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England the new El Dorado if you are an illegal immigrant! Britain First visits the Wilton Arms Hotel, Middleton, North Manchester to see how the illegal immigrants are settling in. https://www.britain-first-party.com/video_britain_first_exposes_a_migrant_hotel_in_middleton https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1583454814096138241/video/1

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Fri 21 Oct: Public intervene after a woman was the subject of yet another stabbing outside a coffee shop in Edgeware Road, London, this morning. #ShitholeLondon https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1583426314115067904/video/1

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Britain First visits the Best Western 'Casa Mere Hotel' near Knutsford to find out how taxpayers money is being squandered on yet more illegal immigrants. Yet again, migrants guarding migrants! https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1582687206258675712/video/1

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Tue 18 Oct: Eco activists blocking the A4 into London this morning. Meanwhile, the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge joining Essex to Kent remains closed after activists climbed it yesterday. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1582347037282304000/video/1

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Britain First continues to highlight government policy of placing large groups of male illegal immigrants in small English communities against the wishes of the local population. https://www.britain-first-party.com/video_britain_first_returns_to_milnsbridge_to_protest_against_huge_migrant_centre https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1582343005972754432/video/1

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A MESSAGE TO ALL IMMIGRANTS! Please RETWEET if you agree folks.

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The public is getting increasingly frustrated by these wasters. Next time you see them blocking traffic pour some milk over them all. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581977284411473920/video/1

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The lies are starting to be exposed now at the highest levels. The Covid 19 vaccine was never tested to determine whether it could stop the transmission of the virus. Watch as a Pfizer director LAUGHS as she answers "NO" to the question. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581719778997125120/video/1

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Sun 16 Oct: Protest in Paris turned violent this afternoon after police attempted to shut it down. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581717309638705152/video/1

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Sun 16 Oct: A huge demonstration took place in Paris, France, today in relation to the recent price hikes in the food and energy sectors. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581712831359373313/video/1

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Same immigrant thieves attacking another mobile phone shop in London apparently undeterred by the public videoing them. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581709660419420160/video/1

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Sun 16 Oct: Eco protesters at it again in London today. This time they repainted the outside of an Aston Martin showroom in Park Lane and attempted to disrupt the flow of traffic. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581702245841657857/video/1

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Four Algerians suspects held in Paris after the body of a 12-year-old schoolgirl named only as Lola was found hogtied in a suitcase. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/20122255/suspect-bought-croissant-after-allegedly-carrying-girl-body/

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No, this isn't a war zone in eastern Europe but Oakland, California, the vice president's home town. The Democrats are doing a great job destroying a once great USA. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581305381179256833/video/1

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Sat 15 Oct: The SW winds have picked up in the Pas-de-Calais this afternoon. Meanwhile, all SAR craft have returned to port on both sides of the Channel, at least for now. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581286970466086912/video/1

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Britain First visits the Ibis Hotel in St Helens which is housing hundreds of illegal immigrants at taxpayers expense while many of our own veterans live on the streets. Migrants guarding migrants! Full version 👇 https://www.britain-first-party.com/video_britain_first_exposes_the_ibis_hotel_in_st_helens_for_housing_migrants https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581266148179742720/video/1

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BBC reporters, posing as migrants, have discovered that illegals take a free French bus service from their camps to hide in the Dunkirk dunes before boarding the Channel boats. Macron's mates must know this yet do nothing. Dover's MP is furious or at least pretending to be so. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1581039713686679552/video/1

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The USA has since the 1940s provided billions of dollars in military and security aid to the Arab state of Saudi Arabia but now they have chosen to side with the Russians and bump up the oil price.

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This is why your fuel prices have gone through roof! Saudi duplicity knows no bounds! 😡😡😡 US says 70yrs relationship with Saudi Arabia in shambles after Saudis “Chose Russia over the US”

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Does anyone else get the feeling that the government has totally lost control and that the UK is slowly but surely going to the dogs?

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Fri 14 Oct: In Trafalgar Square and outside Downing Street, the start of the Extinction Rebellion weekend of mayhem in London. Video courtesy 👇👇👇 StreetMic Livestream https://youtu.be/EUfJLyqmTWE https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580982046562095104/video/1

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Ben Needham disappeared from the Greek island of Kos on 24th July 1991. If you have ANY information that could lead to the discovery of Ben's whereabouts please get in touch with the family team 👇👇 helpfindbenneedham@gmail.com @FindBenNeedham

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Breaking News: Kwasi sacked as Chancellor as Truss promotes Jeremy Hunt to the job. God Help Us!!!!

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Official government statistics show that 1,693 illegal immigrants crossed the English Channel last week. All were picked up in the Channel by Border Force and/or the RNLI and transported to Dungeness or Dover for onward processing. Video courtesy @dungeness1958 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580861042141581313/video/1

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Welcome to Rotherham, the epicentre of Asian grooming gangs and child rapists. Isn't diversity wonderful? 😎 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580697748390629378/video/1

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This was the scene on the beach at Bray-Dunes located just east of Dunkirk, France, on Tuesday with a large group of migrants launching their rubber dinghy into the English Channel while the French do absolutely nothing to stop them. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580693388495851520/video/1

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DEAR OH DEAR...Anyway. 🫣 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580511404284870657/video/1

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Thur 13 Oct: The MOD reports that Border Force and the RNLI brought another 856 illegal immigrants on 19 boats into England yesterday. A government that cannot protect its borders is unfit to govern! 😡 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580499242862665728/video/1

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The BBC are employing so many illiterate immigrants these days that their spelling on news reports has gone to the dogs. SHANK apparently is immigrant speak for SHRANK 🤣

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A huge group of 100k Arab migrants in Turkey calling itself the "Caravan of Light," has announced a full mobilisation effort in order to breach the Greek border and force their way into Europe today.

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Wed 12 Oct: RNLI Dungeness and Hastings lifeboats brought in a combined total of 73 to the beach at Dungeness this morning just after 11am. #FakeRefugees #RepatriateThem Video courtesy @dungeness1958 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580228329185382400/video/1

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Did you know that all these hotels housing illegal immigrants are breaking the law as they are in contravention of planning consents. Some Councils are waking up to this fact and are now serving injunctions on Serco to stop this practise.

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This is Nelson near Burnley. Welcome to New England, isn't diversity wonderful? https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1580050568508485633/video/1

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Tue 11 Oct: The MOD reports that Border Force and the RNLI brought 539 illegal immigrants on 13 boats into England yesterday. The invasion continues unabated! https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579785746629939200/video/1

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John Mappin, owner of Camelot Castle Hotel was contacted by Serco rep wanting to house illegal immigrants: "I thought it was a joke!" While the British public are struggling to make ends meet, this is where your taxes are going. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579651364837523456/video/1

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The RNLI is getting so many negative comments on Facebook due to their participation in bringing illegal immigrants into England that they regularly have to disable the comments. Says it all really! https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579645123167932416/video/1

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The jungle comes to Birmingham! Isn't diversity wonderful? 😡😡😡 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579642673031688193/video/1

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Martin Trench suffered serious facial injuries following an attack outside KFC in Glasgow. The 62-year-old was taken to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital for treatment following the assault by a group of Asians. 😡😡😡 https://news.stv.tv/west-central/man-suffers-serious-facial-injury-after-assault-on-renfield-street-in-glasgow-near-kfc

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Mon 10 Oct: 1,065 illegal immigrants and 25 dinghies were intercepted by Border Force and the RNLI yesterday and brought into the UK. No end to this madness! Over 34,000 this year alone! 😡 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579457822320111622/video/1

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CCTV footage from Creeslough, Co Donegal, shows the windows in an apartment above the shop complex blowing out seconds before the apartments collapsed on top of the shops below.

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Figures reveal that more crimes are committed in London by immigrants than ever before. Isn't diversity wonderful ???

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No messing! Irate motorists are becoming more proactive in defending the streets of London against eco protesters. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1579077193313185792/video/1

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While the West increases sanctions on Russia, it is business as usual for the Saudi oil barons. Saudi Arabia's Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman meets Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak back in July.

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A filling station, shop and three apartments in Creeslough, Co Donegal are destroyed by a huge mystery explosion but no fire? No smell of gas, no burning gas main or ruptured fuel tanks. A distinct lack of fire in fact from the beginning. Something doesn't add up.

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English cities are being turned into third-world cesspits by successive incompetent Tories all sitting in their gilded cages! How much longer can civilised folk put up with this crap?

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Home Office declares that 543 people were identified as having illegally entered the UK in the back of a lorry during the period 1st JAN to 1st SEP 2022. Many others went undetected so were not counted!! Info courtesy Steve Laws 👍

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Three dead after a massive gas explosion at the Applegreen service station in Creeslough, Co Donegal, Republic of Ireland. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578574301409685504/video/1

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White teenager being racially abused by feral youth imports in England. Isn't diversity wonderful? https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578502262200356864/video/1

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Illegal immigrants from Africa forced their way into a town hall in Paris today demanding free housing. Time this lot were all repatriated! https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578495135893311488/video/1

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Typical Irish. They want everyone else to provide their security and do the fighting for them while they play the pacifist card. So predictable 🙄 https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578488819099193344/video/1

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Another new record has been set for the number of illegal immigrants allowed to enter England after being brought across the English Channel.

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Another bus load of illegal immigrants dropped off at Kamala Harris's house in the early hours by the Republican administration in Texas. https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578483099972706304/video/1

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Criminals from Animal Rebellion callously destroying shop displays at Harrods, Selfridges and Fortnums in London. Anyone put a name to these louts? https://twitter.com/Justice_forum/status/1578477744723492864/video/1

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