@17cShyteposter Doctor-Baron 17cShyteposter, DDS The blue check is the modern day Mark of Cain. Fleet Street

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 85
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the first English translation of Houellebecq's first novel, WHATEVER, here is what he had to say about the impacts of therapy on those who most promote it Compare to the average (former) blue check journalist and see if you disagree 🤔

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Modern leftism is so dumb its biologists don't accept there is ethnic variation between strength, speed, intelligence, or height Imagine thinking that is pseudoscience when we have Bajau spleens or the huge divergence between Tibetan and Andean evo-response to high altitude life

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@CaseyJPod You pretend that all the races are identical, and racism is why our outcomes are different, despite all the evidence you could ever want.

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"I think Yellowstone is really good. And I'm tired of pretending that it's not."

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It's still insane to me that Hoeullebecq was making arguments like this a generation ago and I'm still only hearing them stated—at least this plainly—when I go back and read him I believe this exhaustion is the fundamental condition of liberalism. Its Rosetta Stone

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Getting them to whine about this is a winning sign. "Muh hypocrisy" can have value, but whoever is relying on it more is in the defensive position Libtards obviously don't believe in free speech, either—just ask if you should be able to misgender people here—so it's a double-win

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I don't care about Kanye. But suspending him for things he said off-platform—where there was, as far as I know, no incitement to violence—after posting a goofy-ass alien cult symbol over here Feels an awful lot like old Twitter, not anything new, @elonmusk

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@elonmusk He did nothing wrong

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@2003ShotKan @Aristos_Return @elonmusk Many such cases

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@GarbageApe Lying piece of shit just proving my point wholesale. You would rather the working class get nothing than admit Trumpism made their lives materially better

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@Steve_Sailer >other than being ripped

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@annakhachiyan @StalinFrog

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I compare blue checks to vampires, but that's honestly dumb of me, because they're the ones afraid of the commoners They're legitimately afraid of *us*. They're the most fragile people on the planet. It's pathetic on a level that's hard to explain
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@17cShyteposter: I don't even "hate" cities. They offer many nice amenities. If you don't live in one of the awful parts of town, your major crime exposure won't be that high, really But they're still people-shredders. Ben Franklin, the Greatest American, had this figured out 250 years ago

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@17cShyteposter: Shocking turn of events that a guy who looks like this feels most comforted when he's enveloped within a bug-hive

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@samkrissowl Ask him how it felt when he owned Logo into a crater

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@nihilistPengu @Steve_Sailer @the_GreatAbyss @ZornsSwingGate

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@Writer165 @monitoringbias

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@EianSleigh @washingtonpost

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@718Tv "Oh I'm not political, I just steal hard-right political positions and then retreat from them the second I'm questioned, while calling *them* neurotic and flighty lol" You're a parasite. The fact you're still seething about this weeks later makes it clear. https://t.co/Gcm9cwOSM1
: @718Tv >definitely not a neurotic loser who definitely hasn't been seething for two weeks when somebody finally bothered to out them as a lower-tier Kantbot lmao

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View @17cShyteposter
@718Tv "Oh I'm not political, I just steal hard-right political positions and then retreat from them the second I'm questioned, while calling *them* neurotic and flighty lol" You're a parasite. The fact you're still seething about this weeks later makes it clear.

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@718Tv >10,000 followers >1 like Do you regret your decision to bring this back up, because it's been eating at your mind every day for two weeks now? Or do you need more of the same?

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@FischerKing64 "When Khrushchev sent the historically Russian, previously historically Ottoman territory of Crimea, to Ukraine, to temporarily soothe inter-USSR tensions, that was the END OF HISTORY! It was settled forever! You can't cross state lines now!"

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@Octavius225 >wants more legal immigrants than ever >cuts refugee resettlement to the US from 83K/year to 12K/year https://t.co/JYpZVzBWdR
: @Octavius225 "Trump loves immigration"

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View @17cShyteposter
@Octavius225 >wants more legal immigrants than ever >cuts refugee resettlement to the US from 83K/year to 12K/year

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Apparently some of you need to be reminded that Trump did heavily reduce immigration across all lines well before corona-chan hit, even including economic *non-immigrant visas* As always, the media lied to you about his successes just as much as his "failures"
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@Octavius225 Covid happened in 2017?

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@antidissident @cumlasagna1

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@clairlemon @eugyppius1 How this maek you feel?

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@razibkhan This claim is just wrong, though. R death rates have been higher since Sep 2020. What's the line on that black-and-white graph there look like?

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@jonathanec12 @st_pax @DanFriedman81

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@st_pax @jonathanec12 @DanFriedman81 I got the exact responses I wanted each time. Once I got the answers I wanted, I asked the only remaining question.

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@WokeBeyond Why does Virgil Texas post selfies identical to a 30-year-old NYT-featured soft 5 who thinks making a lobotomized face on the internet is hot

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@LindyBossHogg I'm not a Boomer I'm a racist, you neolib. Nice one like you pulled, jackass And @techceopepe, the guy who liked it, what's wrong with you. Explain yourself

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@winterboots_ @MysteryGrove Soooo... refugee resettlement?

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Mental illness obviously makes you more qualified as a journalist, not less. That's exactly the problem here

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@DanGoorevitch "The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community"

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: @kwamurai @a_centrism "Why yes I enjoy giving autistic answers to obvious jokes."

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At this point BAP has already been cited more often than 90% of professional academics

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>paramilitary of young men arising to counter communist "anti-fascists" in the urban centers
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@EPoe187 @a_centrism @ImHardcory @sentientist "Why do my arms hurt?" "Because you've never used them before"

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@StarBardent In hindsight Eldar are pretty gay tbh

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Hotep Bill 🛡️ @bmarchant3
@RonColeman Ron, you need to do this exact same video, but saying "Based" instead of "Click." Trust me, the kids will love it.

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The most hilarious ruling class rearguard action over the last four years has to be the "fact-checking"/deboonking movement "If you read the lying media piece for yourself it will actually confirm everything the ruling elites are telling you is real"

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@EtBenePendentes @realLPBeria @RealUrso @BirthGauge This is it. The pill had a shockingly minor effect on fertility rates. See if you can even spot it here

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@GellerKogan @2xminus1 @StarBardent @ajdhenry

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@low_church_GANG >tfw banned for stanning Jordan Peterson

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@androphiles You guys keeping making this point and all that you're saying with it is "I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about" lmao

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@MagicCarpRide "Jordan Peterson caused me emotional pain"

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@_ershal_ Somehow the staff at Random House Canada, the publisher where this happened, might be even worse

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@fedshed Fremen grow up on the world that produces the "spice" but reject the rule of the (((Spacing Guild)))? Fits pretty well tbh

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Matt Yglesias woke from a night of troubled dreams to find himself transformed into a monstrous vermin. He gazed at his reflection, reaching for the pale, grub-like folds of his thorax. "If my coworkers notice this, I will be teased."

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mjolnir 84%

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patriot front 64%

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proud boys 41%
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firearm 73%

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etc 61%

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etc 93%

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toons other 57%
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art_other 97%

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art_other 85%

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map 77%

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hitler 29%

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face 96%

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art_other 95%

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art_other 69%

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face 95%

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char_v 46% v

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map 68%
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map 74%

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art_other 54%

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map 100%

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tldr 86%

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tldr 98%

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art_other 97%

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critters 99%

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mspaint style 91%

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tldr 46%

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tldr 99%

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mspaint style 99%

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face 88%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 98%

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tldr 43%

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tldr 94%

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critters 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 61%

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tldr 98%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%