give two shits about Poland or human dignity. He was told to fight Hitler and the excuses were created. The UK was never going to be conquered.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
The alchemical J*w. You will be broken down, your identity erased and molded into whatever image he prefers.
Max Berger 🔥 @maxberger
@maxberger: Our democracy won't be secure until the majority of white Americans truly feel like their fates are intertwined with the fates of non-white people. So long as white people don't consider non-white people fully Americans, this country will be at risk of war and authoritarianism.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
This is the actual face (and nasally voice) of the (((revolution))).
Eddie Zipperer @EddieZipperer
CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?" BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege." https://twitter.com/EddieZipperer/status/1269951088964370432/video/1

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sunny @sunnydelights
I want every white person to read this and then try to imagine living in a world that’s completely catered against them https://t.co/vH5BpgrVJs
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@svnnydelight Break out J*ws in those numbers. They aren’t white and most of those will be heavily to completely dominated by them.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@Silascarceras77: @RealYAHBoyShit This is true of every black civil rights movement in the history of the US. J*ws are the organizers and when the proxies aren’t necessary any longer, they’re jettisoned and everything falls apart.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@somefellow6 It looks like that J*w raven is bestowing something upon a black lady fire who controls hell-fire. What a disturbing image.

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Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
CNN gave airtime to an ‘anti-racist activist’ who suggested that white children should not be allowed to have an ‘innocent’ childhood, but rather be made to feel guilty about their ‘white privilege’ at an early age. https://t.co/JtqdyDpTzv
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
He’s a J*w, that’s not incidental.

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View @PrisonPlanet
Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
Seriously, if an invading alien species that wanted to conquer humanity took control of media, this is what they’d tell us. Just pure evil. https://t.co/6HFIAfNMxR
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@MEAStrategic: @mikeandersonsr Everyone who starts a sentence like that is a J*w, and most of them are trolling white folks.

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@EldarRanger @StefanMolyneux (((🤔)))

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@WolfishHead @BaronStrucker (((🤔)))

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
(((Hhmmmm....)))) 🤔
Kirstie Alley @kirstiealley
So why ISN’T Ghislaine Maxwell in prison?? I don’t undstand.. do any of you know what’s happening there? All these witnesses to her monstrous trafficking and soliciting of minors for Jeffrey Epstein and other men to sexually abuse. Was she given a get out of jail free card?

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@ChristophGottel MLK was a Communist stooge https://t.co/V7lhUH7YCa
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@Gladstone_II @ChristophGottel (((Communist)))

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View @blondenfun1
Cernovich @Cernovich
ANTIFA, a largely white group made up of members of the media, is framing Black Lives Matter for these riots. Folks I have followed this scene for years, and this isn't the authentic BLM in action. This is ANTIFA framing black folks for their crimes. Wow!
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
I think it’s likely that some version of (((Antifa/BLM))) has been prodding these riots the last 60 years. There feels like a malevolent hand at play. Somebody’s organizing and it’s not the slow-wits doing the rioting.

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
Because those in charge of the media loathe Christianity. https://t.co/yZ8e1yEVMD
Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
And that’s because they’re dominated by J*ws

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Richard Stapleton @RStapletonknows
@neeratanden ((()))

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