@snappertone ADB never you mind

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 15
ADB @snappertone
@EdKrassen Are you going to base access on how well people pass as members of the opposite sex … maybe a sliding scale on the door as you enter.

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ADB @snappertone

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ADB @snappertone
@jimeekay @Bishop_Of_Souls @JuliaHB1 @carlheneghan It’s a screen shot, not sure how anyone could misrepresent it …

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ADB @snappertone
@LozzaFox Not an original thought in their empty heads … 🙄

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ADB @snappertone

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ADB @snappertone
@conorzno @calvinrobinson Well let me help you … so again, where does he say should be banned ?

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ADB @snappertone
@gorbalsian You can’t polish a turd, sunshine. Hate is hate, with or without show tunes

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ADB @snappertone

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Fred Sargeant @FredSargeant
This is the face of homophobia: a woman posing as a man, purporting to reclaim a slur as though that's for her to do. Maybe she'll be reclaiming blackface for her next performance. https://t.co/rDqkTLjzi1
ADB @snappertone
So, faggot, stating that her perceived male self is attracted to men, but she’s not a man, meaning she’s a straight women … 🤔

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ADB @snappertone
@sfod2022 @JayCartere @libsoftiktok You’re not very good at this whole Twitter thing, are you ?

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ADB @snappertone
@Glinner The word idiot. As popped up when I tried to send this reply 😂

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This Morning @thismorning
'The fact we're discovering new ways of understanding gender makes perfect sense for a God who loves variety'. Believed to be the UK's first non-binary priest, Bingo Allison speaks about their journey. 🌈 https://t.co/XGkeWuYM2a
ADB @snappertone
Same thing, from the same pair of idiots … 🤷🏻

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ADB @snappertone
@DaleWil39870290 @hobbs_yan @JamesMelville I’ve no idea why people argue about definitions when the people / orgs producing the data provide very clear definitions … 🤷🏻

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ADB @snappertone
@PabloTheRed05 @JamesMelville Yawn … will ONS do?

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ADB @snappertone
@redacted109283 @JamesMelville Really ?

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ADB @snappertone
@redacted109283 @JamesMelville What are you going on about? They are talking about excess deaths that are occurring. There are always excess winter deaths, it’s recorded as such and always has been.

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ADB @snappertone
@snappertone: @paulxnelson @Hellmark @WitchKate731 Eddie is not the only one, what about Philip Bunce or Philipa as she likes to be called at the weekend ? When does she have access to the ladies loos? Maybe Alex Drummond, what part of her do you think might make women uncomfortable in a private confined space ?

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ADB @snappertone
@adilray Yes words matter & you don’t get to chose which ones do and which ones don’t.

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ADB @snappertone
@SadiqKhan And the Cambridge dictionary …

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ADB @snappertone
@zarahsultana The far right … and the Cambridge dictionary . You don’t own the English language, you don’t get to twist and distort it to fit your narrative.

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ADB @snappertone
@StigAbell @TimesRadio He doesn’t own the English language. As provocative and wreckless as her choice of words maybe, they are not wrong.

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Julie Bindel @bindelj
This is so upsetting, as well as being deeply offensive: https://t.co/Z3slrbXwnR
ADB @snappertone
If their T-shirt tell us that they are in fact a biological female and the use of the word faggot that they are attracted to men (not aware of it ever being used by lesbians/women) then they are in fact, a straight women … what away to make yourself more interesting 🙄

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@dittoaway @bindelj Correct. That he is a gay man makes him a gay man.
ADB @snappertone
@dittoaway @bindelj Whys he wearing a T-shirt that says he’s a women then ? And if she’s a woman and attracted to men (which the word faggot would suggest) then she’s straight … unless the third hole he’s referring to is an ear.

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@thebiassatan @bindelj I'm a gay man, I call myself a queer man despite it being used against me in the 80's and 90's. I don't get to tell people how to identify just how I want to be identified. And do you know the persons sex from that picture?
ADB @snappertone
@thebiassatan @bindelj Yes I think we can safely assume it’s a trans boy, if only by the fact that If it were a straight biological male walking around with a T-shirt that had faggot emblazoned on it, you’d have an issue with it. And don’t pretend otherwise.

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totenkopf 56%

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militarized 99%

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bar graph 84%

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militarized 48%

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art_other 54%
toons other 35%

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etc 78%

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face 99%

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tldr 99%