@Bumpyuma Western Essence I hope this doesn't offend people but I'm a White man and I'm a proud White male and I want to preserve my heritage.

Bumpyuma's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 52

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@KiwiBeat1 @JerryFLaCourse @OutrightPower @alexbruesewitz

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Ukraine has a Jew President, a Jew Prime minister, a Jew defense chief and Jewish gangster criminals run the banks and the media. And in America, 6 of the 7 critical cabinet positions are held by Jews! These are not Nazi States, they're Jewish puppet States.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@Rucki1 @Pappy42072 @Rylus2 @Freckles3229263 @CNN Ukraine has a Jew President, a Jew Prime minister, a Jew defense chief and Jewish gangster criminals run the banks and the media. And in America, 6 of the 7 critical cabinet positions are held by Jews! These are not Nazi States, they're Jewish puppet States.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@SuhKong @sinners34950716 @Esqueer_

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@rico_rants @Scratch_Point_Z

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@JohnJFreedom1 @karlmucks @Davey_Ze @meanwhileinau @SenatorAntic

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@WWPubs Yeah, he said that.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@RyRysChillin @valentinevxn @CultOfHoodies @TheNecoLover

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@TomFitton The Israeli Mossad has relentlessly spied on America.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Anti-Christian Jews control the media that represents every destructive value of our society.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Hundreds of thousands of completely innocent White men, women, children are violently attacked, murdered or raped each and every year! https://twitter.com/Bumpyuma/status/1591226693125287941/video/1

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The murders and the rapes and the assaults that have gone on against white people because of massive immigration is insane. https://twitter.com/Bumpyuma/status/1590490608833269760/video/1

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
As per usual, it’s “antisemitic” and “hate,” but they never try to refute it.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Winston Churchill did an entire article on Jewish Bolshevism called, "Zionism vs. Bolshevism, a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people" https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Zionism_versus_Bolshevism

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@JerryJjjjjjjjjj @questionsin2014 @AddisonSarter93 @turtz55 @bengould2010 @Marcel4Congress Is that your emotional response?

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@BIOBDGUY @Breaking911

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The Ukrainian Maidan revolution was not led by Nazis (they were only 2% of the population like the right sector) - it was led by Jews like Victoria Nuland and the Jewish domination of the security agencies of America.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Judeo-American Western democratic liberal values are systemically victimizing whites.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The only kings or presidents or nations of any kind that any Christian is obligated to serve are those nations which serve Jesus.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
God and your eternal soul matter more than country. And worshiping Satan is what you’re doing if you defend the American regime. This country is pure evil.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@laurenboebert This is why they hate North Korea.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Jewish supremacy media is an enemy of us and our children’s future, and against the rest of the world as they push for Jewish global hegemony.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The last Christian studio of Hollywood has been for a good while as Satanic as a den of devil worshippers. Their executives just had meeting literally pledging to promote the children of America to become "QUEERS."

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@GOP The head of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives lied and said the Hunter laptop was an attempt to interfere in our elections! It was a bald-faced lie.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
This same spy agency has spied on this country and damaged America repeatedly. https://twitter.com/Bumpyuma/status/1505725131611549697/photo/1

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The Mossad launched terrorist attacks with 14 Mossad Agents on Americans in Egypt in a plot cynically called "Operation Susannah" which was intended to bomb and kill Americans and blame it on Egypt to get America into a false flag war caused war against Egypt.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Look at this picture from Adam Schiff's Twitter, on Father's Day when his son honors his father by wearing a Mossad T-Shirt. And Schiff is the head of U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@SenJoniErnst Iranian Nationalists (patriots) actually played a leading role in the defeat of ISIS - now ask yourself, (((why))) don’t you know that?

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@DonaldJTrumpJr I bet (((They))) have a supremacy over the ad agencies too.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@TheInsiderPaper Why does ((( "White Supremacy" ))) continue to allow non-Whites on television (every night) to spew their anti-White propaganda/rhetoric?

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Defending the West must include freeing the (((media))) and our governments from subservient interests. https://twitter.com/Bumpyuma/status/1399174403913437184/photo/1

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@ACTBrigitte McCain was always a good goy, who lived for people like (((Schumer))) and (((Feinstein))) patting him on his head - traitor.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@RepAndyBiggsAZ ((( New York Times ))) is an anti-American, anti-White propaganda outlet - 100%

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Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut
CNN and all of their staff truly suck.
Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The head of CNN right now is (((Mr. Zuckerman))) - he's not White nor Christian.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@RandPaul The (((schools and universities))) are poisonous. Until these institutions are properly addressed, the left will continue radicalizing.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@Nigel_Farage Our problems are due to the J*ws who dominate our society, not the Chinese.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@Nigel_Farage Our problems are due to the J*ws who dominate our society, not the Chinese.

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Lauren Boebert @laurenboebert
Last night, China Joe rationalized Xi Jinping’s treatment of Uighurs and called China a victim on live television. Anderson Cooper just stood there and watched him do it. https://t.co/pLFqFpaUDM
Western Essence @Bumpyuma
At this point, I feel very strongly that anyone who prioritizes China as an important topic is either an absolutely irredeemable moron, or is a traitor, attempting to distract you from the J*ws who are ruining your civilization, right in front of you.

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View @laurenboebert
Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@JackPosobiec Our problems are due to the J*ws who dominate our society, not the Chinese.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@USATODAY You have a choice between J*wish supremacism and a choice for European survival. That's your choice. The rest of it's all fluff. The rest of it doesn't mean much of anything folks.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
A tiny handful of Z*onist J*wish Oligarchs control the Biggest Media Conglomerates on Earth #NotRussians #NotChinese

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
J*wish supremacists see a squabbling disunited society as an easy prey to their intense and well-organized efforts at control.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@ColumbiaBugle Walt Disney films WERE the most morally spiritually uplifting and educational until J*ws took it over. Now they make anti-Christian and sexually degenerate films.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
The J*wish supremacist control over America has led to disaster.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Endless wars, replacement-level immigration, demonization of White men, promotion of gayness and trannyism, and presenting Black men as the ideal mates for White women were inflicted on us by J*ws and not Chinamen. .

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@RepAndyBiggsAZ You're not going to get a change in the immigration policy, or in the family policy or for a healthy and wholesome and a pro-family media or from the banking rip-offs or for these insane wars until you overthrow the J*wish extremists tyrants who're ruling over us.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@senrobportman @JohnCornyn The J*wish Supremacists have worked with the Chinese for decades. American jobs and military technology didn't just appear there.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Endless wars, replacement-level immigration, demonization of White men, promotion of gayness and trannyism, and presenting Black men as the ideal mates for White women were inflicted on us by J*ws and not Chinamen. .

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@seanhannity Our problems are due to the J*ws who dominate our society, not the Chinese.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@Jim_Jordan The use of massive immigration in pursuit of so called goals like multiculturalism is simply a tool, a weapon which J*w*sh extremists use to divide and conquer societies.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Election fraud, child trannies, obesity, socialist policies, black oppression hoaxes, the opioid crisis, feminism and the collapse of the family, abortion, censorship, economic collapse, wealth disparity and virtually every problem in our country were caused by J*ws, not Chinamen

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@SenTomCotton Election fraud, child trannies, obesity, socialist policies, black oppression hoaxes, the opioid crisis, feminism and the collapse of the family, abortion, censorship, economic collapse, wealth disparity and virtually every problem in our country were caused by J*ws, not Chinamen

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Jeff Flake @JeffFlake
Future Republican majorities will depend on our ability to distance ourselves from Trumpism, not our willingness to embrace it. https://t.co/mFTkIFY5vj
Western Essence @Bumpyuma
Ann Coulter on CNN's Disproportionate Jewish Representation (The Goyim Know) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1EAjeNuGOw

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@BWLH_: @pkBWLH David Lee “Fingers” Goldfein is the four-star general who currently serves as the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. COHENcidence?

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@anyaparampil (((Elliott Abrams))) gloats over ZOG (Zionist Organized Government) ability to prevent Caracas from selling its oil & gold, says goal of sanctions is to "deny the regime money" & laughs while describing his gangsterlike threats against creditors...

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@realDonaldTrump Disgusting! Will Trump recognize Mexican Sovereignty over the entire Southwest after years of illegal invasion? USA voted in the U.N. that Israel give back to the Syrians their land which was illegally stolen by Israel. WE DO LIVE UNDER Zionist Occupied Government. (((ZOG))) !!!

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@cynthiamckinney @realDonaldTrump ((( Why ))) The. Goyim. Know.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@krassenstein Sincerely, (((A Non-religious person)))

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@dwnews ((( Hollywood ))) hates the German people. Never. Forget.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@atrupar There’s definitely some (((Middle Easterners))) traveling with the caravan, Mr. President. ✡

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@CBSNews The wrong people are being arrested, absolutely shameful. ((( NYC )))

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@People4Bernie @CynthiaNixon First they blame Black Americans for the violence and terror perpetrated by (((Antifa)))—now they are justifying marijuana legally flooding into your community because... “racial justice” aka $hekels. These are not good people, folks.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@DrDavidDuke Dr. Duke, I believe that the topic of (((Zio-advertising agencies))) is a very important topic that's not covered enough.

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Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@CNN What about Israel, (((Chuck)))?

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The Alt-Left wants folks to believe that DACA recipients are all children. 25% of them have kids themselves! #MAGA #HereToStay #NoAmnesty https://t.co/7GmacbAj93
Western Essence @Bumpyuma
@Fart1488 Is that (((Greenberg)))?

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hitler 29%

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star of david 89%
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star of david 100%