@MichaelGIreland Michael Ireland Reject the New Abnormal. There is no pandemic. There is only fear-based mind control. The virus is the media. The enemy is in your living room. Turn off the TV! Michigan,

MichaelGIreland's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 40
The Westernist @The_Westernist
WHAT IS THE BEST: Under 30 min video red pill to one of Holo.hoax, J-Pill, WW2, or Uncle A? Please share suggested titles or links.
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
HOLOHOAX 101 - INTRODUCTION TO THE HOLOHOAX https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ul72dV4SbAoh/ 40 min. Ignore Twitter's 'Bitchute Warning'. If the link is blocked, it is on Archive (dot) org https://archive.org/details/holohoax101introductiontotheholohoax

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View @The_Westernist
Alix @AlixG_2
How did this piece of excrement get on TV? https://t.co/bBM4OOUyVJ
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
Nepotism and J-wish privilege - that's how! They always place their own in influential positions to gate-keep and promote agendas beneficial to their tribe. That's why all MSM is excrement. The sh!t floats to the top.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@TheBelaaz @GovRonDeSantis @RonDeSantisFL

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@BrockRiddickIFB Cheshire Cat grin.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@AnneMGoretti @Tomhennessey69

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@Lucas_Gage_: @LucasGage584 This may be the reason: If you block more than 29 per minute Twitter may force-log you out. https://dmstern.github.io/likers-blocker/

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@Zewps1 @DiddatDonedat @Nature_and_Race Yes. The NSDAP took out the trash and restored the economy; booted the bankers, banned usury, regained control of the media, burned Communist literature, closed down gay nightclubs and masonic lodges, and deported the subversives. That's why Jews declared war on Germany in 1933.

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Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
I used to believe in #Chemtrails also, until I saw this map of how many flights PER DAY across the planet. And you'll notice some days there are zero "chemtrails," so what did they take off poisoning us? No. So it doesn't make sense, but this explanation does. Occom's Razor. https://t.co/8FjekIDBDO https://t.co/mUeTwztOpA
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
: @LucasGage584 The (((elites))) would not put something in the air that would potentially affect themselves as well. This applies to 'airborne contagions' (i.e., SARS virus + variants), or *chem-trails to poison us. *for weather modification or 'smart' dust, yes, I can see them doing that.

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View @Lucas_Gage_
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@TheFreds Looks like it is made out of those air bubble bags used for packing material.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@ms_duckworth These propagandists aren't German - even if born there. Those pushing the nonsense, across the board, consider themselves Jewish first and foremost regardless of nationality.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
#Bankcollapse “Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room..to help firms transfer their money from SVB - before it was seized - to accounts in Israel." "LeumiTech says it helped Israeli startups transfer $1 billion."
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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
85% of them are Ashkenazi (Khazars), and the remaining 15% are also delusional Chosenites. Enough deflection and double speak. The enemy is clear, and it *is* Judaism. They seek to destroy white Europeans and Western civilization to rule over all. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gtiTbqUF75uX/

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View @JerryTabor4
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@DBCWriter @MadmanFilms Those stacks of emaciated bodies are victims of typhus (spread by lice) and starvation (caused by allied bombings) towards the end of the war. Anne Frank's diary is a fraudlent work of her father, Otto Frank. Holo-tales no longer sustain unearned J-w privilege. Give it up.

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Polly Samson @PollySamson
Sadly @rogerwaters you are antisemitic to your rotten core. Also a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching,misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac. Enough of your nonsense.
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@rogerwaters "Anti-semitic" is a neg. epithet invented to shut down criticism of Israel/J-wish power. I substitute it with the word "truthful". Roger exposes the world's most hateful, arrogant, hypocritical, muderous state. Your husband sold his guitars for a UN "cLiMaTe cHaNgE" hoax. Sad.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@greg_price11 Here is the "Element"/"Deep State" Nixon named often in those phone calls. And he was right. That's why they set him up. They've been undermining the U.S. for over a century, but increasingly so the past several decades. https://twitter.com/MichaelGIreland/status/1616399229429104640/video/1

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Gillian McKeith @GillianMcKeith
It’s in the eyes... I wonder what he’s on as he claims that people not jabbed up are no better than drunk drivers. 🤔 https://t.co/CXmJtrJPYR
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
(((Wasserman))) Don't even need to check 'Early Life'.

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View @GillianMcKeith
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@UltraDane Early Life check: Confirmed. Every. Single. Time. Why are members of the subversive, anti-freedom 'International Clique' allowed into positions of power? Good for the Sheriffs sending a clear message of "F__K YOU!". They should remove this traitor and the rest.

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PeptoGizmo 🇺🇸 @Christo11506508
@libsoftiktok This is a “ crybully “. A person who strikes at you while playing the victim. Narcissism 101
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@PeptoGizmo_ @libsoftiktok A direct reflection of their J-wish handlers at the forefront of the movement.

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logic @of_many_words
Where did the origin of the cross come from? https://t.co/8NmezERRGe
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
It represents the sun and its path through the seasons.

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View @of_many_words
🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 @LionelMedia
Bob Dylan and publisher Simon & Schuster apologized for selling books which they claimed contained Dylan’s handwritten signature, after fans realized the autographs were not authentic but automated reproductions. https://t.co/a45ogl2P1d
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
Simon & Shyster, Jewish publishing company. Bob 'Dylan' (Zimmerman), Jewish artist. Probably just a Cohencidence.

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View @LionelMedia

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@SteveInmanUIC 😂

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@of_many_words Our neighbors had about a dozen sunflowers in their back yard and the squirrels chewed the heads off every one.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@depthhidden @ChaChaC87311797

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@solari_the And who is the driving force behind the hysteria? Who controls the media, entertainment, and academia? Who has the politicians in their back pocket? Who controls banking? Who are the pharma CEOs? Connect the dots, people.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
"Something Went Wrong. Try Reloading." is the message I see when trying to play any posted videos. Can't see notifications either. https://twitter.com/MichaelGIreland/status/1460595732889554952/photo/1

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
Here's ALDI enforcing medical discrimination/segregation because they kowtow to the enemies of freedom. #Retail #ALDI #Scumbags

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@TinyFighterGirl Connect the dots.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@Lagud5 🏹🎯💯👏👍💥

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@Alec_Zeck And who owns Pharma? 👇We need to focus on the root of the problem. 👇

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@tweettruth2me My well worn vape mod. He will be fogged w/ apple pie e-juice.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@jazminestarr239 @spirituallock

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Alexandra Marshall @ellymelly
Watch this video closely. The guy at the back laying on the ground is kicked in the head by police and then the officer on the left SMASHES HIS WEAPON INTO HIM despite the man having his hands behind his back waiting to be cuffed. Is anyone going to say something? #outsiders https://t.co/jpXfFUH6hG
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
Probably trained by Israel. https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-idf-training-police-in-australia/ Israeli occupiers have decades of experience abusing Palestinians, and have been sharing their terrorist tactics with law enforcement agencies worldwide so they too can be obedient, unempathetic automatons for the NWO (JWO).

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View @ellymelly
@tweettruth2me Book or revelations is playing out before our eyes
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@tweettruth2me A deliberate orchestration to make prophecy come to pass. Confirmation bias for bible believers. Many decades in planning, and directed from the very top of the pyramid; Vatican, Crown, Zio-Commie )€w$ and )€$uit$ via banking. Control the money supply, buy anything and anyone.

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Harry Litman @harrylitman
Vaccine passports are a good idea. Among other things, it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines, who will be foreclosed from doing a lot of things their peers can do. That should help break the resistance down.
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
(((Litman))) Every. Single. Time.

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Rita Panahi @RitaPanahi
Cancelling the man who defeated the Nazis. https://t.co/lqKmOgZGnw
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
Churchill was bought off to oppose Germany. Germany fought the true enemy; Communist Bolsheviks, whom, along with Zionists, have infiltrated every area of influence since WWII. Now the entire world has to deal with a Judeo-Supremacist cult and their plans for a )€w World Order.

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View @RitaPanahi
Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@EdwardTrotsky @CassandraRules )€w$ oppose unity of any group (esp. White Europeans) which diminish their own power. It is OK for )€w$ to have unity themselves, but anyone else will be smeared as pathological. Nationalism is a roadblock to their Communist Globalism. 'Dr. Seuss', was, of course, )€wi$h.

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Michael Ireland @MichaelGIreland
@AngeloJohnGage The only thing Trump hasn't flip-flopped on (yet) is 'Climate Change' being a hoax. And it is the only thing he is right about. Well, that and 'Fake News', but his precious FOX is just a fake as the rest. Trump, like his predecessors, is a puppet for the Israel-first Chosenites.

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