@MaryAnn90131388 Mary Ann Evans Nationalist without a nation. No friends to my left; no enemies to my right.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3
Twin Ravens @al97636772
@MaryAnn90131388 Nationalism is the final obstacle in the establishment of a New World Order. That’s why mass immigration and Western perversion are being deployed as tools to undermine any remaining resistance. In the end, the tribe who authored the chaos will also be the tribe in control.
Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
The tribe is already in control. The holohoax has made Nationalism next to impossible.

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View @al97636772
Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
@LucienWolf8 @SerenaJB3 You're too stupid. It had nothing to do with Jews except a Jew inserted himself into her tweet. If you desperately need to defend DA JOOZ, go somewhere else.

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
Still standing in Austin, Texas (photo by John Derbyshire) The topmost feature is a statue of Jeff Davis. The legend on the plinth says: DIED FOR STATE RIGHT GUARANTEED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION The people of the South, animated by the spirit of 1776, to preserve…

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
It could have finished before it started if ((Zelensky)) had promised no NATO on Russia's borders. https://t.co/tlTnYlkrru
Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
It could have finished before it started if ((Zelensky)) had promised no NATO on Russia's borders.
@MaryAnn90131388 It could finish tomorrow if Russia pulled its troops out.

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
((Cole)) thinks the Right is in denial, along with Tucker, about Jan. 6 just as we're in denial about the holocaust. Both the holocaust and the 1/6 insurrection were real, doncha know. It's more of his usual--listen up Q-tards follow my path if you stupid Repubs ever hope to win… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644049209832755225

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
@FrantizekPaul The store owner is supposed to care about his feelings? What a ((jerk)).

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
@JoeRudyard I sometimes wonder if I just imagine Whites are waking up because the only people I follow on Twitter are wide-awake. Then again ((they)) may have overplayed their hand too soon since we're still the majority (barely) and their tactics are completely and utterly obvious.

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Mary Ann Evans @MaryAnn90131388
@drocto @charlesmurray @sullydish Well, it was correct that ((communists)) needed to be ferreted out, too bad it never happened.

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