@A_White_Lioness Felis Concolor Pro-Nature. Pro-White. Pro-freedom. SDA Christian. White Nationalist. Nature over tradition. We will survive!

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 31
Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
But this guy isn't a Marxist at all! 🙄The amount of "red racists" we've been getting in this movement lately is crazy. Its sort of inevitable that a racially conscious movement will attract White people from across the political spectrum but its still obnoxious to deal with.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
The idiocy of the authoritarian/anti-democracy crowd. Keith Woods on telegram: KW: "Democracy is fake" [very next re-post is a great example of why its not fake] Also KW (repost): "Please email your senator! It can have a real impact!" You can't make this stuff up.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@web4O @phl43 Neither age or SES differences between races explain this.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@A_White_Lioness: @Universal_Intel I shouldn't do this for you, as you should at least be able to click a link. However, here are relevant screenshots.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@GonzaloLira1968 If this guy lived in Russia and did to them what he is doing to Ukraine, he'd be in jail now. Indeed, why doesn't he live in Russia instead of "terrible" Ukraine? Always pay attention when people vote one way with their mouths and another way with their feet. It means something.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@GaiusXrp @GuntherClub @ramzpaul No, Russia started this by invading Ukraine. Full stop. I'm sick of anti-White Putinards trying to blame anyone else but the actual state that started the war for the war. If you are going to defend the war, at least be honest about it.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@GaiusXrp @GonzaloLira1968 (a) some examples out of many that could be given https://t.co/t1WwFTbBYI
Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
: @GaiusXrp @GonzaloLira1968 (a) some more examples

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@A_White_Lioness: @GaiusXrp @GonzaloLira1968 (a) some examples out of many that could be given

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
Oh well, another day, another anti-White blocked me. Not so bad.
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Aryan Schizo @Schizophrenesia
What’s up with the US and funding brother wars? https://t.co/zRTFn7cMqO
Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
You people are the worst. Helping Ukraine defend itself from an ATTACK by Russia is not "funding a brother war." Go gripe at Putin for STARTING the brother war.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
The absolute state of this sphere: "I don't give a s**** about multi-racialism. I'm ok with living next to Asians." but also: "I'm pro-White and extremely racist." No, you are definitely neither of those things if the former is true. This is why we are going nowhere.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
"especially since this is the first time in any of our lifetimes that Congress spent anything at all to fight white genocide." This. 100% this.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@TheBloggins @Michael06185521 @claseur What history? There is no historical past that is today found questionable that exists for Whites but not other races. As just one example, Ghenghis Khan is credited with the quote below, which describes his actions well, but Asian pride is still not attacked:

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@salimaomwenga_ @drenamay1 @sakkoira @SouthernNews No. Its not at all, mostly because what you say about Blacks is not true:
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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@calmdwnthots @SouthernNews There have been times/places in history, and today its true also:

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@calmdwnthots @drenamay1 @salimaomwenga_ @AllyCourtright @SouthernNews White people have been oppressed throughout history in a number of places (slavery in the Middle-East for instance), and are currently under non-slave oppression throughout the west, where non-Whites are given many privileges.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
Yep. Another thing many people don't know, is that according to Tuskegee Institutes statistics (best we have, but which are incomplete and likely missed many non-black lynchings, particularly in the west) Whites were a quarter of lynching victims. https://t.co/Vdy7Ohb1Yr https://t.co/ivjSMPLScf
Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
: Additionally, Whites were actually more likely as opposed to Blacks, to be lynched on accusations of non-violent crimes.

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
Yep. Another thing many people don't know, is that according to Tuskegee Institutes statistics (best we have, but which are incomplete and likely missed many non-black lynchings, particularly in the west) Whites were a quarter of lynching victims.
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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
@A_White_Lioness: Everybody really ought to read this guys email reply to the student requesting special accommodation for Blacks (at subtweet in link). Its pretty hilarious. Guy makes a spectacular mockery of this ridiculous request:

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Felis Concolor @A_White_Lioness
This is the main reason I've been arguing so much that we need to back up the people at the center of these anti-White narratives whenever possible: when we don't, we lose the moral high ground. The riots won't make our case for us. Quite the opposite if we don't speak up.

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