@CaribbeanRythms ◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus you are not alone in this abyssal darkness. i am here and we shall face the chasm as brothers. Club Tropical Excellent

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 1674

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@TaoistShelby Belligerents

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Thank you for the work you’ve done. It’s sad to see you guys go, good luck in your future endeavors.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
People are like “music today is all about sex sex sex.” People in ancient Sumer: “Enkidu remained ERECT and made love to Shamkat for a WEEK NONSTOP.” https://t.co/7UTuoEOYrM
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
People are like “music today is all about sex sex sex.” People in ancient Sumer: “Enkidu remained ERECT and made love to Shamkat for a WEEK NONSTOP.”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
I'm asking those who love the outdoors to post a picture YOU took. Just a pic. No description. The goal is to regain peace and harmony without negativity. Please copy the text, put a picture on YOUR page, and let's look at these beautiful pictures
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
People joke about terminally online but this is really the perfect example of it

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
What you get when you hire “Inspirational” engineers vs what you get when you hire people who know how to do their fucking job. The second picture is the Trieste, a lesser known-example of Italian engineering. Reached a depth of 35,700 feet, deepest point of the Ocean.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Going down 2.4 miles below the surface to disturb an underwater grave just so you can score social status points with your peers isn’t the impetus that drove us to great discoveries lmao https://t.co/mDYbLTOtV7
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
: Peak Mt. Everest moment. Yes these are the people that are the driving force behind human discovery 💀

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Once these guys go in their TINY ASS Sat chamber, they can’t leave for 28 days. Literally if they try to do so they will implode. The amount of things that can go wrong in this job are plenty but they do it because it needs to be done. https://t.co/WBgyvdlqWW
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
: Going down 2.4 miles below the surface to disturb an underwater grave just so you can score social status points with your peers isn’t the impetus that drove us to great discoveries lmao

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
So funny people think that hiring out an expensive mini sub to go desecrate an underwater wreck is “adventuring”. Meanwhile, the people laying down your fiber optics are practically underwater astronauts who get zero recognition for the work and the badass shit they do. https://t.co/d9LvNaJt0I
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
: Once these guys go in their TINY ASS Sat chamber, they can’t leave for 28 days. Literally if they try to do so they will implode. The amount of things that can go wrong in this job are plenty but they do it because it needs to be done.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
They’re not anything but rich people with more money than they know how to spend. Your average saturation diver is closer to an underwater frontiersman than these tourists are. They live in pods for 28 days working on the sea floor flirting with death on a daily basis. https://t.co/serdRrrcmo https://t.co/bmyqFR3LO2
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
: So funny people think that hiring out an expensive mini sub to go desecrate an underwater wreck is “adventuring”. Meanwhile, the people laying down your fiber optics are practically underwater astronauts who get zero recognition for the work and the badass shit they do.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
They’re not anything but rich people with more money than they know how to spend. Your average saturation diver is closer to an underwater frontiersman than these tourists are. They live in pods for 28 days working on the sea floor flirting with death on a daily basis.
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@BussyChaser1776 They ain’t crazy mofos, just rich mofos thinking their money can buy them safety against Mother Nature. This is like the movie Prometheus where the Engjneer wakes up to see a frail old man with delusions of grandeur.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Some people like to smoke, be it cigars or cigarettes Some people like to dip Some like to chew use pouches Others like to chew But there’s an elite few who snuff. Either way, get your Vitamin N .
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@aCarnivoreDiet 👍twink

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Describe your ideology with a beverage and a firearm
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@LionsSpectre @sovereignbrah Step 1: post a funny observation Step 2: make hyperbolic statement about observation Step 3: mute post Step 4: go about your day as people have a meltdown in your mentions and DM’s

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@EmmaDramaturgy @LionsSpectre for someone who’s a “dramaturge”, this eludes you

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Why do white collar workers need to unionize? Because the coffee machine at work only has 8 coffee selections. Blue collar workers could never.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
It’s time for your pills..
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
I never understood why academics always had a penchant for demystifying everything cool about history, even things that were probably real to begin with “AKCHTUALLY THE GREEKS WERENT BUFF AND RIPPED THAT WAS AN EXAGGERATION, IT REPRESENTED AN IDEA-🤓” STFU!!!
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Go to your reward, uncle Ted.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
People don’t ask you for a spot because you’re skinny. People don’t ask me for a spot because I will tell them they have 2 more reps in them after their tendons fail.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@diebytheseas I love lvoe lvoe this

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
He was, in the way of few men, possessed by an air of mystery and charisma. His deep voice compelled anyone to lend their ear to it. His bearing was austere, blessed with an uncharacteristically stern gaze, zealous in its focus. https://t.co/W95Tmjb9Vu
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Youth stood as the pillar of his appearance, his well built exterior a witness to a profession and a lifetime of violence.”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“Here stood an a man without hearth nor Kingdom, a wandering soul perhaps by necessity, perhaps by choice. A troubled upbringing long since passed, leaving a crestfallen visage as a remnant of that life. Thick, black locks did the rest, obscuring his features from afar. https://t.co/q2DKGWdCFK
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
He was, in the way of few men, possessed by an air of mystery and charisma. His deep voice compelled anyone to lend their ear to it. His bearing was austere, blessed with an uncharacteristically stern gaze, zealous in its focus.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“Here stood an a man without hearth nor Kingdom, a wandering soul perhaps by necessity, perhaps by choice. A troubled upbringing long since passed, leaving a crestfallen visage as a remnant of that life. Thick, black locks did the rest, obscuring his features from afar.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@Che_Grant55 @DrOrgelmeister

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@CaribbeanRythms: Guess this man’s nationality lol

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@HerrLeopard @TropicalVagrant @raymondautismo street cats in Arabia have bluer eyes than 90% of this sphere

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@HerrLeopard @TropicalVagrant Me as soon as the eye chart pops up

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“Yeah bro I run a M4 with Holographic sight and suppres-“ Me, a europoor who can’t buy a gun showing up to the American shooting range. 🤓

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Yes I eat PASTA Yes I take NAPS Yes I’m a MAMMAS BOY Yes I live with my FAMILY Yes I COMPLAIN Yes I live la DOLCE VITA Yes I am a SLEAZY WOP, a DAGO even I am a PROUD ITALIAN 🇮🇹💯 💚🤍❤️

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
how I sleep knowing I’ve successfully eaten 12 pounds of roofing insulation at 2 am.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Pro choice? Pro life? Neither, I’m Proto-Indo-European

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, welding is the male version of knitting.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@LOU_LOU_MARINA Always wanted to be this dude as a kid

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
4 games that defined your childhood growing up https://t.co/YMvwkF41Kr https://t.co/4sDX2oAvEq
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Bonus 4

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
4 games that defined your childhood growing up https://t.co/YMvwkF41Kr https://t.co/4sDX2oAvEq
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
4 games that defined your childhood growing up
Bane of Mars🔴 @shadowofbane
4 games that defined your childhood growing up

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Oh yes, we as Italians must definitely learn more about African culinary arts. https://t.co/GELpiqbWJd https://t.co/6AZPyiSR0G
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@virtuefruit swear to god

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
125lbs? She heavier than you dude https://t.co/RH6nsC42Ai https://t.co/66voNGjcvv
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
125lbs? She heavier than you dude
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@LionsSpectre On god this was me before you amended it

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Just made my own chewing tobacco/dip with vanilla molasses and apple juice syrup.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
You could benefit from some LARPing with a face like yours https://t.co/T9I4rBSDiy https://t.co/YPyaBwa7FI
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
You could benefit from some LARPing with a face like yours
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Goblins will see you teleport from place to place and say “Ah! He cannot afford a steed!”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@0xAlaric @realhumanschwab

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@ZephyrLifestyle @ellobosalvaje You

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Girls when they go to Italy: “omg I can’t wait to meet hot Italian guys and eat pasta and go to beaches 😍.” Boys when they go to Italy: https://twitter.com/CaribbeanRythms/status/1653153748791730176/video/1

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“E buio il mattino che passa, senza la luce dei tuoi occhi.”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Dude who’s never been deployed vs dude who’s been on 6 tours and has a kill count of 100+

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@Texan_Jack A good day to you too sir

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@sovereignbrah @DrutangReborn @DejaRu22 @LionsSpectre @DonnieDarkened @pope_head @realhumanschwab @theNDExperience @dulcebasefiles Awwwww yis

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@SirWilliamTheH how else will you enter a delirious psychedelic trance to commune with the ancestors? Eat the moldy maggot cheese Anon.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“Oh you’re Italian? Haha pizza, spaghetti, Mario mozzarella?” “No more like maggot cheese eating shamanic cult kind of Italian” https://t.co/56nh1EjfF5
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
: When they tell you they don’t like Casu Marzu (maggot cheese) and they hit you with the Mamuthones stare.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“Oh you’re Italian? Haha pizza, spaghetti, Mario mozzarella?” “No more like maggot cheese eating shamanic cult kind of Italian”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
He’s just like me fr fr

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Bad guys who were actually the good guys: General Hummel (The Rock 1996)

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Used to play Russian roulette as kids with these. Cut 1 pellet off, spin the cylinder and take bets. (candy).

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What stones do yall wear or use And why? Can personally say tigers eye is a must
◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Malachites and amethysts are cool.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@xavierjp__ You need to get off twitter and stop pointing your finger so much. Admirably you want to be a devout Muslim but learn to not denigrate those of the other faith. When the companions of the Prophet were being attacked they fled to the Christian lands for safety.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Ice in a hot world, my life melts.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@WOTANCORE I am a societal parasite.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
The sun beat down on the dusty streets as the lone man strolled into town. The locals felt a chill run down their spines at the sight of him, for he carried an air of danger with him. It was clear he wasn’t here to make friends.

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.” Cardinal Richelieu

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@HandsomeAutism you can run but you can’t hide from us

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
“I would rather be a ghost, drifting by your side as a condemned soul, than enter Heaven without you.”

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
@tweet_victim God this is so fucking true. Most insufferable people. “I studied mixolog-“

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◉⃤ Schizo Age Prometheus @CaribbeanRythms
Twitter isn’t real, you’re all highly advanced AI paid by the Rothschilds. You’re not fooling me! I’m the only human on this app.

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