@RoyalEndeavour Endeavour Hello, Endeavour here! Canada

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 16
Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
New Substack blogpost! The "Pride" of Havel's Greengrocer https://royalendeavour.substack.com/p/the-pride-of-havels-greengrocer

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
New Substack Article! https://royalendeavour.substack.com/p/are-more-canadians-red-pilled-per Are More Canadians "Red Pilled" Per Capita?

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Coming Sunday!

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Behind the spectacle of exploding tanks and Twitter hot takes are real life consequences for real people. I now fully understand the truth of the "I just want to grill!" meme.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Morgoth and Endeavour's Classic Movies returns tomorrow! We are going to be reviewing 55 Days at Peking.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
The Conservatives are just as much traitors as Justin Trudeau.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
@GZiffo @DouglasKMurray Most anti-white intellectual movements were predominantly J3wish (Boasian Anthropology, the Frankfurt School, ect). Again, they're the ones who say they want to abolish "Whiteness". I don't want to do the same to them. I just don't want them to have the influence to do so.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
@GZiffo @DouglasKMurray J3wish political lobbying is a major part of the problem. Not every J3w is bad, but for every Zemmour, you'll get dozens of J3ws who are anti-white. I don't see how pointing that out is crossing the line when they are calling for "Whiteness" to be abolished.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
@GZiffo @DouglasKMurray The entire problem can't be pinned on one group. However, when it come to pushing mass immigration, censorship, historical guilt, and the destruction of the family, J3ws are greatly overrepresented. And what they are doing is more immoral than saying that they are doing so.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Indoor dining is now prohibited in Ontario. But don't worry vaxtards. You can still feel smug sitting on a restaurant patio... in January.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
As a Westerner who's lived in Russia, I can tell you this article is a lie. People in Russia are far more free to criticize Putin than Westerners are to criticize anti-whiteism. What the J-ws call "Orwellian" is just the Russian state not allowing blatantly hostile subversion.
Kevin MacDonald @TOOEdit
So unlike America: “Russians today are living in an Orwellian society, where an enormous propaganda machine teaches people that two plus two equals five, and you have to be very brave to contradict this,” Volkov, who left Russia in 2014, https://www.jta.org/2021/02/23/global/why-the-anti-putin-protest-movement-divides-russian-jews?

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Did you know that despite only being 1.1% of the population of Canada, 44.4% of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada are J-wish?

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
BitChute is back up. Clearly they are under attack because Big Tech and the (((you know whos))) want to control the narrative on the post-election fallout.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
According to Liberal Christianity, there is no sin worse than not supporting a political ideology created by J-ws in late-20th century who hated Christianity.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
@Odious_Ledger I've never simplified the problem and just said "It's all the J-ws." Gentile oligarchs like Bezos just want a class of consumer slaves. But I can't deny the clear ethnic interests that the Cathedral serves for J-ws.

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
If you think it'd be impossible for (((them))) to normalize pedophilia, what they're doing now with shows like 'Cuties' was the exact same way homosexuality was normalized. Bombard an unwilling public with propaganda until they give in and accept it. Don't give in! #CancelNetflix

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Endeavour @RoyalEndeavour
Intersectionality was created by J3ws to inculcate anti-white hatred. The #JewishPrivilege hashtag wasn't supporting intersectionality, but exposing the hypocrisy of the group propagating "white privilege" theory. I honestly can't tell if Sargonites are cowards or just idiots.
Callum @AkkadSecretary

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