@dufrianord Jonna ♱ 🇸🇪 🍒 Ordinary Girl in a Messed Up World | Christian | Pro-Nordic | Rural Farmgirl | Anti-War | Pro-Life | Nearly all my tweets are threads. I rarely read my DM Sverige

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@emitXtime @dissentingj @thetatvaindia @tru50liv @Expressen It's translated from Swedish via Chrome on my phone, so not flawless English.

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@artem_tash @MahmoudEng4 @WizardVindalfir It's not the real Jesus. He repeats several times in the gospel is that false Christ will arise and deceive many, even me, if that was possible.

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@SirTheoHughes @Ziggydank It's real but not as it's been reported by @timesofindia

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@artem_tash @WizardVindalfir @MahmoudEng4 She was not a Jewess.

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@laurajhaynes27 @Lycomedes @desilva_frank We have a culture, and i like to be white, even A.I. couldn’t help itself. It’s a way of honor them? I like my culture too, but never made the connection with tatts.

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@SEPARATOR92 @messinjar3 I don’t know and I’ve tried my very best to understand how think but I don’t get it. They believe Jesus was a J-wish trickery to subvert the West and it’s almost like a spell. I cannot explain it but they really don’t like me, any Christians.

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@messinjar3 Here’s at least that's an argument and I've seen it before but listen to what he says, who takes what they say as truth today? Hardly a sincere Christian, but what make neo-paganism so eerie imo. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1666444097102462978/video/1
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@Utlagr9 We emerged from Mount Ararat after the flood and began move westwards, upp on the Steppes as @nrken19 use to tweet about. We kept same genome along the way.

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@MiroCyo It seem to have met another blue eyed tribe already in Europe, and I’m not sure they where this swarthy. I’m not an expert on DNA but there are too many hallmarks for be a different tribe. No?

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@TheAussieHun @420getstumped Farming is as clear hallmark as blue eyes and pale skin. The one to the right is BBC they made the other tribe very dark, just as Swedish state own media but there’s no evidence for that, and the Aryan farmers are the Hebrew Israelites.

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@DRGathering @MillennialWoes Have you calmed down now? Don't you have any grandparents? I'm unmuting you again - on trial!

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@dufrianord: My apology. Wotan Sunday and Monday are named after Sun and Moon, other days are named after Norse gods; Tyrs's day, Odin's day, Thor's day, Frigg's day, but Saturday means 'hot water day', translated as 'washing day' or 'bathing day'.
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@Inna12121 they work for the Devil in Rome. Always been an evil church but extreme now. Yes they want a new world order.

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@dufrianord: Here’s an article from last year, translated so not flawless English. An appeal board find it unethical and wanted her prosecuted and it ended yesterday, it’s not a crime to point out foreign mens representation in rapes.

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@JohansenJarle @ancientorigins I did not know this. The Romans freed them in 2007

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@Johnrighttruth1 I'm not so sure what the Australians (and NASA) are up to but the others are pretty correct.

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@KidIndigo93 @UltraDane Small hat and lack of charity instead now sneaky…

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God promised a land of milk and honey. If the Israelites were lactose intolerant, would He not just be mocking them? The Israelites (Indo-Europeans) drank a lot milk. Daily.

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@Y0rkshireH1ker Cute! 😊 but no moon for me 😭

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@JohansenJarle @PennyWiseFren He was officially expelled from Spain 1492 and went to sea and tried to reach India. Kabbalahlist Pirate with a murky past.

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@chadlyrose This is why they can’t launch a rocket straight up or go beyond earths lower orbit, or nuke it as they tried in 60s under Operation Fishbowl.

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3/ @HalfLifeOver Americas Flag: 13 stripes is the 13 tribes of Israel. Modern Hebrew is a fake language. Lingustics see link below
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The Israelites where White and we came from Caucaus. https://t.co/sRS3fCFqbU https://t.co/Qpsnv0Foop
The Israelites where White and we came from Caucaus.
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@nomkymem @info__night59 @Iradeeeee The origin for Blue Eyes come from Caucasus where we came from.

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I don’t like to take focus from where it rightfully belong all glory truly belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ — God Bless! https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1663363984467144705/video/1

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Levant today fall into two main groups: one sharing more genetic with Europeans and Central Asians, other with Middle Easterners and Africans. Islam introduced major rearrangements and pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans!

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"The people who settled in Upper Galilee 6,500 years ago had blue eyes and light skin color” https://www.livescience.com/63396-ancient-israel-immigration-turkey-iran.html

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@AdonisArmanazi @of_many_words but ok, I wouldn’t like if someone talked about Sweden like that probably, but look. “genetic differences matched those of people who lived in neighboring Anatolia and the Zagros Mountains.” Blue eyes and fair skin settled in upper Galilee.

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Ok, as I understand it, and not an Anthropologist, but I spend a lot of time trying to understand this. The tribe known today as Jews today came after the exile in Babylon and settled in the southern part. Judea. The 10 Lost Tribes are White Europeans.
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@HalfLifeOver I have blue eyes and it's common where I live but I don't think it's global today. The common ancestor is probably Noah and Mount Ararat in the Caucasus, where the Bible says the Ark came to rest in Genesis 8:4 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-8-4/

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DNA Study Finds Early Inhabitants of Israel Were Blue-Eyed and Fair-Skinned?

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@Vir_Italico I honestly have a little bit of guilt over so many Swedes involved in this scam. Svante Arrhenius is Gretas Great Grandpa and who came up with this ridiculous idea.

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@lil_greep I like the button flag the most, I think?

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I could’ve used the flag for Norrland but we've slowly but surely moved further north, but I'm very norrlandish, anything south of the nearest river is degenerate and potentially dangerous, and before you know it - you're in Stockholm.

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Quote tweet with four flags that fit your heritage. https://t.co/lzCuKZLcOY https://t.co/X87wBiyg2K
Quote tweet with four flags that fit your heritage.
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@Atlantianaryan @YuW1nbabyy Ai draw it like this.

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@justadam1981 @TomiLahren This is a pattern and the Hebrew Israelites where White, that’s why. I don’t want to be a “protected class” either, but some are shameless. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1662037532400394243/video/1

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@1pop09iq @Christcucks2 @MaposTaranis He explains what the Roman Church did to poison the faith. It is not and never has been a Christian church. “Christian Emperor” he was a sun worshipper.

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The Heaven tonight is absolutely breathtaking beautiful. Day after day they pour out speeches; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. But their voice goes out to all the earth.

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@breakinbabylon @lovelywhite110 Oh My Gosh. I can try to help you with to deliverance I’m quite good at it now. there’s no point on allowing them to torment you. Let me know, we can do it over internet.

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@XeimianTweet @Rag38227417 I’m was trying to say something, lol!

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@daatdarling Yes, probably but it must be a new idea, or a thing that came with Urbanization I hadn’t heard about it before I moved to a city. My grandparents were younger then I am now.

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@fataloneitis @MahmoudEng4 Their view of paradise is when the whole world is forced under their tyranny and Sharia.

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@Rag38227417 No one reads the Bible today but it’s reduced as w Babylonian trickery in the same style as money lending but it’s written for our time. God has proven to be true to His word. https://t.co/tHJR7fBqoi
@Rag38227417 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That verse still give me gosebumps and show Gods glory and the way he saved us. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1661818498027253761/video/1

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@Rag38227417 No one reads the Bible today but it’s reduced as w Babylonian trickery in the same style as money lending but it’s written for our time. God has proven to be true to His word. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1661817235021746176/video/1

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I can partly respect that some don't believe in God for whatever reason. However, I cannot respect those who smear and slander our Christian heritage and truly believe there have been 2,000 years of subversion of the West. It has been a long war against God's order & people. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1661800918323527706/video/1

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Fleck Arthur @afleck1488
@dufrianord @FailedEmpire He was a rabbi born in Judea to Jewish parents.
@FailedEmpire His parents were not J-wish and he wasn't a "Rabbi"

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@Dansapegin @Zioinfiltration @JenniferJablun1 I suspect it began at the exile in Babylon. It’s what their way of look at it also confirms

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“Jesus was born a Jew, lived a Jewish life and practiced prayer and died a Jew during the Roman Empire's Persecution of Jews - in the Kingdom of Judea.” Call out their lies and you’re an anti-Semite!

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@WhiteWolfOTWest I have noticed the increase. Green Fireballs used to be a spectacular but it happens every week nowadays. I wonder what it is ? Flying stones in spaces sounds questionable https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1661499324444946435/video/1

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@HalfLifeOver @CryptoOccupy @Daverhine3 Germany defended Christian Europe under the worst attack to date. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1661460429363716096/video/1

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@Atlantianaryan @KellyGr73198939 @CHERRYAPPLETON0 @Khlynov I think we can rest the case now?

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@50Against1 @PatrioticAction

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@digitildream @Christianway55 The Black Cube of Saturn 🪐 Satan. Occult. 🕋 the black sun

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@TruthSeeker407 @live_wire_d But the symbol to the left represents Kievan Rus. It was our empire in nowadays Ukraine. Just a detail but… :)

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@MaposTaranis @Know_More_News Read all of the chapter and please tell me your interpretation of it, @MaposTaranis

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@rmckokay @nrken19 @HitlerianBeast Geographically speaking, the distance between Egypt and Palestine is like Sweden and Denmark.

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Watch your language, rude Arab! I’m not dumb! Modern Hebrew is not the same language as biblical Hebrew but an 155 year old invented language. https://t.co/Ull66eWvhv https://t.co/jN21S6hI6d
Watch your language, rude Arab! I’m not dumb! Modern Hebrew is not the same language as biblical Hebrew but an 155 year old invented language.
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Says a Slav, shilling for Russia! You people have no loyalty even among each other!! And so much for all the talk that the eastern block are scared of Communism, the ones that jumped on the Pro-Russia the most after the invasion of Ukraine was other Slavs. https://t.co/xgCvV0V7Jn https://t.co/23o48r70HS
Says a Slav, shilling for Russia! You people have no loyalty even among each other!! And so much for all the talk that the eastern block are scared of Communism, the ones that jumped on the Pro-Russia the most after the invasion of Ukraine was other Slavs.
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Fashion advice from Almighty God. Modesty is a virtue.

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Save your hypocrisy for your "Holy" book. What kind of god would encourage and single out women as legitimate targets to be sexually harassed? What kind of men would actually go ahead and do that? The answer is the devil and the Muslims.
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I am Swedish and we are Christians, especially in the countryside. We do not worship a "Jewish god" or share any common beliefs with them at all. They told you that to turn you against our Christian heritage. God Bless
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but they will turn against you if you misuse their kindness. Be kind.

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We are a humble people and don’t look down at other tribes or people in that way - it goes against our culture and norm but we exist and I find it interesting to know about our history. I don’t like how everything about us is automatically seen as something sinister. https://t.co/TcaDw0HabG https://t.co/gPqSE4FI8D
We are a humble people and don’t look down at other tribes or people in that way - it goes against our culture and norm but we exist and I find it interesting to know about our history. I don’t like how everything about us is automatically seen as something sinister.
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@Truthisqueen @threeooh “You where born only to serve us, without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve to people of Scandinavia. They will work, they will reap and our men will sit like and effendi and eat.” Naah! We are Aryans. We don’t look down on other people, or want them any harm.

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@LLG_RM He's from Russia. They exterminted their Christian population during the last century and he now, out of the blue, threaten us with "dongfeng missiles" made in China. https://t.co/MOBEuIbPrX

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View @dufrianord
@LLG_RM He's from Russia. They exterminted their Christian population during the last century and he now, out of the blue, threaten us with "dongfeng missiles" made in China.

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@theDeepShare @check0listure @TheSuperfluousM @robertsepehr @Eupedia The Bible tells of giants on earth and although there is no missing link that proves evolution, there is plenty of evidence of giants. The European settlers dug up remains all over the Americas and the mainstream media used to report on the findings. Example from Ohio —- 1888

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"Hold på flagget!" 🇸🇯 "Hold on to the Flag!" #17mai #Norge

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@juan_dla_mancha @LiguresAmbrones If we use the Infographic from the Southerner and from the link I just shared. Looks same to me.

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@Festfolket Anledningen att Stockholm och Åbo (Finlands gamla huvudstad) är så tätbefolkat med nordiska mått är för att vi kom via den vägen och befolkade Skandinavien. Danskarna tog en lite annan väg befolkade söderifrån. Mina pilar, men så fick vi lära oss i skolan.

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@robertsepehr I didn't know it was controversial even for us Europeans until recently, but I think you mean the woke culture, which you mention after this clip.
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Second Commandment: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1656741593787822089/video/1

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It’s Official!! Yorkshire is dominated by the ancestry that has it roots across the North Sea. Germanic, Saxon, Scandinavian and Norse Viking make up 52% of Yorkshire’s Y chromosome, compared to 28% in average of England https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/its-official-dna-tests-show-yorkshire-people-really-are-different-breed-1879236

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Haplogroup I1 is the most common type in northern Europe. Associated with the Norse ethnicity, I1 is found in all places invaded by ancient Germanic tribes and the Vikings. Isn't that Yorkshire in the same color as Norway? https://t.co/GsEjdYgjCd https://t.co/E5GfHK4l7f
Haplogroup I1 is the most common type in northern Europe. Associated with the Norse ethnicity, I1 is found in all places invaded by ancient Germanic tribes and the Vikings. Isn't that Yorkshire in the same color as Norway?
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@alibabainjeans @KeithGrows I don’t mind being under the yoke of my husband but not a Muslim. Normal marriage. It is attractive when a man have a humble heart before God and fulfills what God want of a marriage, but I could only submit to a man if he loves me for who I am and makes me feel safe.

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@SeetheFaggot I understand! I’ll delete it, sounded perhaps rude without it being my intention but I understand the connection! https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1655664127258271766/video/1

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@hugotalks1 What’s known as Ukraine today are at our migration route, this is why Stockholm and Åbo (Turku) are always been the most dense population part of the Nordics. We share more then the colors on our flags, not popular today but nevertheless. 🇸🇪 🇺🇦
The lion is the coat of arms of Götaland (Göteborg Stad) and Three Crowns is the national emblem of Sweden. Ukraine has same colors and symbols as we and even the same colors on our flags! 🇺🇦 🇸🇪 Russian propaganda makes it into Waffen SS. 🙄https://twitter.com/memoryiswisdom/status/1632437929124454401

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@hugotalks1 I know you love bashing on Ukraine but the nevertheless, what an brazen falsification of history! The incredible evil Khazar Kingdom never “teamed up” with the Byzantine Empire. We did! Swedish Vikings had an empire in what’s nowadays Ukraine. Known as Gårdarike or Kievan Rus.
@dufrianord: The Viking Warriors Served As The Byzantine Emperor’s Personal Army for centuries, Swedish Vikings protected the Eastern Roman Emperor and the city of Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire is the longest Empire in the world history.

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@SirTheoHughes @codename_Joey visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me; and shewing mercy unto thousands, of them that love me and keep my commandments.

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@codename_Joey This is the Second Commandment, removed from the Roman Catholic Church.

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Incidentally, it is the same Acosta that President Trump hired and what made me realize that I had it when it come to politics. Both the Left and the Right are the same, don’t care the slightest what was done to these girls, they just use it for politics.

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The moon phase for May 06 is Full Moon 🌕 meaning a new Month! http://moonphas.es It’ll be clear skies for most of the night. Photo from Paris, yesterday.

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Spiritual Wickedness! Catholic Priests Promote Virgin Mary as ‘Hindu Goddess’

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@yayamuad @Godsmenwin the female brain in a nutshell. I give when i know it goes to some who needs. In silence, contrary to the women in the article probably. https//dailyverses.net/images/en/niv/xl/matthew-6-2.jpg

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@Y0rkshireH1ker @Seaotter369 @robertsepehr The Roman’s yelled on this too but I wish I had + @Antipro_88 https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1653883434987581440/video/1
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@hugotalks1 It might be an even stronger delusion, look how people fell for the flu and imagine if fallen angels claim to be our creators from a galaxy far away. I think a majority would believe it. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1653847641925492736/video/1

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@yayamuad @Godsmenwin I believe so too.

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@54321Truth “Low IQ people” I did find sweet but brown eyed people ruining everything with your rude bad behavior! We don’t have any of that junk in northern rural Sweden.

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@jucanor “The Blue Eyed Rapist” — Okay! 🙄

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@Y0rkshireH1ker we don’t have so many brown eyed here, but we are faithful.

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@Ste87italy No curvature can be found. It really is flat.

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@Ste87italy The Bible describes a flat motionless earth shaped like a circle and proven by Captain Cook and August Picard. The sun and moon move like clockwork above us. there is no Kabbalah. However, the ball earth and the big bang is Kabbalistic.

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Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women. They see in our eyes that we are faithful. 💘

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We founded both Russia and Ukraine and and the first church in the Americas over 500 years before Columbus "discovered" the New World. We brought down the dreaded Khazar Empire. Such a mess in the world today - the best place is here at home in the Nordics with good neighbors. https://t.co/euhw2q95HH
How did a crypto-Jew with a murky past like Columbus manage to fool the world that he was in the Americas before the Vikings?

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@fakehistoryhunt @DMeister812 Idk if true but sweet as honey ☺️

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@Ste87italy @EvaVlaar We are concerned about freely join the Roman Church. @JJam28227 The Netherlands had a proud history of a Christian country, or complicated, more like Germany than Scandinavia perhaps.

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@kenzietuff @Y0rkshireH1ker Greek Mythology believe that. Medieval times Romanians believed redheads with blue eyes become vampires after they died.

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@kenzietuff @Y0rkshireH1ker I still think it is true that redheads are so sensitive to everything, that makes it dangerous if you begin dravel into witchcraft or the occult. Make witchcraft un-cool again! https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1652773933488152578/video/1

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@SirTheoHughes @faro_nuno Next month, in Scandinavia is Maj 5 using the Gregorian calendar.

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@elfenelise @RichLove1992 @GodLovesYou2000 De går på sådär i 6 minuter och blir bara värre och värre, tills man läser på svenska. Utländska snuskbär. Haha

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@RichLove1992 @GodLovesYou2000 @elfenelise Jag tog en djupare titt angående 🍒 och för bråkdelen av en sekund trodde jag Elise lurat svenska 🍒 och fått oss att se ut som perverts, men det är utländska snuskbär! 😳 Swedish 🍒 aren’t communists or perverts! http://bit.ly/eliselurasinte https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652713072761421826 https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1652713072761421826/video/1

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I stan och handlar lördagsgodis till vilodagen, som är idag, Lördag! Choklad för oss flickor och sura dödskallar till storebror. 😊

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@NorthPoleCat7 @Orgryteyngling Ja, ni hittar på väldigt mycket, ett oärligt folk, det är så pass illa att även Israeliska press fick nog av era lögner. Det är verkligen något!

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@Ste87italy @tacotur @FitzInfo The Statue of Liberty. Carrying the flame, and "light bringer" is the name for Lucifer, and I checked this time. 😁 It was a gift from France if I remember correctly.

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Is this the end result of the sneaky tests they talked about? Its nothing new under the sun if that’s the case, they manipulated our DNA once before, sinned against animals and nature as well and turned Gods creation into an abomination before the flood. http://bit.ly/DNAmod https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1650994493544341506/video/1

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I was causal watcher of Tucker to keep up with what was going on across the pond, but he had sneaky sides and his Kabbalah bracelet was the most notable. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1650739264148103168/video/1

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@dufrianord: @Orgryteyngling @Nordiskprins97 @Thashiznitov @GodLovesYou2000 Eller det var så de lyckades få igång kriget helt enkelt.

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Matteo 🇮🇹 @Mattthegodless
@dufrianord @GodLovesYou2000 Ah the Jewish fairytales got ya. It'll take time to snap out of that one.. https://t.co/sDgpfAK8m8
@TribunediRoma @GodLovesYou2000 The Hebrew Israelites wasn’t j-ws but they have taken this part of the Bible and twist it in their way, and labeled us “Amalek*s”

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@Montanakid9 Drought will be a major problem. It's hot in Germany / Austria today but yes, the weather is not natural.

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@daatdarling Vril Society in Germany during the war.

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@yayamuad @GodLovesYou2000 Reached all the way to the European border! Lots of history I know nothing about. “The Mongol Empirel”

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@codename373 @ohpowpow @MrSnoopa If you believe in your heart and confess that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. There are no, in my opinion, special rituals we need to do. Participate in church is a good thing but it sounds like a work based salvation. https://t.co/HSJyk9j8NO
@codename373 @ohpowpow @MrSnoopa ..about Divine Mercy Sunday, including the Church’s guidance on how to receive indulgences on the day. I believe my sins are forgiven and Jesus paid the full price on the cross.

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View @dufrianord
@codename373 @ohpowpow @MrSnoopa If you believe in your heart and confess that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. There are no, in my opinion, special rituals we need to do. Participate in church is a good thing but it sounds like a work based salvation.

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@codename373 @ohpowpow @MrSnoopa In Catholicism, Divine Mercy is a devotion to Jesus Christ associated with the reported apparitions of Jesus to Faustina Kowalska. Kowalska's diary describes as "God's loving mercy" towards all people, especially for sinners.

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@DonnieDarkened A.I Take Over Is Here?

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@MrSnoopa @codename373 The wickedness of the Roman Church was also out in the open. Catholicism became outlawed in Scandinavia and remained as such until 1953.

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@Brax12818262 @wrathofgnon Who knows, the largest runestone in Scandinavia, Rökstenen in Ödeshög warns about Fimbulwinter. A frighteningly cold and harsh winter.

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@codename373 @Anc_Aesthetics @SpaceX @elonmusk This is the fastest amateur rocket ever launched and it isn’t forced to bow due to gravity, and it hit something 120 km up in the air, and the earth isn’t twisting and turning. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1648092193574223872/video/1

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@GodLovesYou2000 Very Scandinavian. It’s far away from me. It takes 24h to reach Stockholm from I live my home and go by train. https://t.co/GanSQxy9te
: @GodLovesYou2000 It is the homeland for the blondes, if “blondes just want to have fun” isn’t true. It’s not so fun here but it’s safe. We are nice towards green-eyed people, most of the time.

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View @dufrianord
@GodLovesYou2000 Very Scandinavian. It’s far away from me. It takes 24h to reach Stockholm from I live my home and go by train.

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@GodLovesYou2000 Northern rural Sweden will most likely never change. We don’t have cities nearby. I wouldn’t flee to Poland, they have an opposite problem with migration with Poles fleeing the country to the rest of EU. I would try to immigrate to Norway if I had to move. Then Iceland.

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@mia_vs_theworld Himlavalvet

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@Anc_Aesthetics @SpaceX @elonmusk Always launched in the same arch direction, should ring a bell why they can’t launch a rocket straight up.

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Happy Birthday @HoangHiep1998 🥳

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The lion is the coat of arms of Götaland (Göteborg Stad) and Three Crowns is the national emblem of Sweden. Ukraine has same colors and symbols as we and even the same colors on our flags! 🇺🇦 🇸🇪 Russian propaganda makes it into Waffen SS. 🙄 https://t.co/emsYY3lhUO https://t.co/kUCobXSLFV
: The other flag they complain about is Kievan Rus in a different color. Russian propaganda is truly abhorrent, they see a graveyard full of flags and describe how they deserve it, the same argument could just as easily be used on my country.

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@ClubRosenberg @JJam28227 Is that really true? We had a spike in mainly girls who “transition” but the government changed the guidelines, i believe

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Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:8-9

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We are the only tribe who can drink milk, that I know about. We survived famine years due to milk. Hindus worship cows but can they drink milk? I think not!

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@CrossBo @YerFavColonizer It’s because your White. Other tribes can’t stand it.

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@Magnus098765 I am personally rather sure it was White people but not with that kind of chosenite as we can see for ‘Israelis’ today. There’s one black man who made me doubt, @TheTruthUnEdit but I think he’s wrong on some points. In the end of the day, it’s not our race that will save us.

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@Morrigan_Astro It was supposed to be a satirical meme

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@Rozekurdno @robertsepehr @Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie Jesus was not Jewish. Not by blood or by faith. Hebrews are not what’s commonly known as Judaism today. It’s a long story. https://christogenea.org/podcasts/exactly-why-jesus-christ-not-jew (I don’t agree on everything Christogenea says but that article is correct.

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@robertsepehr @Rozekurdno @Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie Zoroastrianism. https://jesustruthdeliverance.com/2017/05/21/the-false-religion-of-zoroastrianism/ I don’t know anything about it but it reminds of some rituals that the Khazars practiced and it wouldn’t surprise if this is what modern “Judaism” is today. Religious 😷 and everything.

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@robertsepehr @Rozekurdno @Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie I'm going on some wild guesses now and it's never my intention to upset anyone but I accidentally do it every now and then by mistake. Hinduism seems Babylonian to me, reminiscent of Kabbalah. Maybe what the Indo-Iranians spread? Mystery Babylon? Known today as Judaism? 1/ https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1646632951201910786/video/1

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@Stefan19303036 @TaranisMapos Most Popular Boys & Girls in Europe. I can not see this as a problem.

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@Rozekurdno @robertsepehr @Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie Muslim invasion and occupation of India. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million. http://radiochristianity.com/islamic-invasion-of-india-the-greatest-genocide-in-history/ [Hard to Read]

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@Rozekurdno @robertsepehr @Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie Aryan conquest of India seem to be proven, it spread agriculture and language to that part of the world, but I don’t know what happened to them after all of that. And I don’t mean to sound rude if I do. I met some Hindus who doesn’t like Aryans online. (but you are nice)

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Robert Sepehr @robertsepehr
@Sofiane51953533 @dufrianord @LivLuvFightDie Aryans are the PROTO-Indo-Europeans. The word Proto means "before". Indo-Iranians are one branch that went down into Iran and the Indus valley. Another branch went into Europe, hence the name. I hold degrees in anthropology and am fluent in Farsi, you're an anonymous troll. https://t.co/ZyXsVvLjGp
@Sofiane51953533 @LivLuvFightDie Well done Mr. Sepehr, I don’t know that account but I recognize the kind of people, and they really don’t like my people for some reason. you won. 👍🏼

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@Anti_leftwaffe @robertsepehr @LivLuvFightDie Here’s the genealogical table of the descendants of Noah. I don’t think @robertsepehr is Christian and look at the Bible in the same way as I do but he’s been trustworthy of what I’ve seen.

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I go by the dictionary. 🙂
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In All Seriousness: We Have All The Diversity We Need 💖

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I'm tired of hearing allegedly nationalists in the West screaming the slogan of "#NoMoreBrotherWars" over a year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, its a little bit late for that now. Latest propaganda video from Azov Battalion. God Bless them! https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1645093106490957825/video/1

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@Baldr217 @KSigMason @Liito0rava @Ulf_Heidinn @aaron_p_edwards No, they blame it on the magical force of Gravity that glued their lies together, it's absolutely ludicrous when you can see their trickery.

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I’m sleepy and tell the rest tomorrow. I doubt Twitter is as interested as my nephews about the Vikings, at least like this almost like reading fairytales but based on our history. My oldest nephew send me this the other day, it’s true, if it was possible go that far away! 😃

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Back to Olaf and year 995 and an ongoing uproar against Earl Haakon, the man who murdered his father home in Norway, Olaf departs for his homeland, the Danish King had already taken care of Earl Haakon and 🇳🇴 after he went so far and sacrificed both his best horse and his son. https://t.co/6V935n8OJo
King Olaf landed in Norway and declared it for Christ and the old gods were demons and forces behind their idols were evil spirits. Sorcerers, wizards, idolaters, and practitioners of heathenism were banished from the Kingdom and his people should prepare to convert or battle.

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View @dufrianord
Nordic history is a long noble fight against this abomination. We were Protestant for many hundreds of years before Martin Luther They elevate men of their own choosing to godlike status, claim Jesus gave them keys and this authority, which of course is not true. https://t.co/a1xN8u03nG
Back to Olaf and year 995 and an ongoing uproar against Earl Haakon, the man who murdered his father home in Norway, Olaf departs for his homeland, the Danish King had already taken care of Earl Haakon and 🇳🇴 after he went so far and sacrificed both his best horse and his son.

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View @dufrianord
Nordic history is a long noble fight against this abomination. We were Protestant for many hundreds of years before Martin Luther They elevate men of their own choosing to godlike status, claim Jesus gave them keys and this authority, which of course is not true.

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ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ 1/ 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇳🇴 🇮🇸 🇫🇴 ⚔️ Scandinavia converted to Christendom went mostly smoothly. In Norway, however, King Olaf successfully claimed Norway for Christ, telling his people to convert or prepare for battle. This is the incredible story him.

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@EskoHanelius these verses comes to mind.

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@dufrianord: @RisenOutcast @nrken19 By Sweden, I mean 🇳🇴 🇮🇸 🇩🇰 🇫🇴 and also 🇫🇮 although they disagree and there are genetic, historical and linguistic differences. There is something beyond all that I can't pinpoint but we are too similar in behavior/culture. The odd child. :)

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@Octavius225 Boomers are the elderly and I respect them, even nasty fact-checkers agreed that it’s a step too far. “dubious”at it’s best. on the other hand, I heard a radio show say “Germans were brainwashed into agree” and this probably make it worse from their perspective.

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How American to love a leader that treats you like he was stepdad on drugs destroyed your entire family, but he hugged the flag, and deep down loves you as much as the tribe he did everything for, including marrying off all his children to, right? #Judas2024 🤤
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1/3) I have to warn about the worst that ever came from my part of the world. I stumbled upon it while looking into Shamanism. Sami Lapps consume 🍄 which is toxic but they have a way to cleanse it and enter the spiritual realm. 🎅🏼 comes from demons! https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1640886277338812420/video/1

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I side with @TaranisMapos and the pagans on this. The Roman Church claims to be the origin of everything after being founded on a lie. 🎄 is pagan, from Scandinavian Yule to Babylon and Nimrod and it is not a practice we as Christians should participate in.
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@dufrianord: @solar_sorcerer I proved you wrong, Yiddish is not a Biblical language but a derogatory slur in a unrelated language, but this is Neo-Paganism at is essence, they have adapted their view of our Christian faith and even their languages, and they shut it down when they are proven to be wrong.

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@Nattydee86 Svenskar åtminstone. Vi grundade det där landet en gång i tiden. Den andra flaggan de klagar på är Kievan Rus i en annan färg.

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The lion is the coat of arms of Götaland (Göteborg Stad) and Three Crowns is the national emblem of Sweden. Ukraine has same colors and symbols as we and even the same colors on our flags! 🇺🇦 🇸🇪 Russian propaganda makes it into Waffen SS. 🙄 https://t.co/emsYY3lhUO https://t.co/kUCobXSLFV
The lion is the coat of arms of Götaland (Göteborg Stad) and Three Crowns is the national emblem of Sweden. Ukraine has same colors and symbols as we and even the same colors on our flags! 🇺🇦 🇸🇪 Russian propaganda makes it into Waffen SS. 🙄
🌽 CP = BAD DUDE 🌽 @memoryiswisdom
Try to count the Waffen-SS and OUN-Bandera flags vs the Ukraine flags #cornpopstuff https://twitter.com/memoryiswisdom/status/1632437929124454401/video/1

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View @dufrianord
An angry mob gathered up on Christian street preacher in Leeds, hurled insults and profanities and even stole from him but the police arrested him for “misgendering.” He’s clear of charges now but they coming for the last who stand up for the word of God in this godless society. https://t.co/WurONvllmm https://t.co/mDaCwhGPqn
An angry mob gathered up on Christian street preacher in Leeds, hurled insults and profanities and even stole from him but the police arrested him for “misgendering.” He’s clear of charges now but they coming for the last who stand up for the word of God in this godless society.
Christian Concern @CConcern
Freedom of speech and the freedom to preach. Street preacher Dave McConnell shares his story of being arrested, charged & convicted of 'misgendering' with @TheCriticMag. https://thecritic.co.uk/freedom-of-speech-and-the-freedom-to-preach/

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@weve_read @nowwhatsthat @anselm_eduard71 @ColdWarNotOver @FitzInfo Maybe he wasn’t completely wrong and that’s the trace to Mesopotamia? Who where Anak, Anakim, Anakites? (Anunnaki) and where did they come from? (https://sitchiniswrong.com but why create this myth that seemingly millions believe?) or is it crazy-talk? https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1636064456374460417/video/1

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@of_many_words @M1kep Meditation may even be the cause, there are reasonable psychological explanations besides opening yourself up to spiritual attack, dreams are the brain trying to process what we've been through during the day (partially at least) https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1635986172131278856/video/1

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@XeimianTweet @Ste87italy I don’t agree, I wouldn’t change a high trust society for anything in the world. Harsh and long winter but worth it. I am almost a Finn.

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@LeviSchvartzman @creation247 Vad som kunde ha varit Nordens Venedig revs sönder och samman tills endast asfalt och lådor återstod. Hela Nordstan är borta, likaså tornhuset Arkaden och Grand Hotel. Fula lådor är en sak, men hur kunde de förinta en så vacker kanal? Känn sorg för Göteborg.

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@Y0rkshireH1ker Look at how small it is, then click on the National Geographic link and compare it to the British Empire, which makes all others pale in comparison. We had the other hand the Great Swedish Empire but it was more of uniting du fria nord.

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Grace 🔎 @reallygraceful
what are we being distracted from today??

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@Liito0rava @XeimianTweet @MadetojaStig @armas_aallontie It's impossible except on the maternal line and only one tribe I'm aware of does this that I’m aware of and it's indeed absurd.
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@Liito0rava @XeimianTweet @MadetojaStig @armas_aallontie Yes, I agree on that, red is our route and the Danes populated from the south, hence why Stockholm and Åbo or the areas around these cities where heavily populated, always has been.

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“How about standing up for my friends daughter? It’s not the current trend, she’s White. She was just… waiting to catch a train home.” https://t.co/YCRGXLU30h https://t.co/TwzpgEtzoj
“How about standing up for my friends daughter? It’s not the current trend, she’s White. She was just… waiting to catch a train home.”
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@GraceSm73368432 “How about standing up for my friends daughter? It’s not the current trend, she’s White. She was just… waiting to catch a train home.”

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@LeviSchvartzman @FitzInfo @Ste87italy Windmills don’t move on on modern camera either, or when it’s a calm day with no wind, and then he begin to play sad music and say that the ports are empty, but they are not empty. The Finn’s are alright, it’s like some horrible happened to them. 🥺 https://t.co/EHOq75Mk5m
: @LeviSchvartzman @FitzInfo @Ste87italy

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View @dufrianord
@dufrianord: @LeviSchvartzman @FitzInfo @Ste87italy Windmills don’t move on on modern camera either, or when it’s a calm day with no wind, and then he begin to play sad music and say that the ports are empty, but they are not empty. The Finn’s are alright, it’s like some horrible happened to them. 🥺 https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1635089974055030791/video/1

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@LeviSchvartzman @FitzInfo @Ste87italy Åbo or Finland is not part of Russia but the old capital we built. I don’t think there’s been a mud flood there. In those old days, if people where told there a photographer would take a photo of their street and they should stay out of the street, people would obey. https://twitter.com/dufrianord/status/1635088652966719488/video/1

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@dufrianord: @Osiris1947 but I did take a deeper look on these Radical Hindus who tries to get my attention and are insanely rude when they get it. I think they are Indians living in the West and just don’t like “inferior” people, and especially not me. Example like this. Very weird people.

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Can NASA lie about one thing but not another? Fake the moon landing. Demonstrate a spherical Earth. Yes. It can.

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View @FitzInfo
@Nature_and_Race “A woman will begin to develop the traits and characteristics, both physically and mentally, of the men who have ejaculated in her—and she then inevitably passes these imprints onto her children.” I didn’t know this until recently. God did. https://www.tumblr.com/dufrianord/699768383098503168/women-genetically-become-the-men-she-has-sex-with/

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@FitzInfo @MrSnoopa @2022moshiachnow He warns about hypocrisy and.. it’s all there, clear as day. They love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats and be greeted with respect at marketplace and called “Rabbi” by others.

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@MrSnoopa @FitzInfo @2022moshiachnow Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

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@MrSnoopa @FitzInfo @2022moshiachnow Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus taught how to pray and give an example in the Lord’s Prayer. This is our Father

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Hinduism is hip in the West with "deep spirituality that goes far beyond what a simple minded Christian can understand" and they show me this, Creation in Hinduism and sure, it sounds like confusing demons explaining creation.

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@PaulB3677 @Ste87italy This creepy AI https://abbrevia.me point out the differences between you and me, Paul. I assume you haven’t been rude in the latest days. I waiting for an apology.

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@carlgram_ @weve_read I don’t think the average Russian is to blame.

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New Khazaria " build back better" like this, perhaps? https://t.co/PvPj5SotsI https://t.co/wCfSEu1Uad
New Khazaria " build back better" like this, perhaps?
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@carlgram_ They fled up into the mountains after Olga got her revenge. @weve_read read the documents https://odysee.com/@weveread:7/a-history-of-the-mountain-jews-part-1:c and Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 I bravely defend not their Kingdom but what I strongly believe is true.

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@Ste87italy @TheFlatEartherr Media used to report about it. Even from Denmark. I haven’t seen that before.

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@MadetojaStig @XeimianTweet @armas_aallontie (1/2) I have to say one more crazy thing. This may look like random screenshots but it is how the Sami Lapps Shamans get in contact with the spiritual realm.

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@MadetojaStig @armas_aallontie @XeimianTweet @DonnieDarkened I don’t know what I looking yet for but isn’t it strange that Sami Lapps and the Khazars both practice Shamanism? This is their own site. http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-shamanism.html

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@mik_00_mik @visegrad24 Australia, your a strange people down under what the heck does this even mean? Cringe racist attacks.

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Americans women were encouraged take the pressure off the food supply during the world wars so they grew food in so-called “Victory Garden” - I don't think it's a bad idea today either.

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The winter was so cold that the milk was frozen when delivered to the men at the front and they had to chop it into pieces and warm it with their hands to drink. Women cared for the fallen. Melted and washed their bodies & all of them, each one, send back to their home areas. https://t.co/cAq46ujR4C
Linus came from a village close to where I live. He fell in Märkäjärvi only 23 years old and rest at his local Church. We still light candles in his memory. The Memorial Stone says: Linus Johansson - FALLEN IN FINLAND FOR NORDIC FREEDOM