@IntellectEmbarg Intellectual Embargo I will tell you things other people wont. I might follow people who I disagree with.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 219
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@JadenPMcNeil @HarmlessYardDog

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The divide and conquer game between white and white women is super strong. And I'm conviced bad actors have attempted to help cultivate it for a long long time.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Ads for AI companions, suggesting that the AI cares about you... Oof. I'm sure we all know that's a lie, but some people might be so desperate for companionship that they choose to try and believe the lie anyway.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 Cream gravy

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@DiogenestheD0G @gragnorr Ah yes, before the 'juicy' pants there was the 'sugar cured ham' skirt.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Game playing vs game making Reading vs writing Our grandparents had hobbies like whittling, writing poetry or making fly fishing lures. And maybe you should try it. Maybe you don't want to whittle, that's okay, you can do something with the same productive spirit. https://t.co/7W2PZK0FrB
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: A hobby where you customize tshirts, or create models for dungeons and dragons games, or anything like that. The point is everyone should find a way to bring new life into the world around them, and maybe even enjoy it a bit. A production based hobby.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
But... The one big distinction in my mind between hobbies is production-based hobbies and consumption-based hobbies. I think everyone should, at least occasionally, engage in a hobby of production. Watching films is consumption based. Amateur filmmaking is production based. https://t.co/1bqosKKgOS
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Game playing vs game making Reading vs writing Our grandparents had hobbies like whittling, writing poetry or making fly fishing lures. And maybe you should try it. Maybe you don't want to whittle, that's okay, you can do something with the same productive spirit.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Is it bad for a man to be into video games? No worse than being into books, films or landscaping in my view. The only problem with video games is that they often employ reward mechanisms to get players to play for unhealthy amounts of time compulsively. And to bilk their money. https://t.co/fq34ccNv5n
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: But... The one big distinction in my mind between hobbies is production-based hobbies and consumption-based hobbies. I think everyone should, at least occasionally, engage in a hobby of production. Watching films is consumption based. Amateur filmmaking is production based.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Some people have talked about 'good hobbies' or 'bad hobbies' to have. Let's ignore extreme degenerate hobbies for a moment. Is rock climbing, gaming or any other hobby 'bad?' I don't think so. I think what's most important to have a healthy balance with your hobbies. 🧵 https://t.co/nOGMqcFNjW
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Is it bad for a man to be into video games? No worse than being into books, films or landscaping in my view. The only problem with video games is that they often employ reward mechanisms to get players to play for unhealthy amounts of time compulsively. And to bilk their money.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Some people have talked about 'good hobbies' or 'bad hobbies' to have. Let's ignore extreme degenerate hobbies for a moment. Is rock climbing, gaming or any other hobby 'bad?' I don't think so. I think what's most important to have a healthy balance with your hobbies. 🧵

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lordvictor As long as one child remains alive, it is worth protecting their gun rights.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Happy Mothers day.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The lies told about our supposed past racial harmony are so bankrupt and destructive.
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@reddit_lies When I was 4 I'm pretty sure I told my mother I was a cat. Luckily she didn't institute any hormone therapy or surgery.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I bought some warheads. These are not the same stuff as it was in the 90s. The old ones were different shape, and had a hollow tube in the center. Now it tastes more like some sort of sour cough drop. Very sad.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@JamesDGrambo When the bartender showboating pulls out the shaker for a drink he's not even going to shake

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@StephenFleming @primalpoly Some of these, like plumbing, I feel are possibly at least partially automated thru AI and new manufacturing/building techniques. Consider the ability to incorporate things like electrical conduits and plumbing into manufactured walls like SIPs.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff When the biological organism reproduces.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
There's always been a concentrated effort to divide white men and white women online. They do it because it works. The battle of the sexes draws people in. But our real battle is on the same side in defense of the family. If you're not for the family and for our children, gtfo.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
If you never built a family - at some point, especially near the end of your life, you'll likely regret not building one. If you did build a family, near the end of your life you might look back and find a lot of mistakes. But overall you're not likely to regret having a family.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Precious moments is to grandmas as Funko pop is to soyboys.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
A marker on a white board is good. Chalk on a black board is better. But a stick in the dirt or sand is clearly best.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I think about what would happen to a dozen or two white families if they wanted to buy 100+ acres as a safe haven for the white race.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@HarmlessYardDog Evropa space colonies ✅

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Media buys goods, pays taxes, hires labor. All the stuff other major multinationals do, but they have the ability to play the general population like a fiddle like no other companies can. The public will largely let the media frame the debate for them. But we know who owns WBD.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff I tried to grab a few, thousands of miles apart.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
If you haven't redirected water, moved rock, harvested, planted and reshaped the world around you, are you even white?
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: @Philosophi_Cat Not tipping according for that service they want is inappropriate. And it's also one of the big points of drama between the service industry and black customers. Because they want the service, but often stiff the staff.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 I always thought of you more as a Firkle.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 coza as a cyclops in a kenny hoodie.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff Polydactyl cats are some of the best.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@NAP118 @TheQuartering When only one race "moves past" race, their fate is sealed.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: We need to form a writing group. There's no way I'm going to be able to write anything half decent without some feedback.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff In reality a lot of obese american's breakfast:

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 That's what microwaves do. They heat water molecules. This is why something very low moisture like potato chips wont really have much happen to it, but a full potato that has lots of water will get hot. So yeah, lot of Americans heat water in the box made to heat water molecules

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Reading tweeter like

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AmericanKrogan @Trad_West_Art The midwest around MN, WI, ND and SD is called scandihoovia for a reason. Great Grandpa came over from Norway and worked as a pipe fitter in Fargo.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I can not even begin to tell you how many people have argued with me, NOT by stating that I'm incorrect, but by stating that I am am immoral for pointing certain things out. This is the intellectual embargo on our brains.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Chat gpt is like a regular reddit npc. Regurgitating the approved lines and never updates its understanding.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Misanthropy frequently presents itself as intellectually sophisticated.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@monitoringbias How does one feel about this image? Some people hate it with such a passion, they'd ally with anything they believe could harm in. Mass muslim immigration, looting, drag queen story hour, bestiality normalization. It's not about what you want, it's about who you want to hurt. https://t.co/MS4c5pjwDn
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @monitoringbias

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@monitoringbias How does one feel about this image? Some people hate it with such a passion, they'd ally with anything they believe could harm in. Mass muslim immigration, looting, drag queen story hour, bestiality normalization. It's not about what you want, it's about who you want to hurt.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy @_BarringtonII They prostrate themselves at the first opportunity.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The absolutely broken nature of dating, relationships and family building in the 1st world is one of the most important things happening right now. You can't just pair up these aging bachelors and spinsters because of the various baggage they carry against the opposite sex.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Darren getting to the heart of the issue. Antiwhites don't support CRT because it's accurate or inaccurate, they support it because it's antiwhite. That's the battleground we're on. Do you hate whites and want to see them replaced or not? clip from: https://youtu.be/w-4R5RN4N5Y https://twitter.com/IntellectEmbarg/status/1621888306987372544/video/1
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
In my free time I've been working on my handwriting. I am really enjoying it. There's something magical about our languages. Both spoken and written. And I think it's special we're able to look thru old letters and documents and still read them. These are our ancestors.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Crossed letters are really beautiful in their own way, even if it's a little intimidating to read. Here's one from Ireland in 1839.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Most property owners likely did not receive enough insurance payout to rebuild, but even if they did, they shouldn't. I mean, rioters fly a BLM flag in victory next to your destroyed life even today. If you rebuild, this is not the place for it clip from: https://youtu.be/HQ2FF_azaXs https://twitter.com/IntellectEmbarg/status/1621611841829888003/video/1
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I think the building flying the BLM flag got solar panels after the rioting. Welcome to Minneapolis.
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Yes, that is a "Black Lives Matter" in that 2nd picture. A BLM flag in the sky overlooking the site of the post office burned down by the race riot.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Yes, that is a "Black Lives Matter" in that 2nd picture. A BLM flag in the sky overlooking the site of the post office burned down by the race riot. https://t.co/yNz26HNLYI https://t.co/LyMw0xQ8ej
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: You take down the flags of your enemy, and raise your own as a symbol of your victory.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Yes, that is a "Black Lives Matter" in that 2nd picture. A BLM flag in the sky overlooking the site of the post office burned down by the race riot.
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Can you drop off a box for me at the post office? I want to go walk my @HarmlessYardDog Oh, you can't? Bummer.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Atlas Staffing? Maybe we can find work here! Nevermind. https://t.co/Z33pSOrNHg
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Loud and clear.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Can you drop off a box for me at the post office? I want to go walk my @HarmlessYardDog Oh, you can't? Bummer. https://t.co/Z9YdTkZvKb
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Atlas Staffing? Maybe we can find work here! Nevermind.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Inb4 some naive boomer says this was a "democrat riot" instead of a race riot. Maine has a lot of democrats. The rioting must have been pretty bad there too... right? https://t.co/sXUo5iEk3T
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Can you drop off a box for me at the post office? I want to go walk my @HarmlessYardDog Oh, you can't? Bummer.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs? https://t.co/NTvQqh6gMY
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Inb4 some naive boomer says this was a "democrat riot" instead of a race riot. Maine has a lot of democrats. The rioting must have been pretty bad there too... right?

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Speaking of Detroit, a diverse city that went thru a massive decline, especially after their race riots, how about Minneapolis? https://t.co/Qkz7LGMEBC https://t.co/Jj1cahN1fk
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Having a great time.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Speaking of Detroit, a diverse city that went thru a massive decline, especially after their race riots, how about Minneapolis?
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
"People are so stupid. Human's just aren't smart." -Average Pop Culture enthusiast

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 Here's what I see

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Ruh roh. Forbidden videos.
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lporiginalg No matter what happens, they know who is to blame.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Could have more race riots. Every time race riots come up, people love to bring up the 'based roof koreans.' Meanwhile, in reality, mass immigration has been a tool to take away your gun rights, your free speech, and so much more.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@Ando2448 I never did my stream dedicated to malls attempting, in the 80s and 90s. to resurrect the white urban center as it existed before so much white flight. Something that needs to be discussed.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Grab some Faygo and a few good friends to hang out at the mall with. Maybe even meet someone new there. It's not like how it used to be.
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Largest mall in America has had 3 shootings in the last year. *One just prior to last year's New Year's Eve celebration. Apparently a conflict around the Barber's shop *Then a shooting at the Nike store *And someone killed yesterday These haven't made much splash in the news.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA Yeah, shooter wasn't white though, might fade quickly.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Three charged so far in the most recent shooting. Only one photo released so far. Meet Taeshawn. https://t.co/TDP4Wg4zTK
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: We can meet Lavon Longstreet, the star of a CNN documentary. In the doc, Lavon attends a charter school, rather than the public schools so many of us had to go to. And how that school "has successfully narrowed" the gap between white and black students
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy Journalism is a den of evil.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@SBakerMD This is the battle royal map I want. https://t.co/ulefo5funJ
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @SBakerMD Here's the contiguous 48.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@SBakerMD This is the battle royal map I want.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy I've often thought about a sort of mountain retreat to 'reset' young men and women harmed by endless streams of porn, hyper-palatable foods and online dating. Maybe some hard work and meaningful connections would improve our lives.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA It appears we're having problems living together, again. But that's not really new. Been happening since before we were born.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@HarmlessYardDog I agree that there's not much of a reason to be patriotic for a country that is actively trying to replace you, and 'diversifying' your country for their own personal gain. Not that I think most Gen Z are capable of grasping that, at the moment.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@primalpoly I traveled to the 'great American eclipse,' a few years back. I went to Casper Wyoming, which was seen as one of the premier locations for it. I actually hung out in the Walmart parking lot with hundreds of other people. And my little 100 dollar telescope. I took some photos. https://t.co/TCc2mFRpIA
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @primalpoly Including this one and the prior post. I got to meet people from all around, including this really nice German family who wanted copies of the photos I took. I was surprised how much the eclipse dropped the temperature, and how quickly it warmed up again after. It was fun.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@primalpoly I traveled to the 'great American eclipse,' a few years back. I went to Casper Wyoming, which was seen as one of the premier locations for it. I actually hung out in the Walmart parking lot with hundreds of other people. And my little 100 dollar telescope. I took some photos.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 An empty threat, we all know it.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 Back in my day shy people would use the phone to avoid in-person interactions. Now they're scared of the sound of another human's voice, even if they're hundreds of miles away.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
These are probably images you've seen before. https://t.co/XmIsSkBrUW
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: But I thought it might be interesting to remind you of them.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
But I thought it might be interesting to remind you of them. https://t.co/olRpn2axyV
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Remember when a Syrian shot and killed 10 people in a Boulder grocery store? https://t.co/ILer4mWIRI
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: The internet has really made some things extremely obvious over the last couple years. Blatant examples for anyone with the eyes to see.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The internet has really made some things extremely obvious over the last couple years. Blatant examples for anyone with the eyes to see. https://t.co/s1zgm4M59S
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: These are probably images you've seen before.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Remember when a Syrian shot and killed 10 people in a Boulder grocery store?

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA A lot of angry non-whites know as much about their history as they do because of the preservation efforts of white people. Let them think about that. https://t.co/cvOAz0BYIA
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @ZackTaylorFA 1) Guy who took the photo 2) The photo (Chichen Itza) 3) The Americans who went down to Mexico to restore it 4) What it looks like now Reading angry nonwhites makes us sound like a whirlwind that crashed into their society. I may agree that we have our own way of doing things.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA White people have gone to some pretty extreme lengths to document the culture, history and technologies of peoples around the world. So much of our museums are a monument to those other cultures, and so that the lives those people lived wont be forgotten We don't get much thanks https://t.co/WzlFjynDZD
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @ZackTaylorFA A lot of angry non-whites know as much about their history as they do because of the preservation efforts of white people. Let them think about that.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA White people have gone to some pretty extreme lengths to document the culture, history and technologies of peoples around the world. So much of our museums are a monument to those other cultures, and so that the lives those people lived wont be forgotten We don't get much thanks

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA >Antiwhites cheering when Muhammad Ali saying he wants a black woman to make black babies with https://t.co/7rW37RuoSg
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @ZackTaylorFA >Antiwhites when two white people look at eachother from across the room

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA >Antiwhites cheering when Muhammad Ali saying he wants a black woman to make black babies with

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Kids sleep thru nearly anything. That's why you can carry them up to bed without them waking up. Their number one job is to grow. So they get great sleep. In your 20s and 30s your ability to maintain sleep even when stimulus is around you drastically drops. Makes sense, someone.. https://t.co/pEHYvtDLq8
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: ..in the family needs to be able to wake up and deal with problems on behalf of those kids. So you become more susceptible to waking up to protect your children and family. So you might not go all out with maximizing sleep when you have an infant. Maintaining sleep is less...

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
..in the family needs to be able to wake up and deal with problems on behalf of those kids. So you become more susceptible to waking up to protect your children and family. So you might not go all out with maximizing sleep when you have an infant. Maintaining sleep is less... https://t.co/gDPJoXRVro
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: ..critical than making sure baby is okay. But if no kids, or your kids are older/adults, it may be time to make some changes to improve your sleep and be able to rest thru the night. Our modern lives don't require waking up at a pin drop to prepare to beat back wolves or lions.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
2023: The year to improve your sleep. -Having troubles with sleep initiation? Maintaining a schedule as much as you can helps a lot. You can also try a hot bath before bed. -Having troubles staying asleep? White noise generator, blackout curtains, not drinking water before bed.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
2023: The year to improve your sleep. -Having troubles with sleep initiation? Maintaining a schedule as much as you can helps a lot. You can also try a hot bath before bed. -Having troubles staying asleep? White noise generator, blackout curtains, not drinking water before bed. https://t.co/8BT1Ns8vJ5
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Kids sleep thru nearly anything. That's why you can carry them up to bed without them waking up. Their number one job is to grow. So they get great sleep. In your 20s and 30s your ability to maintain sleep even when stimulus is around you drastically drops. Makes sense, someone..

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@aimeeterese Despite being a factor in less than 2% of abortions, rape and incest make up 99% of the arguments for elective late-term abortions.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Three charged so far in the most recent shooting. Only one photo released so far. Meet Taeshawn.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I saw a boy, probably 12 or 13 years-old, in public with his family wearing a shirt about milfs. I found it disturbing. Who does this? Are they purposely dressing their son this way? 'Wow, a shirt about sex with milfs, I need to get my son this!'

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA Healthy human behavior

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@HarmlessYardDog https://t.co/Tk6rYf2OJw
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @HarmlessYardDog Other 2023 moods from my pictures folder: These three are a cycle.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
So many childhood winters, trudging thru the snow in the woods near home. Merry Christmas, everyone.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Largest mall in America has had 3 shootings in the last year. *One just prior to last year's New Year's Eve celebration. Apparently a conflict around the Barber's shop *Then a shooting at the Nike store *And someone killed yesterday These haven't made much splash in the news.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@gloomygvrl666 You'll find severed arm under the Christmas tree this year, containing a fully intact wrist.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Of course they're not ~attacking~ a *rival tribe!* They are simply ~holding accountable~ the *unacceptable people* who do evil things, especially espousing evil opinions.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy Merry Christmas.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
4chan saw the future back in 2013.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@Sean__Last White cons buy into the same frame as the left. The only moral frame to argue from is "what do non-whites think?" and "what's good for non-whites?" Like Crenshaw saying the reason to oppose discrimination against whites in college admissions is it might impact blacks negatively.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@JesseKellyDC "the skin colors" I see we're dishonestly referring to race as just skin color, when race is about genetic ancestry and divergent human evolution. And we're also just flat lying about IQ and brain differences. The races don't even have cranial capacities that are the same.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Happy Pride Month. Every corporate email or group chat where people tell you to have a happy pride month, make sure you reply all with this and how much you anticipate the next pride parade.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Finally they find out the perp isn't white. https://t.co/Vt8nSQdWlC
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: 2021 mass shooters.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Then they hear that children are dead. https://t.co/uXEJWM0Wu3
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Finally they find out the perp isn't white.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Leftists when their mass shooting has arrived. https://t.co/cN1rEJ68E4 https://t.co/gqYOvfOebn
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: Then they hear that children are dead.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Leftists when their mass shooting has arrived.
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff The article points to some genuine and important problems like so many men living unfulfilling and unhealthy lives. There's nearly no push in our society focused on getting them back on track, trying to make them fit, healthy, happy, well-balanced or to this author 'fuckable.' https://t.co/KsnG58EFgQ
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @kenzietuff Then he goes around saying shit like this. Men who feel compassion should be publicly castrated? I feel like articles like these are written by leftists and feds. They're creating receipts. "See, the right really is fucking insane" thanks to their own black propaganda machine.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@kenzietuff The article points to some genuine and important problems like so many men living unfulfilling and unhealthy lives. There's nearly no push in our society focused on getting them back on track, trying to make them fit, healthy, happy, well-balanced or to this author 'fuckable.'

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@KirkegaardEmil inb4 captain sweden

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ThisPlaceWhere: @a_centrism No distinction about race, I see.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IzkluX @iHM01myself

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@WingnutCraytown: @NolanZugernat @skyguardianNFT @UpWhitey When presented with a behavior someone may consider undesirable that is more prevalent among non-white groups your only response is that it's white people's fault they're doing that. You would likely be in this far left category, the negative in-group preference, or self hate.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@skyguardianNFT @UpWhitey @NolanZugernat As long as we're willing to address the reality. For example, if you wanted a society where individuals who put their race first is not welcome, then you're going to have to be willing to kick out the majority of non-white individuals.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AuronMacintyre "Nah, we're not planning on homeschooling"

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@skyguardianNFT Right, they do today. (I wont get into the theories of potential intelligence fluctuations in human history being somewhat explanatory of the rise and declines in the past. Remember, intelligence is falling in the US.)

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@skyguardianNFT There's a lot I could say to you, but I don't honestly believe you're willing to honestly consider the ideas. So I'll simply say this. America became what it is because of the people who made it. Why does America look so much like Europe? Because Europeans made it.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@skyguardianNFT "Political and social strife is definitely caused by economics" Economics can certainly be one of the causes. But when people scream outside the homes of white people there are some racial tensions at play. https://t.co/wlKYonB9dO
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @skyguardianNFT When people demand whites be removed from university walls, it's not simply economics.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: @skyguardianNFT "Political and social strife is definitely caused by economics" Economics can certainly be one of the causes. But when people scream outside the homes of white people there are some racial tensions at play. https://twitter.com/IntellectEmbarg/status/1529227366773723137/video/1

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: Young whites have very little reason to be big time 'go-getters' and invest their blood, sweat and tears in a world that demonizes them as oppressors, and convinces them that they'd be better off dead I submit, whites have given up partly because the system gave up on them first

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
And we all kind of understand people are not replaceable. If there were no Chinese people, there would be no more china, even if someone moved onto that land. And when the Chinese move to a new land, they create more china. Their own China towns. https://t.co/3FOSjbmBwb
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: If western populations shrink, so will the size and scope of western civilization. It is wherever we are, and it is not where we are not. You can't fix low birth rates in your own group by bringing importing some other group's children.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The UN estimates a world population of 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100 Obviously we're not facing a generic population crash on earth anytime soon. https://t.co/rATmOLEVJ8 https://t.co/WRpl4mEoar
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: And we all kind of understand people are not replaceable. If there were no Chinese people, there would be no more china, even if someone moved onto that land. And when the Chinese move to a new land, they create more china. Their own China towns.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The UN estimates a world population of 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100 Obviously we're not facing a generic population crash on earth anytime soon.
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AmericanKrogan We all know.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@HarmlessYardDog Americans are below replacement birth levels. When you're not replacing your own population, there are some unfun things that take place, but the silver lining is housing prices can come down. Fewer people for each house. But instead we've gotten 20 million new people in 10yrs.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@Danielsrotaryo1 @a_centrism There may be problems with the way the website categorizes goodreads books. When I clicked on the 'science' category, I saw this (below). But even with the flawed categorization, there's something the data is suggesting about innate sexual differences that some want to ignore.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy 'ate the country love my people simple as

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@DrewHLive Our society is a 24/7/365 pride parade.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
bruh, that ending
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@ZackTaylorFA Remember how quickly last year's grocery store shooting evaporated? A middle easterner killed 10 whites. Once his name came out, the story nearly vanished.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
The news cycle will spend a lot more time on this grocery store than they did last year at the other grocery store. Don't do dumb stuff, kids.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@eyeandoe: @a_centrism The real danger from far left control of schools pushing for gender confused children into sterilization via hormone therapy, pushing self hate of a generation of white children and filling your countries with 3rd worlders is that that people might listen to the right's pushback.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I make sure my twitter timeline is full of cute animals.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
On one of my future streams, we're likely to play: "Get In The Car, Loser!" In which the main character is a black, goth, she/her, trans woman lesbian.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Quite a difference.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@FoxNews @HarmlessYardDog Banning exports of limited resources in a time of need. Very different behavior coming out of India than Washington.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I can't believe I missed this reddit moment.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
A lot of people have asserted how righteous they are while hoping or a direct clash of the two largest nuclear powers in the world. We're closer to wiping out all life on earth now than a few weeks ago.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@iHM01myself Poisoning yourself again?

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Reminder that Mark Collett, Laura Towler @LanaLokteff, @Henrik_Palmgren and more have been banned from banks and payment processors. But those banks will happily service the accounts of criminals. The elite side with child rapists over those who speak out against antiwhitism.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lordvictor @gragnorr Them protesting government programs because they view it as competing for funding with hand-out programs their group could benefit from (the original image) isn't a 'civil right." It's racial identity politics. Racial identity politics has been pretty constant last few decades.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lordvictor @gragnorr I honestly don't know it. I see a fairly organic and seamless transition of identity politics, particularly racial identity, over the last few decades, pre and post occupy. From dragging white truckers into the street in the 90s to burning Minneapolis recently. https://t.co/m4G65fZbjA
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: @lordvictor @gragnorr While it's obvious that if your average antifa sat down with your average WW2 soldier, they would hate the soldier, probably call him a fascist. I don't see your average 1967 Detroit rioter really disagreeing much with your average Minneapolis rioter.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lordvictor @gragnorr I honestly don't know it. I see a fairly organic and seamless transition of identity politics, particularly racial identity, over the last few decades, pre and post occupy. From dragging white truckers into the street in the 90s to burning Minneapolis recently.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@lordvictor @gragnorr Corporations created identity politics and decades of race riot all across the usa as a response to occupy Wall Street

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Older video Asians buying out all the formula from Australian supermarkets to resell at profit. Australian women left without. https://twitter.com/IntellectEmbarg/status/1524801794064453632/video/1
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Remember the multiple times Chinese people bought out Australian formula to resell in Asia? None of our countries are willing to take the steps to protect their people because these countries aren't even willing to recognize that they have a people who founded them. Zero loyalty

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Remember the multiple times Chinese people bought out Australian formula to resell in Asia? None of our countries are willing to take the steps to protect their people because these countries aren't even willing to recognize that they have a people who founded them. Zero loyalty https://t.co/VU2Ld05iUq
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
: "To ourselves and our posterity" is completely forgotten.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Remember the multiple times Chinese people bought out Australian formula to resell in Asia? None of our countries are willing to take the steps to protect their people because these countries aren't even willing to recognize that they have a people who founded them. Zero loyalty

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy Offices all over Spain experiencing a new wave of drama. Camila passive aggressively telling Sofia that she should be taking the day off on menstrual leave instead of ruining everyone else's day at work.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
I missed this story when it broke. That's hilarious.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
Jim Acosta on an elevator.
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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@IntellectEmbarg: All the nasty before-and-afters from college are happening to preteens now.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@eyeandoe: @a_centrism I can't help but feel that if it's time to start stepping on freedom in the name of public health covid is still small potatoes. After-all, the fact is that covid is as dangerous as it is to modern first world peoples because we're relatively old, unhealthy and fat.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@AhComfy Time to start wearing underwear like the ancient romans. Don't make step 3 too tight or comfy will cry.

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
@sallywilts If you fill stores and restaurants with this sort of crap a percentage of the population (the majority) will eventually fall for it, that's what has happened. And you say to hell to them I side with the people, and blame the system. You side with the system, and blame the people

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Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
1960s food was bad, but it was new. No one had been eating it for decades yet. If you see that the majority of people in places like the UK are now overweight, and your response is to hell with them, you're antihuman. You hate the drug user, I hate the drug dealer.
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Hotep Jesus @HotepJesus
"...he's a black person so he can't vote for Donald Trump." How is this not racist? 😂 https://t.co/ubwP4okEKx
Intellectual Embargo @IntellectEmbarg
It's all fun and games for the black man until the jewess cracks down on him for stepping out of line.

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