@BritishBrothers Bloomsbury Forum British patriot opposed to political correctness, finance capitalism and Cuckservatives! Stalbridge, Dorset

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 8
Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
@mongsley Taken more or less exactly fifty years later here's my own photograph showing the same branch of the old National Provincial Bank, whose ghost sign can be seen after the National Westminster Bank signage was stripped off following closure!

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moo @mongsley
Peter Pan Pool at Catford in 1954. https://t.co/gMINJUFkzA
Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
Got it now. St. John's School, Bromley Road, S. E. 6. This photo shows it in 1983, so 31 years after yours. In the meanwhile the rather ugly Church in the background was constructed. The attractive old school building has since been pulled down, alas.

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
@anglotard @americanduce Streamlining of this style was all the rage in the 1930s; here's a British example, LMSR Coronation Class Pacific the Duchess of Hamilton (by a curious coincidence the Duke of Hamilton was suspected of pro-German sentiments!).

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
I do wonder exactly what kind of clientele might be drawn to this trendy little shop!

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
Wreath brought over from Ulster to Sir Henry Wilson's memorial on Liverpool Street station in London, marking the centenary of his murder by the IRA.

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
The Somme Association's poppy wreath in honour of Field Marshall Sir Henry Wilson, M.P. for North Down, killed by the IRA a hundred years ago this day. May he rest in peace!

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
If you haven't yet read Standard-bearers: British Roots of the New Right, buy a copy now: there are forty left from a print run of a thousand, and when they've gone, they're gone!

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
(((David Katz))) is not a probable name for a white racist!
Beau @Rhettbutler2015
Is there a such thing as white identity extremist from Baltimore? For that matter is there a such thing as a white person from Baltimore? https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1033844855133360130

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
Never, ever forget the victims of Communism. I do not blame the Russian people for the Holodomor. I blame Marxism Leninism and its (((enforcers))).
The Daily Signal @DailySignal
Today, a 30-foot-long bronze wall stands in Washington, DC—and on this wall is the simple image of a wheat field. It is a monument to the victims of The Holodomor—a monstrous genocide committed by one of the most ruthless and authoritarian regimes in human history. https://twitter.com/DailySignal/status/948186620091621376/photo/1

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Bloomsbury Forum @BritishBrothers
(((Soros))) seems unhappy with the Hungarian government, and it hasn't even gone the full Arrow Cross (yet)! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41904508

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