@Krysta92kat_ Krysta 💜

Krysta92kat_'s neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 73
Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
The fcking clownery of je wi sh storytelling is so absurd!!!! They tell the most outlandish lies that reasonable people will be like “well it has to be true, who would make that up” J ews would j ews would maks it the fck up!!!!

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Christians will look around the world and see a huge civilization difference between White countries/neighborhoods vs blck/brown ones and still tell you race doesn’t matter. Its unreal

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
What makes an act like this legitimate but im not? Someone explain this to? I have interacted with many of u for years ive never asked anyone for pics/info anything. Why are these people “pro White” but im not?

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I hate the police. If they’re not kneeling for blks they’re killing your dog.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
When I was in ✡️ timeout there were numerous things i wanted to post - this is one of them. A White man overflowing with joy at the prospect of more dead White people. Disgusting. Spit spit spit

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
You cried like a t w a t during the fake january 6th hearing. So stfu.
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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@IGiP100 @historyinmemes Bet you’ve never heard of any of these serial killers but you can name ted bundy off the top of your head because of the sensationalization of White serial killers and media avoidance of black ones

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@IGiP100 @historyinmemes This is on Amazon

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@IGiP100 @historyinmemes Samuel little was the most prolific serial killer in America - a blk man. I bet u havent seen any movies or media about him though. And how many blk serial killers are in Africa? We dont kno because the “law” enforcement is backwardss and doesnt track that stuff

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@chivasregal380 @GerardLikesTit @woahbroitsme999 @OnlyfansisOP @historyinmemes

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
You’re “racist” for talking about a blk man killing a White woman. Imagine giving AF about being called “racist” Not I.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@chivasregal380 @GerardLikesTit @woahbroitsme999 @OnlyfansisOP @historyinmemes U people dont know the difference between WHITES and j e w s

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Omg another “maga” “veteran” “i stand with israHELL” If you ever want to know why our country is the way it is its because of people like this.
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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
@dreadfurysong “Racism/racist” is a word created by j e w s to silence White people who speak the truth about races. Its a farce and was not in the English venacular until a j e w created. I dont fall for that crap

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
This is where everything degenerate in our society comes from. Inbred, schizophrenic parasites.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
This is how every asian looks to me.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Happy Mother’s day to all the White mothers out there. You are the matriachs of our bloodlines and are blessed by the Goddess of the White feminine 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
If u go through the quote replies to the “italian food bland” post all u see is blk/brown women talking about “yt people” in FULL ON White girl wigs. These creatures have no self reflection whatsoever and are completely oblivious to reality

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
You have to watch this video. Blk people will tear down our historical statues, loot stores and burn our cities and our cops will kneel to them. White man is suicidal sitting in his car alone and they pull up and start shooting dozens of rounds of ammunition at him. PIGS!!!

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
They want White people to be a minority and they will do everything in their power to discriminate against us, take our money and take any opportunity away from us They really do want us broke, raped and dead.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
If our own “legal system” is siding with criminals then the only intelligent logical conclusion would be that our legal system is run by criminals as well. There’s no other way to put it.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Two different videos. Guess which one stopped the bus to help a sick bus driver and then guess which one punched a bus driver in the face for missing his stop.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Elysian fields 💜 On the banks of Oceania was a paradise assigned by the Gods and Goddesses for those who were HEROIC in this realm and then granted immortality.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Tip: being a b l k woman.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I'm throwing an anon party and you're all invited. 😘

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
A White man was attacked by 4 blks and after the attack flyers went out warning people of blk criminality. A “racial justice committee” then called the flyers racist and “hateful” Break that down and ull see “racial justice committee” just means silencing Whites.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
“S” to spit for the j e w who tried to normalize degenergy in daytime television.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
White Sisterhood. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Our Kings and Queens were taken from us by j ews so that we could usher in "democracy" as a subversion and then blame each other when things go to sh*t instead of noticing (((them))). Be a little smarter hunny. Also, now do blaque pple voting. (bet u wont) 😘
H. Pearl Davis @pearlythingz
Society would have better outcomes if women didn’t vote. “You’re a grifter and a panderer” “Why don’t you give up social media” “You just say what men want to hear” Well, is what I said untrue?

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Follow me boys, we're going to Valhalla. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
This is my favorite vegvisir.💜 Isnt it gorgeous.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
White Sisterhood. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Christianity is a larp. There is no "Easter" there only Oestara based on the Germanic Spring Goddess Eostra. 💜 In Natural White spirituality the Goddess of the spring bring together life, a new beginning, a spiritual and Earthly rebirth and the feminine divinity of CREATION.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Goddess of the hunt. Her place of worship was the grove of Diana Nemorensis on the shores of Lake Nemi at Ariccia near Rome. White female divinity is missing in our society and has led astray the female spirit.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Is anyone else sick of black and brown people trying to tell us what we can and cannot do? Im so fucking sick of it

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
How come the hall of costs is the only “extermination” invent in history that has so many survivors? Odd.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
The Pagan belief of the Triple Goddess relates to maiden Goddesses that represent the three divisions of the Moon. The crescent, the full and the dark moon. Which all correlates to our existence of birth, active life, and death. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
This is why they hate us. 😘

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
They literally murdered people to keep a narrative going.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Just came off a 7 day suspension for being “hateful”

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
White children are born with such purity. They are truly blessed by the Gods. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
So many untold love stories. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
The reason they hate White people so much is because White people have the bloodlines of the stars. We are people of LIGHT. Every species that captures the divinity of the Universe will have light features. They don't want us to know our true birthrights.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Imagine an asian country allowing schools to explicitly exclude asians. It would never happen. And the sad part is is White people think this is completely normal. Its not.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I was just suspended again for 12 fucking hours. Why are men (most a lot older than me) are reporting me for words online? The feminization of men is an epidemic.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
White Sisterhood. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Every White woman is blessed by the Goddess of the White feminine. 💜

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
“Im trash” to a woman who literally had some afro mud creatures crawl out of her swamp vagina. Okkkk 🤣

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I’m making White male boomers jaws drop. 😂😂😂 i cant. Lol what world do these people live in?!

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Grown White men with hoards of cats are calling me “racist garbage” online. Are testosterone levels that low? Yikes.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I was just in twitter jail for 7 fcking days!!! 😩 some loser reportedd all my posts at 2am.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
I was in twitter jail all day because of black fragility.

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Krysta 💜 @Krysta92kat_
Current mood. 💜

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kolovrat 88%

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vegvisir 99%
tyrone 98%

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art_other 72%

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iron cross 85%

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mjolnir 92%
aegishjalmur 66%

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art_other 92%

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militarized 94%
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face 90%

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gigachad 88%

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militarized 56%

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art_other 99%

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militarized 44%
face 43%

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tldr 92%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 81%

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critters 99%

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toons other 71%
anime 28%

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etc 76%

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toons other 86%

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tldr 97%

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art_other 83%

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etc 58%

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art_other 76%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 77%

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art_other 50%

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tldr 88%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 62%

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tldr 79%

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face 98%

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tldr 82%

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hitler 29%

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art_other 69%
critters 29%

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critters 79%

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art_other 81%

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critters 99%

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art_other 66%

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tldr 57%

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art_other 60%
etc 36%

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art_other 99%

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etc 57%

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etc 50%
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tldr 99%

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hitler 28%

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tldr 33%

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art_other 96%

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art_other 57%
gigachad 26%

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art_other 91%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 98%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 69%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 53%
face 35%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%