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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 2
Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
@womanpiledriver You motherfucker, you grew that back in 3 days?

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virtù @VirtuArete
@fatherlandradio it was. they can't take easter from us
Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
(((They))) kind of did, but we stole it back!

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View @VirtuArete
Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
(((history teachers)))
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
I don't want to shit on Sweden too much but the more I hear about their "traditions" the less impressed I am. Watching a TV show? Another is eating a fucking frozen pizza, look it up if you don't believe me. IDK maybe this is all the result of (((criticism))).
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
Also, archive the shit instead of relying on (((streaming services)))...they have been and will continue to remove the good old content. Storage is cheap. https://twitter.com/JoePrich79/status/1153893949511282688

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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
It's coming if we can't stop it. #Liftwaffe getting their gains with cricket powder is a dark future. (((They))) want us all eating insects while they dine on prime rib. All that matters to them is that they're on top, they don't care what the rest of the world looks like.
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
This is more like it. Be careful throwing around black pills. Remember, other people are reading and taking it in. We can acknowledge the truth about things as long as we STAY POSITIVE and KEEP FIGHTING! (((They))) love blackpills because they make people quit... https://t.co/pYjwbIBHek
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
(((grant money)))
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Jim Flanders @fatherlandradio
@JanTaner You could theoretically do that. I don't really need donations right now, though. But thanks, that's a good method that no (((payment processors))) can stop.

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Classifier 20221028131014
klan hood 61%
happy merchant 25%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 97%