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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3
Charlie Carrel @Charlie_Carrel
Who do you think dictates the narratives of the corporate media? (CNN, BBC etc)
Spirit Wife @buriedsloth
((())) ifykyk

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Dissident Soaps @DissidentSoaps
I would bet that 95% of this side of Twitter read Guns, Germs and Steel when it came out, looking for some explanation of why the world shook out like it did, but virtually every premise of the book has been disproven via Twitter and sail foam videos. It was always the people. https://t.co/KjiCI33DAo
Spirit Wife @buriedsloth
I loved that book when I first read it. But in 2015 I realized (((Diamond))) was a total fraud. He said that the Papau New Guineans seemed smarter to him than people from Europe. What a crock.

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Spirit Wife @buriedsloth
@1drcole It honestly wouldn't matter if they found bodies in his garage. Not at this point. We have much bigger fish to fry. This country is going to slip into fascism unless we stick together. This will all blow over. We can't let things like this demoralize us...

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Spirit Wife @buriedsloth
Room pauses. People blink/stare at McConnell. MM: I should add... If any of you faggots pull a Jeff Flake, I will PERSONALLY "convert" you into a faggot, myself. Take that as you want...
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Spirit Wife @buriedsloth
@CatTheUndying (((Ben & Jerry's)))

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Classifier 20221028131014
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art_other 28%