@USS_Liberty_ USS Liberty Identitarian | Nationalist | Patriot just some anime idiot wishing for a better world.

USS_Liberty_'s neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 54
USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@BarbaraMelvin3 @ResistItAllTX @HillaryClinton @OnwardTogether

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@bariweiss @opinion_joe @semaforben >the free post >look inside >paywall

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@ComicAcolyte @F1NN5TER

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@ohiowhitesnake @_BarringtonII ((()))

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@_HoodedWerehog_ @ZeroT_H mein dude it's right there lol

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@BelacVile @Jmax528 @ZeroT_H

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@Sundancer_UK @Wolftrail34 @DaveVescio >atheist >transhumanist Yeah I'll just skip straight to saying "this is Lucifer's fault for falling from grace" oh, and since I forgot to mention it on your previous reply: ratio https://twitter.com/USS_Liberty_/status/1481251654737530882/photo/1

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@JackSlaterPT @lporiginalg

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@skylarplayzyt @TheFunny_mp4

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@MarsStudio1970 I'm totally fine

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@KaseyN00B laughs in shitty space game

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@SwaledaleMutton @RWMaloneMD Here, have this. Maybe it'll help you stop being such an asshole.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@Sundancer_UK @Wolftrail34 @DaveVescio >atheist >transhumanist Yeah I'll just skip straight to saying "this is Lucifer's fault for falling from grace" oh, and since I forgot to mention it on your previous reply: ratio

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Fair enough
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
from the perspective of someone currently enrolled:
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@AdamMantine @nytimes (((Sackler))) is not a white name

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Screenshotted for when goblin deletes it
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@HarmlessYardDog @RyanVardeman These were classified as "replies that may contain offensive content". I hate this website.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Obviously I'd never normally rt someone with a masked pfp, but... fuck
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Happy birthday, king!

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@lporiginalg Can't make this up
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@WestSaxx @Moe_Baku

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Was... was it all real? Did it all really happen, or was it just a fever dream?
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@USS_Liberty_: Found it lul

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@trentgott @TheBabylonBee Found the best joke on the thread

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@westland_will Something something "greater good" Should have dropped them on the USSR, before the (((Rosenburgs))) stole the nuclear secret for them

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Every single time

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@USS_Liberty_: Chaser

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Decent thread. Replace "leftist" with "J*wish" and you're spot-on.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Why marry someone that thinks that differently from you? I guess all university "women" drink the j*wish poison; you just have to find one that didn't swallow it, I suppose.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
It's always amusing to me how close, yet how far people are from the truth All you have to do is replace "Democrats" with "J*ws" and you've got this and so much more figured out
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Tbf anyone would make that face at this cursed mess
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Truly the smallest brain take. The rioters' ideology and way of thinking - tribalism - is more realistic than the j*wish diversity narrative that you have bought wholesale.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
"People that don't strictly follow the j*wish narrative I worship should be removed from the country" Okay, well how about this: When I'm fascist dictator, I'll remove you and everyone like you from the country! :)
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
BLM and NYT are both run by joos, retard
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Describe your mood for the last four months in a single picture.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
This is the only soywars reference I will use, but it fits quite nicely here
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@heraclitean11 Blacks can riot, loot, and burn all they want, but trust me: a White tantrum will leave no one untouched, not even you, twitter liberal number 86204810.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. It has even infiltrated my video games. I knew this day would come, but I did not think it would be so soon...

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Holy shit, society really is collapsing It's easy to forget if you're not watching stuff like this all the time, but the power of the (((elites))) to spread panic across the entire globe over absolutely nothing within a single week truly boggles the mind
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Disturbing the dead is literally asking for the wrath of God. Three guesses on the (((people))) that make up the group responsible.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
This clown isn't even trying to hide his J*wish supremacist attitude; check the context
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@ScottMGreer (((Lorenz)))

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
She is a symptom of the (((problem))) with reporting.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Gas is the only solution to this (((problem)))
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@DokiStabbyWaifu 34 is NSFW, so you can have 35 instead

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@OrwellNGoode The Bloombergs of the world are not going to be happy until we are all living back in the dark ages.
USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@OrwellNGoode I honestly would not mind a Renaissance-era society. At least we wouldn't have to deal with as much of the (((propaganda))), I'd hope.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Uh hello, BASED department?
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@trutsle @ScottMGreer

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@tambi71281948 @G_House__MD @PoliticsReid @V2019N

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@ReadKaczynski ITT: Coronaposting

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@LindseySanders_ Negative, Ghost Rider

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Holy hell they're still pushing it even when some of the (((media))) has admitted that the "bombs show signs of being fake"
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Anyone who denies this is willfully deluding themselves, and is part of the reason why the (((media))) think it's acceptable to act the way it does.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@nlmnewzealand @KTHopkins I have a better solution than more (((internationalism))): right wing motherfucking death squads.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@Suckme_Potus @JeremyDBoreing @benshapiro @SenWarren Lmao that article is from 2016 and is based on the opinion of (((Shapiro)))

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
The importance of this thread cannot be understated. It is a concrete example of one of the main tactics by which (((they))) dismantle groups and organizations large and small that oppose their will in any way, even if they're as civic nationalist as the Proud Boys are.
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Voice of Europe 🌍 @V_of_Europe
More than half of Germans want to emigrate as people have lost confidence in Merkel's 'chaotic government' https://t.co/JEpqKlThvU
USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Fight back! Destroy that paltry government of hers and build a glorious new one in its place! There will be blood shed over it, because of the invaders that (((Merkel))) has allowed entry, but that is a small sacrifice to secure a future for your people and your homeland.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
We've been warning them for a while - they would be next to face (((their))) wrath, because White women are just as necessary as White men to securing the existence of our people and a future for our children.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@PastorJoelle @MatthewRozsa @Salon @tribelaw We've been saying that (((they))) will come for White women next for a while.

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
Molyneux can be an enormous cuck, but he's very useful as a gateway drug, and is even right about some things. He's been getting steadily closer to the (((question))), albeit very slowly.
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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
@cheddartalk @rickladd @ndrew_lawrence @Ginger7730W Even the normies are beginning to (((notice))).

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USS Liberty @USS_Liberty_
"You are not x, therefore you know nothing about x" Shut the hell up, (((Krassenstein))). Only reason you might is because you and your (((friends))) told her what she's been through.
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swastika 73%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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toons other 94%
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hitler 30%
ss bolts 71%

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golden dawn 70%

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char_z 64% z
runes_odal 25%
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art_other 98%
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hitler 29%

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anime 100%

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anime 97%

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anime 99%

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militarized 51%
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militarized 77%

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skull mask 68%
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face 99%

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etc 99%

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bar graph 99%

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ss bolts 26%

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tldr 99%

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face 52%
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tldr 94%

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etc 99%

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face 85%

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etc 87%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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map 99%

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art_other 94%

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bar graph 96%

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hitler 29%

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etc 60%

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tldr 98%

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critters 98%

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mspaint style 99%

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etc 87%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 81%

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art_other 90%

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tldr 80%

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critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 65%