@PunishedEdward Punished Longshanks ⛩

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 30
Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@BittahDreama @Telegraph @Craig_Simpson_ Angles and Jutes came from Denmark, Saxons from Germany, Frisians from the Netherlands. They mixed with the local Celtic populations and, voila, the "Anglo-Saxons" were born. This isn't complicated; they're just trying to deconstruct English ethnic identity.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@ThomasNewman @MillennialWoes @elonmusk @stillgray Just so you know, it's people like you that create racially aware White people who wish to stand up for themselves and oppose this anti-White system.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@Gray_Gray_Tay @SerenaJB3 Jog on.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@CarolinaDarren @OkeyDokely @iam_trashman @MorgothsReview @Blondes_tweets If it makes you feel any better, Britain is just as bad.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@twitls77 @godgamer_xx Imagine defending Am*rica in 2023 AD.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@twitls77 @Dungeon_Dad Joke country

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@OkeyDokely @iam_trashman @MorgothsReview @CarolinaDarren @Blondes_tweets Cope harder Am*rican

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@JohnNob78300256 Bro

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@fartsinlift @wayotworld Look at this coward. Too afraid to call out Black criminality, so he shifts it on to Muslims.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@oc4_oc @DaddyVladdy1917 @Lady_Astor My people BTFO'd some other people. Cry more.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@DaddyVladdy1917 @Lady_Astor

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@FuriusPertinax @Willseh14 To be fair, he was a headache for Lewis even in the Alpine #NeverForget #WideAlonso #MyGoat

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@OneSpeciesReal @Lethal_Giggles @Sargon_of_Akkad That argument doesn't work, so stop trying, you absolute cretin.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@BoBoAndYaKnowKn @BitcoinCarni @KeithOlbermann @tomselliott @donlemon

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@An_Fear_Liath @saxonkarma

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@Thando_Fosgate @lewisxwasteland "they can't let a black man be the face of their brand" Hamilton has been the face of F1 for several years. You're full of shit. Cry about racism all you want, but Max was just better.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@HarryWills_DB @JTB189 Keep coping, faggot. Max won.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@blowfish_lol: @boseph_returns Don't worry, that's just rhetoric to appease the West. In reality: https://twitter.com/James12Ninety/status/1427002124215459842/video/1

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@StoicPolitix: @PolitixPrimate @LoyalDefender2K Given that Buddhism holds the self to be an illusion, I fear you may be mistaken. To clarify, it's not the concept of individuation that I'm questioning, but rather the conception of the (theoretical) individual man. As De Benoist writes:

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@RadfemDeadname: @KingofShirgar Chicago demographic change from 1910-2000: https://twitter.com/James12Ninety/status/1402701597596172293/video/1

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Some soulless ginger @redagainstreds
@BiloTheDefiler @James12Ninety @NickJFuentes And guess (((who))) was behind the (((Soviet Union)))
Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@BasedDaywalker: @redagainstreds @BiloTheDefiler @NickJFuentes True, but (((they))) were also behind neo-Liberalism, the dominant system in the West today, which is more relevant to our current predicament.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@BasedDaywalker: @redagainstreds @BiloTheDefiler @NickJFuentes Let's break this down:

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@TheBrettJenson @KingofShirgar If a foreign people "paid" for land in my country then proceeded to steal the rest by force, I would resist too.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@freistory: @freikxrps "commuter village"

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@DavidSt82953019 @DaveSmi34969166 @Alanso_Moseley @CrimeLdn

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@hullgrad @chemgi55 @DavidLammy That's not the own you think it is.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@EuKnowIt2 @Tyr_7777 @SpergFestive *Yawn*

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@Eledyb10 @sivadavi8 @disclosetv "At 3 months it's just a cell" You're pure scum.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@armah_t @TheRocketRalph "tHeY dOn'T eVeN rEaD tHe BiBlE"

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@itsafrogslife @BasedScotsman You're missing the point: being English isn't just a matter of being born here or one's skin colour, it's much more. And they're not English.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@brexitwaffen Imagine using "authoritarian" as an insult. What an absolute faggot. Libertarianism really is nothing more than the "you can't tell me what to do, you're not my real dad" of ideologies.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@lambodotcom @a_valc @EMichaelJones1 Don't get my wrong, I wouldn't choose either, but at least the Chinese don't want to turn my son into a faggot and have my daughter r*aped by Africans.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@Bhaviktheroti: @JuicyBrucie2 @WhiteDisprin Stfu faggot.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@fifnisfornobody I create something And you just shit on it Because you're a massive faggot And that's sad Why

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@FifnIsForNobody "Moonman, Moonman, can't you see, niggers and spics need to hang from trees" Dude, wtf is wrong with you. Smdh.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@adamegelman @Lo_K_87 @andrebretonic As if I would listen to what the (((SPLC))) has to say. Nice try (((Egelman))) https://twitter.com/Mogg4King/status/893905672491937794/photo/1

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@StuckVisor @jordanbpeterson @StefanMolyneux He also considers (bad goy) Jung's work to be superior to that of (((Freud))). That's two strikes already.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@Attalus_Soter There's no place for sodomites, parasites, village bikes, or crypto-kikes in the ethno-state, even if they are White. As for traitors... https://twitter.com/Mogg4King/status/892439840830173184/photo/1

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
"if you want to see the future of Western civilisation...it's some fat sheboon twerking on the ruins of our great cities" - Weev

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@persona773 But he explicitly blames Paul (((Saul))) for the "judaification" of "primitive Christianity". That's basically another shoah.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@James12Ninety: These liberated victim groups & their (((handlers))) utilise slave morality to pervert hierarchies and established social mores...

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@VoiceOfVarg I'm surprised White Genocide has been trending at all. I would have expected (((Twitter))) to take one look at that and think: https://twitter.com/AlexanderVult/status/813520718512160772/video/1

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
The most beautiful and intelligent women on the planet reduced to nigger behaviour. I want off this ride. https://twitter.com/not_on_NEET_bux/status/798962762181443585

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@FifnIsForNobody I blame the lack of kike-gassing. I only have myself to blame.

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Punished Longshanks ⛩ @PunishedEdward
@VoiceOfVarg: @WarriorOfWoden ten quid says the runes on her arm spell out "gas the kikes race war now". https://twitter.com/AlexanderVult/status/792471783836442624/photo/1

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