@whyvert Whyvert Human nature and human natures; cultural evolution and genetic evolution Insignificant little planet

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 64
Whyvert @whyvert
A "Racial Violence Research and Teaching Hub" https://racialviolencehub.com/ out of UCLA includes a section "Key Concepts in Racial Violence" Notice that Anti-Asian Violence and Anti-White Violence aren't among the "Key Concepts" in this field of unbiased and rigorous scholarship.

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Whyvert @whyvert
Another part of the lexicon of the Great Awokening. "Racial capitalism".

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Whyvert @whyvert
This is tragic. All the young men in a remote village in Papua injected their penis with cooking oil to enlarge it. Necrosis set in. Why? Sexual prowess is thought to give them magical power over women. Extreme sexism + superstition. https://longreads.com/2019/06/26/the-shames-of-men/

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Whyvert @whyvert
Citations to Hayek. Three very different phases. 1. Ignored. 2. Interested. 3. Much talk about "neoliberalism"?

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Whyvert @whyvert
Logistics and interdiction by fire control rule. UA cut off Kherson with precision artillery, forcing RU to withdraw. Decent probability that: 1. UA takes the south by the same method. 2. Which enables UA to cut off Crimea. 3. RU facing withdrawal from Crimea sues for peace.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: This is what urban warfare can be. Marines in Fallujah, 2004.

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Whyvert @whyvert
This thread started reasonably with an anthropologist criticizing Netflix's "Ancient Aliens". Then it escalated in the typical way of too many Twitter. First, point-and-splutter accusations start: "it's Nazi pseudoscience" https://t.co/eW5mqr7Wil
Whyvert @whyvert
: Then, credentialism. "I have a PhD so what I'm saying is correct." There has to be a better way for anthropologists to engage with people on Twitter.

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Whyvert @whyvert
This thread started reasonably with an anthropologist criticizing Netflix's "Ancient Aliens". Then it escalated in the typical way of too many Twitter. First, point-and-splutter accusations start: "it's Nazi pseudoscience"

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Whyvert @whyvert
Amusing difference between saying and doing. Going by self-report, China is full of people that can be trusted ... https://t.co/8P3x0PUF5y
Whyvert @whyvert
: ... but in wallet experiments of honesty (leave wallets in public places and see if they are reported), Chinese are among the least honest

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Whyvert @whyvert
Amusing difference between saying and doing. Going by self-report, China is full of people that can be trusted ...

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Whyvert @whyvert
Good to keep track of the errors and lies. "Monkeypox is NOT an STI" was big this summer. Others that are more like errors than lies: The stimulus will not be inflationary. SBF is an unusually ethical person. Any more?
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Whyvert @whyvert
It's not real fascism unless it comes from the whiteness producing regions of the world. Otherwise it's just sparkling authoritarian nationalist autarchy with powerful weapons. https://t.co/VLRrioeUU1
Whyvert @whyvert
: Of course THIS is real fascism

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Whyvert @whyvert
It's not real fascism unless it comes from the whiteness producing regions of the world. Otherwise it's just sparkling authoritarian nationalist autarchy with powerful weapons.

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Whyvert @whyvert
If you were Ukraine, where would you strike next? This looks tempting to me. Along the South bank of the lake and towards Melitopol.

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Whyvert @whyvert
The four big population replacements in Britain. Anatolian farmers 4000BC: 99% Steppe pastoralists 2500BC: 90% Celts 900BC: 50% Saxons 400AD: 40%

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Whyvert @whyvert
The measures: family, marriage, religiosity, ingroup favoritism, and cars per capita (?). Are these the best way to measure individualism-collectivism? https://t.co/l43qefRlcW
Whyvert @whyvert
: Source: A truly global, non-WEIRD examination of collectivism: The Global Collectivism Index (GCI) Open access. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266662272100023X

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Whyvert @whyvert
Global Collectivism Index. As you would expect: Africa high, West low (i.e. individualist). But Japan and SKorea also low. https://t.co/0giicSZwl5
Whyvert @whyvert
: The measures: family, marriage, religiosity, ingroup favoritism, and cars per capita (?). Are these the best way to measure individualism-collectivism?

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Whyvert @whyvert
Global Collectivism Index. As you would expect: Africa high, West low (i.e. individualist). But Japan and SKorea also low.

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Whyvert @whyvert
Russia aims to instill patriotism by making a course "Fundamentals and Principles of Russian Statehood" mandatory for all university students. "Neither Anglo-Saxon nor Asian values suit us." The plan is to train thousands of instructors to teach it. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5652423

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Whyvert @whyvert
Apparently, hybristophiles have fan sites on Tumblr for notorious felons. Sounds like a case of small, stigmatized groups (like incels) coming together on the internet. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11896-022-09550-6 Behind a paywall. (Should hybristophilia be stigmatized? I'm not sure.)

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Whyvert @whyvert
Drug overdose mortality rate increased in the pandemic. Among groups, American Indians highest. Fentanyl is getting in to the reservations. (The vertical dashed line separates the COVID-19 pandemic period from prior trends.) https://t.co/QfMXILv9k7
Whyvert @whyvert
: Source: Evaluation of Increases in Drug Overdose Mortality Rates in the US by Race and Ethnicity Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Whyvert @whyvert
Drug overdose mortality rate increased in the pandemic. Among groups, American Indians highest. Fentanyl is getting in to the reservations. (The vertical dashed line separates the COVID-19 pandemic period from prior trends.)

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Whyvert @whyvert
@xruiztru @filipefaria I am reminded of a certain game

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Whyvert @whyvert
From Dec 5th, price cap on Russian oil (enforced by G7 shipping and insurance companies). Lots of questions! How does Russia respond? Who gets windfall profits by buying this cheap oil? US, UK, and EU companies can't buy any. Cannot be enforced on pipeline exports.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: @paulg @robinhanson @balajis Here are the groups who signed a letter to advertisers in May. https://accountabletech.org/campaign/letter-to-twitter-advertisers/

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Whyvert @whyvert
Whyvert @whyvert
: A classic (by @s8mb)

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Whyvert @whyvert
The least popular of the main political identities? Libertarianism. Only 7% of people would call themselves a libertarian. And only 4% of women. https://t.co/tDPWhqioqL
Whyvert @whyvert
: Full table

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Whyvert @whyvert
The least popular of the main political identities? Libertarianism. Only 7% of people would call themselves a libertarian. And only 4% of women.

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Whyvert @whyvert
The stereotype about old white men being MAGA is true. Not that anyone every said "no, stop stereotyping them, they aren't really like that, that's just an image put out by the media."
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Whyvert @whyvert
@lefineder @MrGeorgeFrancis A recent study examined if individualist and flexible (emphasizing self-control, humility) cultures are related to national obesity. The latter seems related to the low level in East Asia.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@LionBlogosphere Reminds me that 30+ years ago or so Bill Gates is reported to have said Microsoft is in the "IQ business" and needed to win the "IQ war"

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Whyvert @whyvert
Who is Bridge Man? "the mystery protester, zeroing in on a physicist and academic who appears to have left a digital trail of breadcrumbs for people to find. It includes an online manifesto, which some have made copies of and circulated online." https://t.co/aKJx3rTKMl https://t.co/5OgKdwgSBh
Whyvert @whyvert
: "Nobody knows for sure if he is indeed Bridge Man, but it is clear from the intensity of emotion that the mysterious protester has become a rallying symbol of hope."

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Whyvert @whyvert
Who is Bridge Man? "the mystery protester, zeroing in on a physicist and academic who appears to have left a digital trail of breadcrumbs for people to find. It includes an online manifesto, which some have made copies of and circulated online." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-63339816

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Whyvert @whyvert
A baby bump is happening. Cautiously optimistic that the advent of remote work makes it much easier for educated women to combine babies and jobs. If so, we have stumbled upon a partial amelioration of dysgenics. https://t.co/K4TRjjZZTC
Whyvert @whyvert
: "The 2021 baby bump is most pronounced for first births, women under age 25, and women with a college education, who were more likely to benefit from working from home."

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Whyvert @whyvert
A baby bump is happening. Cautiously optimistic that the advent of remote work makes it much easier for educated women to combine babies and jobs. If so, we have stumbled upon a partial amelioration of dysgenics.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@mattyglesias Just wondering if this has any bearing on the matter

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Whyvert @whyvert
This is New Right-Libertarian fusionism: The coalition agreement of the new right-wing government in Sweden includes new cash to build nuclear reactors (green), tax cuts (libertarian), and what look like significant moves against the low-quality immigration Sweden suffers from https://t.co/KSQeuA4jRc
Whyvert @whyvert
: Plus it seems like a real effort on crime. Stop-and-search. Laws against street begging. Let Sweden be a test-bed for the new fusionism.

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Whyvert @whyvert
This is New Right-Libertarian fusionism: The coalition agreement of the new right-wing government in Sweden includes new cash to build nuclear reactors (green), tax cuts (libertarian), and what look like significant moves against the low-quality immigration Sweden suffers from

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Whyvert @whyvert
Top 10 and Bottom 10 ranking of one-person households as a percent of total households. By @SarahJoPeterson https://sjpeterson.medium.com/the-transportation-lifestyles-of-single-people-part-1-what-the-data-says-e9bb51d48390

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: Levels of human development are due to policies and institutions, so the orthodoxy tells us. If so, why do we see such clear correlations with ethnoracial groups? Why did all of Sub-Saharan Africans have "bad policies and institutions" and all of NEAsians have "good" ones?

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Whyvert @whyvert
@primalpoly Similar vibe to some costumes in Metropolis

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: This is going around today. Fukuyama says correctly that autocracies with personalist regimes make bad decisions and lack much public support. But, if they have oil (like Russia, Iran, and others) they can tell the end of history where to go.

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Whyvert @whyvert
Adam Tooze on Iran's amazingly rapid transition from high to low fertility. https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-161-irans-contested-demographic

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Whyvert @whyvert
I would be interested in knowing if this list of modern Chinese inventions is accurate. It is VERY short. If so, it suggests that China can reach the tech frontier. But it cannot do the innovation needed to leap over the frontier and lead the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_inventions#Modern_(1912%E2%80%93present)

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: Sharing this image (of a rare protest sign against the government) gets you a lifetime ban.

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Whyvert @whyvert
Revolutions are always "beacons of light to the world" -- for about 10 minutes during the honeymoon period. Then they become disasters for decades and centuries. But the fault always lies with evil wreckers and mean foreigners.

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Whyvert @whyvert
You could argue that the US chip sanctions on China are part of a complex, thought-through plan of AI safety. But, Just as likely, these decisions are driven by the sense that it is popular to be tough on China.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: You greatly differ from normies

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Whyvert @whyvert
Ukraine says that Russia has used about 2/3 of its precision missiles so far. But much depends on how many new ones they are manufacturing. Probably not many because Putin had a news conference and said there's no need for more strikes for now.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@TruueDiscipline @SilverVVulpes That early 80s peak looks weird. This seems to be the reason. Fear of nukes peaked then.

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Whyvert @whyvert
"Western military officials estimate Ukraine could take Kherson up to the Dnipro as soon as next week." This would bring their precision artillery in range of another band of territory. Next control the canal that brings water to Crimea.
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Whyvert @whyvert
I was wondering how long it would be before an historian said something stupid and ideological on Twitter. It's a regular occurrence. As if history is cyclical, some people just do foolish things again and again, never learning, so we never progress to better times. https://t.co/Mzt7bZnbP2
Whyvert @whyvert
: The image

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Whyvert @whyvert
I was wondering how long it would be before an historian said something stupid and ideological on Twitter. It's a regular occurrence. As if history is cyclical, some people just do foolish things again and again, never learning, so we never progress to better times. https://t.co/Mzt7bZnbP2
Whyvert @whyvert
: Yes, it's not just a figure of speech. I really was expecting it.

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Whyvert @whyvert
I was wondering how long it would be before an historian said something stupid and ideological on Twitter. It's a regular occurrence. As if history is cyclical, some people just do foolish things again and again, never learning, so we never progress to better times.

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Whyvert @whyvert
@whyvert: One of the effective altruist policies was Europe's turn in the late middle ages towards executing criminals. Homicide rate plummeted. The pool of violent men dried up. Effective long-termist altruism making the life of succeeding generations far better.

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