@ProphetPunished Thunderstruck❄️🌲 A real friend of civilization wishes merely to make the Germans more German, the French more French, the Spaniards more Spanish, & so on.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 61
Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@elonmusk @EndWokeness Not OK and I know you know it's not OK to ban people because of their political beliefs. How TF do we figure out what's the best system if some of them are a priori disqualified by those who have the most money & power and rule over our every word, like the Defamation League.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
And here you have it, folks.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@ToledanoToleda3 @hooliganscz1999 Probably a mere cohencidence

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@pale006 @areyousyrious @ttomasevichr @mozemoHR @IvanaKekin @sandra_bencic Znamo na čijoj je EU strani. Šuica je prije par godina rekla da nije problem što Hrvati odlaze kad ima toliko crnaca u Africi koje možemo dovesti. https://t.co/pAT6fmyORt
Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
: @pale006 @areyousyrious @ttomasevichr @mozemoHR @IvanaKekin @sandra_bencic @dubravkasuica ovom politikom praktički i formalno-pravno potpomaže genocid nad Hrvatima u našoj jedinoj domovini. UN konvencija o genocidu: Ignoriranje demografske slike + Imigracija iz 3. svijeta = inflicting measures to prevent births. Iseljavanje = transfering children...

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View @ProphetPunished
Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@pale006 @areyousyrious @ttomasevichr @mozemoHR @IvanaKekin @sandra_bencic Znamo na čijoj je EU strani. Šuica je prije par godina rekla da nije problem što Hrvati odlaze kad ima toliko crnaca u Africi koje možemo dovesti.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@lukamszv Praznoglavi liberal.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@KeighleyWest @SerenaJB3 What does "evolving as a whole" mean? Becoming a little consumer without any real identity? Resigning yourself to the fact your children will be a small minority in a nation which hates their guts? Finding peace in knowing your own people will go extinct? No thanks.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@Stephen888WTF @DavidON53494606 @SerenaJB3 Are you Jewish?

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Look at the logo of a new hot CI product in the tech sector.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@trey_kirkland @broken_butwhole @AlternatNews OMG, it's annuda shoah

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@judith17554 @PurePoll

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@theGrit_music @PurePoll

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@TedUrchin @lord_etemon @PurePoll

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@trenbologne It's not behind a paywall, you lying sack of shit. Here's the bottom of the article and I don't even have an account, let alone a paid one.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@ErkoKrupic Paranoja te stisla, ha? Ja ne koristim Facebook. Ali moram priznati da sam se dobro namučio da saznam vašu lokaciju (vidi sliku). LOL, koji luzer.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@Computech2000 Who said this?

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Come on @danawhite

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
I wonder why I was put on this weird list

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@TheMadDimension FYI the link in your profile is cut off, i.e. ends with: "TheMadDimensi", so it opens a non-existent Odysee page.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@JohnAHunt @DonnaBowe10 @DrEllaBridges I hope this information helps.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@JohnAHunt @DonnaBowe10 @DrEllaBridges I don't think there's anyone who sees other groups as non-humans. They just claim that there are various (and) substantial differences between group averages, which is undeniable. Here's just one example: FBI stats on crime for 2021. And it's getting rapidly worse.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@Pointingoutlie5 @c_x_alexandre @Ultrastic5 @AntiTVLicence @TheHarryManSpa1 @SerenaJB3 The mask always slips in the end. A genocidal intent to destroy English people by gradually removing their sovereignty and the right of self-determination, which we afford to every ethnic group on the planet. In a self-respecting nation: this tweet would mean permanent expulsion

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@rickygervais Wait, you're filming Ben Stiller's "Simple Jack" sequel?

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Croatia. Praying in the city center an mass.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Look at the second result when you search "Italian pandoro" on Bing.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
The OK "Beatrice 6" spent 52 years in prison combined because of botched serology test of the real perpetrator. Guess who did the test? Joyce Gilchrist. Her testimony led to execution of at least a dozen inmates.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@spicyparanoia @Giuseppe031199

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@SuamIkim @Ark_Peter91 Ju hu 👰‍♂️

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@lporiginalg big morality flex by Sam, LOL

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@jeremythegrate @eazy_hax @VeteranTakeBack You know which question, but let me be explicit: "Is general quality of life correlated with ethnic/racial groups who live in that country?".

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@DrTeufelsdrockh Cuddihy's (himself Jewish) "Ordeal of civility" posits that Marx and Freud's ideas came from their incompatibility with European culture. They both had a vision of liberation that would provide an universal solvent in which the significance of ethnic identity would disappear.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Look at the rules this bitch is imposing on organizers who want to invite her to speak.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
ChatGTP is a politically correct trash, not unlike Google's "fairness algorithm".

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
by @jimgoad if I may

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@prawdawny @ZygmuntowskiJ @VeraJourova @elonmusk @DigitalEU LOL

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@GuiDurocher He is Italian though his physiognomy is kinda sus.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@znaor98 @recina790 Kad se pretvoriš u ovcu, očekuj vukove na vratima. Ovca ne zna da je ovca pa se boji i napada psa ovčara. U Francuskoj, Belgiji, Italiji, Engleskoj, ... ovakve slike su svakodnevnica.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@Miastra @RealBrysonGray Dear pupils, today we are learning how to communicate. Read the tweets and answer these questions: 1. which side threw an ad-hominem first? 2. which side comes back with an obfuscation after having been asked "Have you read his book?" 3. which side wanted an honest discourse?

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@alpha_tauri88 Tweet neposredno prije toga

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@lporiginalg @JackPosobiec @almostjingo

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Source: the last E;R video

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
Look at these international hyenas attacking @GiorgiaMeloni and by proxy Italian people's desire to reorient from globalism to sovereignty. Desire that every ethnic group on this planet values above all: self-determination. Return to normalcy. I hope she delivers on that promise.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@lporiginalg Let this lovely image from the new Pinocchio movie be a consolation to you.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@PersyLives The whole YouTube channel looks like this. Instigating anti-White hatred behind the curtain, as they are known to do.

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@new_engine (((garlic)))

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
@douglasmercer33 They are doing the same in the US. I haven't been able to confirm (((this))), but I have a reasonable case that "US Holodomor committee" is led by a Jewish guy, Sawkiw. They were trying to add Holocaust education to Oregon under the cover of Holodomor: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Downloads/CommitteeMeetingDocument/197773

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Thunderstruck❄️🌲 @ProphetPunished
The Jewish gentleman Austin Harrouff, who ate another man's face in 2016 is all over the news. Oh and BTW, we need to stem the tide of White nationalism

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joker 59%

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hitler 29%

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map 99%

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star of david 55%
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art_other 66%

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art_other 87%

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tldr 39%
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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 82%

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face 79%

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etc 91%

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art_other 87%

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tldr 93%

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bar graph 100%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 33%

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hitler 27%

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happy merchant 27%
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bar graph 99%

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mspaint style 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 98%

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tldr 97%

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logos_flags_graphics 39%
star of david 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%
star of david 68%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014