@CultureWarsMag Culture Wars Culture Wars Magazine, explaining how Cultural Warfare has advanced the American Empire & its systems of control. Edited by E. Michael Jones South Bend, IN

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 24
Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Jews shouldn't hold public office. They're incapable of representing anything but the culturally destructive tendencies which allow them to rule the rest of us with an iron rod.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Once again Jonathan Greenblatt overplays his hand. @JGreenblattADL @elonmusk

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Twitter has a Jewish problem.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
A picture is worth a thousand words.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Sorry, Jonathan. It's too late. You need to issue an apology to Kanye and Kyrie. The ADL turned anti-Semitism into a joke by calling Wolfowitz one too many times.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Oy, Jonathan didn't get the memo. That's why Dave Chapelle had to tell him that Obama is the HNIC, not the ADL. Why does "our trauma trigger applause"? Because everyone now knows the ADL overplayed its hand. And now everyone also knows anti-Semitism is a joke. Good job, Jonathan.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Does JLens support the fundamental Jewish value known as abortion?

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
AIPAC is happy with the election results. This is why elections are meaningless.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
So why did Musk grovel to the ADL when the ADL is trying to destroy him? If Elon Musk is so damn rich, why isn't he smart?

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
The founder of the Church of Satan was Anton LeVay, ne Levy. He was only being true to what Christ said when he told the Jews "Your father is Satan."

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
The Jews are determined to crush opposition to the Gay Disco, no matter how many lives it costs.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
The ADL is waking up to the fact that it's cried "Wolfowitz" one too many times.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Who knew that blacks were supporting white supremacists? If the ADL said it, it must be true.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Andy Cohen's reaction proves that the main cause of anti-Semitism is Jewish behavior. As usual, the Jews are totally blind to what they themselves are causing.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
Bonnie Lautenberg celebrates the Jewish sacrament of abortion at the Florida Jewish Museum. Nothing epitomizes the of absence of Jewish talent and the presence of Jewish control over the arts better than this exhibit.

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
This is going to backfire, confirming the belief that Ukraine is now controlled by Jewish puppets who are determined to use the Ukrainian people as human shields to advance the NATO Zionist crusade against Russia. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220304-zelensky-invokes-judaism-to-rally-support-for-ukrainian-cause

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
The December issue's available https://bit.ly/3lT featuring Bi-Polar Jesuits and the Same-Sex Question by John Beaumont The Rise and Fall of Conservatism in Michigan by E. Michael Jones The Chilean Referendum by Carlos A. Casanova Is Europe Still Christian? by Dominic Swords

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag
@Emichaeljones1 has been banned from Twitter. There were no community guidelines strikes on the acct. Follow @CultureWarsMag as well as @realDaveReilly for any Culture Wars updates on Twitter. Visit https://culturewars.com/links for a list of all social media we are not censored on!

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Culture Wars @CultureWarsMag

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wolfsangel 69%

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Classifier 20221028131014
wolfsangel 89%

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fasces 75%

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critters 95%

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totenkopf 27%

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etc 32%

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tldr 81%

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hitler 28%

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etc 79%

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tldr 64%
logos_flags_graphics 29%

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art_other 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%