@torrellasscott Scott Torrellas NYC in DC MakeMusic USNVeteran WhiteCivilRightsActivist Ourselves&OurPosterity White Struggle isREAL White Privilege isNOT ChristREICH is coming DC & NYC Draining the SWAMP & Restoring True Christendom ... Remember: #ItsOkayToBeWhite

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 24
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
WOW! apparently freedom of speech is back on Twitter for now... Thanks @elonmusk Guess I will speaking truth again until the (((Anti White))) (((Anti Christian))) (((Pro Usury Pro Sodomy Parasites))) find ANOTHER way to silence the truth that everyone knows but is afraid to say

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@myrkfaelinn: @lilhrthrb @Nature_and_Race @jeepsuzih2 @NetworksManager lilhrtthrb is a (((bot))) trying to tell White Christian men what to do. Lol. That’s not gonna work anymore. We don’t care what you think or say or want. Watch your step. ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult and Merry 12th Day of Christmas to all White Christian Patriots. Tomorrow is the Feast of the Epiphany and we celebrate the revelation and manifestation of Christ Our Lord Savior and Only King. God Damns all Christ Deniers. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Good Morning 2020! Deus Vult Merry 8th Day of Christmas God Bless ALL White Christians & Christian Allies. Take Courage to Heart This is Our Year Anti White Anti Christians HATE us. We STILL Win #ItsOkayToBeWhite #ItsBLESSEDtobeWhite #ItsBESTtobeChristian ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@Astro_Fash: @CarrickMorrigan Deus Vult. Merry 3rd Day of Christmas. Thanks for the follow back Im on the Twitter double restricted list for habitually engaging in "harmful AND offensive behavior": Being Pro White & PRO CHRISTIAN makes jews self reveal themselves! ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@cursedsalad @NickJFuentes Deus Vult and Merry Christmas Curse, Thank you for always being there for Our People and discerning wheat from tares with your relevant and revealing polls. What possible conclusions can be inferred from the blocking of so many Pro White Advocate accounts? ChristREICH is coming.

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saira rao @sairasameerarao
My Indian friend and his white girlfriend confronted some white guys dressed as “cowboys and Indians” last night. One of the white guys punched her in the face. White men, stop hurting everyone. Stop committing violence at every turn. Just. STOP.
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult sairarao STOP. LYING. ABOUT. WHITE. PEOPLE. You are a pawn for your (((globomasters))). Where is the POLICE REPORT? WHERE did this happen? WHEN did this happen? Where are WITNESSES? Who are the VICTIMS? STOP. LYING. ABOUT. WHITE. PEOPLE. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@Lucas_Gage_: @AngeloJohnGage @0_nyxy_zy467 Deus Vult Angelo, Good point. WHY you ask? There's a BIG difference between: Christians vs. judeo-Christians/shills/led astray Here is the SIMPLE test question to expose a judeo-Christian: Are jews God's chosen people? Yes? judeo-Christian No? Christian ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@Lucas_Gage_: @AngeloJohnGage @TheWadhams Angelo, Hi, good to see you STILL speaking out enough to anger from (((the G-d Damned tribe))). Keep up the good work. Also, Congrats? on your verified status; long overdue by any objective measure. However: DONT mock Christians. We DO NOT "worship jews" ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@Zod14_ One day, when ChristREICH comes, all these zionist shill judeo- Christians, who have led our people so far astray down this road to destruction are going to face the Wrath of God. God Damn (((them))) ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@Zod14_ Deus Vult ZOD, wow. is this guy Senator Hawley for real? is he ready to be the normie political class national Pro White Advocate we want? are you researching him now, last thing we need is another (((nose))) licker... ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult White Christian Patriots, Good morning happy Thursday. Despite what the lying press and fake news screams at us; We Are Winning, (((they))) are worried. Keep up the fight. Do your part. Be unafraid of their golems. Encourage our folk. Remember ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@GandalftheWhi19 Deus Vult GandalfTheShill Your type of misleading underhanded statement intentionally sows division among White People trying to unite in common cause for the common defense. STOP. Truth is, Christianity was NOT the casus belli of most White war: GREED is. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@okWessler5 @Holly1ForTrump @POTUS What about Whites, you know, the MAJORITY of Americans and the demographic group that voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? why are we left out and unacknowledged yet again, even by you Wesley? What are the White numbers? Let's poll Whites and see how we feel. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@trinityaryajoan @JayPuccetti Deus Vult, as a member of Christendom, you have absolute freedom of speech Trinity; NEVER let (((them))) silence your voice.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@BasedDoctor Deus Vult Doc Honk... remember the good ol days...?

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Okay @Twitter, THIS is WHY #WeThePeople HATE you. All of you twitter workers are complicit in these #1A crimes, just so you know, you ARE going to be held accountable. because at best you stand silent as your boss actively tries to destroy Our Nation. ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@illustratumable This RIGHT HERE is WHY (((they're))) HATED. It's NOT Our fault, it's (((THEIR))) fault, (((they))) do it to (((themselves))) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FF F FF FF FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FF FF FF FF FFFF

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@prageru This is ALL a lie Dennis, as you know. Guess what? We know too. Nice try. Try your jewish lies on The Regent's Tribunal. What's the Regent's Tribunal you ask? It's Christ's Judgement. But you don't care right, you're jewish. Christ doesn't care either. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@jaclynf Deus Vult Jaclyn Good news, most White Christians are now aware that infamous pedo Mossad asset Epstein was a jew, and are now asking obvious questions and drawing the same obvious conclusions as White Christians have for centuries... so get ready ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@ramzpaul Deus Vult Paul, Good morning God Bless you for seeing the ugly origins of this evil phrase. God Bless you for saying this and calling out the alarm against this degenerate wickedness, another example of how much the eternal enemies of Christ HATE Whites. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@DoctorClown__: @DoctorClown_ Deus Vult Dr. Honkler, It's good to have you back telling the truth here in (((Weimar America))) True Christians & ALL White Patriots must reject the Anti White degenerate false teachings of the judeo christians & embrace ChristREICH in America as Our Founding Fathers intended

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@charliekirk11 @realDonaldTrump Deus Vult that's NOT the only solution Charlie, deportation & resettlement are BOTH viable programs which have already been used by the Federal government in the past. Vermont is heavily Democrat and doesn't have these infestations. Trump isn't the answer ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@EllidaProject Yup, all the time Ellida, Lawrence Tribe pretends to be a White man but is in fact a jew, that's how he makes his shekels, he's a (((parasite))) feeding off of humans by masquerading as a human

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@BorgiaKing @ramzpaul Deus Vult (((BorgiaDegenerateKing))) Historically speaking, Both Luther and Voltaire should have been condemned and burned at the stake as the disgusting Anti Christian heretics. Too bad they weren't under the jurisdiction of Christian Hero Torqemada... ChristREICH is coming

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david cooke @DavidCooked1
@torrellasscott @RichardBSpencer @RoarLions2 You're a f%^&ing halfwit. I think you confused the Jews with Muslims.
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@RichardBSpencer @RoarLions2 David seriously, that's the best you can do? Ive confused muslims with jews? lol okay go ahead I want to see how far youre willing to shill for (((them))) so shoot your shot hasbara shill away to your hearts penny-pinching content Judas, im all ears...

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david cooke @DavidCooked1
@torrellasscott @RichardBSpencer @RoarLions2 It is exactly the "J-C tradition" as you put it that enables this to be uncovered and prosecuted.
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@RichardBSpencer @RoarLions2 Im totally fine and supportive of Christians, it's the judeo part that is corrupting the Christian part david, im amazed that you dont acknowledge this; in the Information Age, ignorance like that is willful, so why are you shilling for (((the controlled opposition)))?

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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
The absolute state of the MAGA movement. https://t.co/QfHjZkDlrL
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@RoarLions2 This is the "judeo-christian tradition" corruption that has driven away millions of Whites from True Christianity, these (((controlled opposition))) charlatans who lead so many White Christian Patriots astray...

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
This is typical of antiWhite posts currently being force fed to us by Twitter even when we dont want to see it. Wake up folks it's 4th of July, WeThePeople are HATED and being replaced with non posterity communists by the globalist bankers while Drumpf brags bout the stock market

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@SaulSilver14 @ramzpaul @JohnMcclass @Czakal @USRevolt1776 @Sk8H81 Yes. THAT token cultural judeo-Christianity is the KEY to (((their))) success against us. Imagine if the same folks you speak of were virulently Christian... Imagine they worked hard help ONLY other White Christians and avoided those vices that destroy them and our people?

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@SaulSilver14 @ramzpaul Deus Vult Saul. The Peace of Christ be with you. White Christian Patriots will find it illuminating regarding your true allegiance to see your mocking tweet Cringe here, yet you retweet a post calling for an ethnostate, which is exactly the same thing lol. ChristREICH is coming

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@V8POW Deus Vult Judge Once again, we see (((controlled opposition))) telling White Christian Patriots, the founding folk of America, how to think feel & believe. ugh. every single time. It's time for ChristREICH. One White Christian Nation under God Like Our Founding Fathers intended

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RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
White children are now a minority in America. https://t.co/ND0RrFdqSN
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult White Christian Patriots: Zoomers are going to be very unhappy about this... WeThePeople NEED ChristREICH because this Trump Train Crap ISNT working out for American People it's only working out for (((the American Economy))).

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@torrellasscott: @V8POW ChristREICH is coming

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Mister Excitement @MrExciitement
This is what a train wreck of a tweet looks like. (Read the replies) https://t.co/PkVpqWgja6
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult Mr Ex. Wow. WTF. no more wars for (((the chosenites))) As a veteran myself I am sadly not shocked at all by the testimony in these replies. ChristREICH is coming.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@FineWineDrinker: @Tara4MAGA @TrumpsGAGirl @Cara_TXZEAL @MazurikL @KatTheHammer1 @MadAddictSport @UrUnpaidPundit @USAloveGOD @Va_Funculo Deus Vult. What we see in this video is abhorrent and evil. They condemn themselves with their own mouths. Stop normalizing pedophiles! White Christian Patriots need to stand up and speak out to stop wickedness living with us. Christ didnt tolerate evil. ChristREICH is coming.

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Rich 🐺 @heywildrich
"All Americans" White people do not have ONE single elected official that advocates for their interests. Stop supporting this system. Leave the GOP plantation. Do not give a single dollar, do not give them a single vote, nothing. We will build a new machine from scratch. https://t.co/8T5Umlk9BC
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
True. King from Iowa seemed ok for a minute but he shriveled quick under the hot lights Who was last, @DrDavidDuke ? White America lost ALL political power during the forced integration of the 1960s George Lincoln Rockwell was winning so (((they))) killed him Join ChristREICH

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Rich 🐺 @heywildrich
L M A O HOOOOONK https://t.co/n0sCNrZl6l
Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
(((clownworld))) or ChristREICH sooner or later White people THIS is the choice that will have to be made why leave this up to our children when we have now the power of the majority and the power to act from a position of strength, later will only be worse #ItsNOTokaytobewhite

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult White Christian Patriots. Today at 6:30pm: 130 years ago, in 1889, Hitler was born in Branau Austria. Made Chancellor of the German Reich in 1933 and honorably served the German Volk until his tragic death April 30 1945. RIP AH. ChristREICH is coming...

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@heywildrich @NoTatsClassy Deus Vult Rich, ChristREICH is the most viable hopeful and victorious path forward IF you want to secure our existence and the future for our children. Ecclesiastes 3:8 tells us of a time to HATE a time for WAR... no enviro/agnostic Whites only green movement can save us

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult White Christian Patriots. I don't know about you, but I sure am tired of Trump's White Nationalist bashing and his israel first policies... We don't need another conservative GOP. We need a Right Wing White Christian who puts White Christians proudly first.

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Deus Vult White Christian Patriots, The Anti Whites WILL attack us on social media because they fear us. The enemy of Christ & (((their))) mudpeople golems want you & your family dead. They want your sons & daughters raped & murdered, they fantasize about it. We need ChristREICH

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
@wolfturim @MattWalshBlog @benshapiro WolfTurdim, is hasbara, the twitter account is NEW and replying to a tweet including CUCKservative shill MattWalsh & controlled opposition jew BenShapiro. Lol. Using the LIE filled agitprop tweet to educate White Christian Patriots. #ItsBLESSEDtobeWhite #ItsBESTtobeChristian

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Dear Friends, After Seeing & Experiencing Anti American (((#TwitterCensorship))) Ive chosen to back up on #Gab.ai #1A #SpeakFreely https://twitter.com/torrellasscott/status/901634044038975489/photo/1

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Scott Torrellas @torrellasscott
Account LOCKED again. Oops (((@TWITTER))) says. #twittercensorship #MAGA #PERSISTENCE U.S. CITIZENS NEED AN UNCENSORED ONLINE PUBLIC FORUM https://twitter.com/torrellasscott/status/899749141898723328/photo/1

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