@EuropeanPan PanEuropeanMovement Unapologetically pro-European. Promoting the defence of our civilization and advancing a new spirit of European pride! https://t.co/KoY4OdbSEk Europe

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 72
PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
No, you are not "saving the Planet™", you are an influenceable teenager committing performative vandalism on behalf of some millionaire-funded interest group.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
How can any self-described nationalist look at today's Britain and still think leaving the EU was a good idea. #Brexit has accelerated every development it was meant to oppose.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Of course it is problematic that Italian prime minister #Meloni has Putinversteher as coalition partners, but when you think of it, not nearly as problematic as #Scholz' Germany, where it's not the minor partners but the nr. 1 ruling party itself that is full of Putinversteher.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
"OMG our opponents have so many white people! Isn't it terrible how white they are? Just look at all those horrible white people!" - The "Anti-Woke" Right
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JusDisBoy @JusDisBoy
@EuropeanPan @Sevro_95 @DrHerculePoirot No. Sorry to correct you, but Brexit had absolutely nothing to do with 3rd world immigration, and everything to do with the 6.9 million immigration from the EU.
PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@Sevro_95 @DrHerculePoirot Yea...right...

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Reminder: Not the West, but Middle Easterners themselves caused the vast majority of deaths in the wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen & Afghanistan. They were the ones who suicide bombed each other's market places & mosques during Friday prayer. They lynched #Khadafi, not us.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The migrant boats, the terror attacks, the grooming gangs, the unrelenting cultural & demographic change; that is what #Brexit was ultimately about. It was implicitly & sometimes explicitly sold as a miracle cure for those issues. "Europe" simply served as a proxy boogieman.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
All the British people wanted was less Third World migration. All they got was 6 years of political chaos, 4 different prime ministers, the ideological subversion of all their institutions & as cherry on the cake: record numbers of Third World migration. #Truss #BrexitBritain

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The Dutch govt: "Sorry folks, we cannot stop the tidal wave of asylum migration, otherwise we have to leave international treaties, which is impossible." Also the Dutch govt: "Leave an international treaty? For muh climate? Greta said so? Oh...of course, right away!!"
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The rest of the world is a dark, savage, murky jungle, while Europe is a sunlit, enlightened temple-garden: the greatest habitat that mankind has ever managed to bring forth. It is our duty to preserve and protect this splendid abode. #BasedBorrell #JosepBorrell

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@rkemp59 Was te verwachten. Zoals altijd even stoer doen voor de bühne en dan alsnog overstag met D66-beleid. Bedankt VVD dat jullie precies het tegenovergestelde van jullie verkiezingsprogramma waar maken. Dat schept vertrouwen... @VVD @rubenbrekelmans @bentebecker

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
It is not unfair to state that, on the issue of #EU borders, the Red-Green-Volt coalition is fully aligned with regimes that weaponize migration against the EU. Both groups share exactly the same goal: weaken our external borders to facilitate ever more mass migration. #Frontex

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@2dekamerpvv De "politieke opvattingen" in kwestie:

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
It's getting quite tiresome having to watch @elonmusk's daily mood swings between a responsible business man who helps Ukraine defend itself & a paranoid, ill-informed "techbro" who feels like he must justify himself to his online rabidly anti-Western sycophants like @stillgray.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@MinOCW Oprechte vraag: met termen die klakkeloos zijn overgenomen uit radicaal activistische Amerikaanse academia (intersectionaliteit, dekolonisatie, microaggressie), hoe kunnen we het staatsbeleid dan serieus nemen? PS. gemakshalve één bevolkingsgroep vergeten in onderstaand lijstje?

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
#Orbán creates a Twitter account & immediately starts shilling for Russian interests. Either he really doesn't understand that most right-wing Europeans support #Ukraine or he simpy gave up on Europe & is placing all his bets on appealing to a certain part of the American GOP.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
It's quite simple: the military invasion, occupation & attempted annexation of Ukrainian territory by #Russia is ongoing. Advocating for an "immediate ceasefire" now while #Ukraine is turning the tide, means you support the invaders.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
"We are simply on the side of peace. We need an immediate ceasefire to stop the bloodshed. Why do these warmongers keep resisting?"
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@AfD Neeein, you are hurting ze poor invaders' feelings!!!

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
While the #Russians are failing on the battlefield, it looks like they are making a kind of comeback on the digital front. For some reason the algorithm keeps recommending pro-Kremlin propagandists, one after the other. What's going on @Twitter ?

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Friendly reminder that acting as a propagandist for an ongoing war of aggression is infinitely more reprehensible than the edgiest sh*tpost. Yet the latter risks getting you banned, while the former goes virtually unopposed. It should be the other way around. #UkraineUnderAttack

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets using indispensable missiles looks more like the temper tantrum of a wannabee super villain than a master strategist at work. Of course we already knew #Putin lost all control of the military situation, and his vanity is all that's left.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Happy #ColumbusDay / #IndigenousPeoplesDay

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The #terror against civilians that we see today is the only thing Russia is still capable of "achieving" with conventional means in Ukraine. And it comes at gigantic costs for them. With all the missiles they have left, they probably couldn't sustain such attack for even a week.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
If we use the logic of Kremlin-shills, the "#AntiWar" position in 2003 sounded something like: "Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iraq! Steal their oil & turn Baghdad into a McDonald's parking lot! Yeehah!!!"

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The #Kerch bridge attack reveals the omnipresent weakness of the Russian occupation; even at the deepest possible point inside annexed territory they can be struck decisively. A storm is coming for the Russians, and it will be glorious. #Crimea

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
We will remember how the petrol monarchies teamed up with Putin to cut oil production in this hour of need. After everything the West invested in their countries & all the times we condoned their crimes for the sake of good relations, this is how they repay us. #OPEC #Saudi

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
One of the most terrifying weapons used by #Ukraine's defenders was born out of necessity: the infamous grenade dropped from a commercial drone. As an invader, you know it can hit you anytime & the video of your suffering will become a form of morbid entertainment on social media

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The amount of serious people squirming themselves into knots to argue that maybe UA should "compromise" is embarrassing. Peculiar how morals suddenly change when a murderous thug threatens with nuclear bombs. It should, of course, be the other way around: do not give an inch.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
After talks with Germany, Poland and Hungary have finally agreed to vote in favour of the EU recovery budget in exchange for a delay in the rule of law mechanism. The rouge govts had no choice but to give in, the alternative meant not getting any money at all. They gambled & lost
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
If we're still not seeing any EU-action against Turkey this month, it will be a major blow to the #Europeanist morale. We must keep hope, but at the same time prepare for the worst. Europe's geopolitical position hangs in the balance at the upcoming EU-meeting on Thursday.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
#GenderEquality is one of the defining features of European culture. It means we have equality in chances & rights for both women & men, but it does not mean artificially pushing through at any expense & effort a straight 50/50 ratio in all sections of society.
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The fact that #Bulgaria blocks the EU-accession of ex-Yugoslav North Macedonia because of the name of the latters national language -just when the decades long name dispute with Greece is finally solved- is nothing but a distraction move by a corrupt govt facing heavy protests.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Happy #SaintNicholas to everybody who celebrates this winter tradition today & tomorrow. #Sinterklaas

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
#Famagusta, Turkish occupied Northern Cyprus, Europe
PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
"#Famagusta is our city, the city where we were born, the city of our childhood dreams, with 36 centuries of Greek history & culture, but Famagusta is also a European city, it is also your city. I call on you to defend your European city and our Greek Cypriot European citizens." https://t.co/zUArfWSBPD

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
"#Famagusta is our city, the city where we were born, the city of our childhood dreams, with 36 centuries of Greek history & culture, but Famagusta is also a European city, it is also your city. I call on you to defend your European city and our Greek Cypriot European citizens."

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
During the Greek-Turkish Border Crisis, @Frontex acted in accordance to the geopolitical purpose of the EU and in the interest of the lives and well-being of European citizens, which should continue to be its prime focus in all future events. #ThankYouFrontex

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Critics of #Frontex's assistance in #pushbacks conveniently forego the fact that at this time Europe was under literal threat of invasion through Turkey's weaponization of migration. Frontex and the #Greek border guard were the first line of defense against hybrid warfare.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
One day we need a Europe-wide #TruthCommission to bring to light every policy mistake made since 2015 regarding migration, security & borders & condemn those responsible (if only symbolically) for harming the integrity of the Union & the lives & livelihoods of her citizens.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Too bad that instead of countering the stories of Ankara, US media & migrant smuggling NGOs & standing for Europe's right to enforce its external borders, EU-leaders like @YlvaJohansson echo our opponents' propaganda while incriminating & undermining our EU border guard @frontex
PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The Turkish state is now simply using @nytimes articles as ready-to-go pieces of propaganda to assist in its weaponization of mass migration against us. https://t.co/tRx8hOA4Ne

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
We do not support the US or Israel simply killing Iranian officials, but we have to say: #Iran is making itself an easy target due to its incompetence & failure in responding in any substantial or symbolic way, even through its proxies, to these continuous attacks.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
#Iran's leader has vowed revenge for the assassination of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist by Israel. What are they going to do? Accidentally shoot down another commercial airliner above Teheran?

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The war in #Ethiopia is a new link in the chain of instability surrounding us. To limit the fallout for Europe, we must learn from past mistakes and similtaneously provide generous aid & shelter in the region & take meassures to prevent refugees from crossing the Mediterranean.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
"How are you connected to Indigenous heritage and history where you live?"
YouTube @YouTube
Unthanksgiving is about honoring Native American and Indigenous heritage, to better understand this history. How are you connected to – and connecting with – Indigenous heritage and history where you live? https://t.co/rDuk06BDtN

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Even when taking #Trump out of the equation, the American system is broken. A country with no limits on corporate money in politics, where politicians have to beg for donations in order to run for office, cannot be called a healthy democracy.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The town of #Zwolle gained city rights in the year 1230, was a member of the Hanseatic League, then the Dutch Republic & currently a provincial capital in the Kingdom of the Netherlands & is forever part of the European cultural mosaic. #CulturalEurope

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The light show in honour of the Greek army is everything we want to see in terms of cultural expression. An inspiring piece of propaganda that emphasizes the value of history and celebrates the future of technology and the projection of power! Long live Greece, long live Europe!

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
The idea to adopt the new #EUbudget without Poland & Hungary is now circulating in Brussels. The other 25 countries could start recovering from the crisis, while the obstructionist states get nothing & Orban & Duda would have a lot of explanation to do in front of their voters.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Think about it: sharia, jihad, burka, ramadan, shia, sunni, hijab, caliphate, salafism etc. We have all been acquainted with those terms. Do average Europeans know any concepts from Buddhism or Hinduism? No, because nobody violently introduced them to us.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Who needs money to recover from the worst crisis in post-WW2 history if you can no longer fire judges or ban newspapers, right #Poland & #Hungary?

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
An alliance of NGOs, media & politicians is viciously smearing the EU-border agency @Frontex for doing their job & tries to shame them into silence. We call on all Pro-Europeans to speak out in defence of the men & women who do their best to keep us safe. #AppreciateFrontex🇪🇺
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Respect & gratitude for @Frontex for enforcing the external European borders & also for openly pushing back against those who try to morally blackmail Europeans into accepting endless waves of illegal migration on our continent. #FortressEurope
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
We need a smooth transition from #Atlanticism to #Europeanism as the first line of defense of our continent. #EUarmy

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
If a federal #Cyprus means that the Turkish Northern part can make or break Cypriot govt decisions & thereby veto decisions of the EU-council, than this reunification plan is a recipe for trouble, severely weakening our position vs. Ankara. If Erdogan were smart, he'd support it.
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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
We hope the people of #Moldova will elect pro-EU candidate @sandumaiamd as their new head of state in today's presidential race. However, to permanently win the hearts & minds of Moldovans & other non-EU Europeans, we must offer them a future pathway towards European integration.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Hundreds of European lives have been lost since the #Bataclan, but only recently the mainstream has started to talk about the link with migration. However, the proposed solutions -closed deportation centres & better screening for refugees- are as old as they are insufficient.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
When jihadists who (partly) entered the EU as migrants commited a massacre in central Paris, today 5 yrs ago, I really believed the external borders would be closed. To keep exposing your people to such a risk seemed like an untenable, politicaly suicidal policy. But I was wrong.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
@Edwin_Breda @fvdemocratie @djeppink

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
After incorporating Armenia into the Eurasian Economic Union, the #Karabakh territorial settlement is Putin's last step towards complete domination of Armenia's foreign policy. The fear of a Russian withdrawal will influence every major political decision in Yerevan from now on.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
To understand the degree to which #Putin betrayed the Armenians with this peace deal, one has to look at the map. #Karabakh will be reduced to a tiny enclave surrounded by enemy forces & its future survival will depend solely on the continued presence of Russian troops.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
Heavy rhetoric in Dutch parliament, as the Erdogan-simping Muslim party Denk defends an anti-blasphemy petition. The entire political class reiterated that - in the context of recent events - this move is "absolutely sickening." Satisfying sight. Zero tolerance for intolerance.

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PanEuropeanMovement @EuropeanPan
A moment to remember all those who fought and died in the trenches. Moved to a hopeless battlefield out of a heartfelt sense of duty, they ended up sacrificing themselves to teach us the most important lesson of all; we Europeans are not meant to fight eachother. #ArmisticeDay

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Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Classifier 20221003165148
tldr 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
etc 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
etc 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221008141821 (everything)

Classifier 20221003165148
etc 82%
art_other 17%