@infinitehorus Horus Striking at the roots of globalism

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 45
Horus @infinitehorus
@Alexravingiron @PoliticsPollss #ClearThemOut

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Horus @infinitehorus
@DeadScrump It's a male myth about feminists that we don't like sex, but it can be a natural, zesty enterprise.

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Horus @infinitehorus

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Horus @infinitehorus
Imagine if women actually did what feminists want

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Horus @infinitehorus
The Tories have set themselves targets for increasing immigration and are meeting them way ahead of schedule.
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Horus @infinitehorus
'They need to fear again.'

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Horus @infinitehorus
Exclusive Outrage Sparking fury

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Horus @infinitehorus
@too_tzu @AQuantumCat1 @RealBlackIrish Looks like Ed 'Tuss Enuss' Miliband if Miliband been born in a commune

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Horus @infinitehorus

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Horus @infinitehorus
PA banned at the behest of S Katwala? See below. Do you get to do this? Why's he special? He doesn't only target far right btw, even by the Knowsley definition. No rules broken, no crimes. @elonmusk unaware? @Dominiquetaegon @DVATW @LeoKearse @NewCultureForum @MarkSteynOnline

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Horus @infinitehorus
@nastymutant: @TheLastCockney @MrNChance @elonmusk @PatAlternative @thisislaurat @sam @MarkACollett @YouTube @ActivePatriotUK @Dominiquetaegon @DaveAtherton20 @DVATW @davidkurten @MartinDaubney @HarryLotusEater @LadyDetectives1 @Michael_Heaver @LozzaFox @darrengrimes_ @LeoKearse @nickdixoncomic @LaurenWitzkeDE @MartinPCostello @MarkSteynOnline @AkkadSecretary @juneslater17 @JoshFerme @mtaibbi @ShellenbergerMD @bariweiss @lhfang @MrAndyNgo @ellagirwin 'Their homes should be located', he says. PA didn't do anything like this.

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Horus @infinitehorus
@YWM8 @DawnieBrowning @MrNChance @elonmusk @TwitterSupport How do certain people get this kind of access/influence? Should they still have it? They're simply using it to silence their opponents. No crimes or violations were committed by the suspended accounts. @elonmusk @mtaibbi @ellagirwin #TwitterFiles

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Horus @infinitehorus
Joe Mulhall is one of HNH's top guys and he's not even polite or civil, let alone an authority on anything. He and all of HNH are against free discussion and for deceit and intimidation. In his own words, he only wants to talk about his opponents, never to them. https://twitter.com/nastymutant/status/1627037796320829440/video/1

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Horus @infinitehorus
Twenty-two seconds of Irish fascism being smashed https://twitter.com/nastymutant/status/1627010437664342017/video/1

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Horus @infinitehorus
I think the Guardian have realised they've been a bit rude to @PatAlternative and are now trying to make up for it without losing face and/or getting a smacked botty. 'Expert online recruiters', no less. Gracious and fulsome praise. I foresee a romance blossoming.

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Horus @infinitehorus
In Shadwell, the assault at Cable Street, one of the most infamous terrorist attacks, carried out by communists/Irish/Jews against police, is glorified on the side of a public building. Our dignity and self-respect requires that this calculated insult is put to an end.

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Horus @infinitehorus
In this video, @HistoryBro1 and I discuss the career of Jean Monnet, so-called Father of Europe, his years on Wall Street, his close alliance with the Rockefeller family and his furtherance of their elitist, anti-nationalist, anti-democratic vision. https://odysee.com/@Horus:7/The-Scourge-of-Sovereignty:9

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Horus @infinitehorus
Fair point. Time we reviewed the mainstream history of the KKK. Maybe we've been lied to about them too. After all, the same leprous worms who tell us they were bad tell us we're bad too. Let's revise the history of everything deemed #FarRigtt.

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Horus @infinitehorus
@RagnarIronspear @PatAlternative @ScotNational

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Horus @infinitehorus

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View @infinitehorus

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Horus @infinitehorus
David Aaronovitch is quitting the Times. Reminder of how he spent his time there. Same newspaper that denounced Enoch Powell in 1968. #antiwhite

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Horus @infinitehorus
This is classic Express. Mail does the same. They portray the civil service (or lefty judges, human rights lawyers, XR types etc) as somehow more powerful than the government. They don't say how. They name no names. The editor agreed this with Sunak over dinner. It's just a lie.

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Horus @infinitehorus
The managing editor of the Babylon Bee is vehemently anti-white. Don't read it, don't share it, don't support it with money, and tell others the truth about it. Beware all 'anti-woke' types. 'Anti-woke' means 'trying to rescue the left'. Reject all leftist beliefs.

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Horus @infinitehorus
Richard Tice is just a Tory. His wife is Isabel Oakeshott, close friend and ally of Matt Hancock. No wonder Tice dismisses any suggestion of ill intentions on the part or the Tories. He supports them. Reform might be alright under another leader, but you cannot trust this guy. https://twitter.com/nastymutant/status/1616037230287507456/video/1

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Horus @infinitehorus
RT/like if you want @elonmusk + @TwitterSupport to reinstate @MarkACollett, father + patriot who's been fighting for Britain for decades. While Farage/Tice were welcoming immigration as long as it wasn't European, Mark was standing up for British people (with @thisislaurat here).

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Horus @infinitehorus
Like/RT if you want @elonmusk + @TwitterSupport to reinstate @steve_laws_, father and patriot who's been reporting on the invasion for years from Dover, his hometown. He's always ahead of Farage or any of the MSM. Was driven off social media by 'anti-racists' and the authorities.

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Horus @infinitehorus
(((((((((((((((((((mmmmmyyyyyyyy ffffffeeeellllllooooowwwww wwwwwwwwhhhhhhiiiiite pppppppppppppppplllllllllll ohhhhhhhhhgaawwwwwwwdddd!!!!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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Horus @infinitehorus
Remember - we should thank journalists because they speak truth to power or something. They run into danger. They ensure the health of democracy. How? They write obsequious little stories about those in power. Thanks, (((Dan)))
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Horus @infinitehorus
@tempusRevocatus @YorkshireTea @NYorksPolice "I keep telling you, I'm against racism!!"

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Horus @infinitehorus
@NYorksPolice @YorkshireTea As it's pun time: Hey, West Yorks Police. Why are you joking around with Yorkshire Tea? They support BLM, which is vehemently anti-police. You mugs! (as in mugs of tea) Am I hired too, Yorkshire Tea? Thanks. I quit.

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Horus @infinitehorus
Of course he works for the BBC. Of course the BBC is fully backed by the Tories. Just like this foreign intruder, the BBC and the Tories are anti-white. #CloseTheBBC

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Horus @infinitehorus
Beginning months ago, six nationalists infiltrated Birmingham City Council and joined a project intended to embed anti-white hatred in the city by use of politically-named roads. The intrepid nationalists subverted the scheme and are finally ready to reveal their work. Enjoy!

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Horus @infinitehorus
Looking forward to joining Miss B at 6pm - https://dlive.tv/That_Miss_B

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Horus @infinitehorus
@nastymutant: @thisislaurat @ed_unwa @LaraWhyte I was thinking of this one but it was Julia Ebner of the (((Institute for Strategic Dialogue))) https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10041621/extreme-far-right-barbies-women/

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sonnenrad 68%

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swastika 70%

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happy merchant 35%
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firearm 30%

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joker 69%

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face 66%
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etc 74%
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art_other 99%
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face 65%

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etc 48%
star of david 48%

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etc 99%

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etc 98%

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etc 82%

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art_other 89%

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art_other 89%
star of david 74%

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tldr 65%

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etc 99%

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art_other 77%

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toons other 52%
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hitler 29%

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tldr 55%

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logos_flags_graphics 44%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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etc 59%
toons other 33%